Found 2 args. Observation: q4nc8; Result size: 286; atts: 2 who $m g okay g paul we're starting top left f right you've got a diamond mine g i've got a diamond mine f okay g okay drop s-- straight down to the "d" of f right that's okay right okay right g okay g this is very difficult g drop drop straight straight down the side of the diamond mine to to the "d" of diamond mine f okay f okay f just below it g just below it yeah g and then you're going to go right drawing a line underneath diamond mine f pen's f hold on hold on my pen's run out oh no it's working g okay you're going to draw you're going to underline diamond mine f underline it right f so right underline it along to the "e" g und-- underline it un-- underline it along to the "e" f of diamond f pen's not working very well g okay f right g right and continue the line until you're until you're directly below the "h" of highest viewpoint f of highest viewpoint f right f so i've just got an an east line a right-hand a line going thr-- to the right all the way from g a line going g going to the right towards the "h" and stop at the "h" undernea-- under unde-- un-- no underneath the "h" don't f okey-doke f okay f but i'm out g just go s-- go right don't go up yet f right f i'm about two centimetres from the "h" below it g yeah you're below the "h" yeah f right below it okay g okay g then go straight up to the seagulls f straight up to the seagulls f which one the top one g there's see how there's seagulls on the top left of the mountain there f okay g just g-- just bypassing the just skirting the "h" go straight up to the seagulls f okay g okay g and then turn right and and go along the the t-- f so i'm just going over the top of the hill g going over the top of the mountain yeah f right okay f to the other two wee seagulls g yeah f and it's a curve or a straight line or g just uh whatever you like it doesn't matter as long as we miss the mountain f slight curve f okay g okay g ehm have you got a safari truck f yes i have g you have got a safari truck f below an overgrown gully g right f you've not got an overg-- g where's your where's your field station f where's my field station f across from the safari truck at the opposite side of the page virtually the same pa-- position g how it's virtually the same position f virtually the same position the other side left-hand side of the page just up slightly g it's up slightly f aye just slightly aye g okay right f a centimetre up g right what what you've got to do here is you've got to drop down towards the safari truck f y-- okay f which side of the safari truck g ehm drop down 'til until you're f towards the right-hand side of it or towards g right wait a minute let me see g the the safari truck i think it it looks like a steering wheel on the right-hand side f the right-hand side g can you see it f is it sort of handlebar type thing g right see the see the right-hand see the right-hand wheel f yes g drop down towards that f right okay but g and and stop just just above the safari truck f am i draw-- f so i'm at the right-hand side of the highest viewpoint at the moment f okay and g yeah uh-huh g and you're dropping straight down f straight down right f so i'm going to go through an overgrown gully g oh right okay g right skirt the overgrown gully and come f right f skirt it to the left or right g 'cause i i don't have an overgrown gully f okay g so skirt it and co-- and come back so that you're directly above the right-hand wheel of the safari truck f okay f right above where that wee "t" sort of handlebar type thing is g yeah yeah that one yeah f of the safari truck f right okay g got it uh-huh f i know where i'm going g okay f okay f i'm right above the g right you're g right you now need to turn left f okay i'm directly in line with the field station at this g right that's fine okay g you you want to turn left and head towards the field station but don't right wait a minute and and stop when you are at er when you're directly below the "t" of highest viewpoint the the f-- "t" of highest f right okay g stop direct-- f so just doing a straight line g straight line uh-huh f so i'm just at the other side of the safari truck now the left-hand side of it g okay f just a wee bit about a centimetre away from there g yeah g yeah fine f okay g ehm g okay now g you're ov-- g aye just wait a minute i'm just at a complete blank where we are g right we're f eh we're just at the safari truck the top left-hand corner of it g you're just at the l-- you're just at the left of the g right okay g ehm you f under "t" g you don't have a field station in the middle do you f no i don't g you've got a banana tree f i've got a banana tree f yeah f right g right g drop down 'til you're level with the top of the leaves of the banana tree d-- you're coming straight down and the banana tree is on your left f right f okay f so i'm going straight down g straight straight down until the to f due south directly g until due south until you come level with the top leaves of the banana tree g okay f okay g and then go across and round the top of the banana go left to across and round f right okay f so quite a quite a long line g round the top g yeah f round the top g around the top of the banana tree f okay f and down the side of it g okay g and we're going down the side f right so i'm going south down the side g you're going south g now you can come directly down g have you got a gold mine f no i certainly haven't g no you don't g have you got a rock fall at the bottom f i have yes g right okay g come down nearly to the top of the rock fall f just straight down south there's a massive line going south g strai-- g massive line going south f so it's a c-- ni-- g nearly to the nearly to the top of the rock fall f and the same line as the start to the bottom of the diamond line mine at the very beginning g yeah that's right uh-huh yeah yeah f right g that one f straight down to the rock rock f-- at the bottom of it g down at you're at the bottom of the rock fall g no no sorry g top of the rock fall f right okay top g okay g and now take a diagonal to the rope bridge and you're going to go across the rope bridge f right f so i'm going up sort of north northeast g yeah f right f so i'm going just a straight line up g and just a straight diagonal line up t-- up to the rope bridge g and across the rope bridge f and then across it f right i'm at the other side of it now g okay right g now i've got giraffes and f right f i've got crocodiles in between g you've got crocodiles g so obviously you need to miss the the you need to miss the crocodiles and you need to go round the giraffes g and the giraffes are at er my giraffes are the very bottom right f right f that's where mine are g and f mmhmm g you basically you you've got to go to the right of the giraffes f right f to the right f now i'm so i'm at the top right i'm at the right-hand side of the rope bridge at the moment g uh-huh f so i'm going to go down g basically what you're doing on my map you're dropping nearly straight down f right okay g going to the right very slightly and a-- and skirting the giraffes the gir-- the f okay f right i'm just going through the side of the crocodiles right 'cause i presume that's what oh no i'm i'm c-- i'm cutting his head off eh i'll go round that right there you are i've done a wee circle g just go round them f right f i'm going down to the right of the giraffes f right past the giraffes the third giraffe's tail g yeah fine f right okay f where from there g okay ehm f down to the bottom of the giraffes g right what what i've got here is i've got a great lake f mmhmm f so have i g and that's the final that's the final obstacle on my map f right okay f so i'm at the bottom of the giraffes just now g so g you're at the bottom of the giraffes f i'm in line with the letter "s" of giraffes that's where my last line is g s-- g yeah that's fine g right basically the gr-- the great lake's down at the bottom f mmhmm f left-hand side g so you g basically all you have to do is head left towards the the bottom of the great lake and go underneath the great lake f right okay g okay f now i've got a disused disused warehouse in between the giraffes and the great lake g so i g well f so how should i s-- f my line be about g is it is it above it or below it f it's to the right-hand side of it g it's the right sai-- hand side g well i would go above the disused warehouse f uh-huh f right okay so i'm s-- f uh-huh i see where you're going g okay f and i'm going to the bottom of the great lake so i'm sort of doing a a squiggly line g yeah that's right uh-huh f right okay g above the disused warehouse below the great lake f okay f i'm below the great lake just now g and g finishing level with th-- the c-- come u-- straight up towards the field station f right okay g finishing level with the giraffes' kneecaps f the giraffes' kneecaps g see the giraffes' kneecaps f oh god i've my field station's away up at the top of the page g se-- g finish at that finish g no don't go right up to the field station just g no you you shouldn't not as far as that f right f giraffes' kneecaps and that's the finish g giraffes' kneecaps and that's the finish f right f i've gone a wee bit too far but i'll scrub that out g okay f finish very good that was good neil