Found 2 args. Observation: q2nc1; Result size: 89; atts: 2 who $m g right g start from the sandy shore f okay g moving down straight down f how far g down as far as the bottom of the well f i don't have a well g ah right eh g move down eh vertically down about quarter of the way down the page g move to the right in g do you have local residents f i do g right g well move up and round and above them f okay g right g across not as far as the wood g do you have a wood f do i cross the bridge g eh i don't have a bridge ah g i would cross a bridge f eh okay g right g do you have a stream forked stream f eh yes g right g follow the stream follow the path of the stream right down f how far g eh to about a third of the way down the page f is there a bend in the stream g yes g round the bend f round the bend g yeah g and stop g do you have farmed land f no g right do you have a dead tree f yes g right eh g move eh r-- to the right almost to the edge of the page horizontally across f where in relation to the fork in the stream is this g eh this is a-- the-- this is at the fork in the stream f move right to the edge of the page g yeah f okay g down about two inches and then back across avoiding the dead tree f across the stream g yeah cross the stream g and stop right in line with the dead tree f do i move in a v-- straight line from the edge of the page g yeah f right across the stream g and stop right underneath the dead tree f okay g now move down about three inches f okay g then move to the left three inches g do you have a lagoon f yes g right well go down and round to the bottom of the lagoon f okay f do you have treasure on your map above the lagoon g right g no i don't f okay g eh and move above a rock fall if you have it f don't have a rock fall g ah right g well in that case move diagonally across to the left-hand side from the bottom of lagoon for about three inches then f do you have a bay at the bottom here a large bay g no don't f not marked at all g no oh yeah i do sorry aye f aye f where in relation to the the top or the middle or the bottom of the bay g to the top f okay g and do you have a pirate ship f yes g right g and just move from the very top onto the pirate ship f right f through the water g yeah f okay g along and down and hit the pirate ship f right g that's it