Found 2 args. Observation: q5nc7; Result size: 157; atts: 2 who $m g okay ehm g your start is above the caravan park f uh-huh g now g you've to head down ehm on the left of the caravan park right beside the edge of the page f okay g right down to f at a slant or g no g just straight down f straight down right straight down g very near about an inch away from the bottom of the page f ehm over the picket fence g ehm don't know f right f i'll just go down it g right g just down to about an inch and then turn into the page sort of f oh f mmhmm g to your right or whatever g now g do you see an old mill f yeah f mill no f i have a mill wheel g mm well g is it sort of down and to the left of the caravan park f uh-huh f it's at a like at a diagonal from the caravan g yeah f right g well right g you'll have to go over that then and you you go out f so you want me to go straight along to the left and then up g yeah that's right f okay g and go over that f mmhmm g and then turn to your right going across the page f mmhmm g now g can you see an abandoned cottage f yeah f but there's a forest as well f how far along do you want me to go g ehm well g i want you to go like very all the way along underneath the abandoned cottage but you're still a long way down f uh-huh right g uh-huh right f right okay g now g is the forest in your way f uh-huh g ehm right g if you were to go past the bottom of the abandoned cottage and then go up f mmhmm g could you do that f uh-huh f how far up do you want me to go g i want you to go up over the abandoned cottage f okay right g right g and then you've to come down say to the bottom of it but you're you're slanting to your left like forty-five degrees f okay right g just above a fenced meadow f ehm no g have you got that g no right okay g ehm g well come down about forty-five degrees about g thr-- two inches away from abandoned cottage f mmhmm g now you're still heading to your left f mmhmm g ehm you're doing sort of a a very it's a big circle heading up towards bottom of west lake f yeah g you see that f so you want a big circle g yeah g now g you know where the bottom sticks out f uh-huh g well g you've got to go up to that point and then follow it round f right g so you do f i'm up to this point right of the bottom of the west lake g uh-huh f and then what do i do g now g have you got a trig point f a-- g right g right you follow it round to where it the west lake starts to turn in again and then f where there's a sort of like ehm a dip a crag sort of thing there's two sort of peaks g yeah g don't go that far f right g just go to where it before it turns to the left f right okay g right g and then go over the trig point f trig point g you haven't got one f i haven't got one g right okay g go to that point and then turn to your right f right g right g now you've got to go all the way down again like about forty-five degrees to your right f mmhmm g back down to the level the abandoned cottage now you should about three four inches away from that f okay g have you got a monument f n-- yeah g yeah f i sh-- i'm directly opposite the monument g uh-huh g well g i want you to go underneath the monument f in a sort of like circle shape g yeah g underneath it and then straight back round it again you're going halfway round monument f right g now g got a nuclear test site f nope g no g right g east lake f uh-huh g you've got to do go slightly to the right in a small curve f mmhmm g and then no no no g left and down that's right f left g to the left and then head up to east lake f right f how far up to east lake g ehm almost right to it just right beside it f okay g you should be practically in the middle you know well you're further to the to the right of f uh-huh g east lake g now head along beside east lake f mmhmm g ehm g and then about a centimetre past where it goes up you should be at the finish g and that's it f ehm it's sort of like parallel to the east lake g parallel to east lake f right g but don't go up when it goes up just go along about another centimetre f and then that's it g and that's it f right okay