Found 2 args. Observation: q4ec1; Result size: 72; atts: 2 who $m g start at the extinct volcano g go down around the tribal settlement and then f whereabouts is the tribal settlement g it's at the bottom it's to the left of the e-- extinct volcano f right f how far g ehm at the opposite side f to the opposite side f is it underneath the rope bridge or to the left g it's underneath the rope bridge g and then from the tribal settlement go straight up towards the rope bridge and over the rope bridge then down three steps and along to above the volcano f eh d-- is down three steps below or above the machete g ah the machete's not on my map f oh g down three lines f right g and then along as far as the volcano but above it and stop underneath the collapsed shelter but away from it a bit f right g and go up to about the middle of the map f the middle of the map g and stop f just slightly above the crevasse g that's not on my map either g ehm go to your left again into about the middle f i think that would bring me over the crevasse g well it's not on my map f no oh g well go a quarter of the way along the page and down again f that'll take me right into it g well g go right along instead then f along to the left g is the saxon barn on your map f yes g well go along to the saxon barn g and down past the pelicans f not marked on my map g ehm go down from the saxon barn ehm to f to the left or right of it g straight down to the left f left of it right g and just above the rope bridge and then along to your left again f okay g and from there go straight up to the top of the map to the golden beach at the l-- top left-hand corner passing the white mountain f but golden beach is in the top right-hand corner g left-hand corner sorry f but there's a g oh there's two golden beaches on this map as well f it's above the white mountain g mmhmm g and then stop g then turn to your right g and go along to the middle of the map f right f b-- eh underneath slate mountain g no g just to the e-- the end of slate mountain f right g then go over slate mountain f right g and turn to your left into the middle of the map that'd be your right i suppose f to my right now very close to the right of the page g no g left then f then whereabouts g into the middle g then stop and go straight down at the side of the secret valley f left or right side g left f the left side right okay g and go along underneath the secret valley and finish f right