Found 2 args. Observation: q2ec3; Result size: 200; atts: 2 who $m g okay ehm right g you have the start f yeah g right g below the start do you have er like a missionary camp f yeah g okay g well if you take it from the start just run horizontally f uh-huh g eh to the left for about an inch f right g and then go down along the side of the missionary camp f uh-huh g 'til you're about an inch above the bottom of the map f right g then you need to go straight along for about 'til about you're about an inch and a half away from the edge of the map f the banana tree g okay f do you have a banana tree g i have gorillas that's probably the f right okay f i'll go round the banana tree g yeah g so you're at where are you now you're at the bottom f i'm at the bottom g okay g now you you need to go parallel to the side of the map f uh-huh g ehm about four inches f right g so you're just ab-- y-- you're now about two inches above the gorillas or the banana tree f yeah g ehm do you have a rope bridge f yes i do g right g you need to cross the rope bidge-- bridge f how close to the river should i be the now g i haven't got a i haven't got a river marked but i assume well i-- f i have gone f you haven't g if no g if you go if you're up going up eh vertically f uh-huh f yeah g by the gor-- gorillas g then you need to-- you need to bend it round to the rope bridge f then go horizontal f bend g and you're going across the rope bridge so your your line should stop at the beginning of the rope bridge and come out again at the end f yeah f yep okay g right g then you go down about an inch so you're coming down off the rope bridge f to there's a river g uh-huh f okay g now you need to run horizontally along f right g ehm do you have a waterfall f yes i do g you need to run horizontally along until you're just below the beginning of the waterfall f right g okay f 'kay g now straight up g do you have lost steps f no f oh yeah i do right up f quite far up g oh no g th-- th-- th-- th-- th-- these are in the middle f no g okay g we right g you're at the bottom of the waterfall now okay f uh-huh g ehm what's your next thing that's marked f the lost steps just south of the white mountain up at the top g no the-- the-- they're not f do you have the rock fall g oh i've got another lot of lost steps up there that's what you must mean f yeah g no well g in that case you need to go vertically upwards running parallel with the edge of the map f how far f uh-huh g erm for about i don't know f do you have gazelle gazelles f or fallen pillars or flamingoes g way up g i have fallen pillars g are they sort of in the middle of the map on the left f yeah g right g well you need to go up but running vertically until you're about level with the fallen pillars f uh-huh right okay done it g now g i've got some lost steps g so you need to kind of curve round as if you had something in the way there you can't go straight across to the fallen pillars you've got to bend up a wee bit f right okay g you see f up it like going over them g like a-- like as if you were going over something f right okay f to the do i g-- bend it right over 'til i get to the fallen pillars g bend it right over g and then head it sort of up and round so that you-- you're going up over the lost steps f uh-huh g and then down and under the fallen pillars f right hang on g okay 'cause you can't go straight across on mine 'cause there's lost steps f right okay yeah g right g so you're now underneath are you at the end of the fallen pillars now f yes g okay f oops g now g ehm for some reason it loops round here again i don't there's nothing there though f i've got flamingoes g okay well that's why g so you need to loop it round your flamingoes f uh-huh g and up so you f to the ruined city f do you have g to the ancient ruins g yeah f t-- uh-huh g so you need to go loop it down and then all the way up to the ancient ruins f right g okay f i'm at the ancient ruins g you're at the ancient ruins g okay g now bend round the ancient ruins until you're just now running verti-- so you're just going up from the ancient ruins now g have you got some stones at the top f i've got rock fall g okay g right g if you head it up towards the rock fall f s-- right i'm g so you now you now should be about two two and a half inches from the top of the map f right f yeah practically g okay g then g so you're at you're at the stones now f yeah g okay now straight across have you got the white mountain f under the stones f yes i've got the white mountain g under the stones g so you go straight across towards the white mountain f uh-huh g and then climb the white mountain and go back down the other side g have you got some soft furnishings store f right f where g underneath uh f just in the corner g no f no g right underneath the white mountain f no g okay g well you've go-- so you're at the bottom of the white mountain now f yeah g right er g this is difficult um f yo-- what about the lost steps up there f do you have lost steps on that side g no g you don't go anywhere near them f right okay g no g well g you're now going you're going back the way you came so you need to it-- as if you're going right underneath the white mountain so come down a bit and then go right underneath it f okay right g about to about three inches f right g and now straight drop down g do you have gazelles f yes g right g straight drop down towards the gazelles f right there g underneath the gazelles f right g about three inches to the right f right g just and that's the end f okay g because you come underneath the gazelles and then you go f and then you go right g go go right g and you stop on on nothing there's there's no mark there f 'kay f there's a cross now g okay that's the end