Found 2 args. Observation: q3nc1; Result size: 120; atts: 2 who $m g okay g shall we begin now f okay g okay g ehm shall we call eh north ehm the top of the page f right okay that's fine g okay g ehm go straight down south past the diamond mine 'til you get just to where the words diamond mine start f mm okay g go round ehm horizontally underneath diamond mine and along past the graveyard sort of up in a sort of slightly diagonal line to where the "d" is in the graveyard g okay f eh graveyard g have you got the graveyard written down f no i don't have a graveyard on this one g do you have diamond mine f yes i've got a gold mine g ah s-- g you don't have diamond mine though f no f it's a gold mine according to this one f presumably that's the same g well i've got a gold mine as well you see f i see mm that's interesting g ehm oh dear g ehm do you have a graveyard f no no graveyard f got eh carved stones at the top of the page f and directly below the diamond sorry just beyond diamond mine below the diamond mine is the gold mine g right g so you've got a diamond mine and a gold mine f sorry yes yes the diamond mine we've just gone past g right so we're down past the diamond mine f yeah g and along underneath the diamond mine f yes g along g ehm could we ehm up we want to go north through the graveyard and round and a-- above the carved stones f above the carved stones okay g ehm straight down for a while g do you have indian country f yes g do you indi-- f i've also got a ravine below the carved stones g right g i don't have a ravine f right okay g right g i want to go straight down f i'll need to avoid that g do you you have indian country f yes got indian country g ehm we want to go ehm we don't want to go underneath indian country we want to go above it f right g sort of d-- do you have a great rock f yes got a great rock g yeah g you want to go between the indian country and the great rock and actually diagonally so you're underneath the great rock f right f so going down to indian country g uh-huh g and then up diagonally f above indian country g above indian country g diagonally down to un-- h-- horizontally underneath the great rock f okay g okay i-- f so beneath the great rock g right beneath the great rock g ehm you have the gold mine next f yeah g right g ehm round above horizontally over above the gold mine f okay g and straight down ehm do g do you have a trout farm f yes i've got a trout farm g uh-huh g ehm a sort of south down and to horizontally along underneath the trout farm so you're going down and then along to the trout farm underneath the trout farm f and then along to the trout farm f okay g do you have the cavalry f no there's no cavalry on this map g cavalry g mm ehm underneath the trout farm i've got some g so if you go ehm horizontally 'til about an inch from the end of the page f right g and straight down 'til about two inches from the bottom of the page g do you have cattle stockade f yes g right g straight down 'til you get to that and then underneath it f right g do you have bandit territory f okay f yes got a bandit territory g right g along g eh af-- are you underneath the cattle stockade f yes g ehm if you go sort of up a sort of a t-- a hill f have you got a f have you got a parched river bed g no i don't f right i better not avoid that g yeah g but if you just just stay p-- we're just at the g we're nearly finished g ehm if you go under cattle stockade and then loop up slightly and then down under bandit territory f right f okay g and up t-- eh up from bandit territory to finish f i don't have a finish marked on mine g right g okay ehm bandit territory go to your left of bandit territory and just above it put a cross for finish f right f right f so just above bandit territory g ehm about well i'd say about eh an inch and a half left from bandit territory just above it f okay g that's where the finish is