Found 2 args. Observation: q6ec4; Result size: 149; atts: 2 who $m g ehm it starts off as a cross at the top of the map f right g ehm if you go if you start off on the left of the cross f right g and is there a diamond mine just below that f yeah g yeah g if you go down to the left of that 'til you're below it f right g and then um g to the right of the diamond mine there's f go along the bottom of the diamond mine g yeah g there's a wagon wheel sort of on the right g have you got that f nope g oh well g if you go along um to th-- like right under the diamond mine g and then um g you've got to go a little more than halfway along the page f right keep going right g yeah g keep going right 'til you're just past halfway f right g um g in fact even three quarters of the way g and then g you go right up to the top again f right up to the top g yeah f how far up g just before you go off the edge f right g um and then g have you got a rift valley f yeah g right g if you go um a top er right so that you're um above the rift valley sort of in the middle of it f right g uh but don't go r-- when you're halfway along it sort of go down and through the bottom of it f right g um g below the rift valley have you got any rocks f mmhmm g um f quite far below g yeah f yeah g go down 'til you're just above the rocks f right g and then go down to the right-hand side of them f go round them to the right g yeah g oh sorry the left g no f on the left g helps if you know the difference f right g um to the left of the rocks there's a stone creek f no i don't have that g haven't not got that right g um have you got any white water f nope g no g have you got anything in the middle of the page f rapids g rapids oh g they're probably the same thing g um are they sort of on the left below the diamond mine f yeah g yeah f mmhmm g ri-- um g if you go down 'til you're sort of g you're on the left of the rocks f mmhmm g if you go just so you're below the rocks but above the white water f right f right g and then go along left 'til you're on the left of the white water f go along the top of the white water then g yeah along the top f right g um g and then g have you got anything underneath the white water f a manned fort g right g um have you got a stone creek underneath that as well f yeah mmhmm g right g if you go down um after the white water and go underneath the fort f to the le-- right or the left of the fort g to the left g and go underneath g sorry you start off on the left and move over to the right f so you go to g so you go down and then you go underneath and you go from the left to the right f right underneath it g yeah f right okay g um have you got an outlaws' hideout f no g um g um g stone slabs f yeah g right g have you got anything bel-- beneath the rocks f oh yeah f the outlaws' hideout uh-huh g alright right um g from where you are go sort of un-- up so that you're underneath the outlaws' hideout f right g and then go down to the go across to the right-hand side of the paper f right g and go g have you got a noose f yeah g go right down so that you're underneath sorry so that y-- um stay on the right-hand side of the noose f right g um have you got a swan pond f no g no ugh g right g well if you're just underneath the noose go f mmhmm g have you got a saloon bar f yeah g right g if you go left all the way along 'til you come to the saloon bar f the top of the saloon bar then it'll be g yeah f yeah right g and then go down so you're at the bottom of the saloon bar f to the right-hand of the saloon bar or the the left side g eh the right-hand f the right side right g and then left f along the bottom g uh-huh f right g and then um g go about an inch and a half further along f-- than when the saloon bar ends f right g and then go up 'til you're sort of parallel top saloon bar f right g that's it the finish f right