Found 2 args. Observation: q2ec6; Result size: 163; atts: 2 who $m g you got a start which is above a diamond mine f yep g yeah f yep g yeah g well if you draw a line from the start from the left-hand side of the cross f uh-huh g straight down to an inch below th-- the diamond mine f right okay right g you don't have a wagon wheel do you f no f i've got a swamp on the left-hand side g no g yeah f and i've got rapids just directly below the rap-- the the diamond wine mine about another say two inches or so three inches maybe g you've got a rift valley at the top f yep g top right-hand side g draw a line along to your right f mmhmm f how far g like uh like a horizontal line f uh-huh f have you got a cactus g no g draw it along to the cactus f right okay f right g and then g if you go if you go straight up along to your right and down through the the centre of the rift valley g like through the midpoint of the rift valley f alright right okay g so you're going down into the rift valley f right minute okay g yeah g then g you've got rocks f yep g below your rift valley f mmhmm g and you don't have a stone creek though do you f nope g you got something there f whereabouts g just like along from the rocks it's to the left of the rocks f i've got rapids and just past the middle middle left say g right okay g i've got white water which'll be the same as the rapids f yeah g but above just above it and to the right i've got a stone creek f no f i don't have anything like that g so you're wanting to go betwee-- down to from the rift valley down passing the left-hand side of the rocks and then going just above the white water f do i want to go under do you these your rocks you've got they've whatever it is f what is it you've got just above the rapids g a stone creek g so you want to go under it f so i want to go under that g so you're just like going just above the white water f right g and then you should be on the left-hand side of the white water f yep g so you want to come down straight down until you're about two inches g do you have an outlaws' hideout f i've got from the bottom i've got saloon bar stone creek manned fort g manned fort g do you have a noose f down on the right-hand side g uh-huh f uh-huh g you've got an outlaws' hideout above the noose f oh yeah right uh-huh g yeah f uh-huh g well g do you want to come straight down from the white water 'til you're about f my white water's on the left-hand side of the map g uh-huh f so i'm cutting right across to the g no g come come straight down in a straight line f oh tom g until just below until you're about f just below the line of white the outlaws' hideout g yeah just keep below f right okay i'm there g and then come along sort of sweeping up to right underneath the outlaws' hideout so you're crossing the whole page f right okay f that's ab-- oh you don't have the fort g where's the fort f s-- f it's just it's like um g is it underneath the stone creek like directly underneath f no it's above f i've got a saloon bar directly under beneath the stone creek on the left-hand side g so is it to your right of the stone creek and just up a bit f no f to my left and up a wee bit g to your left and up a wee bit f i've got erm f you got stone slabs g yeah f in the centre f right it's left it's above that it's about the same g mmhmm f do you have a gold mine g no f oh i've got a gold like a mine between my outlaw's hideout hideout and the noose g and you've got stone slabs as well f and i've got stone slabs f the the out-- the gold mine is to the same right as the m-- manned fort is to the left and the gold mine is right in but practically in the middle between the outlaws' hideout and the noose g okay f so i want to come across 'til i'm underneath the outlaws' hideout g yeah g so it's like it should be a sort of diagonal line going up to get to it and you're at a lower point on the left-hand side f oh right f i must be going underneath the i'm going underneath the fort then because that's underneath g and the line's g okay g and your sort of line's gradually s-- sloping up f right f uh-huh g 'til it gets quite close the ide-- outlaws' hideout f okay that's where i am g and then the line's going like straight down and past the noose g alright so if you've got something in the way there you'll have to go right round it f okay f is this is it to the the right-hand side of the noose f but nearer the side of the page g yeah f right g yeah f okay i'm underneath the noose g okay g i've got a swan's pond g which you won't have f no f don't have anything g erm it's about it's like on the same line as the saloon bar f right okay g but underneath the stone slabs f right okay g so you'll need to go round it kind of thing like up and round it f i've got it f over it g yeah f okay f am i heading down towards the saloon bar g and then g yeah g and then you're going right round under the under the saloon bar up to the finish and that's us f where's the finish g have you not got a finish cross f nope g no g the finish cross is directly g know how you can see the roof of the saloon bar f yeah g about an inch along is the centre point of that cross g so if you take line right up to about there f right okay f that's okay right that's it g okay that's it