Found 2 args. Observation: q4ec8; Result size: 168; atts: 2 who $m g right g ehm the diamond mine the d-- the diamond mine is like just eh to the the the right of you there f right i've got the diamond mine f i've got the start and the diamond mine g right g now just go down beside the left-hand side of the diamond mine and eh just to below the words the first "d" there f right g then draw a line ehm a kind of go from there eh to just below the "s" of springboks f don't have springboks g you don't have spri-- that's right g ehm okay right g in that case just draw a horizontal line to just below the eh to the the left of the "h" of highest viewpoint f horizontal g yes horizontal right f hold on right g now we're going to go round eh highest viewpoint g okay g so eh f a curve or g it well we can do it in a well just go eh vertically up to the "h" f right g then make a curve round to the eh like a semicircle g right f okay g eh is there anything below there f there's the overgrown gully g right g and eh what about safari truck f yes i've got that g now where's the overgrown gully f it's between highest viewpoint and the safari truck g eh what the midway between them f yes g and eh to the left or right of highest viewpoint f it's beneath it f it's to the right-hand side g it's directly beneath it g to the right-hand side of safari truck f slightly to the right-hand side g right of this one right okay f right to the middle of highest viewpoint anyway g okay right g so go on the outsides eh towards the paper edge ehm down to safari truck in a a slight curve f right g and then eh draw a diagonal line ehm from there across the top of safari truck down to field station f that's on my map it's slightly above field station slightly above safari truck g what is above that f-- f above that's field station's on a level slightly above safari truck g right g well mine's eh on the same level g ehm it what what is there anything else that's in eh that's causing it to be up like that f well there's a banana tree direc-- directly below diamond mine g right f it's slightly below safari truck slightly below the level of safari truck g right okay g well eh wh-- you're just next to the eh that what was the object you've just drawn past f i've just drawn past the overgrown gully f i'm now at the top right-hand corner of safari truck g right g ehm well draw eh a kind of diagonal line and then turn it f up or down g eh from right to left eh downwards g eh underneath field station f right that's way over the la-- the far left-hand side of the page on my map g where is field station f field station's way over the far left g it's the far l-- uh g well there's two field stations on my map f there's not one on mine g right g so you've only got one there f yes g and none there in the centre right g ehm in that case you want to draw the diagonal line and then g where is banana tree f banana tree is directly below diamond mine and it's slightly above the centre of the page g right g so eh well draw this d-- diagonal line down and then change it to a curve at the top level of banana tree and curve it round banana tree ehm with the apex of the curve pointing to the top right-hand corner sorry left-hand corner f right what was that again sorry g right f this pen's running out i think g if you hold it eh vertically it'll come down f it's gone f ah right g is it okay now f yes g right ehm right i'll just do the the bit at the safari truck right g draw a diagonal line from where you were g right f right g eh to the same just below the s-- the level of s-- the word safari truck and ab-- abou-- between banana tree and safari truck f okay f okay g which is slightly above eh banana tree f right g right g then draw a curve over banana tree ehm and curving round on it f down the left-hand side g right g and ehm now do you have gold mine between eh banana tree and rock fall at the bottom there f no g right g in that case eh well gold mine on my map is halfway between rock fall and banana tree f okay f directly below g okay g it's directly below banana tree and directly above rock fall a-- f right g and it's eh in the at the mid point of the two of that line f okay g right g so ehm i want you to come down to two thirds of the way between eh rock fall and banana tree have f is that two thirds beneath banana tree or two thirds up g two t-- eh that's two third beneath banana tree f right g right ehm now there i want you to draw ehm a horizontal line to the left sorry to the right sorry eh to the right just eh so that you're on the other side of banana tree if you understand f right g then the rope bridge can you see that on your map f yes f that's slightly above it's between where i am and banana tree roughly about halfway between g between where you are and where f banana tree g right well f it's on a line roughly between that it's over to the right-hand side of the page g right g ehm are crocodiles the other side of the thing f yes g yeah g ehm and eh the crocodile's to the right of the rope bridge f yes g right f to the right and below g right and below right g ehm what i want you to do is g is there anything between the go-- eh between the where you are now and the rope bridge f no g right g i want you to draw a line up to the rope bridge f straight line g yes a straight line up to rope bridge so that you can cross the rope bridge the actual bridge drawing of the bridge right f right g now do you have giraffes at the bottom eh right-hand corner f yes g right g i want you to eh draw round the crocodile eh on the outside of the page down to giraffes f right g right i want you to go underneath the giraffes g and there's any other obstacles there f there's a disused warehouse at the bottom roughly about two a third of the way in from the right g right g right g is it eh bel-- is it above great lake and below g-- giraffes f no f it's to the right of great lake on a level with it g right g well in that case i want you to ehm eh curve slightly up to eh just go underneath the giraffes and eh to on a level with the the word giraffes and stop there f right g right now i want you to eh go round the warehouse eh and under the great lake g by round i mean over like over the eh the warehouse f okay f right g right and then under the great lake g is there any other obstacles there f no g and then come up between eh g now it's the great lake and eh rock fall halfway between them but over to the left-hand side of the page is the finish point f okay g right