Found 2 args. Observation: q5ec3; Result size: 146; atts: 2 who $m g right f right g now the start is above the diamond mine f right g now you come down d-- the diamond mine eh down the map from the diamond mine now can you if you can imagine you're you-- y-- you're walking down that line the diamond mine would be on your left f uh-huh g right you just pass the diamond mine and then you turn to y-- f the diamond mine on my graph makes me on my right on it on its on my right g ah f if i come straight down in a straight line from the start g mmhmm f then the diamond mine's on my right g well it doesnae really matter g you leave y-- you turn left past the diamond mine so you're going into the map f right g and you keep going d-- eh straight across f mmhmm g now you should be a graveyard on your left-hand side f no g there's no a graveyard f that doesn't matter g right g well do you see a fast flowing river f fast running creek g well f yeah g go towards the frast fast running creek f diagonally g aye well aye g if there's there should be a graveyard but there's no so f right g right g and then go up to the top of the map and round it f right g keeping it on your it would be on your right this time f uh-huh g and then circuit it right and come right down the paper f oh right you're talking about as if i'm walking from the start myself and a wee guy g aye f right i get it i get it right f down the paper f past canoes g no g there's nae canoes f right okay g eh now there's an apache camp f uh-huh g so there's a a right so there's obviously they're the apaches' canoes f right g now y-- ye-- you keep the apache camp to your left-hand side f right g and then you turn into the middle of the paper turn right into the middle of the paper f right g is there a carved wooden pole f no g no g is there a walled city f uh-huh g you wal-- go towards the walled city f right f am i above the walled s-- th-- the line i'm drawing should it be g above the walled city f right f well i'll need to move up g so that the walled city would be on your right again sorry your left f right sorry okay g mea culpa that was f right f eh hang on a minute right f we'll start back at the right i'm got i'm at the word apache camp f right g mmhmm f so i have to go along towards the walled city g aye f so do i go along and then move up to go round it like that g you're not supposed to use your hands g aye you keep the walled city on your you you as the wee man walking along you'd be o-- on your left f right so i go up and round right g and circuit it g and come straight back down the paper f right g now g down by the walled city f uh-huh g now you've got to come down a good bit in a kind of f uh-huh g a good bit down and then you turn back into the paper so it would be back to your left f right f now do i go past anything g not at that point g eh in front of you you should see a stone creek f right that's okay g now keep that going across the paper keep that on your right-hand side again as the wee man walking down the f right g and then is there flat rocks f above me g aye f yeah g so they're on your left-hand side f uh-huh g right g go between the stone creek and the flat rocks f right g and then come to the edge of the paper and turn to your right so you're heading for the bottom of the paper f you haven't got a saloon bar g no i don't f right f well i'll go along and go up round the saloon bar right and then down towards buffalos g don't have a pint when you're in f no right g right buffalos f right g now keep the buffalos to your right-hand side f uh-huh g and turn right immediately past them f right g now ther-- ther-- there's a cattle ranch f right g keep that on your left-hand side f right g are you by it g go by the cattle ranch f a-- there isn't one on my page g oh g well is there a fort f s-- yes f it's to my left but quite a bit in front g well head for it g and go round it keeping it to your right go between the fort and the bottom of the paper f right f right g and then turn right and you're up at the finish g by the fort turn right f right f how much by it g just a wee bit f right f 'cause i've got a v-- carved wooden pole g the carved wooden pole is to the nor-- the s-- to the right of the finish f above it g aye f right i get it f so the finish is directly below the start g almost aye f right f right