Found 2 args. Observation: q2ec1; Result size: 177; atts: 2 who $m g right g do you have sandy shore up at the top of your map g right g that's the start is just to the left of that near the coast f just at the cross g yeah there g okay g go south down towards the well f towards the g the well g do you not have a well g that should be just there f no f i've got hills g no g not as far south as that erm g see where this the the river comes in seems to be a bay crane bay f right okay i got crane bay g right g follow the line f is it your left or my left g oh hell erm my left f your left f so it's my right g yeah f okay that's where g follow follow the line of crane bay down to just above the corner of the bay g you know how the bay goes like that f yeah f the very opposite corner of iron bridge g i don't have iron bridge f okay g right g go south from the start f south f right g right g then you go left follow y-- up to oh heck go round where where the river goes g you know how the the two bits of the crane come in crane bay come in like that then into the river f yeah g well g go up to where the two bits join nearly and to form the lar the river f to the mouth of the river g to the mouth of the river g right g now cut across the river at that point f over the bridge f i've got a bridge g okay g go over the bridge f okay i'm over the bridge g right g now follow the line of the river right down to the fork f to the dead tree g just above the dead tree before the fork f okay i'm there g right g now i want you to go to your left and do a sort of "c" quite a a wide "c" round some supposed g i've got farmed land g have you got farmed land f no g no well do a f have i got to cross this babbling brook cross it g not again g you've cross it further down you've got to do a wide "c" just above the fork do a wide "c" so that you're coming across the river at b-- you know underneath the dead tree f i'm coming f oh right i see okay g right g under the dead tree go directly south for about five maybe seven centimetres f to the treasure g i don't have that f oh g right g then go to your right for about the same maybe five centimetres till you come to the lagoon g do you have the lagoon f yeah f but it's to my left f unless that "c" wasn't big enough g uh-huh g you should have crossed one of the g does your the river fork into one goes into the lagoon and the other one goes off the page f goes to a mountain stream g right okay f mmhmm g is your "c" on the side of the stream or on the side of the lagoon f it's in the middle like it comes out in between the two of them g oh heck g your river's different from mine f you want to you want my path to be a large enough "c" so as it goes down g it and it crosses over the the mountain stream and then goes directly south underneath the dead tree g is the dead tree in between the fork f mmhmm f right maybe so g right g right g so you're going south then see i come to the lagoon then when i go south and then i go left which would me-- mean you going right f you don't have be-- treasure buried underneath your dead tree g no f no f do you have hills to your the left of the dead tree and just up a bit g yes f okay f so how f-- close do you want that "c" to take me towards the hills g not close at all f not close at all g it's over the other side of the river g is yours on this side of the river f there are the the hills are on the left-hand side my left-hand side which is your left-hand side f uh-huh g oh because we're looking at the same picture g right g it's like you're starting at the s-- the sandy shore f yeah g going south then going along to the right and up and crossing the river f mmhmm f uh-huh across the bridge yeah g at your bridge right you're going down to the fork of the g river f yes g are you on the other side of the river from the the hills f yes g right f same side as the woodlands g right that's right g so at the top of just before the fork in the river do a "c" to the the same side don't don't cross the river at that point f yes g do the do a "c" so that it f don't cross the river g it it's like a backwards "c" f right i've not crossed g do you see what i mean f backwards g w-- round that way instead of round that way f like an "e" f no f oh yeah like a backwards s-- g well a back a back like do a backwards "c" there sorry f yeah i've got a backwards "c" f yeah g and cross the river under the dead tree for the first or the second time if you don't count if you count the one at the top f under the dead tree so g just just south of the dead tree f okay g right g now go dead south for about five centimetres straight down from the dead tree f yeah g and then five centimetres to the left bringing you to the lagoon f yeah g right g follow the shore of the lagoon down to the tip of it at the bottom f right g right g do you have a rock fall f no g do you have green bay f yes g right g do you see the point of green bay the top point of green bay f the most northerly point g yes g go move to there but make it a f right f on on the coast is that a jutted point g yes g right g take the line from the base of the lagoon from the point of the lagoon right down to the n-- most northerly point of green bay f right g do you have a pirate ship and the finish cross f pirate ship's right down the the the southern g right g now do a sort of "l" shape bringing you down to the pirate ship from where you are f without going in the water g going in the water f going in the water g going in the water g right g that's the finish