Copy+Attentional Convolutional

Original Name cross,to,out,unsafe


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( out != b ) ; assert ( out != a ) ; out . x = a . y * b . z - a . z * b . y ; out . y = a . z * b . x - a . x * b . z ; out . z = a . x * b . y - a . y * b . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( out != b ) ; assert ( out != a ) ; out . x = a . y * b . z - a . z * b . y ; out . y = a . z * b . x - a . x * b . z ; out . z = a . x * b . y - a . y * b . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( out != b ) ; assert ( out != a ) ; out . x = a . y * b . z - a . z * b . y ; out . y = a . z * b . x - a . x * b . z ; out . z = a . x * b . y - a . y * b . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( out != b ) ; assert ( out != a ) ; out . x = a . y * b . z - a . z * b . y ; out . y = a . z * b . x - a . x * b . z ; out . z = a . x * b . y - a . y * b . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( out != b ) ; assert ( out != a ) ; out . x = a . y * b . z - a . z * b . y ; out . y = a . z * b . x - a . x * b . z ; out . z = a . x * b . y - a . y * b . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( out != b ) ; assert ( out != a ) ; out . x = a . y * b . z - a . z * b . y ; out . y = a . z * b . x - a . x * b . z ; out . z = a . x * b . y - a . y * b . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( out != b ) ; assert ( out != a ) ; out . x = a . y * b . z - a . z * b . y ; out . y = a . z * b . x - a . x * b . z ; out . z = a . x * b . y - a . y * b . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( out != b ) ; assert ( out != a ) ; out . x = a . y * b . z - a . z * b . y ; out . y = a . z * b . x - a . x * b . z ; out . z = a . x * b . y - a . y * b . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( out != b ) ; assert ( out != a ) ; out . x = a . y * b . z - a . z * b . y ; out . y = a . z * b . x - a . x * b . z ; out . z = a . x * b . y - a . y * b . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( out != b ) ; assert ( out != a ) ; out . x = a . y * b . z - a . z * b . y ; out . y = a . z * b . x - a . x * b . z ; out . z = a . x * b . y - a . y * b . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name generate


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( target . os != target os . android ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "target os must be Android" ) ; if ( ! config . libs dir . exists ( ) ) { if ( ! config . libs dir . mkdirs ( ) ) throw new runtime exception ( "Couldn't create directory for shared library files in '" + config . libs dir + "'" ) ; } if ( ! config . jni dir . exists ( ) ) { if ( ! config . jni dir . mkdirs ( ) ) throw new runtime exception ( "Couldn't create native code directory '" + config . jni dir + "'" ) ; } array list < file descriptor > files = new array list < file descriptor > ( ) ; int idx = 0 ; string [ ] includes = new string [ target . c includes . length + target . cpp includes . length ] ; for ( string include : target . c includes ) includes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + include ; for ( string include : target . cpp includes ) includes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + include ; idx = 0 ; string [ ] excludes = new string [ target . c excludes . length + target . cpp excludes . length + 1 ] ; for ( string exclude : target . c excludes ) excludes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + exclude ; for ( string exclude : target . cpp excludes ) excludes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + exclude ; excludes [ idx ] = "**/target/*" ; gather source files ( config . jni dir , includes , excludes , files ) ; file descriptor application = config . jni dir . child ( "" ) ; application . write string ( new file descriptor ( "com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/" , file type . classpath ) . read string ( ) , false ) ; string template = new file descriptor ( "com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/" , file type . classpath ) . read string ( ) ; string buffer src files = new string buffer ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < files . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { if ( i > 0 ) src files . append ( " " ) ; src files . append ( files . get ( i ) . path ( ) . replace ( '|' , '/' ) . replace ( config . jni dir . to string ( ) + "/" , "" ) ) ; if ( i < files . size ( ) - 1 ) src files . append ( "| " ) ; else src files . append ( " " ) ; } string buffer header dirs = new string buffer ( ) ; for ( string header dir : target . header dirs ) { header dirs . append ( header dir ) ; header dirs . append ( " " ) ; } template = template . replace ( "%sharedLibName%" , config . shared lib name ) ; template = template . replace ( "%headerDirs%" , header dirs ) ; template = template . replace ( "%cFlags%" , target . c flags ) ; template = template . replace ( "%cppFlags%" , target . cpp flags ) ; template = template . replace ( "%linkerFlags%" , target . linker flags ) ; template = template . replace ( "%srcFiles%" , src files ) ; config . jni dir . child ( "" ) . write string ( template , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( target . os != target os . android ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "target os must be Android" ) ; if ( ! config . libs dir . exists ( ) ) { if ( ! config . libs dir . mkdirs ( ) ) throw new runtime exception ( "Couldn't create directory for shared library files in '" + config . libs dir + "'" ) ; } if ( ! config . jni dir . exists ( ) ) { if ( ! config . jni dir . mkdirs ( ) ) throw new runtime exception ( "Couldn't create native code directory '" + config . jni dir + "'" ) ; } array list < file descriptor > files = new array list < file descriptor > ( ) ; int idx = 0 ; string [ ] includes = new string [ target . c includes . length + target . cpp includes . length ] ; for ( string include : target . c includes ) includes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + include ; for ( string include : target . cpp includes ) includes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + include ; idx = 0 ; string [ ] excludes = new string [ target . c excludes . length + target . cpp excludes . length + 1 ] ; for ( string exclude : target . c excludes ) excludes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + exclude ; for ( string exclude : target . cpp excludes ) excludes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + exclude ; excludes [ idx ] = "**/target/*" ; gather source files ( config . jni dir , includes , excludes , files ) ; file descriptor application = config . jni dir . child ( "" ) ; application . write string ( new file descriptor ( "com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/" , file type . classpath ) . read string ( ) , false ) ; string template = new file descriptor ( "com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/" , file type . classpath ) . read string ( ) ; string buffer src files = new string buffer ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < files . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { if ( i > 0 ) src files . append ( " " ) ; src files . append ( files . get ( i ) . path ( ) . replace ( '|' , '/' ) . replace ( config . jni dir . to string ( ) + "/" , "" ) ) ; if ( i < files . size ( ) - 1 ) src files . append ( "| " ) ; else src files . append ( " " ) ; } string buffer header dirs = new string buffer ( ) ; for ( string header dir : target . header dirs ) { header dirs . append ( header dir ) ; header dirs . append ( " " ) ; } template = template . replace ( "%sharedLibName%" , config . shared lib name ) ; template = template . replace ( "%headerDirs%" , header dirs ) ; template = template . replace ( "%cFlags%" , target . c flags ) ; template = template . replace ( "%cppFlags%" , target . cpp flags ) ; template = template . replace ( "%linkerFlags%" , target . linker flags ) ; template = template . replace ( "%srcFiles%" , src files ) ; config . jni dir . child ( "" ) . write string ( template , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( target . os != target os . android ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "target os must be Android" ) ; if ( ! config . libs dir . exists ( ) ) { if ( ! config . libs dir . mkdirs ( ) ) throw new runtime exception ( "Couldn't create directory for shared library files in '" + config . libs dir + "'" ) ; } if ( ! config . jni dir . exists ( ) ) { if ( ! config . jni dir . mkdirs ( ) ) throw new runtime exception ( "Couldn't create native code directory '" + config . jni dir + "'" ) ; } array list < file descriptor > files = new array list < file descriptor > ( ) ; int idx = 0 ; string [ ] includes = new string [ target . c includes . length + target . cpp includes . length ] ; for ( string include : target . c includes ) includes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + include ; for ( string include : target . cpp includes ) includes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + include ; idx = 0 ; string [ ] excludes = new string [ target . c excludes . length + target . cpp excludes . length + 1 ] ; for ( string exclude : target . c excludes ) excludes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + exclude ; for ( string exclude : target . cpp excludes ) excludes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + exclude ; excludes [ idx ] = "**/target/*" ; gather source files ( config . jni dir , includes , excludes , files ) ; file descriptor application = config . jni dir . child ( "" ) ; application . write string ( new file descriptor ( "com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/" , file type . classpath ) . read string ( ) , false ) ; string template = new file descriptor ( "com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/" , file type . classpath ) . read string ( ) ; string buffer src files = new string buffer ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < files . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { if ( i > 0 ) src files . append ( " " ) ; src files . append ( files . get ( i ) . path ( ) . replace ( '|' , '/' ) . replace ( config . jni dir . to string ( ) + "/" , "" ) ) ; if ( i < files . size ( ) - 1 ) src files . append ( "| " ) ; else src files . append ( " " ) ; } string buffer header dirs = new string buffer ( ) ; for ( string header dir : target . header dirs ) { header dirs . append ( header dir ) ; header dirs . append ( " " ) ; } template = template . replace ( "%sharedLibName%" , config . shared lib name ) ; template = template . replace ( "%headerDirs%" , header dirs ) ; template = template . replace ( "%cFlags%" , target . c flags ) ; template = template . replace ( "%cppFlags%" , target . cpp flags ) ; template = template . replace ( "%linkerFlags%" , target . linker flags ) ; template = template . replace ( "%srcFiles%" , src files ) ; config . jni dir . child ( "" ) . write string ( template , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( target . os != target os . android ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "target os must be Android" ) ; if ( ! config . libs dir . exists ( ) ) { if ( ! config . libs dir . mkdirs ( ) ) throw new runtime exception ( "Couldn't create directory for shared library files in '" + config . libs dir + "'" ) ; } if ( ! config . jni dir . exists ( ) ) { if ( ! config . jni dir . mkdirs ( ) ) throw new runtime exception ( "Couldn't create native code directory '" + config . jni dir + "'" ) ; } array list < file descriptor > files = new array list < file descriptor > ( ) ; int idx = 0 ; string [ ] includes = new string [ target . c includes . length + target . cpp includes . length ] ; for ( string include : target . c includes ) includes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + include ; for ( string include : target . cpp includes ) includes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + include ; idx = 0 ; string [ ] excludes = new string [ target . c excludes . length + target . cpp excludes . length + 1 ] ; for ( string exclude : target . c excludes ) excludes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + exclude ; for ( string exclude : target . cpp excludes ) excludes [ idx ++ ] = config . jni dir + "/" + exclude ; excludes [ idx ] = "**/target/*" ; gather source files ( config . jni dir , includes , excludes , files ) ; file descriptor application = config . jni dir . child ( "" ) ; application . write string ( new file descriptor ( "com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/" , file type . classpath ) . read string ( ) , false ) ; string template = new file descriptor ( "com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/" , file type . classpath ) . read string ( ) ; string buffer src files = new string buffer ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < files . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { if ( i > 0 ) src files . append ( " " ) ; src files . append ( files . get ( i ) . path ( ) . replace ( '|' , '/' ) . replace ( config . jni dir . to string ( ) + "/" , "" ) ) ; if ( i < files . size ( ) - 1 ) src files . append ( "| " ) ; else src files . append ( " " ) ; } string buffer header dirs = new string buffer ( ) ; for ( string header dir : target . header dirs ) { header dirs . append ( header dir ) ; header dirs . append ( " " ) ; } template = template . replace ( "%sharedLibName%" , config . shared lib name ) ; template = template . replace ( "%headerDirs%" , header dirs ) ; template = template . replace ( "%cFlags%" , target . c flags ) ; template = template . replace ( "%cppFlags%" , target . cpp flags ) ; template = template . replace ( "%linkerFlags%" , target . linker flags ) ; template = template . replace ( "%srcFiles%" , src files ) ; config . jni dir . child ( "" ) . write string ( template , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name gather,source,files


<SENTENCE_START> { string file name = file . path ( ) . replace ( '|' , '/' ) ; if ( file . is directory ( ) ) { if ( match ( file name , excludes ) ) return ; for ( file descriptor child : file . list ( ) ) { %SELF% ( child , includes , excludes , files ) ; } } else { if ( match ( file name , includes ) && ! match ( file name , excludes ) ) files . add ( file ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { string file name = file . path ( ) . replace ( '|' , '/' ) ; if ( file . is directory ( ) ) { if ( match ( file name , excludes ) ) return ; for ( file descriptor child : file . list ( ) ) { %SELF% ( child , includes , excludes , files ) ; } } else { if ( match ( file name , includes ) && ! match ( file name , excludes ) ) files . add ( file ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { string file name = file . path ( ) . replace ( '|' , '/' ) ; if ( file . is directory ( ) ) { if ( match ( file name , excludes ) ) return ; for ( file descriptor child : file . list ( ) ) { %SELF% ( child , includes , excludes , files ) ; } } else { if ( match ( file name , includes ) && ! match ( file name , excludes ) ) files . add ( file ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { string file name = file . path ( ) . replace ( '|' , '/' ) ; if ( file . is directory ( ) ) { if ( match ( file name , excludes ) ) return ; for ( file descriptor child : file . list ( ) ) { %SELF% ( child , includes , excludes , files ) ; } } else { if ( match ( file name , includes ) && ! match ( file name , excludes ) ) files . add ( file ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { string file name = file . path ( ) . replace ( '|' , '/' ) ; if ( file . is directory ( ) ) { if ( match ( file name , excludes ) ) return ; for ( file descriptor child : file . list ( ) ) { %SELF% ( child , includes , excludes , files ) ; } } else { if ( match ( file name , includes ) && ! match ( file name , excludes ) ) files . add ( file ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { string file name = file . path ( ) . replace ( '|' , '/' ) ; if ( file . is directory ( ) ) { if ( match ( file name , excludes ) ) return ; for ( file descriptor child : file . list ( ) ) { %SELF% ( child , includes , excludes , files ) ; } } else { if ( match ( file name , includes ) && ! match ( file name , excludes ) ) files . add ( file ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { string file name = file . path ( ) . replace ( '|' , '/' ) ; if ( file . is directory ( ) ) { if ( match ( file name , excludes ) ) return ; for ( file descriptor child : file . list ( ) ) { %SELF% ( child , includes , excludes , files ) ; } } else { if ( match ( file name , includes ) && ! match ( file name , excludes ) ) files . add ( file ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { string file name = file . path ( ) . replace ( '|' , '/' ) ; if ( file . is directory ( ) ) { if ( match ( file name , excludes ) ) return ; for ( file descriptor child : file . list ( ) ) { %SELF% ( child , includes , excludes , files ) ; } } else { if ( match ( file name , includes ) && ! match ( file name , excludes ) ) files . add ( file ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name match


<SENTENCE_START> { return new ant path matcher ( ) . %SELF% ( file , patterns ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return new ant path matcher ( ) . %SELF% ( file , patterns ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return new ant path matcher ( ) . %SELF% ( file , patterns ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return new ant path matcher ( ) . %SELF% ( file , patterns ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,style


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( style == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "style cannot be null." ) ; this . style = style ; invalidate hierarchy ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( style == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "style cannot be null." ) ; this . style = style ; invalidate hierarchy ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( style == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "style cannot be null." ) ; this . style = style ; invalidate hierarchy ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( style == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "style cannot be null." ) ; this . style = style ; invalidate hierarchy ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( style == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "style cannot be null." ) ; this . style = style ; invalidate hierarchy ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( style == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "style cannot be null." ) ; this . style = style ; invalidate hierarchy ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,style


<SENTENCE_START> { return style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,value


<SENTENCE_START> { return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,visual,value


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate time > 0 ) return animate interpolation . apply ( animate from value , value , 1 - animate time / animate duration ) ; return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate time > 0 ) return animate interpolation . apply ( animate from value , value , 1 - animate time / animate duration ) ; return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate time > 0 ) return animate interpolation . apply ( animate from value , value , 1 - animate time / animate duration ) ; return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate time > 0 ) return animate interpolation . apply ( animate from value , value , 1 - animate time / animate duration ) ; return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate time > 0 ) return animate interpolation . apply ( animate from value , value , 1 - animate time / animate duration ) ; return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate time > 0 ) return animate interpolation . apply ( animate from value , value , 1 - animate time / animate duration ) ; return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate time > 0 ) return animate interpolation . apply ( animate from value , value , 1 - animate time / animate duration ) ; return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate time > 0 ) return animate interpolation . apply ( animate from value , value , 1 - animate time / animate duration ) ; return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,percent


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( value - min ) / ( max - min ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( value - min ) / ( max - min ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( value - min ) / ( max - min ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( value - min ) / ( max - min ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( value - min ) / ( max - min ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( value - min ) / ( max - min ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,visual,percent


<SENTENCE_START> { return visual interpolation . apply ( ( get visual value ( ) - min ) / ( max - min ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return visual interpolation . apply ( ( get visual value ( ) - min ) / ( max - min ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return visual interpolation . apply ( ( get visual value ( ) - min ) / ( max - min ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 42.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return visual interpolation . apply ( ( get visual value ( ) - min ) / ( max - min ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return visual interpolation . apply ( ( get visual value ( ) - min ) / ( max - min ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 23.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return visual interpolation . apply ( ( get visual value ( ) - min ) / ( max - min ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return visual interpolation . apply ( ( get visual value ( ) - min ) / ( max - min ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return visual interpolation . apply ( ( get visual value ( ) - min ) / ( max - min ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,knob,drawable


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( disabled && style . disabled knob != null ) ? style . disabled knob : style . knob ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( disabled && style . disabled knob != null ) ? style . disabled knob : style . knob ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( disabled && style . disabled knob != null ) ? style . disabled knob : style . knob ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 88.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( disabled && style . disabled knob != null ) ? style . disabled knob : style . knob ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( disabled && style . disabled knob != null ) ? style . disabled knob : style . knob ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 94.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( disabled && style . disabled knob != null ) ? style . disabled knob : style . knob ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( disabled && style . disabled knob != null ) ? style . disabled knob : style . knob ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 27.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( disabled && style . disabled knob != null ) ? style . disabled knob : style . knob ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,knob,position


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . position ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . position ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . position ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 73.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . position ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . position ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . position ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . position ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . position ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,value


<SENTENCE_START> { value = clamp ( math . round ( value / step size ) * step size ) ; if ( ! shift ignores snap || ( ! gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift left ) && ! gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift right ) ) ) value = snap ( value ) ; float old value = this . value ; if ( value == old value ) return false ; float old visual value = get visual value ( ) ; this . value = value ; change event change event = pools . obtain ( change event . class ) ; boolean cancelled = fire ( change event ) ; if ( cancelled ) this . value = old value ; else if ( animate duration > 0 ) { animate from value = old visual value ; animate time = animate duration ; } pools . free ( change event ) ; return ! cancelled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { value = clamp ( math . round ( value / step size ) * step size ) ; if ( ! shift ignores snap || ( ! gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift left ) && ! gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift right ) ) ) value = snap ( value ) ; float old value = this . value ; if ( value == old value ) return false ; float old visual value = get visual value ( ) ; this . value = value ; change event change event = pools . obtain ( change event . class ) ; boolean cancelled = fire ( change event ) ; if ( cancelled ) this . value = old value ; else if ( animate duration > 0 ) { animate from value = old visual value ; animate time = animate duration ; } pools . free ( change event ) ; return ! cancelled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { value = clamp ( math . round ( value / step size ) * step size ) ; if ( ! shift ignores snap || ( ! gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift left ) && ! gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift right ) ) ) value = snap ( value ) ; float old value = this . value ; if ( value == old value ) return false ; float old visual value = get visual value ( ) ; this . value = value ; change event change event = pools . obtain ( change event . class ) ; boolean cancelled = fire ( change event ) ; if ( cancelled ) this . value = old value ; else if ( animate duration > 0 ) { animate from value = old visual value ; animate time = animate duration ; } pools . free ( change event ) ; return ! cancelled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 23.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { value = clamp ( math . round ( value / step size ) * step size ) ; if ( ! shift ignores snap || ( ! gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift left ) && ! gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift right ) ) ) value = snap ( value ) ; float old value = this . value ; if ( value == old value ) return false ; float old visual value = get visual value ( ) ; this . value = value ; change event change event = pools . obtain ( change event . class ) ; boolean cancelled = fire ( change event ) ; if ( cancelled ) this . value = old value ; else if ( animate duration > 0 ) { animate from value = old visual value ; animate time = animate duration ; } pools . free ( change event ) ; return ! cancelled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { value = clamp ( math . round ( value / step size ) * step size ) ; if ( ! shift ignores snap || ( ! gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift left ) && ! gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift right ) ) ) value = snap ( value ) ; float old value = this . value ; if ( value == old value ) return false ; float old visual value = get visual value ( ) ; this . value = value ; change event change event = pools . obtain ( change event . class ) ; boolean cancelled = fire ( change event ) ; if ( cancelled ) this . value = old value ; else if ( animate duration > 0 ) { animate from value = old visual value ; animate time = animate duration ; } pools . free ( change event ) ; return ! cancelled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { value = clamp ( math . round ( value / step size ) * step size ) ; if ( ! shift ignores snap || ( ! gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift left ) && ! gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift right ) ) ) value = snap ( value ) ; float old value = this . value ; if ( value == old value ) return false ; float old visual value = get visual value ( ) ; this . value = value ; change event change event = pools . obtain ( change event . class ) ; boolean cancelled = fire ( change event ) ; if ( cancelled ) this . value = old value ; else if ( animate duration > 0 ) { animate from value = old visual value ; animate time = animate duration ; } pools . free ( change event ) ; return ! cancelled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name clamp


<SENTENCE_START> { return math utils . %SELF% ( value , min , max ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return math utils . %SELF% ( value , min , max ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return math utils . %SELF% ( value , min , max ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return math utils . %SELF% ( value , min , max ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,range


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( min > max ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "min must be <= max" ) ; this . min = min ; this . max = max ; if ( value < min ) set value ( min ) ; else if ( value > max ) set value ( max ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( min > max ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "min must be <= max" ) ; this . min = min ; this . max = max ; if ( value < min ) set value ( min ) ; else if ( value > max ) set value ( max ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( min > max ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "min must be <= max" ) ; this . min = min ; this . max = max ; if ( value < min ) set value ( min ) ; else if ( value > max ) set value ( max ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 32.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( min > max ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "min must be <= max" ) ; this . min = min ; this . max = max ; if ( value < min ) set value ( min ) ; else if ( value > max ) set value ( max ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( min > max ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "min must be <= max" ) ; this . min = min ; this . max = max ; if ( value < min ) set value ( min ) ; else if ( value > max ) set value ( max ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( min > max ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "min must be <= max" ) ; this . min = min ; this . max = max ; if ( value < min ) set value ( min ) ; else if ( value > max ) set value ( max ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,step,size


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( step size <= 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "steps must be > 0: " + step size ) ; this . step size = step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( step size <= 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "steps must be > 0: " + step size ) ; this . step size = step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( step size <= 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "steps must be > 0: " + step size ) ; this . step size = step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 21.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( step size <= 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "steps must be > 0: " + step size ) ; this . step size = step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( step size <= 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "steps must be > 0: " + step size ) ; this . step size = step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( step size <= 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "steps must be > 0: " + step size ) ; this . step size = step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( step size <= 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "steps must be > 0: " + step size ) ; this . step size = step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( step size <= 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "steps must be > 0: " + step size ) ; this . step size = step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,pref,width


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min width ( ) , bg . get min width ( ) ) ; } else return 140 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min width ( ) , bg . get min width ( ) ) ; } else return 140 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min width ( ) , bg . get min width ( ) ) ; } else return 140 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 84.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min width ( ) , bg . get min width ( ) ) ; } else return 140 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min width ( ) , bg . get min width ( ) ) ; } else return 140 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 64.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min width ( ) , bg . get min width ( ) ) ; } else return 140 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min width ( ) , bg . get min width ( ) ) ; } else return 140 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min width ( ) , bg . get min width ( ) ) ; } else return 140 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,pref,height


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) return 140 ; else { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min height ( ) , bg == null ? 0 : bg . get min height ( ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) return 140 ; else { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min height ( ) , bg == null ? 0 : bg . get min height ( ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) return 140 ; else { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min height ( ) , bg == null ? 0 : bg . get min height ( ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 69.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) return 140 ; else { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min height ( ) , bg == null ? 0 : bg . get min height ( ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) return 140 ; else { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min height ( ) , bg == null ? 0 : bg . get min height ( ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 55.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) return 140 ; else { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min height ( ) , bg == null ? 0 : bg . get min height ( ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) return 140 ; else { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min height ( ) , bg == null ? 0 : bg . get min height ( ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( vertical ) return 140 ; else { final drawable knob = get knob drawable ( ) ; final drawable bg = ( disabled && style . disabled background != null ) ? style . disabled background : style . background ; return math . max ( knob == null ? 0 : knob . get min height ( ) , bg == null ? 0 : bg . get min height ( ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,min,value


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . min ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . min ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . min ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 79.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . min ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . min ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 16.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . min ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . min ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . min ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,max,value


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . max ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . max ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . max ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 93.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . max ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . max ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 22.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . max ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . max ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . max ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,step,size


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 95.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 47.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return this . step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return this . step size ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,animate,duration


<SENTENCE_START> { this . animate duration = duration ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . animate duration = duration ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . animate duration = duration ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 85.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . animate duration = duration ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . animate duration = duration ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 14.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . animate duration = duration ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . animate duration = duration ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . animate duration = duration ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,animate,interpolation


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate interpolation == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "animateInterpolation cannot be null." ) ; this . animate interpolation = animate interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate interpolation == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "animateInterpolation cannot be null." ) ; this . animate interpolation = animate interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate interpolation == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "animateInterpolation cannot be null." ) ; this . animate interpolation = animate interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 88.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate interpolation == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "animateInterpolation cannot be null." ) ; this . animate interpolation = animate interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate interpolation == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "animateInterpolation cannot be null." ) ; this . animate interpolation = animate interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 28.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate interpolation == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "animateInterpolation cannot be null." ) ; this . animate interpolation = animate interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate interpolation == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "animateInterpolation cannot be null." ) ; this . animate interpolation = animate interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( animate interpolation == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "animateInterpolation cannot be null." ) ; this . animate interpolation = animate interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,visual,interpolation


<SENTENCE_START> { this . visual interpolation = interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . visual interpolation = interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . visual interpolation = interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . visual interpolation = interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . visual interpolation = interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 94.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . visual interpolation = interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . visual interpolation = interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . visual interpolation = interpolation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,snap,to,values


<SENTENCE_START> { this . snap values = values ; this . threshold = threshold ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . snap values = values ; this . threshold = threshold ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . snap values = values ; this . threshold = threshold ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 91.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . snap values = values ; this . threshold = threshold ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . snap values = values ; this . threshold = threshold ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . snap values = values ; this . threshold = threshold ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . snap values = values ; this . threshold = threshold ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . snap values = values ; this . threshold = threshold ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . snap values = values ; this . threshold = threshold ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . snap values = values ; this . threshold = threshold ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name snap


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( snap values == null ) return value ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < snap values . length ; i ++ ) { if ( math . abs ( value - snap values [ i ] ) <= threshold ) return snap values [ i ] ; } return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( snap values == null ) return value ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < snap values . length ; i ++ ) { if ( math . abs ( value - snap values [ i ] ) <= threshold ) return snap values [ i ] ; } return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( snap values == null ) return value ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < snap values . length ; i ++ ) { if ( math . abs ( value - snap values [ i ] ) <= threshold ) return snap values [ i ] ; } return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( snap values == null ) return value ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < snap values . length ; i ++ ) { if ( math . abs ( value - snap values [ i ] ) <= threshold ) return snap values [ i ] ; } return value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,disabled


<SENTENCE_START> { this . disabled = disabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . disabled = disabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . disabled = disabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 94.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . disabled = disabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . disabled = disabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 42.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . disabled = disabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name is,disabled


<SENTENCE_START> { return disabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return disabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return disabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 33.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return disabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return disabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 12.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return disabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,c,ptr


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,child,shape


<SENTENCE_START> { internal add child shape ( local transform , shape ) ; children . add ( shape ) ; shape . obtain ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { internal add child shape ( local transform , shape ) ; children . add ( shape ) ; shape . obtain ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { internal add child shape ( local transform , shape ) ; children . add ( shape ) ; shape . obtain ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 71.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { internal add child shape ( local transform , shape ) ; children . add ( shape ) ; shape . obtain ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { internal add child shape ( local transform , shape ) ; children . add ( shape ) ; shape . obtain ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 40.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { internal add child shape ( local transform , shape ) ; children . add ( shape ) ; shape . obtain ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { internal add child shape ( local transform , shape ) ; children . add ( shape ) ; shape . obtain ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { internal add child shape ( local transform , shape ) ; children . add ( shape ) ; shape . obtain ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name remove,child,shape


<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape ( shape ) ; final int idx = children . index of ( shape , false ) ; if ( idx >= 0 ) children . remove index ( idx ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape ( shape ) ; final int idx = children . index of ( shape , false ) ; if ( idx >= 0 ) children . remove index ( idx ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape ( shape ) ; final int idx = children . index of ( shape , false ) ; if ( idx >= 0 ) children . remove index ( idx ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape ( shape ) ; final int idx = children . index of ( shape , false ) ; if ( idx >= 0 ) children . remove index ( idx ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape ( shape ) ; final int idx = children . index of ( shape , false ) ; if ( idx >= 0 ) children . remove index ( idx ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape ( shape ) ; final int idx = children . index of ( shape , false ) ; if ( idx >= 0 ) children . remove index ( idx ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape ( shape ) ; final int idx = children . index of ( shape , false ) ; if ( idx >= 0 ) children . remove index ( idx ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape ( shape ) ; final int idx = children . index of ( shape , false ) ; if ( idx >= 0 ) children . remove index ( idx ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name remove,child,shape,by,index


<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape by index ( index ) ; children . remove index ( index ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape by index ( index ) ; children . remove index ( index ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape by index ( index ) ; children . remove index ( index ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape by index ( index ) ; children . remove index ( index ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape by index ( index ) ; children . remove index ( index ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape by index ( index ) ; children . remove index ( index ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape by index ( index ) ; children . remove index ( index ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape by index ( index ) ; children . remove index ( index ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape by index ( index ) ; children . remove index ( index ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape by index ( index ) ; children . remove index ( index ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape by index ( index ) ; children . remove index ( index ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { internal remove child shape by index ( index ) ; children . remove index ( index ) . release ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,child,shape


<SENTENCE_START> { return children . get ( index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return children . get ( index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return children . get ( index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return children . get ( index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return children . get ( index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return children . get ( index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return children . get ( index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return children . get ( index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name internal,add,child,shape


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal add child shape ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal add child shape ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal add child shape ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal add child shape ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal add child shape ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal add child shape ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal add child shape ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 94.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal add child shape ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal add child shape ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal add child shape ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name internal,remove,child,shape


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 85.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name internal,remove,child,shape,by,index


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape by index ( swig c ptr , this , child shapeindex ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape by index ( swig c ptr , this , child shapeindex ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape by index ( swig c ptr , this , child shapeindex ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape by index ( swig c ptr , this , child shapeindex ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape by index ( swig c ptr , this , child shapeindex ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape by index ( swig c ptr , this , child shapeindex ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape by index ( swig c ptr , this , child shapeindex ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape by index ( swig c ptr , this , child shapeindex ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape by index ( swig c ptr , this , child shapeindex ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 17.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape by index ( swig c ptr , this , child shapeindex ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape by index ( swig c ptr , this , child shapeindex ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 17.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape by index ( swig c ptr , this , child shapeindex ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape by index ( swig c ptr , this , child shapeindex ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 17.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape internal remove child shape by index ( swig c ptr , this , child shapeindex ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,num,child,shapes


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get num child shapes ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get num child shapes ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get num child shapes ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get num child shapes ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get num child shapes ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 100.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get num child shapes ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get num child shapes ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 76.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get num child shapes ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get num child shapes ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get num child shapes ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,child,transform


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name update,child,transform


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform , should recalculate local aabb ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform , should recalculate local aabb ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform , should recalculate local aabb ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform , should recalculate local aabb ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform , should recalculate local aabb ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 85.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform , should recalculate local aabb ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform , should recalculate local aabb ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform , should recalculate local aabb ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name update,child,transform


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 88.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape update child transform swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , child index , new child transform ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,child,list


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get child list ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt compound shape child ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get child list ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt compound shape child ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get child list ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt compound shape child ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get child list ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt compound shape child ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get child list ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt compound shape child ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 92.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get child list ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt compound shape child ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get child list ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt compound shape child ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get child list ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt compound shape child ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name recalculate,local,aabb


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape recalculate local aabb ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 12.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape recalculate local aabb ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape recalculate local aabb ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape recalculate local aabb ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape recalculate local aabb ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 87.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape recalculate local aabb ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape recalculate local aabb ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape recalculate local aabb ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,dynamic,aabb,tree


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get dynamic aabb tree swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt dbvt ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get dynamic aabb tree swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt dbvt ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get dynamic aabb tree swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt dbvt ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get dynamic aabb tree swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt dbvt ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get dynamic aabb tree swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt dbvt ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 100.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get dynamic aabb tree swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt dbvt ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get dynamic aabb tree swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt dbvt ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 39.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get dynamic aabb tree swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt dbvt ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get dynamic aabb tree swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt dbvt ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt compound shape get dynamic aabb tree swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt dbvt ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name create,aabb,tree,from,children


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape create aabb tree from children ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape create aabb tree from children ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape create aabb tree from children ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape create aabb tree from children ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape create aabb tree from children ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape create aabb tree from children ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape create aabb tree from children ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 91.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape create aabb tree from children ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape create aabb tree from children ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape create aabb tree from children ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape create aabb tree from children ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt compound shape create aabb tree from children ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name calculate,principal,axis,transform


<SENTENCE_START> { assert masses . is direct ( ) : "Buffer must be allocated direct." ; { collision jni . bt compound shape calculate principal axis transform ( swig c ptr , this , masses , principal , inertia ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 15.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert masses . is direct ( ) : "Buffer must be allocated direct." ; { collision jni . bt compound shape calculate principal axis transform ( swig c ptr , this , masses , principal , inertia ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert masses . is direct ( ) : "Buffer must be allocated direct." ; { collision jni . bt compound shape calculate principal axis transform ( swig c ptr , this , masses , principal , inertia ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert masses . is direct ( ) : "Buffer must be allocated direct." ; { collision jni . bt compound shape calculate principal axis transform ( swig c ptr , this , masses , principal , inertia ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert masses . is direct ( ) : "Buffer must be allocated direct." ; { collision jni . bt compound shape calculate principal axis transform ( swig c ptr , this , masses , principal , inertia ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert masses . is direct ( ) : "Buffer must be allocated direct." ; { collision jni . bt compound shape calculate principal axis transform ( swig c ptr , this , masses , principal , inertia ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert masses . is direct ( ) : "Buffer must be allocated direct." ; { collision jni . bt compound shape calculate principal axis transform ( swig c ptr , this , masses , principal , inertia ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 80.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert masses . is direct ( ) : "Buffer must be allocated direct." ; { collision jni . bt compound shape calculate principal axis transform ( swig c ptr , this , masses , principal , inertia ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert masses . is direct ( ) : "Buffer must be allocated direct." ; { collision jni . bt compound shape calculate principal axis transform ( swig c ptr , this , masses , principal , inertia ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert masses . is direct ( ) : "Buffer must be allocated direct." ; { collision jni . bt compound shape calculate principal axis transform ( swig c ptr , this , masses , principal , inertia ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,update,revision


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get update revision ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get update revision ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get update revision ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get update revision ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get update revision ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 80.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get update revision ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get update revision ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt compound shape get update revision ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,c,ptr


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name fill


<SENTENCE_START> { position = 0 ; limit = in . read ( buffer ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { position = 0 ; limit = in . read ( buffer ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { position = 0 ; limit = in . read ( buffer ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { position = 0 ; limit = in . read ( buffer ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name read,line


<SENTENCE_START> { string builder sb = new string builder ( ) ; while ( true ) { if ( position >= limit ) { fill ( ) ; } if ( position >= limit ) { return sb . length ( ) == 0 ? null : sb . to string ( ) ; } for ( int i = position ; i < limit ; ++ i ) { if ( buffer [ i ] == '|r' ) { sb . append ( buffer , position , i - position ) ; position = i + 1 ; if ( i + 1 < limit ) { if ( buffer [ i + 1 ] == '|n' ) { position = i + 2 ; } } else { fill ( ) ; if ( buffer [ position ] == '|n' ) { position += 1 ; } } return sb . to string ( ) ; } else if ( buffer [ i ] == '|n' ) { sb . append ( buffer , position , i - position ) ; position = i + 1 ; return sb . to string ( ) ; } } sb . append ( buffer , position , limit - position ) ; position = limit ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { string builder sb = new string builder ( ) ; while ( true ) { if ( position >= limit ) { fill ( ) ; } if ( position >= limit ) { return sb . length ( ) == 0 ? null : sb . to string ( ) ; } for ( int i = position ; i < limit ; ++ i ) { if ( buffer [ i ] == '|r' ) { sb . append ( buffer , position , i - position ) ; position = i + 1 ; if ( i + 1 < limit ) { if ( buffer [ i + 1 ] == '|n' ) { position = i + 2 ; } } else { fill ( ) ; if ( buffer [ position ] == '|n' ) { position += 1 ; } } return sb . to string ( ) ; } else if ( buffer [ i ] == '|n' ) { sb . append ( buffer , position , i - position ) ; position = i + 1 ; return sb . to string ( ) ; } } sb . append ( buffer , position , limit - position ) ; position = limit ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { string builder sb = new string builder ( ) ; while ( true ) { if ( position >= limit ) { fill ( ) ; } if ( position >= limit ) { return sb . length ( ) == 0 ? null : sb . to string ( ) ; } for ( int i = position ; i < limit ; ++ i ) { if ( buffer [ i ] == '|r' ) { sb . append ( buffer , position , i - position ) ; position = i + 1 ; if ( i + 1 < limit ) { if ( buffer [ i + 1 ] == '|n' ) { position = i + 2 ; } } else { fill ( ) ; if ( buffer [ position ] == '|n' ) { position += 1 ; } } return sb . to string ( ) ; } else if ( buffer [ i ] == '|n' ) { sb . append ( buffer , position , i - position ) ; position = i + 1 ; return sb . to string ( ) ; } } sb . append ( buffer , position , limit - position ) ; position = limit ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { string builder sb = new string builder ( ) ; while ( true ) { if ( position >= limit ) { fill ( ) ; } if ( position >= limit ) { return sb . length ( ) == 0 ? null : sb . to string ( ) ; } for ( int i = position ; i < limit ; ++ i ) { if ( buffer [ i ] == '|r' ) { sb . append ( buffer , position , i - position ) ; position = i + 1 ; if ( i + 1 < limit ) { if ( buffer [ i + 1 ] == '|n' ) { position = i + 2 ; } } else { fill ( ) ; if ( buffer [ position ] == '|n' ) { position += 1 ; } } return sb . to string ( ) ; } else if ( buffer [ i ] == '|n' ) { sb . append ( buffer , position , i - position ) ; position = i + 1 ; return sb . to string ( ) ; } } sb . append ( buffer , position , limit - position ) ; position = limit ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { string builder sb = new string builder ( ) ; while ( true ) { if ( position >= limit ) { fill ( ) ; } if ( position >= limit ) { return sb . length ( ) == 0 ? null : sb . to string ( ) ; } for ( int i = position ; i < limit ; ++ i ) { if ( buffer [ i ] == '|r' ) { sb . append ( buffer , position , i - position ) ; position = i + 1 ; if ( i + 1 < limit ) { if ( buffer [ i + 1 ] == '|n' ) { position = i + 2 ; } } else { fill ( ) ; if ( buffer [ position ] == '|n' ) { position += 1 ; } } return sb . to string ( ) ; } else if ( buffer [ i ] == '|n' ) { sb . append ( buffer , position , i - position ) ; position = i + 1 ; return sb . to string ( ) ; } } sb . append ( buffer , position , limit - position ) ; position = limit ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { string builder sb = new string builder ( ) ; while ( true ) { if ( position >= limit ) { fill ( ) ; } if ( position >= limit ) { return sb . length ( ) == 0 ? null : sb . to string ( ) ; } for ( int i = position ; i < limit ; ++ i ) { if ( buffer [ i ] == '|r' ) { sb . append ( buffer , position , i - position ) ; position = i + 1 ; if ( i + 1 < limit ) { if ( buffer [ i + 1 ] == '|n' ) { position = i + 2 ; } } else { fill ( ) ; if ( buffer [ position ] == '|n' ) { position += 1 ; } } return sb . to string ( ) ; } else if ( buffer [ i ] == '|n' ) { sb . append ( buffer , position , i - position ) ; position = i + 1 ; return sb . to string ( ) ; } } sb . append ( buffer , position , limit - position ) ; position = limit ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name read


<SENTENCE_START> { int count = 0 ; if ( position >= limit && length < buffer . length ) { fill ( ) ; } if ( position < limit ) { int remaining = limit - position ; if ( remaining > length ) { remaining = length ; } system . arraycopy ( buffer , position , b , offset , remaining ) ; count += remaining ; position += remaining ; offset += remaining ; length -= remaining ; } if ( length > 0 ) { int c = in . %SELF% ( b , offset , length ) ; if ( c == - 1 ) { if ( count == 0 ) { count = - 1 ; } } else { count += c ; } } return count ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int count = 0 ; if ( position >= limit && length < buffer . length ) { fill ( ) ; } if ( position < limit ) { int remaining = limit - position ; if ( remaining > length ) { remaining = length ; } system . arraycopy ( buffer , position , b , offset , remaining ) ; count += remaining ; position += remaining ; offset += remaining ; length -= remaining ; } if ( length > 0 ) { int c = in . %SELF% ( b , offset , length ) ; if ( c == - 1 ) { if ( count == 0 ) { count = - 1 ; } } else { count += c ; } } return count ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int count = 0 ; if ( position >= limit && length < buffer . length ) { fill ( ) ; } if ( position < limit ) { int remaining = limit - position ; if ( remaining > length ) { remaining = length ; } system . arraycopy ( buffer , position , b , offset , remaining ) ; count += remaining ; position += remaining ; offset += remaining ; length -= remaining ; } if ( length > 0 ) { int c = in . %SELF% ( b , offset , length ) ; if ( c == - 1 ) { if ( count == 0 ) { count = - 1 ; } } else { count += c ; } } return count ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int count = 0 ; if ( position >= limit && length < buffer . length ) { fill ( ) ; } if ( position < limit ) { int remaining = limit - position ; if ( remaining > length ) { remaining = length ; } system . arraycopy ( buffer , position , b , offset , remaining ) ; count += remaining ; position += remaining ; offset += remaining ; length -= remaining ; } if ( length > 0 ) { int c = in . %SELF% ( b , offset , length ) ; if ( c == - 1 ) { if ( count == 0 ) { count = - 1 ; } } else { count += c ; } } return count ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name close



(Copy Probability: 0.3%)




(Copy Probability: 0.1%)


Original Name main


<SENTENCE_START> { new native code generator ( ) . generate ( "src/" , "bin/" , "jni/" ) ; build config build config = new build config ( "gdx-controllers-desktop" ) ; string [ ] windows src = { "*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/win32/*.cpp" } ; string [ ] linux src = { "*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/linux/*.cpp" } ; string [ ] mac 64 src = { "*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/mac/*.mm" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/mac/MacHIDManager.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/mac/MacJoyStick.cpp" } ; string [ ] includes = new string [ ] { "ois-v1-4svn/includes" , "dinput/" } ; build target win 32 home = build target . new default target ( target os . windows , false ) ; win 32 home . build file name = "build-windows32home.xml" ; win 32 home . exclude from master build file = true ; win 32 home . is 64 bit = false ; win 32 home . compiler prefix = "" ; win 32 home . cpp includes = windows src ; win 32 home . header dirs = includes ; win 32 home . c includes = new string [ 0 ] ; win 32 home . libraries = "-ldinput8 -ldxguid" ; build target win 32 = build target . new default target ( target os . windows , false ) ; win 32 . cpp includes = windows src ; win 32 . header dirs = includes ; win 32 . libraries = "-ldinput8 -ldxguid" ; build target win 64 = build target . new default target ( target os . windows , true ) ; win 64 . cpp includes = windows src ; win 64 . header dirs = includes ; win 64 . libraries = "-ldinput8 -ldxguid" ; build target lin 32 = build target . new default target ( target os . linux , false ) ; lin 32 . cpp includes = linux src ; lin 32 . header dirs = includes ; lin 32 . libraries = "-lX11" ; build target lin 64 = build target . new default target ( target os . linux , true ) ; lin 64 . cpp includes = linux src ; lin 64 . header dirs = includes ; lin 64 . libraries = "-lX11" ; build target mac = build target . new default target ( target os . mac os x , false ) ; mac . cpp includes = mac 64 src ; mac . header dirs = includes ; mac . cpp flags += " -x objective-c++" ; mac . libraries = "-framework CoreServices -framework Carbon -framework IOKit -framework Cocoa" ; build target mac 64 = build target . new default target ( target os . mac os x , true ) ; mac 64 . cpp includes = mac 64 src ; mac 64 . header dirs = includes ; mac 64 . cpp flags += " -x objective-c++" ; mac 64 . libraries = "-framework CoreServices -framework Carbon -framework IOKit -framework Cocoa" ; new ant script generator ( ) . generate ( build config , win 32 home , win 32 , win 64 , lin 32 , lin 64 , mac , mac 64 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { new native code generator ( ) . generate ( "src/" , "bin/" , "jni/" ) ; build config build config = new build config ( "gdx-controllers-desktop" ) ; string [ ] windows src = { "*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/win32/*.cpp" } ; string [ ] linux src = { "*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/linux/*.cpp" } ; string [ ] mac 64 src = { "*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/mac/*.mm" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/mac/MacHIDManager.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/mac/MacJoyStick.cpp" } ; string [ ] includes = new string [ ] { "ois-v1-4svn/includes" , "dinput/" } ; build target win 32 home = build target . new default target ( target os . windows , false ) ; win 32 home . build file name = "build-windows32home.xml" ; win 32 home . exclude from master build file = true ; win 32 home . is 64 bit = false ; win 32 home . compiler prefix = "" ; win 32 home . cpp includes = windows src ; win 32 home . header dirs = includes ; win 32 home . c includes = new string [ 0 ] ; win 32 home . libraries = "-ldinput8 -ldxguid" ; build target win 32 = build target . new default target ( target os . windows , false ) ; win 32 . cpp includes = windows src ; win 32 . header dirs = includes ; win 32 . libraries = "-ldinput8 -ldxguid" ; build target win 64 = build target . new default target ( target os . windows , true ) ; win 64 . cpp includes = windows src ; win 64 . header dirs = includes ; win 64 . libraries = "-ldinput8 -ldxguid" ; build target lin 32 = build target . new default target ( target os . linux , false ) ; lin 32 . cpp includes = linux src ; lin 32 . header dirs = includes ; lin 32 . libraries = "-lX11" ; build target lin 64 = build target . new default target ( target os . linux , true ) ; lin 64 . cpp includes = linux src ; lin 64 . header dirs = includes ; lin 64 . libraries = "-lX11" ; build target mac = build target . new default target ( target os . mac os x , false ) ; mac . cpp includes = mac 64 src ; mac . header dirs = includes ; mac . cpp flags += " -x objective-c++" ; mac . libraries = "-framework CoreServices -framework Carbon -framework IOKit -framework Cocoa" ; build target mac 64 = build target . new default target ( target os . mac os x , true ) ; mac 64 . cpp includes = mac 64 src ; mac 64 . header dirs = includes ; mac 64 . cpp flags += " -x objective-c++" ; mac 64 . libraries = "-framework CoreServices -framework Carbon -framework IOKit -framework Cocoa" ; new ant script generator ( ) . generate ( build config , win 32 home , win 32 , win 64 , lin 32 , lin 64 , mac , mac 64 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { new native code generator ( ) . generate ( "src/" , "bin/" , "jni/" ) ; build config build config = new build config ( "gdx-controllers-desktop" ) ; string [ ] windows src = { "*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/win32/*.cpp" } ; string [ ] linux src = { "*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/linux/*.cpp" } ; string [ ] mac 64 src = { "*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/mac/*.mm" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/mac/MacHIDManager.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/mac/MacJoyStick.cpp" } ; string [ ] includes = new string [ ] { "ois-v1-4svn/includes" , "dinput/" } ; build target win 32 home = build target . new default target ( target os . windows , false ) ; win 32 home . build file name = "build-windows32home.xml" ; win 32 home . exclude from master build file = true ; win 32 home . is 64 bit = false ; win 32 home . compiler prefix = "" ; win 32 home . cpp includes = windows src ; win 32 home . header dirs = includes ; win 32 home . c includes = new string [ 0 ] ; win 32 home . libraries = "-ldinput8 -ldxguid" ; build target win 32 = build target . new default target ( target os . windows , false ) ; win 32 . cpp includes = windows src ; win 32 . header dirs = includes ; win 32 . libraries = "-ldinput8 -ldxguid" ; build target win 64 = build target . new default target ( target os . windows , true ) ; win 64 . cpp includes = windows src ; win 64 . header dirs = includes ; win 64 . libraries = "-ldinput8 -ldxguid" ; build target lin 32 = build target . new default target ( target os . linux , false ) ; lin 32 . cpp includes = linux src ; lin 32 . header dirs = includes ; lin 32 . libraries = "-lX11" ; build target lin 64 = build target . new default target ( target os . linux , true ) ; lin 64 . cpp includes = linux src ; lin 64 . header dirs = includes ; lin 64 . libraries = "-lX11" ; build target mac = build target . new default target ( target os . mac os x , false ) ; mac . cpp includes = mac 64 src ; mac . header dirs = includes ; mac . cpp flags += " -x objective-c++" ; mac . libraries = "-framework CoreServices -framework Carbon -framework IOKit -framework Cocoa" ; build target mac 64 = build target . new default target ( target os . mac os x , true ) ; mac 64 . cpp includes = mac 64 src ; mac 64 . header dirs = includes ; mac 64 . cpp flags += " -x objective-c++" ; mac 64 . libraries = "-framework CoreServices -framework Carbon -framework IOKit -framework Cocoa" ; new ant script generator ( ) . generate ( build config , win 32 home , win 32 , win 64 , lin 32 , lin 64 , mac , mac 64 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { new native code generator ( ) . generate ( "src/" , "bin/" , "jni/" ) ; build config build config = new build config ( "gdx-controllers-desktop" ) ; string [ ] windows src = { "*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/win32/*.cpp" } ; string [ ] linux src = { "*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/linux/*.cpp" } ; string [ ] mac 64 src = { "*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/*.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/mac/*.mm" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/mac/MacHIDManager.cpp" , "ois-v1-4svn/src/mac/MacJoyStick.cpp" } ; string [ ] includes = new string [ ] { "ois-v1-4svn/includes" , "dinput/" } ; build target win 32 home = build target . new default target ( target os . windows , false ) ; win 32 home . build file name = "build-windows32home.xml" ; win 32 home . exclude from master build file = true ; win 32 home . is 64 bit = false ; win 32 home . compiler prefix = "" ; win 32 home . cpp includes = windows src ; win 32 home . header dirs = includes ; win 32 home . c includes = new string [ 0 ] ; win 32 home . libraries = "-ldinput8 -ldxguid" ; build target win 32 = build target . new default target ( target os . windows , false ) ; win 32 . cpp includes = windows src ; win 32 . header dirs = includes ; win 32 . libraries = "-ldinput8 -ldxguid" ; build target win 64 = build target . new default target ( target os . windows , true ) ; win 64 . cpp includes = windows src ; win 64 . header dirs = includes ; win 64 . libraries = "-ldinput8 -ldxguid" ; build target lin 32 = build target . new default target ( target os . linux , false ) ; lin 32 . cpp includes = linux src ; lin 32 . header dirs = includes ; lin 32 . libraries = "-lX11" ; build target lin 64 = build target . new default target ( target os . linux , true ) ; lin 64 . cpp includes = linux src ; lin 64 . header dirs = includes ; lin 64 . libraries = "-lX11" ; build target mac = build target . new default target ( target os . mac os x , false ) ; mac . cpp includes = mac 64 src ; mac . header dirs = includes ; mac . cpp flags += " -x objective-c++" ; mac . libraries = "-framework CoreServices -framework Carbon -framework IOKit -framework Cocoa" ; build target mac 64 = build target . new default target ( target os . mac os x , true ) ; mac 64 . cpp includes = mac 64 src ; mac 64 . header dirs = includes ; mac 64 . cpp flags += " -x objective-c++" ; mac 64 . libraries = "-framework CoreServices -framework Carbon -framework IOKit -framework Cocoa" ; new ant script generator ( ) . generate ( build config , win 32 home , win 32 , win 64 , lin 32 , lin 64 , mac , mac 64 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,c,ptr


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,lower,limit


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 92.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,lower,limit


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 91.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor lower limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,upper,limit


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 91.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,upper,limit


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 90.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor upper limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,accumulated,impulse


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,accumulated,impulse


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor accumulated impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,limit,softness


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 58.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,limit,softness


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 75.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor limit softness get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,damping


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor damping set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor damping set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor damping set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor damping set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor damping set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor damping set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,damping


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor damping get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor damping get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor damping get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor damping get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor damping get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor damping get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,restitution


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor restitution set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor restitution set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor restitution set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor restitution set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor restitution set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor restitution set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,restitution


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor restitution get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor restitution get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor restitution get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor restitution get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor restitution get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor restitution get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,normal,cfm


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 77.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,normal,cfm


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 68.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor normal cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,stop,erp


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 74.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,stop,erp


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 67.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,stop,cfm


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 75.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,stop,cfm


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 69.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor stop cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,enable,motor


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 75.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,enable,motor


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 89.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor enable motor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,target,velocity


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,target,velocity


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 94.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor target velocity get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,max,motor,force


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 80.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,max,motor,force


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 76.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor max motor force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,current,limit,error


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 63.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,current,limit,error


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 64.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit error get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,current,linear,diff


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 46.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,current,linear,diff


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 42.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current linear diff get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,current,limit


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 60.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,current,limit


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 78.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor current limit get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name is,limited


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor is limited ( swig c ptr , this , limit index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor is limited ( swig c ptr , this , limit index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor is limited ( swig c ptr , this , limit index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor is limited ( swig c ptr , this , limit index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor is limited ( swig c ptr , this , limit index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor is limited ( swig c ptr , this , limit index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name need,apply,force


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor need apply force ( swig c ptr , this , limit index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor need apply force ( swig c ptr , this , limit index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor need apply force ( swig c ptr , this , limit index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor need apply force ( swig c ptr , this , limit index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor need apply force ( swig c ptr , this , limit index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 88.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor need apply force ( swig c ptr , this , limit index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor need apply force ( swig c ptr , this , limit index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor need apply force ( swig c ptr , this , limit index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name test,limit,value


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor test limit value ( swig c ptr , this , limit index , test value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor test limit value ( swig c ptr , this , limit index , test value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor test limit value ( swig c ptr , this , limit index , test value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor test limit value ( swig c ptr , this , limit index , test value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor test limit value ( swig c ptr , this , limit index , test value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 35.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor test limit value ( swig c ptr , this , limit index , test value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor test limit value ( swig c ptr , this , limit index , test value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor test limit value ( swig c ptr , this , limit index , test value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name solve,linear,axis


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor solve linear axis ( swig c ptr , this , time step , jac diag ab inv , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 , point in a , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 2 ) , body 2 , point in b , limit index , axis normal on a , anchor pos ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 16.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor solve linear axis ( swig c ptr , this , time step , jac diag ab inv , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 , point in a , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 2 ) , body 2 , point in b , limit index , axis normal on a , anchor pos ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor solve linear axis ( swig c ptr , this , time step , jac diag ab inv , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 , point in a , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 2 ) , body 2 , point in b , limit index , axis normal on a , anchor pos ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor solve linear axis ( swig c ptr , this , time step , jac diag ab inv , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 , point in a , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 2 ) , body 2 , point in b , limit index , axis normal on a , anchor pos ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor solve linear axis ( swig c ptr , this , time step , jac diag ab inv , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 , point in a , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 2 ) , body 2 , point in b , limit index , axis normal on a , anchor pos ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 92.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor solve linear axis ( swig c ptr , this , time step , jac diag ab inv , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 , point in a , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 2 ) , body 2 , point in b , limit index , axis normal on a , anchor pos ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor solve linear axis ( swig c ptr , this , time step , jac diag ab inv , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 , point in a , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 2 ) , body 2 , point in b , limit index , axis normal on a , anchor pos ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt translational limit motor solve linear axis ( swig c ptr , this , time step , jac diag ab inv , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 , point in a , bt rigid body . get c ptr ( body 2 ) , body 2 , point in b , limit index , axis normal on a , anchor pos ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,style


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! ( style instanceof check box style ) ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "style must be a CheckBoxStyle." ) ; super . %SELF% ( style ) ; this . style = ( check box style ) style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! ( style instanceof check box style ) ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "style must be a CheckBoxStyle." ) ; super . %SELF% ( style ) ; this . style = ( check box style ) style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! ( style instanceof check box style ) ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "style must be a CheckBoxStyle." ) ; super . %SELF% ( style ) ; this . style = ( check box style ) style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 69.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! ( style instanceof check box style ) ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "style must be a CheckBoxStyle." ) ; super . %SELF% ( style ) ; this . style = ( check box style ) style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! ( style instanceof check box style ) ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "style must be a CheckBoxStyle." ) ; super . %SELF% ( style ) ; this . style = ( check box style ) style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! ( style instanceof check box style ) ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "style must be a CheckBoxStyle." ) ; super . %SELF% ( style ) ; this . style = ( check box style ) style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,style


<SENTENCE_START> { return style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return style ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name draw


<SENTENCE_START> { drawable checkbox = null ; if ( is disabled ( ) ) { if ( is checked && style . checkbox on disabled != null ) checkbox = style . checkbox on disabled ; else checkbox = style . checkbox off disabled ; } if ( checkbox == null ) { if ( is checked && style . checkbox on != null ) checkbox = style . checkbox on ; else if ( is over ( ) && style . checkbox over != null && ! is disabled ( ) ) checkbox = style . checkbox over ; else checkbox = style . checkbox off ; } image . set drawable ( checkbox ) ; super . %SELF% ( batch , parent alpha ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { drawable checkbox = null ; if ( is disabled ( ) ) { if ( is checked && style . checkbox on disabled != null ) checkbox = style . checkbox on disabled ; else checkbox = style . checkbox off disabled ; } if ( checkbox == null ) { if ( is checked && style . checkbox on != null ) checkbox = style . checkbox on ; else if ( is over ( ) && style . checkbox over != null && ! is disabled ( ) ) checkbox = style . checkbox over ; else checkbox = style . checkbox off ; } image . set drawable ( checkbox ) ; super . %SELF% ( batch , parent alpha ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { drawable checkbox = null ; if ( is disabled ( ) ) { if ( is checked && style . checkbox on disabled != null ) checkbox = style . checkbox on disabled ; else checkbox = style . checkbox off disabled ; } if ( checkbox == null ) { if ( is checked && style . checkbox on != null ) checkbox = style . checkbox on ; else if ( is over ( ) && style . checkbox over != null && ! is disabled ( ) ) checkbox = style . checkbox over ; else checkbox = style . checkbox off ; } image . set drawable ( checkbox ) ; super . %SELF% ( batch , parent alpha ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 66.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { drawable checkbox = null ; if ( is disabled ( ) ) { if ( is checked && style . checkbox on disabled != null ) checkbox = style . checkbox on disabled ; else checkbox = style . checkbox off disabled ; } if ( checkbox == null ) { if ( is checked && style . checkbox on != null ) checkbox = style . checkbox on ; else if ( is over ( ) && style . checkbox over != null && ! is disabled ( ) ) checkbox = style . checkbox over ; else checkbox = style . checkbox off ; } image . set drawable ( checkbox ) ; super . %SELF% ( batch , parent alpha ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,image


<SENTENCE_START> { return image ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return image ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return image ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return image ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return image ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return image ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,image,cell


<SENTENCE_START> { return image cell ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return image cell ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return image cell ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return image cell ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return image cell ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return image cell ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return image cell ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return image cell ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,c,ptr


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,c,ptr


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,compound,shape


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape set ( swig c ptr , this , bt g impact compound shape . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape set ( swig c ptr , this , bt g impact compound shape . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape set ( swig c ptr , this , bt g impact compound shape . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape set ( swig c ptr , this , bt g impact compound shape . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape set ( swig c ptr , this , bt g impact compound shape . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape set ( swig c ptr , this , bt g impact compound shape . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape set ( swig c ptr , this , bt g impact compound shape . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 70.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape set ( swig c ptr , this , bt g impact compound shape . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,compound,shape


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 72.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape compound primitive manager compound shape get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,compound,primitive,manager


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get compound primitive manager ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape . compound primitive manager ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get compound primitive manager ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape . compound primitive manager ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get compound primitive manager ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape . compound primitive manager ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get compound primitive manager ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape . compound primitive manager ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get compound primitive manager ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape . compound primitive manager ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get compound primitive manager ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape . compound primitive manager ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get compound primitive manager ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape . compound primitive manager ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 62.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get compound primitive manager ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape . compound primitive manager ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get compound primitive manager ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape . compound primitive manager ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get compound primitive manager ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt g impact compound shape . compound primitive manager ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,child,shape


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 19.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , local transform , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,child,shape


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 18.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt g impact compound shape add child shape swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision shape . get c ptr ( shape ) , shape ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,child,shape


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : bt collision shape . new derived object ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : bt collision shape . new derived object ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : bt collision shape . new derived object ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : bt collision shape . new derived object ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : bt collision shape . new derived object ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : bt collision shape . new derived object ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : bt collision shape . new derived object ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 19.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt g impact compound shape get child shape swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : bt collision shape . new derived object ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,attribute,type


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < types . size ; i ++ ) if ( types . get ( i ) . compare to ( alias ) == 0 ) return 1L << i ; return 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < types . size ; i ++ ) if ( types . get ( i ) . compare to ( alias ) == 0 ) return 1L << i ; return 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < types . size ; i ++ ) if ( types . get ( i ) . compare to ( alias ) == 0 ) return 1L << i ; return 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 12.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < types . size ; i ++ ) if ( types . get ( i ) . compare to ( alias ) == 0 ) return 1L << i ; return 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < types . size ; i ++ ) if ( types . get ( i ) . compare to ( alias ) == 0 ) return 1L << i ; return 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < types . size ; i ++ ) if ( types . get ( i ) . compare to ( alias ) == 0 ) return 1L << i ; return 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < types . size ; i ++ ) if ( types . get ( i ) . compare to ( alias ) == 0 ) return 1L << i ; return 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < types . size ; i ++ ) if ( types . get ( i ) . compare to ( alias ) == 0 ) return 1L << i ; return 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,attribute,alias


<SENTENCE_START> { int idx = - 1 ; while ( type != 0 && ++ idx < 63 && ( ( ( type >> idx ) & 1 ) == 0 ) ) ; return ( idx >= 0 && idx < types . size ) ? types . get ( idx ) : null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int idx = - 1 ; while ( type != 0 && ++ idx < 63 && ( ( ( type >> idx ) & 1 ) == 0 ) ) ; return ( idx >= 0 && idx < types . size ) ? types . get ( idx ) : null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int idx = - 1 ; while ( type != 0 && ++ idx < 63 && ( ( ( type >> idx ) & 1 ) == 0 ) ) ; return ( idx >= 0 && idx < types . size ) ? types . get ( idx ) : null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int idx = - 1 ; while ( type != 0 && ++ idx < 63 && ( ( ( type >> idx ) & 1 ) == 0 ) ) ; return ( idx >= 0 && idx < types . size ) ? types . get ( idx ) : null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int idx = - 1 ; while ( type != 0 && ++ idx < 63 && ( ( ( type >> idx ) & 1 ) == 0 ) ) ; return ( idx >= 0 && idx < types . size ) ? types . get ( idx ) : null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int idx = - 1 ; while ( type != 0 && ++ idx < 63 && ( ( ( type >> idx ) & 1 ) == 0 ) ) ; return ( idx >= 0 && idx < types . size ) ? types . get ( idx ) : null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int idx = - 1 ; while ( type != 0 && ++ idx < 63 && ( ( ( type >> idx ) & 1 ) == 0 ) ) ; return ( idx >= 0 && idx < types . size ) ? types . get ( idx ) : null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int idx = - 1 ; while ( type != 0 && ++ idx < 63 && ( ( ( type >> idx ) & 1 ) == 0 ) ) ; return ( idx >= 0 && idx < types . size ) ? types . get ( idx ) : null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name register


<SENTENCE_START> { long result = get attribute type ( alias ) ; if ( result > 0 ) return result ; types . add ( alias ) ; return 1L << ( types . size - 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long result = get attribute type ( alias ) ; if ( result > 0 ) return result ; types . add ( alias ) ; return 1L << ( types . size - 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long result = get attribute type ( alias ) ; if ( result > 0 ) return result ; types . add ( alias ) ; return 1L << ( types . size - 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 14.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long result = get attribute type ( alias ) ; if ( result > 0 ) return result ; types . add ( alias ) ; return 1L << ( types . size - 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name equals


<SENTENCE_START> { return other . hash code ( ) == hash code ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return other . hash code ( ) == hash code ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return other . hash code ( ) == hash code ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return other . hash code ( ) == hash code ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name copy


<SENTENCE_START> { read only int array buffer buf = new read only int array buffer ( other . capacity ( ) , other . backing array , other . offset ) ; buf . limit = other . limit ( ) ; buf . position = other . position ( ) ; buf . mark = mark of other ; return buf ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { read only int array buffer buf = new read only int array buffer ( other . capacity ( ) , other . backing array , other . offset ) ; buf . limit = other . limit ( ) ; buf . position = other . position ( ) ; buf . mark = mark of other ; return buf ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { read only int array buffer buf = new read only int array buffer ( other . capacity ( ) , other . backing array , other . offset ) ; buf . limit = other . limit ( ) ; buf . position = other . position ( ) ; buf . mark = mark of other ; return buf ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { read only int array buffer buf = new read only int array buffer ( other . capacity ( ) , other . backing array , other . offset ) ; buf . limit = other . limit ( ) ; buf . position = other . position ( ) ; buf . mark = mark of other ; return buf ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name as,read,only,buffer


<SENTENCE_START> { return duplicate ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return duplicate ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return duplicate ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return duplicate ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return duplicate ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return duplicate ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return duplicate ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return duplicate ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return duplicate ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return duplicate ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name compact


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name duplicate


<SENTENCE_START> { return copy ( this , mark ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return copy ( this , mark ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return copy ( this , mark ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return copy ( this , mark ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name is,read,only


<SENTENCE_START> { return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name protected,array


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name protected,array,offset


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name protected,has,array


<SENTENCE_START> { return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name put


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name put


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name put


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name put


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throw new read only buffer exception ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name slice


<SENTENCE_START> { return new read only int array buffer ( remaining ( ) , backing array , offset + position ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return new read only int array buffer ( remaining ( ) , backing array , offset + position ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return new read only int array buffer ( remaining ( ) , backing array , offset + position ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return new read only int array buffer ( remaining ( ) , backing array , offset + position ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name left


<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is button pressed ( buttons . left ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is button pressed ( buttons . left ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is button pressed ( buttons . left ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 32.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is button pressed ( buttons . left ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name left


<SENTENCE_START> { return button == buttons . left ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return button == buttons . left ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return button == buttons . left ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return button == buttons . left ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name right


<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is button pressed ( buttons . right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is button pressed ( buttons . right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is button pressed ( buttons . right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 36.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is button pressed ( buttons . right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name right


<SENTENCE_START> { return button == buttons . right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return button == buttons . right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return button == buttons . right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 17.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return button == buttons . right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name middle


<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is button pressed ( buttons . middle ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is button pressed ( buttons . middle ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is button pressed ( buttons . middle ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 58.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is button pressed ( buttons . middle ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name middle


<SENTENCE_START> { return button == buttons . middle ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return button == buttons . middle ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return button == buttons . middle ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 38.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return button == buttons . middle ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name shift


<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift left ) || gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift left ) || gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift left ) || gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift left ) || gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . shift right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name shift


<SENTENCE_START> { return keycode == keys . shift left || keycode == keys . shift right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return keycode == keys . shift left || keycode == keys . shift right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return keycode == keys . shift left || keycode == keys . shift right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return keycode == keys . shift left || keycode == keys . shift right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name ctrl


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( is mac ) return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . sym ) ; else return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . control left ) || gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . control right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( is mac ) return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . sym ) ; else return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . control left ) || gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . control right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( is mac ) return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . sym ) ; else return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . control left ) || gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . control right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( is mac ) return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . sym ) ; else return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . control left ) || gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . control right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name ctrl


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( is mac ) return keycode == keys . sym ; else return keycode == keys . control left || keycode == keys . control right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( is mac ) return keycode == keys . sym ; else return keycode == keys . control left || keycode == keys . control right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( is mac ) return keycode == keys . sym ; else return keycode == keys . control left || keycode == keys . control right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( is mac ) return keycode == keys . sym ; else return keycode == keys . control left || keycode == keys . control right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name alt


<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . alt left ) || gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . alt right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . alt left ) || gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . alt right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . alt left ) || gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . alt right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . alt left ) || gdx . input . is key pressed ( keys . alt right ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name alt


<SENTENCE_START> { return keycode == keys . alt left || keycode == keys . alt right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return keycode == keys . alt left || keycode == keys . alt right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return keycode == keys . alt left || keycode == keys . alt right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return keycode == keys . alt left || keycode == keys . alt right ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name to,barycoord


<SENTENCE_START> { vector 2 v 0 = tmp 1 . set ( b ) . sub ( a ) ; vector 2 v 1 = tmp 2 . set ( c ) . sub ( a ) ; vector 2 v 2 = tmp 3 . set ( p ) . sub ( a ) ; float d 00 = v 0 . dot ( v 0 ) ; float d 01 = v 0 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float d 11 = v 1 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float d 20 = v 2 . dot ( v 0 ) ; float d 21 = v 2 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float denom = d 00 * d 11 - d 01 * d 01 ; barycentric out . x = ( d 11 * d 20 - d 01 * d 21 ) / denom ; barycentric out . y = ( d 00 * d 21 - d 01 * d 20 ) / denom ; return barycentric out ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { vector 2 v 0 = tmp 1 . set ( b ) . sub ( a ) ; vector 2 v 1 = tmp 2 . set ( c ) . sub ( a ) ; vector 2 v 2 = tmp 3 . set ( p ) . sub ( a ) ; float d 00 = v 0 . dot ( v 0 ) ; float d 01 = v 0 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float d 11 = v 1 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float d 20 = v 2 . dot ( v 0 ) ; float d 21 = v 2 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float denom = d 00 * d 11 - d 01 * d 01 ; barycentric out . x = ( d 11 * d 20 - d 01 * d 21 ) / denom ; barycentric out . y = ( d 00 * d 21 - d 01 * d 20 ) / denom ; return barycentric out ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { vector 2 v 0 = tmp 1 . set ( b ) . sub ( a ) ; vector 2 v 1 = tmp 2 . set ( c ) . sub ( a ) ; vector 2 v 2 = tmp 3 . set ( p ) . sub ( a ) ; float d 00 = v 0 . dot ( v 0 ) ; float d 01 = v 0 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float d 11 = v 1 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float d 20 = v 2 . dot ( v 0 ) ; float d 21 = v 2 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float denom = d 00 * d 11 - d 01 * d 01 ; barycentric out . x = ( d 11 * d 20 - d 01 * d 21 ) / denom ; barycentric out . y = ( d 00 * d 21 - d 01 * d 20 ) / denom ; return barycentric out ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 24.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { vector 2 v 0 = tmp 1 . set ( b ) . sub ( a ) ; vector 2 v 1 = tmp 2 . set ( c ) . sub ( a ) ; vector 2 v 2 = tmp 3 . set ( p ) . sub ( a ) ; float d 00 = v 0 . dot ( v 0 ) ; float d 01 = v 0 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float d 11 = v 1 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float d 20 = v 2 . dot ( v 0 ) ; float d 21 = v 2 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float denom = d 00 * d 11 - d 01 * d 01 ; barycentric out . x = ( d 11 * d 20 - d 01 * d 21 ) / denom ; barycentric out . y = ( d 00 * d 21 - d 01 * d 20 ) / denom ; return barycentric out ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { vector 2 v 0 = tmp 1 . set ( b ) . sub ( a ) ; vector 2 v 1 = tmp 2 . set ( c ) . sub ( a ) ; vector 2 v 2 = tmp 3 . set ( p ) . sub ( a ) ; float d 00 = v 0 . dot ( v 0 ) ; float d 01 = v 0 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float d 11 = v 1 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float d 20 = v 2 . dot ( v 0 ) ; float d 21 = v 2 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float denom = d 00 * d 11 - d 01 * d 01 ; barycentric out . x = ( d 11 * d 20 - d 01 * d 21 ) / denom ; barycentric out . y = ( d 00 * d 21 - d 01 * d 20 ) / denom ; return barycentric out ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 19.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { vector 2 v 0 = tmp 1 . set ( b ) . sub ( a ) ; vector 2 v 1 = tmp 2 . set ( c ) . sub ( a ) ; vector 2 v 2 = tmp 3 . set ( p ) . sub ( a ) ; float d 00 = v 0 . dot ( v 0 ) ; float d 01 = v 0 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float d 11 = v 1 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float d 20 = v 2 . dot ( v 0 ) ; float d 21 = v 2 . dot ( v 1 ) ; float denom = d 00 * d 11 - d 01 * d 01 ; barycentric out . x = ( d 11 * d 20 - d 01 * d 21 ) / denom ; barycentric out . y = ( d 00 * d 21 - d 01 * d 20 ) / denom ; return barycentric out ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name barycoord,inside,triangle


<SENTENCE_START> { return barycentric . x >= 0 && barycentric . y >= 0 && barycentric . x + barycentric . y <= 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return barycentric . x >= 0 && barycentric . y >= 0 && barycentric . x + barycentric . y <= 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return barycentric . x >= 0 && barycentric . y >= 0 && barycentric . x + barycentric . y <= 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return barycentric . x >= 0 && barycentric . y >= 0 && barycentric . x + barycentric . y <= 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return barycentric . x >= 0 && barycentric . y >= 0 && barycentric . x + barycentric . y <= 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return barycentric . x >= 0 && barycentric . y >= 0 && barycentric . x + barycentric . y <= 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return barycentric . x >= 0 && barycentric . y >= 0 && barycentric . x + barycentric . y <= 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return barycentric . x >= 0 && barycentric . y >= 0 && barycentric . x + barycentric . y <= 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name from,barycoord


<SENTENCE_START> { float u = 1 - barycentric . x - barycentric . y ; interpolated out . x = u * a . x + barycentric . x * b . x + barycentric . y * c . x ; interpolated out . y = u * a . y + barycentric . x * b . y + barycentric . y * c . y ; return interpolated out ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float u = 1 - barycentric . x - barycentric . y ; interpolated out . x = u * a . x + barycentric . x * b . x + barycentric . y * c . x ; interpolated out . y = u * a . y + barycentric . x * b . y + barycentric . y * c . y ; return interpolated out ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float u = 1 - barycentric . x - barycentric . y ; interpolated out . x = u * a . x + barycentric . x * b . x + barycentric . y * c . x ; interpolated out . y = u * a . y + barycentric . x * b . y + barycentric . y * c . y ; return interpolated out ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float u = 1 - barycentric . x - barycentric . y ; interpolated out . x = u * a . x + barycentric . x * b . x + barycentric . y * c . x ; interpolated out . y = u * a . y + barycentric . x * b . y + barycentric . y * c . y ; return interpolated out ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float u = 1 - barycentric . x - barycentric . y ; interpolated out . x = u * a . x + barycentric . x * b . x + barycentric . y * c . x ; interpolated out . y = u * a . y + barycentric . x * b . y + barycentric . y * c . y ; return interpolated out ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float u = 1 - barycentric . x - barycentric . y ; interpolated out . x = u * a . x + barycentric . x * b . x + barycentric . y * c . x ; interpolated out . y = u * a . y + barycentric . x * b . y + barycentric . y * c . y ; return interpolated out ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name from,barycoord


<SENTENCE_START> { float u = 1 - barycentric . x - barycentric . y ; return u * a + barycentric . x * b + barycentric . y * c ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float u = 1 - barycentric . x - barycentric . y ; return u * a + barycentric . x * b + barycentric . y * c ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float u = 1 - barycentric . x - barycentric . y ; return u * a + barycentric . x * b + barycentric . y * c ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float u = 1 - barycentric . x - barycentric . y ; return u * a + barycentric . x * b + barycentric . y * c ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float u = 1 - barycentric . x - barycentric . y ; return u * a + barycentric . x * b + barycentric . y * c ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float u = 1 - barycentric . x - barycentric . y ; return u * a + barycentric . x * b + barycentric . y * c ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name lowest,positive,root


<SENTENCE_START> { float det = b * b - 4 * a * c ; if ( det < 0 ) return float . na n ; float sqrt d = ( float ) math . sqrt ( det ) ; float inv a = 1 / ( 2 * a ) ; float r 1 = ( - b - sqrt d ) * inv a ; float r 2 = ( - b + sqrt d ) * inv a ; if ( r 1 > r 2 ) { float tmp = r 2 ; r 2 = r 1 ; r 1 = tmp ; } if ( r 1 > 0 ) return r 1 ; if ( r 2 > 0 ) return r 2 ; return float . na n ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float det = b * b - 4 * a * c ; if ( det < 0 ) return float . na n ; float sqrt d = ( float ) math . sqrt ( det ) ; float inv a = 1 / ( 2 * a ) ; float r 1 = ( - b - sqrt d ) * inv a ; float r 2 = ( - b + sqrt d ) * inv a ; if ( r 1 > r 2 ) { float tmp = r 2 ; r 2 = r 1 ; r 1 = tmp ; } if ( r 1 > 0 ) return r 1 ; if ( r 2 > 0 ) return r 2 ; return float . na n ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float det = b * b - 4 * a * c ; if ( det < 0 ) return float . na n ; float sqrt d = ( float ) math . sqrt ( det ) ; float inv a = 1 / ( 2 * a ) ; float r 1 = ( - b - sqrt d ) * inv a ; float r 2 = ( - b + sqrt d ) * inv a ; if ( r 1 > r 2 ) { float tmp = r 2 ; r 2 = r 1 ; r 1 = tmp ; } if ( r 1 > 0 ) return r 1 ; if ( r 2 > 0 ) return r 2 ; return float . na n ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float det = b * b - 4 * a * c ; if ( det < 0 ) return float . na n ; float sqrt d = ( float ) math . sqrt ( det ) ; float inv a = 1 / ( 2 * a ) ; float r 1 = ( - b - sqrt d ) * inv a ; float r 2 = ( - b + sqrt d ) * inv a ; if ( r 1 > r 2 ) { float tmp = r 2 ; r 2 = r 1 ; r 1 = tmp ; } if ( r 1 > 0 ) return r 1 ; if ( r 2 > 0 ) return r 2 ; return float . na n ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float det = b * b - 4 * a * c ; if ( det < 0 ) return float . na n ; float sqrt d = ( float ) math . sqrt ( det ) ; float inv a = 1 / ( 2 * a ) ; float r 1 = ( - b - sqrt d ) * inv a ; float r 2 = ( - b + sqrt d ) * inv a ; if ( r 1 > r 2 ) { float tmp = r 2 ; r 2 = r 1 ; r 1 = tmp ; } if ( r 1 > 0 ) return r 1 ; if ( r 2 > 0 ) return r 2 ; return float . na n ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float det = b * b - 4 * a * c ; if ( det < 0 ) return float . na n ; float sqrt d = ( float ) math . sqrt ( det ) ; float inv a = 1 / ( 2 * a ) ; float r 1 = ( - b - sqrt d ) * inv a ; float r 2 = ( - b + sqrt d ) * inv a ; if ( r 1 > r 2 ) { float tmp = r 2 ; r 2 = r 1 ; r 1 = tmp ; } if ( r 1 > 0 ) return r 1 ; if ( r 2 > 0 ) return r 2 ; return float . na n ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float det = b * b - 4 * a * c ; if ( det < 0 ) return float . na n ; float sqrt d = ( float ) math . sqrt ( det ) ; float inv a = 1 / ( 2 * a ) ; float r 1 = ( - b - sqrt d ) * inv a ; float r 2 = ( - b + sqrt d ) * inv a ; if ( r 1 > r 2 ) { float tmp = r 2 ; r 2 = r 1 ; r 1 = tmp ; } if ( r 1 > 0 ) return r 1 ; if ( r 2 > 0 ) return r 2 ; return float . na n ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float det = b * b - 4 * a * c ; if ( det < 0 ) return float . na n ; float sqrt d = ( float ) math . sqrt ( det ) ; float inv a = 1 / ( 2 * a ) ; float r 1 = ( - b - sqrt d ) * inv a ; float r 2 = ( - b + sqrt d ) * inv a ; if ( r 1 > r 2 ) { float tmp = r 2 ; r 2 = r 1 ; r 1 = tmp ; } if ( r 1 > 0 ) return r 1 ; if ( r 2 > 0 ) return r 2 ; return float . na n ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name colinear


<SENTENCE_START> { float dx 21 = x 2 - x 1 , dy 21 = y 2 - y 1 ; float dx 32 = x 3 - x 2 , dy 32 = y 3 - y 2 ; float det = dx 32 * dy 21 - dx 21 * dy 32 ; return math . abs ( det ) < math utils . float rounding error ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float dx 21 = x 2 - x 1 , dy 21 = y 2 - y 1 ; float dx 32 = x 3 - x 2 , dy 32 = y 3 - y 2 ; float det = dx 32 * dy 21 - dx 21 * dy 32 ; return math . abs ( det ) < math utils . float rounding error ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float dx 21 = x 2 - x 1 , dy 21 = y 2 - y 1 ; float dx 32 = x 3 - x 2 , dy 32 = y 3 - y 2 ; float det = dx 32 * dy 21 - dx 21 * dy 32 ; return math . abs ( det ) < math utils . float rounding error ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float dx 21 = x 2 - x 1 , dy 21 = y 2 - y 1 ; float dx 32 = x 3 - x 2 , dy 32 = y 3 - y 2 ; float det = dx 32 * dy 21 - dx 21 * dy 32 ; return math . abs ( det ) < math utils . float rounding error ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name triangle,centroid


<SENTENCE_START> { centroid . x = ( x 1 + x 2 + x 3 ) / 3 ; centroid . y = ( y 1 + y 2 + y 3 ) / 3 ; return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { centroid . x = ( x 1 + x 2 + x 3 ) / 3 ; centroid . y = ( y 1 + y 2 + y 3 ) / 3 ; return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { centroid . x = ( x 1 + x 2 + x 3 ) / 3 ; centroid . y = ( y 1 + y 2 + y 3 ) / 3 ; return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { centroid . x = ( x 1 + x 2 + x 3 ) / 3 ; centroid . y = ( y 1 + y 2 + y 3 ) / 3 ; return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { centroid . x = ( x 1 + x 2 + x 3 ) / 3 ; centroid . y = ( y 1 + y 2 + y 3 ) / 3 ; return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { centroid . x = ( x 1 + x 2 + x 3 ) / 3 ; centroid . y = ( y 1 + y 2 + y 3 ) / 3 ; return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name triangle,circumcenter


<SENTENCE_START> { float dx 21 = x 2 - x 1 , dy 21 = y 2 - y 1 ; float dx 32 = x 3 - x 2 , dy 32 = y 3 - y 2 ; float dx 13 = x 1 - x 3 , dy 13 = y 1 - y 3 ; float det = dx 32 * dy 21 - dx 21 * dy 32 ; if ( math . abs ( det ) < math utils . float rounding error ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "Triangle points must not be colinear." ) ; det *= 2 ; float sqr 1 = x 1 * x 1 + y 1 * y 1 , sqr 2 = x 2 * x 2 + y 2 * y 2 , sqr 3 = x 3 * x 3 + y 3 * y 3 ; circumcenter . set ( ( sqr 1 * dy 32 + sqr 2 * dy 13 + sqr 3 * dy 21 ) / det , - ( sqr 1 * dx 32 + sqr 2 * dx 13 + sqr 3 * dx 21 ) / det ) ; return circumcenter ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float dx 21 = x 2 - x 1 , dy 21 = y 2 - y 1 ; float dx 32 = x 3 - x 2 , dy 32 = y 3 - y 2 ; float dx 13 = x 1 - x 3 , dy 13 = y 1 - y 3 ; float det = dx 32 * dy 21 - dx 21 * dy 32 ; if ( math . abs ( det ) < math utils . float rounding error ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "Triangle points must not be colinear." ) ; det *= 2 ; float sqr 1 = x 1 * x 1 + y 1 * y 1 , sqr 2 = x 2 * x 2 + y 2 * y 2 , sqr 3 = x 3 * x 3 + y 3 * y 3 ; circumcenter . set ( ( sqr 1 * dy 32 + sqr 2 * dy 13 + sqr 3 * dy 21 ) / det , - ( sqr 1 * dx 32 + sqr 2 * dx 13 + sqr 3 * dx 21 ) / det ) ; return circumcenter ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float dx 21 = x 2 - x 1 , dy 21 = y 2 - y 1 ; float dx 32 = x 3 - x 2 , dy 32 = y 3 - y 2 ; float dx 13 = x 1 - x 3 , dy 13 = y 1 - y 3 ; float det = dx 32 * dy 21 - dx 21 * dy 32 ; if ( math . abs ( det ) < math utils . float rounding error ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "Triangle points must not be colinear." ) ; det *= 2 ; float sqr 1 = x 1 * x 1 + y 1 * y 1 , sqr 2 = x 2 * x 2 + y 2 * y 2 , sqr 3 = x 3 * x 3 + y 3 * y 3 ; circumcenter . set ( ( sqr 1 * dy 32 + sqr 2 * dy 13 + sqr 3 * dy 21 ) / det , - ( sqr 1 * dx 32 + sqr 2 * dx 13 + sqr 3 * dx 21 ) / det ) ; return circumcenter ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float dx 21 = x 2 - x 1 , dy 21 = y 2 - y 1 ; float dx 32 = x 3 - x 2 , dy 32 = y 3 - y 2 ; float dx 13 = x 1 - x 3 , dy 13 = y 1 - y 3 ; float det = dx 32 * dy 21 - dx 21 * dy 32 ; if ( math . abs ( det ) < math utils . float rounding error ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "Triangle points must not be colinear." ) ; det *= 2 ; float sqr 1 = x 1 * x 1 + y 1 * y 1 , sqr 2 = x 2 * x 2 + y 2 * y 2 , sqr 3 = x 3 * x 3 + y 3 * y 3 ; circumcenter . set ( ( sqr 1 * dy 32 + sqr 2 * dy 13 + sqr 3 * dy 21 ) / det , - ( sqr 1 * dx 32 + sqr 2 * dx 13 + sqr 3 * dx 21 ) / det ) ; return circumcenter ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float dx 21 = x 2 - x 1 , dy 21 = y 2 - y 1 ; float dx 32 = x 3 - x 2 , dy 32 = y 3 - y 2 ; float dx 13 = x 1 - x 3 , dy 13 = y 1 - y 3 ; float det = dx 32 * dy 21 - dx 21 * dy 32 ; if ( math . abs ( det ) < math utils . float rounding error ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "Triangle points must not be colinear." ) ; det *= 2 ; float sqr 1 = x 1 * x 1 + y 1 * y 1 , sqr 2 = x 2 * x 2 + y 2 * y 2 , sqr 3 = x 3 * x 3 + y 3 * y 3 ; circumcenter . set ( ( sqr 1 * dy 32 + sqr 2 * dy 13 + sqr 3 * dy 21 ) / det , - ( sqr 1 * dx 32 + sqr 2 * dx 13 + sqr 3 * dx 21 ) / det ) ; return circumcenter ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float dx 21 = x 2 - x 1 , dy 21 = y 2 - y 1 ; float dx 32 = x 3 - x 2 , dy 32 = y 3 - y 2 ; float dx 13 = x 1 - x 3 , dy 13 = y 1 - y 3 ; float det = dx 32 * dy 21 - dx 21 * dy 32 ; if ( math . abs ( det ) < math utils . float rounding error ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "Triangle points must not be colinear." ) ; det *= 2 ; float sqr 1 = x 1 * x 1 + y 1 * y 1 , sqr 2 = x 2 * x 2 + y 2 * y 2 , sqr 3 = x 3 * x 3 + y 3 * y 3 ; circumcenter . set ( ( sqr 1 * dy 32 + sqr 2 * dy 13 + sqr 3 * dy 21 ) / det , - ( sqr 1 * dx 32 + sqr 2 * dx 13 + sqr 3 * dx 21 ) / det ) ; return circumcenter ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name triangle,area


<SENTENCE_START> { return math . abs ( ( x 1 - x 3 ) * ( y 2 - y 1 ) - ( x 1 - x 2 ) * ( y 3 - y 1 ) ) * 0.5f ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return math . abs ( ( x 1 - x 3 ) * ( y 2 - y 1 ) - ( x 1 - x 2 ) * ( y 3 - y 1 ) ) * 0.5f ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return math . abs ( ( x 1 - x 3 ) * ( y 2 - y 1 ) - ( x 1 - x 2 ) * ( y 3 - y 1 ) ) * 0.5f ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return math . abs ( ( x 1 - x 3 ) * ( y 2 - y 1 ) - ( x 1 - x 2 ) * ( y 3 - y 1 ) ) * 0.5f ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return math . abs ( ( x 1 - x 3 ) * ( y 2 - y 1 ) - ( x 1 - x 2 ) * ( y 3 - y 1 ) ) * 0.5f ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return math . abs ( ( x 1 - x 3 ) * ( y 2 - y 1 ) - ( x 1 - x 2 ) * ( y 3 - y 1 ) ) * 0.5f ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name quadrilateral,centroid


<SENTENCE_START> { float avg x 1 = ( x 1 + x 2 + x 3 ) / 3 ; float avg y 1 = ( y 1 + y 2 + y 3 ) / 3 ; float avg x 2 = ( x 1 + x 4 + x 3 ) / 3 ; float avg y 2 = ( y 1 + y 4 + y 3 ) / 3 ; centroid . x = avg x 1 - ( avg x 1 - avg x 2 ) / 2 ; centroid . y = avg y 1 - ( avg y 1 - avg y 2 ) / 2 ; return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float avg x 1 = ( x 1 + x 2 + x 3 ) / 3 ; float avg y 1 = ( y 1 + y 2 + y 3 ) / 3 ; float avg x 2 = ( x 1 + x 4 + x 3 ) / 3 ; float avg y 2 = ( y 1 + y 4 + y 3 ) / 3 ; centroid . x = avg x 1 - ( avg x 1 - avg x 2 ) / 2 ; centroid . y = avg y 1 - ( avg y 1 - avg y 2 ) / 2 ; return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float avg x 1 = ( x 1 + x 2 + x 3 ) / 3 ; float avg y 1 = ( y 1 + y 2 + y 3 ) / 3 ; float avg x 2 = ( x 1 + x 4 + x 3 ) / 3 ; float avg y 2 = ( y 1 + y 4 + y 3 ) / 3 ; centroid . x = avg x 1 - ( avg x 1 - avg x 2 ) / 2 ; centroid . y = avg y 1 - ( avg y 1 - avg y 2 ) / 2 ; return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float avg x 1 = ( x 1 + x 2 + x 3 ) / 3 ; float avg y 1 = ( y 1 + y 2 + y 3 ) / 3 ; float avg x 2 = ( x 1 + x 4 + x 3 ) / 3 ; float avg y 2 = ( y 1 + y 4 + y 3 ) / 3 ; centroid . x = avg x 1 - ( avg x 1 - avg x 2 ) / 2 ; centroid . y = avg y 1 - ( avg y 1 - avg y 2 ) / 2 ; return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float avg x 1 = ( x 1 + x 2 + x 3 ) / 3 ; float avg y 1 = ( y 1 + y 2 + y 3 ) / 3 ; float avg x 2 = ( x 1 + x 4 + x 3 ) / 3 ; float avg y 2 = ( y 1 + y 4 + y 3 ) / 3 ; centroid . x = avg x 1 - ( avg x 1 - avg x 2 ) / 2 ; centroid . y = avg y 1 - ( avg y 1 - avg y 2 ) / 2 ; return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float avg x 1 = ( x 1 + x 2 + x 3 ) / 3 ; float avg y 1 = ( y 1 + y 2 + y 3 ) / 3 ; float avg x 2 = ( x 1 + x 4 + x 3 ) / 3 ; float avg y 2 = ( y 1 + y 4 + y 3 ) / 3 ; centroid . x = avg x 1 - ( avg x 1 - avg x 2 ) / 2 ; centroid . y = avg y 1 - ( avg y 1 - avg y 2 ) / 2 ; return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name polygon,centroid


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( count < 6 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "A polygon must have 3 or more coordinate pairs." ) ; float x = 0 , y = 0 ; float signed area = 0 ; int i = offset ; for ( int n = offset + count - 2 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { float x 0 = polygon [ i ] ; float y 0 = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; float x 1 = polygon [ i + 2 ] ; float y 1 = polygon [ i + 3 ] ; float a = x 0 * y 1 - x 1 * y 0 ; signed area += a ; x += ( x 0 + x 1 ) * a ; y += ( y 0 + y 1 ) * a ; } float x 0 = polygon [ i ] ; float y 0 = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; float x 1 = polygon [ offset ] ; float y 1 = polygon [ offset + 1 ] ; float a = x 0 * y 1 - x 1 * y 0 ; signed area += a ; x += ( x 0 + x 1 ) * a ; y += ( y 0 + y 1 ) * a ; if ( signed area == 0 ) { centroid . x = 0 ; centroid . y = 0 ; } else { signed area *= 0.5f ; centroid . x = x / ( 6 * signed area ) ; centroid . y = y / ( 6 * signed area ) ; } return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( count < 6 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "A polygon must have 3 or more coordinate pairs." ) ; float x = 0 , y = 0 ; float signed area = 0 ; int i = offset ; for ( int n = offset + count - 2 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { float x 0 = polygon [ i ] ; float y 0 = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; float x 1 = polygon [ i + 2 ] ; float y 1 = polygon [ i + 3 ] ; float a = x 0 * y 1 - x 1 * y 0 ; signed area += a ; x += ( x 0 + x 1 ) * a ; y += ( y 0 + y 1 ) * a ; } float x 0 = polygon [ i ] ; float y 0 = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; float x 1 = polygon [ offset ] ; float y 1 = polygon [ offset + 1 ] ; float a = x 0 * y 1 - x 1 * y 0 ; signed area += a ; x += ( x 0 + x 1 ) * a ; y += ( y 0 + y 1 ) * a ; if ( signed area == 0 ) { centroid . x = 0 ; centroid . y = 0 ; } else { signed area *= 0.5f ; centroid . x = x / ( 6 * signed area ) ; centroid . y = y / ( 6 * signed area ) ; } return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( count < 6 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "A polygon must have 3 or more coordinate pairs." ) ; float x = 0 , y = 0 ; float signed area = 0 ; int i = offset ; for ( int n = offset + count - 2 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { float x 0 = polygon [ i ] ; float y 0 = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; float x 1 = polygon [ i + 2 ] ; float y 1 = polygon [ i + 3 ] ; float a = x 0 * y 1 - x 1 * y 0 ; signed area += a ; x += ( x 0 + x 1 ) * a ; y += ( y 0 + y 1 ) * a ; } float x 0 = polygon [ i ] ; float y 0 = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; float x 1 = polygon [ offset ] ; float y 1 = polygon [ offset + 1 ] ; float a = x 0 * y 1 - x 1 * y 0 ; signed area += a ; x += ( x 0 + x 1 ) * a ; y += ( y 0 + y 1 ) * a ; if ( signed area == 0 ) { centroid . x = 0 ; centroid . y = 0 ; } else { signed area *= 0.5f ; centroid . x = x / ( 6 * signed area ) ; centroid . y = y / ( 6 * signed area ) ; } return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( count < 6 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "A polygon must have 3 or more coordinate pairs." ) ; float x = 0 , y = 0 ; float signed area = 0 ; int i = offset ; for ( int n = offset + count - 2 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { float x 0 = polygon [ i ] ; float y 0 = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; float x 1 = polygon [ i + 2 ] ; float y 1 = polygon [ i + 3 ] ; float a = x 0 * y 1 - x 1 * y 0 ; signed area += a ; x += ( x 0 + x 1 ) * a ; y += ( y 0 + y 1 ) * a ; } float x 0 = polygon [ i ] ; float y 0 = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; float x 1 = polygon [ offset ] ; float y 1 = polygon [ offset + 1 ] ; float a = x 0 * y 1 - x 1 * y 0 ; signed area += a ; x += ( x 0 + x 1 ) * a ; y += ( y 0 + y 1 ) * a ; if ( signed area == 0 ) { centroid . x = 0 ; centroid . y = 0 ; } else { signed area *= 0.5f ; centroid . x = x / ( 6 * signed area ) ; centroid . y = y / ( 6 * signed area ) ; } return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( count < 6 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "A polygon must have 3 or more coordinate pairs." ) ; float x = 0 , y = 0 ; float signed area = 0 ; int i = offset ; for ( int n = offset + count - 2 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { float x 0 = polygon [ i ] ; float y 0 = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; float x 1 = polygon [ i + 2 ] ; float y 1 = polygon [ i + 3 ] ; float a = x 0 * y 1 - x 1 * y 0 ; signed area += a ; x += ( x 0 + x 1 ) * a ; y += ( y 0 + y 1 ) * a ; } float x 0 = polygon [ i ] ; float y 0 = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; float x 1 = polygon [ offset ] ; float y 1 = polygon [ offset + 1 ] ; float a = x 0 * y 1 - x 1 * y 0 ; signed area += a ; x += ( x 0 + x 1 ) * a ; y += ( y 0 + y 1 ) * a ; if ( signed area == 0 ) { centroid . x = 0 ; centroid . y = 0 ; } else { signed area *= 0.5f ; centroid . x = x / ( 6 * signed area ) ; centroid . y = y / ( 6 * signed area ) ; } return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( count < 6 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "A polygon must have 3 or more coordinate pairs." ) ; float x = 0 , y = 0 ; float signed area = 0 ; int i = offset ; for ( int n = offset + count - 2 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { float x 0 = polygon [ i ] ; float y 0 = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; float x 1 = polygon [ i + 2 ] ; float y 1 = polygon [ i + 3 ] ; float a = x 0 * y 1 - x 1 * y 0 ; signed area += a ; x += ( x 0 + x 1 ) * a ; y += ( y 0 + y 1 ) * a ; } float x 0 = polygon [ i ] ; float y 0 = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; float x 1 = polygon [ offset ] ; float y 1 = polygon [ offset + 1 ] ; float a = x 0 * y 1 - x 1 * y 0 ; signed area += a ; x += ( x 0 + x 1 ) * a ; y += ( y 0 + y 1 ) * a ; if ( signed area == 0 ) { centroid . x = 0 ; centroid . y = 0 ; } else { signed area *= 0.5f ; centroid . x = x / ( 6 * signed area ) ; centroid . y = y / ( 6 * signed area ) ; } return centroid ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name polygon,area


<SENTENCE_START> { float area = 0 ; for ( int i = offset , n = offset + count ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { int x 1 = i ; int y 1 = i + 1 ; int x 2 = ( i + 2 ) % n ; if ( x 2 < offset ) x 2 += offset ; int y 2 = ( i + 3 ) % n ; if ( y 2 < offset ) y 2 += offset ; area += polygon [ x 1 ] * polygon [ y 2 ] ; area -= polygon [ x 2 ] * polygon [ y 1 ] ; } area *= 0.5f ; return area ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float area = 0 ; for ( int i = offset , n = offset + count ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { int x 1 = i ; int y 1 = i + 1 ; int x 2 = ( i + 2 ) % n ; if ( x 2 < offset ) x 2 += offset ; int y 2 = ( i + 3 ) % n ; if ( y 2 < offset ) y 2 += offset ; area += polygon [ x 1 ] * polygon [ y 2 ] ; area -= polygon [ x 2 ] * polygon [ y 1 ] ; } area *= 0.5f ; return area ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float area = 0 ; for ( int i = offset , n = offset + count ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { int x 1 = i ; int y 1 = i + 1 ; int x 2 = ( i + 2 ) % n ; if ( x 2 < offset ) x 2 += offset ; int y 2 = ( i + 3 ) % n ; if ( y 2 < offset ) y 2 += offset ; area += polygon [ x 1 ] * polygon [ y 2 ] ; area -= polygon [ x 2 ] * polygon [ y 1 ] ; } area *= 0.5f ; return area ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float area = 0 ; for ( int i = offset , n = offset + count ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { int x 1 = i ; int y 1 = i + 1 ; int x 2 = ( i + 2 ) % n ; if ( x 2 < offset ) x 2 += offset ; int y 2 = ( i + 3 ) % n ; if ( y 2 < offset ) y 2 += offset ; area += polygon [ x 1 ] * polygon [ y 2 ] ; area -= polygon [ x 2 ] * polygon [ y 1 ] ; } area *= 0.5f ; return area ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float area = 0 ; for ( int i = offset , n = offset + count ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { int x 1 = i ; int y 1 = i + 1 ; int x 2 = ( i + 2 ) % n ; if ( x 2 < offset ) x 2 += offset ; int y 2 = ( i + 3 ) % n ; if ( y 2 < offset ) y 2 += offset ; area += polygon [ x 1 ] * polygon [ y 2 ] ; area -= polygon [ x 2 ] * polygon [ y 1 ] ; } area *= 0.5f ; return area ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float area = 0 ; for ( int i = offset , n = offset + count ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { int x 1 = i ; int y 1 = i + 1 ; int x 2 = ( i + 2 ) % n ; if ( x 2 < offset ) x 2 += offset ; int y 2 = ( i + 3 ) % n ; if ( y 2 < offset ) y 2 += offset ; area += polygon [ x 1 ] * polygon [ y 2 ] ; area -= polygon [ x 2 ] * polygon [ y 1 ] ; } area *= 0.5f ; return area ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name ensure,ccw


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! are vertices clockwise ( polygon , 0 , polygon . length ) ) return ; int last x = polygon . length - 2 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = polygon . length / 2 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { int other = last x - i ; float x = polygon [ i ] ; float y = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; polygon [ i ] = polygon [ other ] ; polygon [ i + 1 ] = polygon [ other + 1 ] ; polygon [ other ] = x ; polygon [ other + 1 ] = y ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! are vertices clockwise ( polygon , 0 , polygon . length ) ) return ; int last x = polygon . length - 2 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = polygon . length / 2 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { int other = last x - i ; float x = polygon [ i ] ; float y = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; polygon [ i ] = polygon [ other ] ; polygon [ i + 1 ] = polygon [ other + 1 ] ; polygon [ other ] = x ; polygon [ other + 1 ] = y ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! are vertices clockwise ( polygon , 0 , polygon . length ) ) return ; int last x = polygon . length - 2 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = polygon . length / 2 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { int other = last x - i ; float x = polygon [ i ] ; float y = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; polygon [ i ] = polygon [ other ] ; polygon [ i + 1 ] = polygon [ other + 1 ] ; polygon [ other ] = x ; polygon [ other + 1 ] = y ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! are vertices clockwise ( polygon , 0 , polygon . length ) ) return ; int last x = polygon . length - 2 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = polygon . length / 2 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { int other = last x - i ; float x = polygon [ i ] ; float y = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; polygon [ i ] = polygon [ other ] ; polygon [ i + 1 ] = polygon [ other + 1 ] ; polygon [ other ] = x ; polygon [ other + 1 ] = y ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! are vertices clockwise ( polygon , 0 , polygon . length ) ) return ; int last x = polygon . length - 2 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = polygon . length / 2 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { int other = last x - i ; float x = polygon [ i ] ; float y = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; polygon [ i ] = polygon [ other ] ; polygon [ i + 1 ] = polygon [ other + 1 ] ; polygon [ other ] = x ; polygon [ other + 1 ] = y ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! are vertices clockwise ( polygon , 0 , polygon . length ) ) return ; int last x = polygon . length - 2 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = polygon . length / 2 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { int other = last x - i ; float x = polygon [ i ] ; float y = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; polygon [ i ] = polygon [ other ] ; polygon [ i + 1 ] = polygon [ other + 1 ] ; polygon [ other ] = x ; polygon [ other + 1 ] = y ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name are,vertices,clockwise


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( count <= 2 ) return false ; float area = 0 , p 1 x , p 1 y , p 2 x , p 2 y ; for ( int i = offset , n = offset + count - 3 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { p 1 x = polygon [ i ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ i + 2 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ i + 3 ] ; area += p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y ; } p 1 x = polygon [ count - 2 ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ count - 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ 0 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ 1 ] ; return area + p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y < 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( count <= 2 ) return false ; float area = 0 , p 1 x , p 1 y , p 2 x , p 2 y ; for ( int i = offset , n = offset + count - 3 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { p 1 x = polygon [ i ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ i + 2 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ i + 3 ] ; area += p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y ; } p 1 x = polygon [ count - 2 ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ count - 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ 0 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ 1 ] ; return area + p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y < 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( count <= 2 ) return false ; float area = 0 , p 1 x , p 1 y , p 2 x , p 2 y ; for ( int i = offset , n = offset + count - 3 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { p 1 x = polygon [ i ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ i + 2 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ i + 3 ] ; area += p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y ; } p 1 x = polygon [ count - 2 ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ count - 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ 0 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ 1 ] ; return area + p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y < 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( count <= 2 ) return false ; float area = 0 , p 1 x , p 1 y , p 2 x , p 2 y ; for ( int i = offset , n = offset + count - 3 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { p 1 x = polygon [ i ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ i + 2 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ i + 3 ] ; area += p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y ; } p 1 x = polygon [ count - 2 ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ count - 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ 0 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ 1 ] ; return area + p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y < 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( count <= 2 ) return false ; float area = 0 , p 1 x , p 1 y , p 2 x , p 2 y ; for ( int i = offset , n = offset + count - 3 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { p 1 x = polygon [ i ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ i + 2 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ i + 3 ] ; area += p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y ; } p 1 x = polygon [ count - 2 ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ count - 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ 0 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ 1 ] ; return area + p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y < 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( count <= 2 ) return false ; float area = 0 , p 1 x , p 1 y , p 2 x , p 2 y ; for ( int i = offset , n = offset + count - 3 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { p 1 x = polygon [ i ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ i + 2 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ i + 3 ] ; area += p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y ; } p 1 x = polygon [ count - 2 ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ count - 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ 0 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ 1 ] ; return area + p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y < 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( count <= 2 ) return false ; float area = 0 , p 1 x , p 1 y , p 2 x , p 2 y ; for ( int i = offset , n = offset + count - 3 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { p 1 x = polygon [ i ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ i + 2 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ i + 3 ] ; area += p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y ; } p 1 x = polygon [ count - 2 ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ count - 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ 0 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ 1 ] ; return area + p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y < 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( count <= 2 ) return false ; float area = 0 , p 1 x , p 1 y , p 2 x , p 2 y ; for ( int i = offset , n = offset + count - 3 ; i < n ; i += 2 ) { p 1 x = polygon [ i ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ i + 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ i + 2 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ i + 3 ] ; area += p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y ; } p 1 x = polygon [ count - 2 ] ; p 1 y = polygon [ count - 1 ] ; p 2 x = polygon [ 0 ] ; p 2 y = polygon [ 1 ] ; return area + p 1 x * p 2 y - p 2 x * p 1 y < 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name process


<SENTENCE_START> { header file processor processor = new header file processor ( ) ; processor . %SELF% ( new file ( directory ) , new file ( directory ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { header file processor processor = new header file processor ( ) ; processor . %SELF% ( new file ( directory ) , new file ( directory ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { header file processor processor = new header file processor ( ) ; processor . %SELF% ( new file ( directory ) , new file ( directory ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { header file processor processor = new header file processor ( ) ; processor . %SELF% ( new file ( directory ) , new file ( directory ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name main


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( args . length != 1 ) { header fixer . process ( "../../gdx/" ) ; header fixer . process ( "../../backends/" ) ; header fixer . process ( "../../tests/" ) ; header fixer . process ( "../../extensions/" ) ; } else { header fixer . process ( args [ 0 ] ) ; } system . out . println ( "Changed " + files changed + " / " + files scanned + " files." ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( args . length != 1 ) { header fixer . process ( "../../gdx/" ) ; header fixer . process ( "../../backends/" ) ; header fixer . process ( "../../tests/" ) ; header fixer . process ( "../../extensions/" ) ; } else { header fixer . process ( args [ 0 ] ) ; } system . out . println ( "Changed " + files changed + " / " + files scanned + " files." ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( args . length != 1 ) { header fixer . process ( "../../gdx/" ) ; header fixer . process ( "../../backends/" ) ; header fixer . process ( "../../tests/" ) ; header fixer . process ( "../../extensions/" ) ; } else { header fixer . process ( args [ 0 ] ) ; } system . out . println ( "Changed " + files changed + " / " + files scanned + " files." ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( args . length != 1 ) { header fixer . process ( "../../gdx/" ) ; header fixer . process ( "../../backends/" ) ; header fixer . process ( "../../tests/" ) ; header fixer . process ( "../../extensions/" ) ; } else { header fixer . process ( args [ 0 ] ) ; } system . out . println ( "Changed " + files changed + " / " + files scanned + " files." ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,dependencies


<SENTENCE_START> { return sub dependency map . get ( type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return sub dependency map . get ( type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return sub dependency map . get ( type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return sub dependency map . get ( type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return sub dependency map . get ( type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return sub dependency map . get ( type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,incompatibilities


<SENTENCE_START> { list < string > incompat = new array list < string > ( ) ; string [ ] sub array = sub dependency map . get ( type ) ; if ( sub array == null ) { incompat . add ( "Dependency " + name + " is not compatible with sub module " + type . get name ( ) . to upper case ( ) ) ; } return incompat ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { list < string > incompat = new array list < string > ( ) ; string [ ] sub array = sub dependency map . get ( type ) ; if ( sub array == null ) { incompat . add ( "Dependency " + name + " is not compatible with sub module " + type . get name ( ) . to upper case ( ) ) ; } return incompat ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { list < string > incompat = new array list < string > ( ) ; string [ ] sub array = sub dependency map . get ( type ) ; if ( sub array == null ) { incompat . add ( "Dependency " + name + " is not compatible with sub module " + type . get name ( ) . to upper case ( ) ) ; } return incompat ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 18.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { list < string > incompat = new array list < string > ( ) ; string [ ] sub array = sub dependency map . get ( type ) ; if ( sub array == null ) { incompat . add ( "Dependency " + name + " is not compatible with sub module " + type . get name ( ) . to upper case ( ) ) ; } return incompat ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { list < string > incompat = new array list < string > ( ) ; string [ ] sub array = sub dependency map . get ( type ) ; if ( sub array == null ) { incompat . add ( "Dependency " + name + " is not compatible with sub module " + type . get name ( ) . to upper case ( ) ) ; } return incompat ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { list < string > incompat = new array list < string > ( ) ; string [ ] sub array = sub dependency map . get ( type ) ; if ( sub array == null ) { incompat . add ( "Dependency " + name + " is not compatible with sub module " + type . get name ( ) . to upper case ( ) ) ; } return incompat ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,gwt,inherits


<SENTENCE_START> { return gwt inherits ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return gwt inherits ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return gwt inherits ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return gwt inherits ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return gwt inherits ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return gwt inherits ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return gwt inherits ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return gwt inherits ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,name


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 69.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name do,sort


<SENTENCE_START> { stack size = 0 ; range check ( a . length , lo , hi ) ; int n remaining = hi - lo ; if ( n remaining < 2 ) return ; if ( n remaining < min merge ) { int init run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; binary sort ( a , lo , hi , lo + init run len ) ; return ; } this . a = a ; int min run = min run length ( n remaining ) ; do { int run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; if ( run len < min run ) { int force = n remaining <= min run ? n remaining : min run ; binary sort ( a , lo , lo + force , lo + run len ) ; run len = force ; } push run ( lo , run len ) ; merge collapse ( ) ; lo += run len ; n remaining -= run len ; } while ( n remaining != 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert lo == hi ; merge force collapse ( ) ; if ( debug ) assert stack size == 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { stack size = 0 ; range check ( a . length , lo , hi ) ; int n remaining = hi - lo ; if ( n remaining < 2 ) return ; if ( n remaining < min merge ) { int init run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; binary sort ( a , lo , hi , lo + init run len ) ; return ; } this . a = a ; int min run = min run length ( n remaining ) ; do { int run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; if ( run len < min run ) { int force = n remaining <= min run ? n remaining : min run ; binary sort ( a , lo , lo + force , lo + run len ) ; run len = force ; } push run ( lo , run len ) ; merge collapse ( ) ; lo += run len ; n remaining -= run len ; } while ( n remaining != 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert lo == hi ; merge force collapse ( ) ; if ( debug ) assert stack size == 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { stack size = 0 ; range check ( a . length , lo , hi ) ; int n remaining = hi - lo ; if ( n remaining < 2 ) return ; if ( n remaining < min merge ) { int init run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; binary sort ( a , lo , hi , lo + init run len ) ; return ; } this . a = a ; int min run = min run length ( n remaining ) ; do { int run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; if ( run len < min run ) { int force = n remaining <= min run ? n remaining : min run ; binary sort ( a , lo , lo + force , lo + run len ) ; run len = force ; } push run ( lo , run len ) ; merge collapse ( ) ; lo += run len ; n remaining -= run len ; } while ( n remaining != 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert lo == hi ; merge force collapse ( ) ; if ( debug ) assert stack size == 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { stack size = 0 ; range check ( a . length , lo , hi ) ; int n remaining = hi - lo ; if ( n remaining < 2 ) return ; if ( n remaining < min merge ) { int init run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; binary sort ( a , lo , hi , lo + init run len ) ; return ; } this . a = a ; int min run = min run length ( n remaining ) ; do { int run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; if ( run len < min run ) { int force = n remaining <= min run ? n remaining : min run ; binary sort ( a , lo , lo + force , lo + run len ) ; run len = force ; } push run ( lo , run len ) ; merge collapse ( ) ; lo += run len ; n remaining -= run len ; } while ( n remaining != 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert lo == hi ; merge force collapse ( ) ; if ( debug ) assert stack size == 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { stack size = 0 ; range check ( a . length , lo , hi ) ; int n remaining = hi - lo ; if ( n remaining < 2 ) return ; if ( n remaining < min merge ) { int init run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; binary sort ( a , lo , hi , lo + init run len ) ; return ; } this . a = a ; int min run = min run length ( n remaining ) ; do { int run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; if ( run len < min run ) { int force = n remaining <= min run ? n remaining : min run ; binary sort ( a , lo , lo + force , lo + run len ) ; run len = force ; } push run ( lo , run len ) ; merge collapse ( ) ; lo += run len ; n remaining -= run len ; } while ( n remaining != 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert lo == hi ; merge force collapse ( ) ; if ( debug ) assert stack size == 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { stack size = 0 ; range check ( a . length , lo , hi ) ; int n remaining = hi - lo ; if ( n remaining < 2 ) return ; if ( n remaining < min merge ) { int init run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; binary sort ( a , lo , hi , lo + init run len ) ; return ; } this . a = a ; int min run = min run length ( n remaining ) ; do { int run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; if ( run len < min run ) { int force = n remaining <= min run ? n remaining : min run ; binary sort ( a , lo , lo + force , lo + run len ) ; run len = force ; } push run ( lo , run len ) ; merge collapse ( ) ; lo += run len ; n remaining -= run len ; } while ( n remaining != 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert lo == hi ; merge force collapse ( ) ; if ( debug ) assert stack size == 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name sort


<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( a , 0 , a . length ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( a , 0 , a . length ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( a , 0 , a . length ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( a , 0 , a . length ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name sort


<SENTENCE_START> { range check ( a . length , lo , hi ) ; int n remaining = hi - lo ; if ( n remaining < 2 ) return ; if ( n remaining < min merge ) { int init run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; binary sort ( a , lo , hi , lo + init run len ) ; return ; } comparable tim sort ts = new comparable tim sort ( a ) ; int min run = min run length ( n remaining ) ; do { int run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; if ( run len < min run ) { int force = n remaining <= min run ? n remaining : min run ; binary sort ( a , lo , lo + force , lo + run len ) ; run len = force ; } ts . push run ( lo , run len ) ; ts . merge collapse ( ) ; lo += run len ; n remaining -= run len ; } while ( n remaining != 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert lo == hi ; ts . merge force collapse ( ) ; if ( debug ) assert ts . stack size == 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { range check ( a . length , lo , hi ) ; int n remaining = hi - lo ; if ( n remaining < 2 ) return ; if ( n remaining < min merge ) { int init run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; binary sort ( a , lo , hi , lo + init run len ) ; return ; } comparable tim sort ts = new comparable tim sort ( a ) ; int min run = min run length ( n remaining ) ; do { int run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; if ( run len < min run ) { int force = n remaining <= min run ? n remaining : min run ; binary sort ( a , lo , lo + force , lo + run len ) ; run len = force ; } ts . push run ( lo , run len ) ; ts . merge collapse ( ) ; lo += run len ; n remaining -= run len ; } while ( n remaining != 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert lo == hi ; ts . merge force collapse ( ) ; if ( debug ) assert ts . stack size == 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { range check ( a . length , lo , hi ) ; int n remaining = hi - lo ; if ( n remaining < 2 ) return ; if ( n remaining < min merge ) { int init run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; binary sort ( a , lo , hi , lo + init run len ) ; return ; } comparable tim sort ts = new comparable tim sort ( a ) ; int min run = min run length ( n remaining ) ; do { int run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; if ( run len < min run ) { int force = n remaining <= min run ? n remaining : min run ; binary sort ( a , lo , lo + force , lo + run len ) ; run len = force ; } ts . push run ( lo , run len ) ; ts . merge collapse ( ) ; lo += run len ; n remaining -= run len ; } while ( n remaining != 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert lo == hi ; ts . merge force collapse ( ) ; if ( debug ) assert ts . stack size == 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { range check ( a . length , lo , hi ) ; int n remaining = hi - lo ; if ( n remaining < 2 ) return ; if ( n remaining < min merge ) { int init run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; binary sort ( a , lo , hi , lo + init run len ) ; return ; } comparable tim sort ts = new comparable tim sort ( a ) ; int min run = min run length ( n remaining ) ; do { int run len = count run and make ascending ( a , lo , hi ) ; if ( run len < min run ) { int force = n remaining <= min run ? n remaining : min run ; binary sort ( a , lo , lo + force , lo + run len ) ; run len = force ; } ts . push run ( lo , run len ) ; ts . merge collapse ( ) ; lo += run len ; n remaining -= run len ; } while ( n remaining != 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert lo == hi ; ts . merge force collapse ( ) ; if ( debug ) assert ts . stack size == 1 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name binary,sort


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo <= start && start <= hi ; if ( start == lo ) start ++ ; for ( ; start < hi ; start ++ ) { @ suppress warnings ( "unchecked" ) comparable < object > pivot = ( comparable ) a [ start ] ; int left = lo ; int right = start ; if ( debug ) assert left <= right ; while ( left < right ) { int mid = ( left + right ) >>> 1 ; if ( pivot . compare to ( a [ mid ] ) < 0 ) right = mid ; else left = mid + 1 ; } if ( debug ) assert left == right ; int n = start - left ; switch ( n ) { case 2 : a [ left + 2 ] = a [ left + 1 ] ; case 1 : a [ left + 1 ] = a [ left ] ; break ; default : system . arraycopy ( a , left , a , left + 1 , n ) ; } a [ left ] = pivot ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo <= start && start <= hi ; if ( start == lo ) start ++ ; for ( ; start < hi ; start ++ ) { @ suppress warnings ( "unchecked" ) comparable < object > pivot = ( comparable ) a [ start ] ; int left = lo ; int right = start ; if ( debug ) assert left <= right ; while ( left < right ) { int mid = ( left + right ) >>> 1 ; if ( pivot . compare to ( a [ mid ] ) < 0 ) right = mid ; else left = mid + 1 ; } if ( debug ) assert left == right ; int n = start - left ; switch ( n ) { case 2 : a [ left + 2 ] = a [ left + 1 ] ; case 1 : a [ left + 1 ] = a [ left ] ; break ; default : system . arraycopy ( a , left , a , left + 1 , n ) ; } a [ left ] = pivot ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo <= start && start <= hi ; if ( start == lo ) start ++ ; for ( ; start < hi ; start ++ ) { @ suppress warnings ( "unchecked" ) comparable < object > pivot = ( comparable ) a [ start ] ; int left = lo ; int right = start ; if ( debug ) assert left <= right ; while ( left < right ) { int mid = ( left + right ) >>> 1 ; if ( pivot . compare to ( a [ mid ] ) < 0 ) right = mid ; else left = mid + 1 ; } if ( debug ) assert left == right ; int n = start - left ; switch ( n ) { case 2 : a [ left + 2 ] = a [ left + 1 ] ; case 1 : a [ left + 1 ] = a [ left ] ; break ; default : system . arraycopy ( a , left , a , left + 1 , n ) ; } a [ left ] = pivot ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo <= start && start <= hi ; if ( start == lo ) start ++ ; for ( ; start < hi ; start ++ ) { @ suppress warnings ( "unchecked" ) comparable < object > pivot = ( comparable ) a [ start ] ; int left = lo ; int right = start ; if ( debug ) assert left <= right ; while ( left < right ) { int mid = ( left + right ) >>> 1 ; if ( pivot . compare to ( a [ mid ] ) < 0 ) right = mid ; else left = mid + 1 ; } if ( debug ) assert left == right ; int n = start - left ; switch ( n ) { case 2 : a [ left + 2 ] = a [ left + 1 ] ; case 1 : a [ left + 1 ] = a [ left ] ; break ; default : system . arraycopy ( a , left , a , left + 1 , n ) ; } a [ left ] = pivot ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo <= start && start <= hi ; if ( start == lo ) start ++ ; for ( ; start < hi ; start ++ ) { @ suppress warnings ( "unchecked" ) comparable < object > pivot = ( comparable ) a [ start ] ; int left = lo ; int right = start ; if ( debug ) assert left <= right ; while ( left < right ) { int mid = ( left + right ) >>> 1 ; if ( pivot . compare to ( a [ mid ] ) < 0 ) right = mid ; else left = mid + 1 ; } if ( debug ) assert left == right ; int n = start - left ; switch ( n ) { case 2 : a [ left + 2 ] = a [ left + 1 ] ; case 1 : a [ left + 1 ] = a [ left ] ; break ; default : system . arraycopy ( a , left , a , left + 1 , n ) ; } a [ left ] = pivot ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo <= start && start <= hi ; if ( start == lo ) start ++ ; for ( ; start < hi ; start ++ ) { @ suppress warnings ( "unchecked" ) comparable < object > pivot = ( comparable ) a [ start ] ; int left = lo ; int right = start ; if ( debug ) assert left <= right ; while ( left < right ) { int mid = ( left + right ) >>> 1 ; if ( pivot . compare to ( a [ mid ] ) < 0 ) right = mid ; else left = mid + 1 ; } if ( debug ) assert left == right ; int n = start - left ; switch ( n ) { case 2 : a [ left + 2 ] = a [ left + 1 ] ; case 1 : a [ left + 1 ] = a [ left ] ; break ; default : system . arraycopy ( a , left , a , left + 1 , n ) ; } a [ left ] = pivot ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name count,run,and,make,ascending


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo < hi ; int run hi = lo + 1 ; if ( run hi == hi ) return 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ++ ] ) . compare to ( a [ lo ] ) < 0 ) { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) < 0 ) run hi ++ ; reverse range ( a , lo , run hi ) ; } else { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) >= 0 ) run hi ++ ; } return run hi - lo ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo < hi ; int run hi = lo + 1 ; if ( run hi == hi ) return 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ++ ] ) . compare to ( a [ lo ] ) < 0 ) { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) < 0 ) run hi ++ ; reverse range ( a , lo , run hi ) ; } else { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) >= 0 ) run hi ++ ; } return run hi - lo ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo < hi ; int run hi = lo + 1 ; if ( run hi == hi ) return 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ++ ] ) . compare to ( a [ lo ] ) < 0 ) { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) < 0 ) run hi ++ ; reverse range ( a , lo , run hi ) ; } else { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) >= 0 ) run hi ++ ; } return run hi - lo ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo < hi ; int run hi = lo + 1 ; if ( run hi == hi ) return 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ++ ] ) . compare to ( a [ lo ] ) < 0 ) { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) < 0 ) run hi ++ ; reverse range ( a , lo , run hi ) ; } else { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) >= 0 ) run hi ++ ; } return run hi - lo ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo < hi ; int run hi = lo + 1 ; if ( run hi == hi ) return 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ++ ] ) . compare to ( a [ lo ] ) < 0 ) { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) < 0 ) run hi ++ ; reverse range ( a , lo , run hi ) ; } else { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) >= 0 ) run hi ++ ; } return run hi - lo ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo < hi ; int run hi = lo + 1 ; if ( run hi == hi ) return 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ++ ] ) . compare to ( a [ lo ] ) < 0 ) { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) < 0 ) run hi ++ ; reverse range ( a , lo , run hi ) ; } else { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) >= 0 ) run hi ++ ; } return run hi - lo ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo < hi ; int run hi = lo + 1 ; if ( run hi == hi ) return 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ++ ] ) . compare to ( a [ lo ] ) < 0 ) { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) < 0 ) run hi ++ ; reverse range ( a , lo , run hi ) ; } else { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) >= 0 ) run hi ++ ; } return run hi - lo ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo < hi ; int run hi = lo + 1 ; if ( run hi == hi ) return 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ++ ] ) . compare to ( a [ lo ] ) < 0 ) { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) < 0 ) run hi ++ ; reverse range ( a , lo , run hi ) ; } else { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) >= 0 ) run hi ++ ; } return run hi - lo ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo < hi ; int run hi = lo + 1 ; if ( run hi == hi ) return 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ++ ] ) . compare to ( a [ lo ] ) < 0 ) { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) < 0 ) run hi ++ ; reverse range ( a , lo , run hi ) ; } else { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) >= 0 ) run hi ++ ; } return run hi - lo ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo < hi ; int run hi = lo + 1 ; if ( run hi == hi ) return 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ++ ] ) . compare to ( a [ lo ] ) < 0 ) { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) < 0 ) run hi ++ ; reverse range ( a , lo , run hi ) ; } else { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) >= 0 ) run hi ++ ; } return run hi - lo ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo < hi ; int run hi = lo + 1 ; if ( run hi == hi ) return 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ++ ] ) . compare to ( a [ lo ] ) < 0 ) { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) < 0 ) run hi ++ ; reverse range ( a , lo , run hi ) ; } else { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) >= 0 ) run hi ++ ; } return run hi - lo ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert lo < hi ; int run hi = lo + 1 ; if ( run hi == hi ) return 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ++ ] ) . compare to ( a [ lo ] ) < 0 ) { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) < 0 ) run hi ++ ; reverse range ( a , lo , run hi ) ; } else { while ( run hi < hi && ( ( comparable ) a [ run hi ] ) . compare to ( a [ run hi - 1 ] ) >= 0 ) run hi ++ ; } return run hi - lo ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name reverse,range


<SENTENCE_START> { hi -- ; while ( lo < hi ) { object t = a [ lo ] ; a [ lo ++ ] = a [ hi ] ; a [ hi -- ] = t ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { hi -- ; while ( lo < hi ) { object t = a [ lo ] ; a [ lo ++ ] = a [ hi ] ; a [ hi -- ] = t ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { hi -- ; while ( lo < hi ) { object t = a [ lo ] ; a [ lo ++ ] = a [ hi ] ; a [ hi -- ] = t ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { hi -- ; while ( lo < hi ) { object t = a [ lo ] ; a [ lo ++ ] = a [ hi ] ; a [ hi -- ] = t ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { hi -- ; while ( lo < hi ) { object t = a [ lo ] ; a [ lo ++ ] = a [ hi ] ; a [ hi -- ] = t ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { hi -- ; while ( lo < hi ) { object t = a [ lo ] ; a [ lo ++ ] = a [ hi ] ; a [ hi -- ] = t ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name min,run,length


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert n >= 0 ; int r = 0 ; while ( n >= min merge ) { r |= ( n & 1 ) ; n >>= 1 ; } return n + r ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert n >= 0 ; int r = 0 ; while ( n >= min merge ) { r |= ( n & 1 ) ; n >>= 1 ; } return n + r ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert n >= 0 ; int r = 0 ; while ( n >= min merge ) { r |= ( n & 1 ) ; n >>= 1 ; } return n + r ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert n >= 0 ; int r = 0 ; while ( n >= min merge ) { r |= ( n & 1 ) ; n >>= 1 ; } return n + r ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert n >= 0 ; int r = 0 ; while ( n >= min merge ) { r |= ( n & 1 ) ; n >>= 1 ; } return n + r ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert n >= 0 ; int r = 0 ; while ( n >= min merge ) { r |= ( n & 1 ) ; n >>= 1 ; } return n + r ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert n >= 0 ; int r = 0 ; while ( n >= min merge ) { r |= ( n & 1 ) ; n >>= 1 ; } return n + r ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert n >= 0 ; int r = 0 ; while ( n >= min merge ) { r |= ( n & 1 ) ; n >>= 1 ; } return n + r ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name push,run


<SENTENCE_START> { this . run base [ stack size ] = run base ; this . run len [ stack size ] = run len ; stack size ++ ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . run base [ stack size ] = run base ; this . run len [ stack size ] = run len ; stack size ++ ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . run base [ stack size ] = run base ; this . run len [ stack size ] = run len ; stack size ++ ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . run base [ stack size ] = run base ; this . run len [ stack size ] = run len ; stack size ++ ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . run base [ stack size ] = run base ; this . run len [ stack size ] = run len ; stack size ++ ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . run base [ stack size ] = run base ; this . run len [ stack size ] = run len ; stack size ++ ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name merge,collapse


<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack size > 1 ) { int n = stack size - 2 ; if ( n > 0 && run len [ n - 1 ] <= run len [ n ] + run len [ n + 1 ] ) { if ( run len [ n - 1 ] < run len [ n + 1 ] ) n -- ; merge at ( n ) ; } else if ( run len [ n ] <= run len [ n + 1 ] ) { merge at ( n ) ; } else { break ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack size > 1 ) { int n = stack size - 2 ; if ( n > 0 && run len [ n - 1 ] <= run len [ n ] + run len [ n + 1 ] ) { if ( run len [ n - 1 ] < run len [ n + 1 ] ) n -- ; merge at ( n ) ; } else if ( run len [ n ] <= run len [ n + 1 ] ) { merge at ( n ) ; } else { break ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack size > 1 ) { int n = stack size - 2 ; if ( n > 0 && run len [ n - 1 ] <= run len [ n ] + run len [ n + 1 ] ) { if ( run len [ n - 1 ] < run len [ n + 1 ] ) n -- ; merge at ( n ) ; } else if ( run len [ n ] <= run len [ n + 1 ] ) { merge at ( n ) ; } else { break ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack size > 1 ) { int n = stack size - 2 ; if ( n > 0 && run len [ n - 1 ] <= run len [ n ] + run len [ n + 1 ] ) { if ( run len [ n - 1 ] < run len [ n + 1 ] ) n -- ; merge at ( n ) ; } else if ( run len [ n ] <= run len [ n + 1 ] ) { merge at ( n ) ; } else { break ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack size > 1 ) { int n = stack size - 2 ; if ( n > 0 && run len [ n - 1 ] <= run len [ n ] + run len [ n + 1 ] ) { if ( run len [ n - 1 ] < run len [ n + 1 ] ) n -- ; merge at ( n ) ; } else if ( run len [ n ] <= run len [ n + 1 ] ) { merge at ( n ) ; } else { break ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack size > 1 ) { int n = stack size - 2 ; if ( n > 0 && run len [ n - 1 ] <= run len [ n ] + run len [ n + 1 ] ) { if ( run len [ n - 1 ] < run len [ n + 1 ] ) n -- ; merge at ( n ) ; } else if ( run len [ n ] <= run len [ n + 1 ] ) { merge at ( n ) ; } else { break ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name merge,force,collapse


<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack size > 1 ) { int n = stack size - 2 ; if ( n > 0 && run len [ n - 1 ] < run len [ n + 1 ] ) n -- ; merge at ( n ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack size > 1 ) { int n = stack size - 2 ; if ( n > 0 && run len [ n - 1 ] < run len [ n + 1 ] ) n -- ; merge at ( n ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack size > 1 ) { int n = stack size - 2 ; if ( n > 0 && run len [ n - 1 ] < run len [ n + 1 ] ) n -- ; merge at ( n ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack size > 1 ) { int n = stack size - 2 ; if ( n > 0 && run len [ n - 1 ] < run len [ n + 1 ] ) n -- ; merge at ( n ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack size > 1 ) { int n = stack size - 2 ; if ( n > 0 && run len [ n - 1 ] < run len [ n + 1 ] ) n -- ; merge at ( n ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack size > 1 ) { int n = stack size - 2 ; if ( n > 0 && run len [ n - 1 ] < run len [ n + 1 ] ) n -- ; merge at ( n ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack size > 1 ) { int n = stack size - 2 ; if ( n > 0 && run len [ n - 1 ] < run len [ n + 1 ] ) n -- ; merge at ( n ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack size > 1 ) { int n = stack size - 2 ; if ( n > 0 && run len [ n - 1 ] < run len [ n + 1 ] ) n -- ; merge at ( n ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name merge,at


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert stack size >= 2 ; if ( debug ) assert i >= 0 ; if ( debug ) assert i == stack size - 2 || i == stack size - 3 ; int base 1 = run base [ i ] ; int len 1 = run len [ i ] ; int base 2 = run base [ i + 1 ] ; int len 2 = run len [ i + 1 ] ; if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 ; if ( debug ) assert base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; run len [ i ] = len 1 + len 2 ; if ( i == stack size - 3 ) { run base [ i + 1 ] = run base [ i + 2 ] ; run len [ i + 1 ] = run len [ i + 2 ] ; } stack size -- ; int k = gallop right ( ( comparable < object > ) a [ base 2 ] , a , base 1 , len 1 , 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert k >= 0 ; base 1 += k ; len 1 -= k ; if ( len 1 == 0 ) return ; len 2 = gallop left ( ( comparable < object > ) a [ base 1 + len 1 - 1 ] , a , base 2 , len 2 , len 2 - 1 ) ; if ( debug ) assert len 2 >= 0 ; if ( len 2 == 0 ) return ; if ( len 1 <= len 2 ) merge lo ( base 1 , len 1 , base 2 , len 2 ) ; else merge hi ( base 1 , len 1 , base 2 , len 2 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert stack size >= 2 ; if ( debug ) assert i >= 0 ; if ( debug ) assert i == stack size - 2 || i == stack size - 3 ; int base 1 = run base [ i ] ; int len 1 = run len [ i ] ; int base 2 = run base [ i + 1 ] ; int len 2 = run len [ i + 1 ] ; if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 ; if ( debug ) assert base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; run len [ i ] = len 1 + len 2 ; if ( i == stack size - 3 ) { run base [ i + 1 ] = run base [ i + 2 ] ; run len [ i + 1 ] = run len [ i + 2 ] ; } stack size -- ; int k = gallop right ( ( comparable < object > ) a [ base 2 ] , a , base 1 , len 1 , 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert k >= 0 ; base 1 += k ; len 1 -= k ; if ( len 1 == 0 ) return ; len 2 = gallop left ( ( comparable < object > ) a [ base 1 + len 1 - 1 ] , a , base 2 , len 2 , len 2 - 1 ) ; if ( debug ) assert len 2 >= 0 ; if ( len 2 == 0 ) return ; if ( len 1 <= len 2 ) merge lo ( base 1 , len 1 , base 2 , len 2 ) ; else merge hi ( base 1 , len 1 , base 2 , len 2 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert stack size >= 2 ; if ( debug ) assert i >= 0 ; if ( debug ) assert i == stack size - 2 || i == stack size - 3 ; int base 1 = run base [ i ] ; int len 1 = run len [ i ] ; int base 2 = run base [ i + 1 ] ; int len 2 = run len [ i + 1 ] ; if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 ; if ( debug ) assert base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; run len [ i ] = len 1 + len 2 ; if ( i == stack size - 3 ) { run base [ i + 1 ] = run base [ i + 2 ] ; run len [ i + 1 ] = run len [ i + 2 ] ; } stack size -- ; int k = gallop right ( ( comparable < object > ) a [ base 2 ] , a , base 1 , len 1 , 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert k >= 0 ; base 1 += k ; len 1 -= k ; if ( len 1 == 0 ) return ; len 2 = gallop left ( ( comparable < object > ) a [ base 1 + len 1 - 1 ] , a , base 2 , len 2 , len 2 - 1 ) ; if ( debug ) assert len 2 >= 0 ; if ( len 2 == 0 ) return ; if ( len 1 <= len 2 ) merge lo ( base 1 , len 1 , base 2 , len 2 ) ; else merge hi ( base 1 , len 1 , base 2 , len 2 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert stack size >= 2 ; if ( debug ) assert i >= 0 ; if ( debug ) assert i == stack size - 2 || i == stack size - 3 ; int base 1 = run base [ i ] ; int len 1 = run len [ i ] ; int base 2 = run base [ i + 1 ] ; int len 2 = run len [ i + 1 ] ; if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 ; if ( debug ) assert base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; run len [ i ] = len 1 + len 2 ; if ( i == stack size - 3 ) { run base [ i + 1 ] = run base [ i + 2 ] ; run len [ i + 1 ] = run len [ i + 2 ] ; } stack size -- ; int k = gallop right ( ( comparable < object > ) a [ base 2 ] , a , base 1 , len 1 , 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert k >= 0 ; base 1 += k ; len 1 -= k ; if ( len 1 == 0 ) return ; len 2 = gallop left ( ( comparable < object > ) a [ base 1 + len 1 - 1 ] , a , base 2 , len 2 , len 2 - 1 ) ; if ( debug ) assert len 2 >= 0 ; if ( len 2 == 0 ) return ; if ( len 1 <= len 2 ) merge lo ( base 1 , len 1 , base 2 , len 2 ) ; else merge hi ( base 1 , len 1 , base 2 , len 2 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert stack size >= 2 ; if ( debug ) assert i >= 0 ; if ( debug ) assert i == stack size - 2 || i == stack size - 3 ; int base 1 = run base [ i ] ; int len 1 = run len [ i ] ; int base 2 = run base [ i + 1 ] ; int len 2 = run len [ i + 1 ] ; if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 ; if ( debug ) assert base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; run len [ i ] = len 1 + len 2 ; if ( i == stack size - 3 ) { run base [ i + 1 ] = run base [ i + 2 ] ; run len [ i + 1 ] = run len [ i + 2 ] ; } stack size -- ; int k = gallop right ( ( comparable < object > ) a [ base 2 ] , a , base 1 , len 1 , 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert k >= 0 ; base 1 += k ; len 1 -= k ; if ( len 1 == 0 ) return ; len 2 = gallop left ( ( comparable < object > ) a [ base 1 + len 1 - 1 ] , a , base 2 , len 2 , len 2 - 1 ) ; if ( debug ) assert len 2 >= 0 ; if ( len 2 == 0 ) return ; if ( len 1 <= len 2 ) merge lo ( base 1 , len 1 , base 2 , len 2 ) ; else merge hi ( base 1 , len 1 , base 2 , len 2 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert stack size >= 2 ; if ( debug ) assert i >= 0 ; if ( debug ) assert i == stack size - 2 || i == stack size - 3 ; int base 1 = run base [ i ] ; int len 1 = run len [ i ] ; int base 2 = run base [ i + 1 ] ; int len 2 = run len [ i + 1 ] ; if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 ; if ( debug ) assert base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; run len [ i ] = len 1 + len 2 ; if ( i == stack size - 3 ) { run base [ i + 1 ] = run base [ i + 2 ] ; run len [ i + 1 ] = run len [ i + 2 ] ; } stack size -- ; int k = gallop right ( ( comparable < object > ) a [ base 2 ] , a , base 1 , len 1 , 0 ) ; if ( debug ) assert k >= 0 ; base 1 += k ; len 1 -= k ; if ( len 1 == 0 ) return ; len 2 = gallop left ( ( comparable < object > ) a [ base 1 + len 1 - 1 ] , a , base 2 , len 2 , len 2 - 1 ) ; if ( debug ) assert len 2 >= 0 ; if ( len 2 == 0 ) return ; if ( len 1 <= len 2 ) merge lo ( base 1 , len 1 , base 2 , len 2 ) ; else merge hi ( base 1 , len 1 , base 2 , len 2 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name gallop,left


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len ; int last ofs = 0 ; int ofs = 1 ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + hint ] ) > 0 ) { int max ofs = len - hint ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint + ofs ] ) > 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; last ofs += hint ; ofs += hint ; } else { final int max ofs = hint + 1 ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint - ofs ] ) <= 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; int tmp = last ofs ; last ofs = hint - ofs ; ofs = hint - tmp ; } if ( debug ) assert - 1 <= last ofs && last ofs < ofs && ofs <= len ; last ofs ++ ; while ( last ofs < ofs ) { int m = last ofs + ( ( ofs - last ofs ) >>> 1 ) ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + m ] ) > 0 ) last ofs = m + 1 ; else ofs = m ; } if ( debug ) assert last ofs == ofs ; return ofs ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len ; int last ofs = 0 ; int ofs = 1 ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + hint ] ) > 0 ) { int max ofs = len - hint ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint + ofs ] ) > 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; last ofs += hint ; ofs += hint ; } else { final int max ofs = hint + 1 ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint - ofs ] ) <= 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; int tmp = last ofs ; last ofs = hint - ofs ; ofs = hint - tmp ; } if ( debug ) assert - 1 <= last ofs && last ofs < ofs && ofs <= len ; last ofs ++ ; while ( last ofs < ofs ) { int m = last ofs + ( ( ofs - last ofs ) >>> 1 ) ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + m ] ) > 0 ) last ofs = m + 1 ; else ofs = m ; } if ( debug ) assert last ofs == ofs ; return ofs ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len ; int last ofs = 0 ; int ofs = 1 ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + hint ] ) > 0 ) { int max ofs = len - hint ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint + ofs ] ) > 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; last ofs += hint ; ofs += hint ; } else { final int max ofs = hint + 1 ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint - ofs ] ) <= 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; int tmp = last ofs ; last ofs = hint - ofs ; ofs = hint - tmp ; } if ( debug ) assert - 1 <= last ofs && last ofs < ofs && ofs <= len ; last ofs ++ ; while ( last ofs < ofs ) { int m = last ofs + ( ( ofs - last ofs ) >>> 1 ) ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + m ] ) > 0 ) last ofs = m + 1 ; else ofs = m ; } if ( debug ) assert last ofs == ofs ; return ofs ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len ; int last ofs = 0 ; int ofs = 1 ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + hint ] ) > 0 ) { int max ofs = len - hint ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint + ofs ] ) > 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; last ofs += hint ; ofs += hint ; } else { final int max ofs = hint + 1 ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint - ofs ] ) <= 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; int tmp = last ofs ; last ofs = hint - ofs ; ofs = hint - tmp ; } if ( debug ) assert - 1 <= last ofs && last ofs < ofs && ofs <= len ; last ofs ++ ; while ( last ofs < ofs ) { int m = last ofs + ( ( ofs - last ofs ) >>> 1 ) ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + m ] ) > 0 ) last ofs = m + 1 ; else ofs = m ; } if ( debug ) assert last ofs == ofs ; return ofs ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len ; int last ofs = 0 ; int ofs = 1 ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + hint ] ) > 0 ) { int max ofs = len - hint ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint + ofs ] ) > 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; last ofs += hint ; ofs += hint ; } else { final int max ofs = hint + 1 ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint - ofs ] ) <= 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; int tmp = last ofs ; last ofs = hint - ofs ; ofs = hint - tmp ; } if ( debug ) assert - 1 <= last ofs && last ofs < ofs && ofs <= len ; last ofs ++ ; while ( last ofs < ofs ) { int m = last ofs + ( ( ofs - last ofs ) >>> 1 ) ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + m ] ) > 0 ) last ofs = m + 1 ; else ofs = m ; } if ( debug ) assert last ofs == ofs ; return ofs ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len ; int last ofs = 0 ; int ofs = 1 ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + hint ] ) > 0 ) { int max ofs = len - hint ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint + ofs ] ) > 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; last ofs += hint ; ofs += hint ; } else { final int max ofs = hint + 1 ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint - ofs ] ) <= 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; int tmp = last ofs ; last ofs = hint - ofs ; ofs = hint - tmp ; } if ( debug ) assert - 1 <= last ofs && last ofs < ofs && ofs <= len ; last ofs ++ ; while ( last ofs < ofs ) { int m = last ofs + ( ( ofs - last ofs ) >>> 1 ) ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + m ] ) > 0 ) last ofs = m + 1 ; else ofs = m ; } if ( debug ) assert last ofs == ofs ; return ofs ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name gallop,right


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len ; int ofs = 1 ; int last ofs = 0 ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + hint ] ) < 0 ) { int max ofs = hint + 1 ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint - ofs ] ) < 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; int tmp = last ofs ; last ofs = hint - ofs ; ofs = hint - tmp ; } else { int max ofs = len - hint ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint + ofs ] ) >= 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; last ofs += hint ; ofs += hint ; } if ( debug ) assert - 1 <= last ofs && last ofs < ofs && ofs <= len ; last ofs ++ ; while ( last ofs < ofs ) { int m = last ofs + ( ( ofs - last ofs ) >>> 1 ) ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + m ] ) < 0 ) ofs = m ; else last ofs = m + 1 ; } if ( debug ) assert last ofs == ofs ; return ofs ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len ; int ofs = 1 ; int last ofs = 0 ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + hint ] ) < 0 ) { int max ofs = hint + 1 ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint - ofs ] ) < 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; int tmp = last ofs ; last ofs = hint - ofs ; ofs = hint - tmp ; } else { int max ofs = len - hint ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint + ofs ] ) >= 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; last ofs += hint ; ofs += hint ; } if ( debug ) assert - 1 <= last ofs && last ofs < ofs && ofs <= len ; last ofs ++ ; while ( last ofs < ofs ) { int m = last ofs + ( ( ofs - last ofs ) >>> 1 ) ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + m ] ) < 0 ) ofs = m ; else last ofs = m + 1 ; } if ( debug ) assert last ofs == ofs ; return ofs ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len ; int ofs = 1 ; int last ofs = 0 ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + hint ] ) < 0 ) { int max ofs = hint + 1 ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint - ofs ] ) < 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; int tmp = last ofs ; last ofs = hint - ofs ; ofs = hint - tmp ; } else { int max ofs = len - hint ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint + ofs ] ) >= 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; last ofs += hint ; ofs += hint ; } if ( debug ) assert - 1 <= last ofs && last ofs < ofs && ofs <= len ; last ofs ++ ; while ( last ofs < ofs ) { int m = last ofs + ( ( ofs - last ofs ) >>> 1 ) ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + m ] ) < 0 ) ofs = m ; else last ofs = m + 1 ; } if ( debug ) assert last ofs == ofs ; return ofs ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len ; int ofs = 1 ; int last ofs = 0 ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + hint ] ) < 0 ) { int max ofs = hint + 1 ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint - ofs ] ) < 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; int tmp = last ofs ; last ofs = hint - ofs ; ofs = hint - tmp ; } else { int max ofs = len - hint ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint + ofs ] ) >= 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; last ofs += hint ; ofs += hint ; } if ( debug ) assert - 1 <= last ofs && last ofs < ofs && ofs <= len ; last ofs ++ ; while ( last ofs < ofs ) { int m = last ofs + ( ( ofs - last ofs ) >>> 1 ) ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + m ] ) < 0 ) ofs = m ; else last ofs = m + 1 ; } if ( debug ) assert last ofs == ofs ; return ofs ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len ; int ofs = 1 ; int last ofs = 0 ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + hint ] ) < 0 ) { int max ofs = hint + 1 ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint - ofs ] ) < 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; int tmp = last ofs ; last ofs = hint - ofs ; ofs = hint - tmp ; } else { int max ofs = len - hint ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint + ofs ] ) >= 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; last ofs += hint ; ofs += hint ; } if ( debug ) assert - 1 <= last ofs && last ofs < ofs && ofs <= len ; last ofs ++ ; while ( last ofs < ofs ) { int m = last ofs + ( ( ofs - last ofs ) >>> 1 ) ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + m ] ) < 0 ) ofs = m ; else last ofs = m + 1 ; } if ( debug ) assert last ofs == ofs ; return ofs ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len > 0 && hint >= 0 && hint < len ; int ofs = 1 ; int last ofs = 0 ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + hint ] ) < 0 ) { int max ofs = hint + 1 ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint - ofs ] ) < 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; int tmp = last ofs ; last ofs = hint - ofs ; ofs = hint - tmp ; } else { int max ofs = len - hint ; while ( ofs < max ofs && key . compare to ( a [ base + hint + ofs ] ) >= 0 ) { last ofs = ofs ; ofs = ( ofs << 1 ) + 1 ; if ( ofs <= 0 ) ofs = max ofs ; } if ( ofs > max ofs ) ofs = max ofs ; last ofs += hint ; ofs += hint ; } if ( debug ) assert - 1 <= last ofs && last ofs < ofs && ofs <= len ; last ofs ++ ; while ( last ofs < ofs ) { int m = last ofs + ( ( ofs - last ofs ) >>> 1 ) ; if ( key . compare to ( a [ base + m ] ) < 0 ) ofs = m ; else last ofs = m + 1 ; } if ( debug ) assert last ofs == ofs ; return ofs ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name merge,lo


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 && base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; object [ ] a = this . a ; object [ ] tmp = ensure capacity ( len 1 ) ; system . arraycopy ( a , base 1 , tmp , 0 , len 1 ) ; int cursor 1 = 0 ; int cursor 2 = base 2 ; int dest = base 1 ; a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , len 1 ) ; return ; } if ( len 1 == 1 ) { system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , len 2 ) ; a [ dest + len 2 ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ] ; return ; } int min gallop = this . min gallop ; outer : while ( true ) { int count 1 = 0 ; int count 2 = 0 ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 && len 2 > 0 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 2 ] ) . compare to ( tmp [ cursor 1 ] ) < 0 ) { a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; count 2 ++ ; count 1 = 0 ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; } else { a [ dest ++ ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ++ ] ; count 1 ++ ; count 2 = 0 ; if ( -- len 1 == 1 ) break outer ; } } while ( ( count 1 | count 2 ) < min gallop ) ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 && len 2 > 0 ; count 1 = gallop right ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 2 ] , tmp , cursor 1 , len 1 , 0 ) ; if ( count 1 != 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , count 1 ) ; dest += count 1 ; cursor 1 += count 1 ; len 1 -= count 1 ; if ( len 1 <= 1 ) break outer ; } a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; count 2 = gallop left ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 1 ] , a , cursor 2 , len 2 , 0 ) ; if ( count 2 != 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , count 2 ) ; dest += count 2 ; cursor 2 += count 2 ; len 2 -= count 2 ; if ( len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; } a [ dest ++ ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 1 ) break outer ; min gallop -- ; } while ( count 1 >= min gallop | count 2 >= min gallop ) ; if ( min gallop < 0 ) min gallop = 0 ; min gallop += 2 ; } this . min gallop = min gallop < 1 ? 1 : min gallop ; if ( len 1 == 1 ) { if ( debug ) assert len 2 > 0 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , len 2 ) ; a [ dest + len 2 ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ] ; } else if ( len 1 == 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "Comparison method violates its general contract!" ) ; } else { if ( debug ) assert len 2 == 0 ; if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , len 1 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 && base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; object [ ] a = this . a ; object [ ] tmp = ensure capacity ( len 1 ) ; system . arraycopy ( a , base 1 , tmp , 0 , len 1 ) ; int cursor 1 = 0 ; int cursor 2 = base 2 ; int dest = base 1 ; a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , len 1 ) ; return ; } if ( len 1 == 1 ) { system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , len 2 ) ; a [ dest + len 2 ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ] ; return ; } int min gallop = this . min gallop ; outer : while ( true ) { int count 1 = 0 ; int count 2 = 0 ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 && len 2 > 0 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 2 ] ) . compare to ( tmp [ cursor 1 ] ) < 0 ) { a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; count 2 ++ ; count 1 = 0 ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; } else { a [ dest ++ ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ++ ] ; count 1 ++ ; count 2 = 0 ; if ( -- len 1 == 1 ) break outer ; } } while ( ( count 1 | count 2 ) < min gallop ) ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 && len 2 > 0 ; count 1 = gallop right ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 2 ] , tmp , cursor 1 , len 1 , 0 ) ; if ( count 1 != 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , count 1 ) ; dest += count 1 ; cursor 1 += count 1 ; len 1 -= count 1 ; if ( len 1 <= 1 ) break outer ; } a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; count 2 = gallop left ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 1 ] , a , cursor 2 , len 2 , 0 ) ; if ( count 2 != 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , count 2 ) ; dest += count 2 ; cursor 2 += count 2 ; len 2 -= count 2 ; if ( len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; } a [ dest ++ ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 1 ) break outer ; min gallop -- ; } while ( count 1 >= min gallop | count 2 >= min gallop ) ; if ( min gallop < 0 ) min gallop = 0 ; min gallop += 2 ; } this . min gallop = min gallop < 1 ? 1 : min gallop ; if ( len 1 == 1 ) { if ( debug ) assert len 2 > 0 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , len 2 ) ; a [ dest + len 2 ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ] ; } else if ( len 1 == 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "Comparison method violates its general contract!" ) ; } else { if ( debug ) assert len 2 == 0 ; if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , len 1 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 && base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; object [ ] a = this . a ; object [ ] tmp = ensure capacity ( len 1 ) ; system . arraycopy ( a , base 1 , tmp , 0 , len 1 ) ; int cursor 1 = 0 ; int cursor 2 = base 2 ; int dest = base 1 ; a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , len 1 ) ; return ; } if ( len 1 == 1 ) { system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , len 2 ) ; a [ dest + len 2 ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ] ; return ; } int min gallop = this . min gallop ; outer : while ( true ) { int count 1 = 0 ; int count 2 = 0 ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 && len 2 > 0 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 2 ] ) . compare to ( tmp [ cursor 1 ] ) < 0 ) { a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; count 2 ++ ; count 1 = 0 ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; } else { a [ dest ++ ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ++ ] ; count 1 ++ ; count 2 = 0 ; if ( -- len 1 == 1 ) break outer ; } } while ( ( count 1 | count 2 ) < min gallop ) ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 && len 2 > 0 ; count 1 = gallop right ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 2 ] , tmp , cursor 1 , len 1 , 0 ) ; if ( count 1 != 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , count 1 ) ; dest += count 1 ; cursor 1 += count 1 ; len 1 -= count 1 ; if ( len 1 <= 1 ) break outer ; } a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; count 2 = gallop left ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 1 ] , a , cursor 2 , len 2 , 0 ) ; if ( count 2 != 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , count 2 ) ; dest += count 2 ; cursor 2 += count 2 ; len 2 -= count 2 ; if ( len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; } a [ dest ++ ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 1 ) break outer ; min gallop -- ; } while ( count 1 >= min gallop | count 2 >= min gallop ) ; if ( min gallop < 0 ) min gallop = 0 ; min gallop += 2 ; } this . min gallop = min gallop < 1 ? 1 : min gallop ; if ( len 1 == 1 ) { if ( debug ) assert len 2 > 0 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , len 2 ) ; a [ dest + len 2 ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ] ; } else if ( len 1 == 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "Comparison method violates its general contract!" ) ; } else { if ( debug ) assert len 2 == 0 ; if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , len 1 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 && base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; object [ ] a = this . a ; object [ ] tmp = ensure capacity ( len 1 ) ; system . arraycopy ( a , base 1 , tmp , 0 , len 1 ) ; int cursor 1 = 0 ; int cursor 2 = base 2 ; int dest = base 1 ; a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , len 1 ) ; return ; } if ( len 1 == 1 ) { system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , len 2 ) ; a [ dest + len 2 ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ] ; return ; } int min gallop = this . min gallop ; outer : while ( true ) { int count 1 = 0 ; int count 2 = 0 ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 && len 2 > 0 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 2 ] ) . compare to ( tmp [ cursor 1 ] ) < 0 ) { a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; count 2 ++ ; count 1 = 0 ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; } else { a [ dest ++ ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ++ ] ; count 1 ++ ; count 2 = 0 ; if ( -- len 1 == 1 ) break outer ; } } while ( ( count 1 | count 2 ) < min gallop ) ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 && len 2 > 0 ; count 1 = gallop right ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 2 ] , tmp , cursor 1 , len 1 , 0 ) ; if ( count 1 != 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , count 1 ) ; dest += count 1 ; cursor 1 += count 1 ; len 1 -= count 1 ; if ( len 1 <= 1 ) break outer ; } a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; count 2 = gallop left ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 1 ] , a , cursor 2 , len 2 , 0 ) ; if ( count 2 != 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , count 2 ) ; dest += count 2 ; cursor 2 += count 2 ; len 2 -= count 2 ; if ( len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; } a [ dest ++ ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 1 ) break outer ; min gallop -- ; } while ( count 1 >= min gallop | count 2 >= min gallop ) ; if ( min gallop < 0 ) min gallop = 0 ; min gallop += 2 ; } this . min gallop = min gallop < 1 ? 1 : min gallop ; if ( len 1 == 1 ) { if ( debug ) assert len 2 > 0 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , len 2 ) ; a [ dest + len 2 ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ] ; } else if ( len 1 == 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "Comparison method violates its general contract!" ) ; } else { if ( debug ) assert len 2 == 0 ; if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , len 1 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 && base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; object [ ] a = this . a ; object [ ] tmp = ensure capacity ( len 1 ) ; system . arraycopy ( a , base 1 , tmp , 0 , len 1 ) ; int cursor 1 = 0 ; int cursor 2 = base 2 ; int dest = base 1 ; a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , len 1 ) ; return ; } if ( len 1 == 1 ) { system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , len 2 ) ; a [ dest + len 2 ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ] ; return ; } int min gallop = this . min gallop ; outer : while ( true ) { int count 1 = 0 ; int count 2 = 0 ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 && len 2 > 0 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 2 ] ) . compare to ( tmp [ cursor 1 ] ) < 0 ) { a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; count 2 ++ ; count 1 = 0 ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; } else { a [ dest ++ ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ++ ] ; count 1 ++ ; count 2 = 0 ; if ( -- len 1 == 1 ) break outer ; } } while ( ( count 1 | count 2 ) < min gallop ) ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 && len 2 > 0 ; count 1 = gallop right ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 2 ] , tmp , cursor 1 , len 1 , 0 ) ; if ( count 1 != 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , count 1 ) ; dest += count 1 ; cursor 1 += count 1 ; len 1 -= count 1 ; if ( len 1 <= 1 ) break outer ; } a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; count 2 = gallop left ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 1 ] , a , cursor 2 , len 2 , 0 ) ; if ( count 2 != 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , count 2 ) ; dest += count 2 ; cursor 2 += count 2 ; len 2 -= count 2 ; if ( len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; } a [ dest ++ ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 1 ) break outer ; min gallop -- ; } while ( count 1 >= min gallop | count 2 >= min gallop ) ; if ( min gallop < 0 ) min gallop = 0 ; min gallop += 2 ; } this . min gallop = min gallop < 1 ? 1 : min gallop ; if ( len 1 == 1 ) { if ( debug ) assert len 2 > 0 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , len 2 ) ; a [ dest + len 2 ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ] ; } else if ( len 1 == 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "Comparison method violates its general contract!" ) ; } else { if ( debug ) assert len 2 == 0 ; if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , len 1 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 && base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; object [ ] a = this . a ; object [ ] tmp = ensure capacity ( len 1 ) ; system . arraycopy ( a , base 1 , tmp , 0 , len 1 ) ; int cursor 1 = 0 ; int cursor 2 = base 2 ; int dest = base 1 ; a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , len 1 ) ; return ; } if ( len 1 == 1 ) { system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , len 2 ) ; a [ dest + len 2 ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ] ; return ; } int min gallop = this . min gallop ; outer : while ( true ) { int count 1 = 0 ; int count 2 = 0 ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 && len 2 > 0 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 2 ] ) . compare to ( tmp [ cursor 1 ] ) < 0 ) { a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; count 2 ++ ; count 1 = 0 ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; } else { a [ dest ++ ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ++ ] ; count 1 ++ ; count 2 = 0 ; if ( -- len 1 == 1 ) break outer ; } } while ( ( count 1 | count 2 ) < min gallop ) ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 && len 2 > 0 ; count 1 = gallop right ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 2 ] , tmp , cursor 1 , len 1 , 0 ) ; if ( count 1 != 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , count 1 ) ; dest += count 1 ; cursor 1 += count 1 ; len 1 -= count 1 ; if ( len 1 <= 1 ) break outer ; } a [ dest ++ ] = a [ cursor 2 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; count 2 = gallop left ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 1 ] , a , cursor 2 , len 2 , 0 ) ; if ( count 2 != 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , count 2 ) ; dest += count 2 ; cursor 2 += count 2 ; len 2 -= count 2 ; if ( len 2 == 0 ) break outer ; } a [ dest ++ ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ++ ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 1 ) break outer ; min gallop -- ; } while ( count 1 >= min gallop | count 2 >= min gallop ) ; if ( min gallop < 0 ) min gallop = 0 ; min gallop += 2 ; } this . min gallop = min gallop < 1 ? 1 : min gallop ; if ( len 1 == 1 ) { if ( debug ) assert len 2 > 0 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 2 , a , dest , len 2 ) ; a [ dest + len 2 ] = tmp [ cursor 1 ] ; } else if ( len 1 == 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "Comparison method violates its general contract!" ) ; } else { if ( debug ) assert len 2 == 0 ; if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 1 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 1 , a , dest , len 1 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name merge,hi


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 && base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; object [ ] a = this . a ; object [ ] tmp = ensure capacity ( len 2 ) ; system . arraycopy ( a , base 2 , tmp , 0 , len 2 ) ; int cursor 1 = base 1 + len 1 - 1 ; int cursor 2 = len 2 - 1 ; int dest = base 2 + len 2 - 1 ; a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , 0 , a , dest - ( len 2 - 1 ) , len 2 ) ; return ; } if ( len 2 == 1 ) { dest -= len 1 ; cursor 1 -= len 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , len 1 ) ; a [ dest ] = tmp [ cursor 2 ] ; return ; } int min gallop = this . min gallop ; outer : while ( true ) { int count 1 = 0 ; int count 2 = 0 ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 2 ] ) . compare to ( a [ cursor 1 ] ) < 0 ) { a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; count 1 ++ ; count 2 = 0 ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; } else { a [ dest -- ] = tmp [ cursor 2 -- ] ; count 2 ++ ; count 1 = 0 ; if ( -- len 2 == 1 ) break outer ; } } while ( ( count 1 | count 2 ) < min gallop ) ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 1 ; count 1 = len 1 - gallop right ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 2 ] , a , base 1 , len 1 , len 1 - 1 ) ; if ( count 1 != 0 ) { dest -= count 1 ; cursor 1 -= count 1 ; len 1 -= count 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , count 1 ) ; if ( len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; } a [ dest -- ] = tmp [ cursor 2 -- ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 1 ) break outer ; count 2 = len 2 - gallop left ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 1 ] , tmp , 0 , len 2 , len 2 - 1 ) ; if ( count 2 != 0 ) { dest -= count 2 ; cursor 2 -= count 2 ; len 2 -= count 2 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 2 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , count 2 ) ; if ( len 2 <= 1 ) break outer ; } a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; min gallop -- ; } while ( count 1 >= min gallop | count 2 >= min gallop ) ; if ( min gallop < 0 ) min gallop = 0 ; min gallop += 2 ; } this . min gallop = min gallop < 1 ? 1 : min gallop ; if ( len 2 == 1 ) { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 ; dest -= len 1 ; cursor 1 -= len 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , len 1 ) ; a [ dest ] = tmp [ cursor 2 ] ; } else if ( len 2 == 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "Comparison method violates its general contract!" ) ; } else { if ( debug ) assert len 1 == 0 ; if ( debug ) assert len 2 > 0 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , 0 , a , dest - ( len 2 - 1 ) , len 2 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 && base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; object [ ] a = this . a ; object [ ] tmp = ensure capacity ( len 2 ) ; system . arraycopy ( a , base 2 , tmp , 0 , len 2 ) ; int cursor 1 = base 1 + len 1 - 1 ; int cursor 2 = len 2 - 1 ; int dest = base 2 + len 2 - 1 ; a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , 0 , a , dest - ( len 2 - 1 ) , len 2 ) ; return ; } if ( len 2 == 1 ) { dest -= len 1 ; cursor 1 -= len 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , len 1 ) ; a [ dest ] = tmp [ cursor 2 ] ; return ; } int min gallop = this . min gallop ; outer : while ( true ) { int count 1 = 0 ; int count 2 = 0 ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 2 ] ) . compare to ( a [ cursor 1 ] ) < 0 ) { a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; count 1 ++ ; count 2 = 0 ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; } else { a [ dest -- ] = tmp [ cursor 2 -- ] ; count 2 ++ ; count 1 = 0 ; if ( -- len 2 == 1 ) break outer ; } } while ( ( count 1 | count 2 ) < min gallop ) ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 1 ; count 1 = len 1 - gallop right ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 2 ] , a , base 1 , len 1 , len 1 - 1 ) ; if ( count 1 != 0 ) { dest -= count 1 ; cursor 1 -= count 1 ; len 1 -= count 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , count 1 ) ; if ( len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; } a [ dest -- ] = tmp [ cursor 2 -- ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 1 ) break outer ; count 2 = len 2 - gallop left ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 1 ] , tmp , 0 , len 2 , len 2 - 1 ) ; if ( count 2 != 0 ) { dest -= count 2 ; cursor 2 -= count 2 ; len 2 -= count 2 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 2 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , count 2 ) ; if ( len 2 <= 1 ) break outer ; } a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; min gallop -- ; } while ( count 1 >= min gallop | count 2 >= min gallop ) ; if ( min gallop < 0 ) min gallop = 0 ; min gallop += 2 ; } this . min gallop = min gallop < 1 ? 1 : min gallop ; if ( len 2 == 1 ) { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 ; dest -= len 1 ; cursor 1 -= len 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , len 1 ) ; a [ dest ] = tmp [ cursor 2 ] ; } else if ( len 2 == 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "Comparison method violates its general contract!" ) ; } else { if ( debug ) assert len 1 == 0 ; if ( debug ) assert len 2 > 0 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , 0 , a , dest - ( len 2 - 1 ) , len 2 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 && base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; object [ ] a = this . a ; object [ ] tmp = ensure capacity ( len 2 ) ; system . arraycopy ( a , base 2 , tmp , 0 , len 2 ) ; int cursor 1 = base 1 + len 1 - 1 ; int cursor 2 = len 2 - 1 ; int dest = base 2 + len 2 - 1 ; a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , 0 , a , dest - ( len 2 - 1 ) , len 2 ) ; return ; } if ( len 2 == 1 ) { dest -= len 1 ; cursor 1 -= len 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , len 1 ) ; a [ dest ] = tmp [ cursor 2 ] ; return ; } int min gallop = this . min gallop ; outer : while ( true ) { int count 1 = 0 ; int count 2 = 0 ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 2 ] ) . compare to ( a [ cursor 1 ] ) < 0 ) { a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; count 1 ++ ; count 2 = 0 ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; } else { a [ dest -- ] = tmp [ cursor 2 -- ] ; count 2 ++ ; count 1 = 0 ; if ( -- len 2 == 1 ) break outer ; } } while ( ( count 1 | count 2 ) < min gallop ) ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 1 ; count 1 = len 1 - gallop right ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 2 ] , a , base 1 , len 1 , len 1 - 1 ) ; if ( count 1 != 0 ) { dest -= count 1 ; cursor 1 -= count 1 ; len 1 -= count 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , count 1 ) ; if ( len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; } a [ dest -- ] = tmp [ cursor 2 -- ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 1 ) break outer ; count 2 = len 2 - gallop left ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 1 ] , tmp , 0 , len 2 , len 2 - 1 ) ; if ( count 2 != 0 ) { dest -= count 2 ; cursor 2 -= count 2 ; len 2 -= count 2 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 2 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , count 2 ) ; if ( len 2 <= 1 ) break outer ; } a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; min gallop -- ; } while ( count 1 >= min gallop | count 2 >= min gallop ) ; if ( min gallop < 0 ) min gallop = 0 ; min gallop += 2 ; } this . min gallop = min gallop < 1 ? 1 : min gallop ; if ( len 2 == 1 ) { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 ; dest -= len 1 ; cursor 1 -= len 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , len 1 ) ; a [ dest ] = tmp [ cursor 2 ] ; } else if ( len 2 == 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "Comparison method violates its general contract!" ) ; } else { if ( debug ) assert len 1 == 0 ; if ( debug ) assert len 2 > 0 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , 0 , a , dest - ( len 2 - 1 ) , len 2 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 && base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; object [ ] a = this . a ; object [ ] tmp = ensure capacity ( len 2 ) ; system . arraycopy ( a , base 2 , tmp , 0 , len 2 ) ; int cursor 1 = base 1 + len 1 - 1 ; int cursor 2 = len 2 - 1 ; int dest = base 2 + len 2 - 1 ; a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , 0 , a , dest - ( len 2 - 1 ) , len 2 ) ; return ; } if ( len 2 == 1 ) { dest -= len 1 ; cursor 1 -= len 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , len 1 ) ; a [ dest ] = tmp [ cursor 2 ] ; return ; } int min gallop = this . min gallop ; outer : while ( true ) { int count 1 = 0 ; int count 2 = 0 ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 2 ] ) . compare to ( a [ cursor 1 ] ) < 0 ) { a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; count 1 ++ ; count 2 = 0 ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; } else { a [ dest -- ] = tmp [ cursor 2 -- ] ; count 2 ++ ; count 1 = 0 ; if ( -- len 2 == 1 ) break outer ; } } while ( ( count 1 | count 2 ) < min gallop ) ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 1 ; count 1 = len 1 - gallop right ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 2 ] , a , base 1 , len 1 , len 1 - 1 ) ; if ( count 1 != 0 ) { dest -= count 1 ; cursor 1 -= count 1 ; len 1 -= count 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , count 1 ) ; if ( len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; } a [ dest -- ] = tmp [ cursor 2 -- ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 1 ) break outer ; count 2 = len 2 - gallop left ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 1 ] , tmp , 0 , len 2 , len 2 - 1 ) ; if ( count 2 != 0 ) { dest -= count 2 ; cursor 2 -= count 2 ; len 2 -= count 2 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 2 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , count 2 ) ; if ( len 2 <= 1 ) break outer ; } a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; min gallop -- ; } while ( count 1 >= min gallop | count 2 >= min gallop ) ; if ( min gallop < 0 ) min gallop = 0 ; min gallop += 2 ; } this . min gallop = min gallop < 1 ? 1 : min gallop ; if ( len 2 == 1 ) { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 ; dest -= len 1 ; cursor 1 -= len 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , len 1 ) ; a [ dest ] = tmp [ cursor 2 ] ; } else if ( len 2 == 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "Comparison method violates its general contract!" ) ; } else { if ( debug ) assert len 1 == 0 ; if ( debug ) assert len 2 > 0 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , 0 , a , dest - ( len 2 - 1 ) , len 2 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 && base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; object [ ] a = this . a ; object [ ] tmp = ensure capacity ( len 2 ) ; system . arraycopy ( a , base 2 , tmp , 0 , len 2 ) ; int cursor 1 = base 1 + len 1 - 1 ; int cursor 2 = len 2 - 1 ; int dest = base 2 + len 2 - 1 ; a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , 0 , a , dest - ( len 2 - 1 ) , len 2 ) ; return ; } if ( len 2 == 1 ) { dest -= len 1 ; cursor 1 -= len 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , len 1 ) ; a [ dest ] = tmp [ cursor 2 ] ; return ; } int min gallop = this . min gallop ; outer : while ( true ) { int count 1 = 0 ; int count 2 = 0 ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 2 ] ) . compare to ( a [ cursor 1 ] ) < 0 ) { a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; count 1 ++ ; count 2 = 0 ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; } else { a [ dest -- ] = tmp [ cursor 2 -- ] ; count 2 ++ ; count 1 = 0 ; if ( -- len 2 == 1 ) break outer ; } } while ( ( count 1 | count 2 ) < min gallop ) ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 1 ; count 1 = len 1 - gallop right ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 2 ] , a , base 1 , len 1 , len 1 - 1 ) ; if ( count 1 != 0 ) { dest -= count 1 ; cursor 1 -= count 1 ; len 1 -= count 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , count 1 ) ; if ( len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; } a [ dest -- ] = tmp [ cursor 2 -- ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 1 ) break outer ; count 2 = len 2 - gallop left ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 1 ] , tmp , 0 , len 2 , len 2 - 1 ) ; if ( count 2 != 0 ) { dest -= count 2 ; cursor 2 -= count 2 ; len 2 -= count 2 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 2 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , count 2 ) ; if ( len 2 <= 1 ) break outer ; } a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; min gallop -- ; } while ( count 1 >= min gallop | count 2 >= min gallop ) ; if ( min gallop < 0 ) min gallop = 0 ; min gallop += 2 ; } this . min gallop = min gallop < 1 ? 1 : min gallop ; if ( len 2 == 1 ) { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 ; dest -= len 1 ; cursor 1 -= len 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , len 1 ) ; a [ dest ] = tmp [ cursor 2 ] ; } else if ( len 2 == 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "Comparison method violates its general contract!" ) ; } else { if ( debug ) assert len 1 == 0 ; if ( debug ) assert len 2 > 0 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , 0 , a , dest - ( len 2 - 1 ) , len 2 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 0 && base 1 + len 1 == base 2 ; object [ ] a = this . a ; object [ ] tmp = ensure capacity ( len 2 ) ; system . arraycopy ( a , base 2 , tmp , 0 , len 2 ) ; int cursor 1 = base 1 + len 1 - 1 ; int cursor 2 = len 2 - 1 ; int dest = base 2 + len 2 - 1 ; a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) { system . arraycopy ( tmp , 0 , a , dest - ( len 2 - 1 ) , len 2 ) ; return ; } if ( len 2 == 1 ) { dest -= len 1 ; cursor 1 -= len 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , len 1 ) ; a [ dest ] = tmp [ cursor 2 ] ; return ; } int min gallop = this . min gallop ; outer : while ( true ) { int count 1 = 0 ; int count 2 = 0 ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 1 ; if ( ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 2 ] ) . compare to ( a [ cursor 1 ] ) < 0 ) { a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; count 1 ++ ; count 2 = 0 ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; } else { a [ dest -- ] = tmp [ cursor 2 -- ] ; count 2 ++ ; count 1 = 0 ; if ( -- len 2 == 1 ) break outer ; } } while ( ( count 1 | count 2 ) < min gallop ) ; do { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 && len 2 > 1 ; count 1 = len 1 - gallop right ( ( comparable ) tmp [ cursor 2 ] , a , base 1 , len 1 , len 1 - 1 ) ; if ( count 1 != 0 ) { dest -= count 1 ; cursor 1 -= count 1 ; len 1 -= count 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , count 1 ) ; if ( len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; } a [ dest -- ] = tmp [ cursor 2 -- ] ; if ( -- len 2 == 1 ) break outer ; count 2 = len 2 - gallop left ( ( comparable ) a [ cursor 1 ] , tmp , 0 , len 2 , len 2 - 1 ) ; if ( count 2 != 0 ) { dest -= count 2 ; cursor 2 -= count 2 ; len 2 -= count 2 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , cursor 2 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , count 2 ) ; if ( len 2 <= 1 ) break outer ; } a [ dest -- ] = a [ cursor 1 -- ] ; if ( -- len 1 == 0 ) break outer ; min gallop -- ; } while ( count 1 >= min gallop | count 2 >= min gallop ) ; if ( min gallop < 0 ) min gallop = 0 ; min gallop += 2 ; } this . min gallop = min gallop < 1 ? 1 : min gallop ; if ( len 2 == 1 ) { if ( debug ) assert len 1 > 0 ; dest -= len 1 ; cursor 1 -= len 1 ; system . arraycopy ( a , cursor 1 + 1 , a , dest + 1 , len 1 ) ; a [ dest ] = tmp [ cursor 2 ] ; } else if ( len 2 == 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "Comparison method violates its general contract!" ) ; } else { if ( debug ) assert len 1 == 0 ; if ( debug ) assert len 2 > 0 ; system . arraycopy ( tmp , 0 , a , dest - ( len 2 - 1 ) , len 2 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name ensure,capacity


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( tmp . length < min capacity ) { int new size = min capacity ; new size |= new size >> 1 ; new size |= new size >> 2 ; new size |= new size >> 4 ; new size |= new size >> 8 ; new size |= new size >> 16 ; new size ++ ; if ( new size < 0 ) new size = min capacity ; else new size = math . min ( new size , a . length >>> 1 ) ; object [ ] new array = new object [ new size ] ; tmp = new array ; } return tmp ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( tmp . length < min capacity ) { int new size = min capacity ; new size |= new size >> 1 ; new size |= new size >> 2 ; new size |= new size >> 4 ; new size |= new size >> 8 ; new size |= new size >> 16 ; new size ++ ; if ( new size < 0 ) new size = min capacity ; else new size = math . min ( new size , a . length >>> 1 ) ; object [ ] new array = new object [ new size ] ; tmp = new array ; } return tmp ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( tmp . length < min capacity ) { int new size = min capacity ; new size |= new size >> 1 ; new size |= new size >> 2 ; new size |= new size >> 4 ; new size |= new size >> 8 ; new size |= new size >> 16 ; new size ++ ; if ( new size < 0 ) new size = min capacity ; else new size = math . min ( new size , a . length >>> 1 ) ; object [ ] new array = new object [ new size ] ; tmp = new array ; } return tmp ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( tmp . length < min capacity ) { int new size = min capacity ; new size |= new size >> 1 ; new size |= new size >> 2 ; new size |= new size >> 4 ; new size |= new size >> 8 ; new size |= new size >> 16 ; new size ++ ; if ( new size < 0 ) new size = min capacity ; else new size = math . min ( new size , a . length >>> 1 ) ; object [ ] new array = new object [ new size ] ; tmp = new array ; } return tmp ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( tmp . length < min capacity ) { int new size = min capacity ; new size |= new size >> 1 ; new size |= new size >> 2 ; new size |= new size >> 4 ; new size |= new size >> 8 ; new size |= new size >> 16 ; new size ++ ; if ( new size < 0 ) new size = min capacity ; else new size = math . min ( new size , a . length >>> 1 ) ; object [ ] new array = new object [ new size ] ; tmp = new array ; } return tmp ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( tmp . length < min capacity ) { int new size = min capacity ; new size |= new size >> 1 ; new size |= new size >> 2 ; new size |= new size >> 4 ; new size |= new size >> 8 ; new size |= new size >> 16 ; new size ++ ; if ( new size < 0 ) new size = min capacity ; else new size = math . min ( new size , a . length >>> 1 ) ; object [ ] new array = new object [ new size ] ; tmp = new array ; } return tmp ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name range,check


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( from index > to index ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "fromIndex(" + from index + ") > toIndex(" + to index + ")" ) ; if ( from index < 0 ) throw new array index out of bounds exception ( from index ) ; if ( to index > array len ) throw new array index out of bounds exception ( to index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( from index > to index ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "fromIndex(" + from index + ") > toIndex(" + to index + ")" ) ; if ( from index < 0 ) throw new array index out of bounds exception ( from index ) ; if ( to index > array len ) throw new array index out of bounds exception ( to index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( from index > to index ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "fromIndex(" + from index + ") > toIndex(" + to index + ")" ) ; if ( from index < 0 ) throw new array index out of bounds exception ( from index ) ; if ( to index > array len ) throw new array index out of bounds exception ( to index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( from index > to index ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "fromIndex(" + from index + ") > toIndex(" + to index + ")" ) ; if ( from index < 0 ) throw new array index out of bounds exception ( from index ) ; if ( to index > array len ) throw new array index out of bounds exception ( to index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( from index > to index ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "fromIndex(" + from index + ") > toIndex(" + to index + ")" ) ; if ( from index < 0 ) throw new array index out of bounds exception ( from index ) ; if ( to index > array len ) throw new array index out of bounds exception ( to index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( from index > to index ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "fromIndex(" + from index + ") > toIndex(" + to index + ")" ) ; if ( from index < 0 ) throw new array index out of bounds exception ( from index ) ; if ( to index > array len ) throw new array index out of bounds exception ( to index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name read


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( length > in . length ( ) - position ) { length = in . length ( ) - position ; if ( length <= 0 ) { return - 1 ; } } in . get chars ( position , position + length , b , offset ) ; position += length ; return length ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( length > in . length ( ) - position ) { length = in . length ( ) - position ; if ( length <= 0 ) { return - 1 ; } } in . get chars ( position , position + length , b , offset ) ; position += length ; return length ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( length > in . length ( ) - position ) { length = in . length ( ) - position ; if ( length <= 0 ) { return - 1 ; } } in . get chars ( position , position + length , b , offset ) ; position += length ; return length ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( length > in . length ( ) - position ) { length = in . length ( ) - position ; if ( length <= 0 ) { return - 1 ; } } in . get chars ( position , position + length , b , offset ) ; position += length ; return length ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name close



(Copy Probability: 0.1%)




(Copy Probability: 0.0%)


Original Name create,default,shader


<SENTENCE_START> { string vertex shader = "attribute vec4 " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "attribute vec4 " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + "attribute vec2 " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + "uniform mat4 u_projTrans; " + "varying vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + " " + "void main() " + "{ " + " v_color = " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + " v_color.a = v_color.a * (255.0/254.0); " + " v_texCoords = " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + " gl_Position = u_projTrans * " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "} " ; string fragment shader = "#ifdef GL_ES " + "#define LOWP lowp " + "precision mediump float; " + "#else " + "#define LOWP " + "#endif " + "varying LOWP vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + "uniform sampler2D u_texture; " + "void main() " + "{ " + " gl_FragColor = v_color * texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoords); " + "}" ; shader program shader = new shader program ( vertex shader , fragment shader ) ; if ( shader . is compiled ( ) == false ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "Error compiling shader: " + shader . get log ( ) ) ; return shader ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { string vertex shader = "attribute vec4 " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "attribute vec4 " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + "attribute vec2 " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + "uniform mat4 u_projTrans; " + "varying vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + " " + "void main() " + "{ " + " v_color = " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + " v_color.a = v_color.a * (255.0/254.0); " + " v_texCoords = " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + " gl_Position = u_projTrans * " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "} " ; string fragment shader = "#ifdef GL_ES " + "#define LOWP lowp " + "precision mediump float; " + "#else " + "#define LOWP " + "#endif " + "varying LOWP vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + "uniform sampler2D u_texture; " + "void main() " + "{ " + " gl_FragColor = v_color * texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoords); " + "}" ; shader program shader = new shader program ( vertex shader , fragment shader ) ; if ( shader . is compiled ( ) == false ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "Error compiling shader: " + shader . get log ( ) ) ; return shader ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { string vertex shader = "attribute vec4 " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "attribute vec4 " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + "attribute vec2 " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + "uniform mat4 u_projTrans; " + "varying vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + " " + "void main() " + "{ " + " v_color = " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + " v_color.a = v_color.a * (255.0/254.0); " + " v_texCoords = " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + " gl_Position = u_projTrans * " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "} " ; string fragment shader = "#ifdef GL_ES " + "#define LOWP lowp " + "precision mediump float; " + "#else " + "#define LOWP " + "#endif " + "varying LOWP vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + "uniform sampler2D u_texture; " + "void main() " + "{ " + " gl_FragColor = v_color * texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoords); " + "}" ; shader program shader = new shader program ( vertex shader , fragment shader ) ; if ( shader . is compiled ( ) == false ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "Error compiling shader: " + shader . get log ( ) ) ; return shader ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 30.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { string vertex shader = "attribute vec4 " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "attribute vec4 " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + "attribute vec2 " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + "uniform mat4 u_projTrans; " + "varying vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + " " + "void main() " + "{ " + " v_color = " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + " v_color.a = v_color.a * (255.0/254.0); " + " v_texCoords = " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + " gl_Position = u_projTrans * " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "} " ; string fragment shader = "#ifdef GL_ES " + "#define LOWP lowp " + "precision mediump float; " + "#else " + "#define LOWP " + "#endif " + "varying LOWP vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + "uniform sampler2D u_texture; " + "void main() " + "{ " + " gl_FragColor = v_color * texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoords); " + "}" ; shader program shader = new shader program ( vertex shader , fragment shader ) ; if ( shader . is compiled ( ) == false ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "Error compiling shader: " + shader . get log ( ) ) ; return shader ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { string vertex shader = "attribute vec4 " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "attribute vec4 " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + "attribute vec2 " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + "uniform mat4 u_projTrans; " + "varying vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + " " + "void main() " + "{ " + " v_color = " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + " v_color.a = v_color.a * (255.0/254.0); " + " v_texCoords = " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + " gl_Position = u_projTrans * " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "} " ; string fragment shader = "#ifdef GL_ES " + "#define LOWP lowp " + "precision mediump float; " + "#else " + "#define LOWP " + "#endif " + "varying LOWP vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + "uniform sampler2D u_texture; " + "void main() " + "{ " + " gl_FragColor = v_color * texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoords); " + "}" ; shader program shader = new shader program ( vertex shader , fragment shader ) ; if ( shader . is compiled ( ) == false ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "Error compiling shader: " + shader . get log ( ) ) ; return shader ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 28.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { string vertex shader = "attribute vec4 " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "attribute vec4 " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + "attribute vec2 " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + "uniform mat4 u_projTrans; " + "varying vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + " " + "void main() " + "{ " + " v_color = " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + " v_color.a = v_color.a * (255.0/254.0); " + " v_texCoords = " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + " gl_Position = u_projTrans * " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "} " ; string fragment shader = "#ifdef GL_ES " + "#define LOWP lowp " + "precision mediump float; " + "#else " + "#define LOWP " + "#endif " + "varying LOWP vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + "uniform sampler2D u_texture; " + "void main() " + "{ " + " gl_FragColor = v_color * texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoords); " + "}" ; shader program shader = new shader program ( vertex shader , fragment shader ) ; if ( shader . is compiled ( ) == false ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "Error compiling shader: " + shader . get log ( ) ) ; return shader ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { string vertex shader = "attribute vec4 " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "attribute vec4 " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + "attribute vec2 " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + "uniform mat4 u_projTrans; " + "varying vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + " " + "void main() " + "{ " + " v_color = " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + " v_color.a = v_color.a * (255.0/254.0); " + " v_texCoords = " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + " gl_Position = u_projTrans * " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "} " ; string fragment shader = "#ifdef GL_ES " + "#define LOWP lowp " + "precision mediump float; " + "#else " + "#define LOWP " + "#endif " + "varying LOWP vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + "uniform sampler2D u_texture; " + "void main() " + "{ " + " gl_FragColor = v_color * texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoords); " + "}" ; shader program shader = new shader program ( vertex shader , fragment shader ) ; if ( shader . is compiled ( ) == false ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "Error compiling shader: " + shader . get log ( ) ) ; return shader ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { string vertex shader = "attribute vec4 " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "attribute vec4 " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + "attribute vec2 " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + "uniform mat4 u_projTrans; " + "varying vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + " " + "void main() " + "{ " + " v_color = " + shader program . color attribute + "; " + " v_color.a = v_color.a * (255.0/254.0); " + " v_texCoords = " + shader program . texcoord attribute + "0; " + " gl_Position = u_projTrans * " + shader program . position attribute + "; " + "} " ; string fragment shader = "#ifdef GL_ES " + "#define LOWP lowp " + "precision mediump float; " + "#else " + "#define LOWP " + "#endif " + "varying LOWP vec4 v_color; " + "varying vec2 v_texCoords; " + "uniform sampler2D u_texture; " + "void main() " + "{ " + " gl_FragColor = v_color * texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoords); " + "}" ; shader program shader = new shader program ( vertex shader , fragment shader ) ; if ( shader . is compiled ( ) == false ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "Error compiling shader: " + shader . get log ( ) ) ; return shader ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name setup,matrices


<SENTENCE_START> { combined matrix . set ( projection matrix ) . mul ( transform matrix ) ; if ( custom shader != null ) { custom shader . set uniform matrix ( "u_projTrans" , combined matrix ) ; custom shader . set uniformi ( "u_texture" , 0 ) ; } else { shader . set uniform matrix ( "u_projTrans" , combined matrix ) ; shader . set uniformi ( "u_texture" , 0 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { combined matrix . set ( projection matrix ) . mul ( transform matrix ) ; if ( custom shader != null ) { custom shader . set uniform matrix ( "u_projTrans" , combined matrix ) ; custom shader . set uniformi ( "u_texture" , 0 ) ; } else { shader . set uniform matrix ( "u_projTrans" , combined matrix ) ; shader . set uniformi ( "u_texture" , 0 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { combined matrix . set ( projection matrix ) . mul ( transform matrix ) ; if ( custom shader != null ) { custom shader . set uniform matrix ( "u_projTrans" , combined matrix ) ; custom shader . set uniformi ( "u_texture" , 0 ) ; } else { shader . set uniform matrix ( "u_projTrans" , combined matrix ) ; shader . set uniformi ( "u_texture" , 0 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 22.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { combined matrix . set ( projection matrix ) . mul ( transform matrix ) ; if ( custom shader != null ) { custom shader . set uniform matrix ( "u_projTrans" , combined matrix ) ; custom shader . set uniformi ( "u_texture" , 0 ) ; } else { shader . set uniform matrix ( "u_projTrans" , combined matrix ) ; shader . set uniformi ( "u_texture" , 0 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { combined matrix . set ( projection matrix ) . mul ( transform matrix ) ; if ( custom shader != null ) { custom shader . set uniform matrix ( "u_projTrans" , combined matrix ) ; custom shader . set uniformi ( "u_texture" , 0 ) ; } else { shader . set uniform matrix ( "u_projTrans" , combined matrix ) ; shader . set uniformi ( "u_texture" , 0 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { combined matrix . set ( projection matrix ) . mul ( transform matrix ) ; if ( custom shader != null ) { custom shader . set uniform matrix ( "u_projTrans" , combined matrix ) ; custom shader . set uniformi ( "u_texture" , 0 ) ; } else { shader . set uniform matrix ( "u_projTrans" , combined matrix ) ; shader . set uniformi ( "u_texture" , 0 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name switch,texture


<SENTENCE_START> { flush ( ) ; last texture = texture ; inv tex width = 1.0f / texture . get width ( ) ; inv tex height = 1.0f / texture . get height ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { flush ( ) ; last texture = texture ; inv tex width = 1.0f / texture . get width ( ) ; inv tex height = 1.0f / texture . get height ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { flush ( ) ; last texture = texture ; inv tex width = 1.0f / texture . get width ( ) ; inv tex height = 1.0f / texture . get height ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 59.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { flush ( ) ; last texture = texture ; inv tex width = 1.0f / texture . get width ( ) ; inv tex height = 1.0f / texture . get height ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { flush ( ) ; last texture = texture ; inv tex width = 1.0f / texture . get width ( ) ; inv tex height = 1.0f / texture . get height ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { flush ( ) ; last texture = texture ; inv tex width = 1.0f / texture . get width ( ) ; inv tex height = 1.0f / texture . get height ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name is,drawing


<SENTENCE_START> { return drawing ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return drawing ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return drawing ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 28.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return drawing ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return drawing ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return drawing ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name object


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current != null ) { if ( ! current . array ) { if ( ! named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Name must be set." ) ; named = false ; } } stack . add ( current = new json object ( false ) ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current != null ) { if ( ! current . array ) { if ( ! named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Name must be set." ) ; named = false ; } } stack . add ( current = new json object ( false ) ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current != null ) { if ( ! current . array ) { if ( ! named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Name must be set." ) ; named = false ; } } stack . add ( current = new json object ( false ) ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current != null ) { if ( ! current . array ) { if ( ! named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Name must be set." ) ; named = false ; } } stack . add ( current = new json object ( false ) ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name object


<SENTENCE_START> { name ( name ) . %SELF% ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { name ( name ) . %SELF% ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { name ( name ) . %SELF% ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { name ( name ) . %SELF% ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name array


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current != null ) { if ( ! current . %SELF% ) { if ( ! named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Name must be set." ) ; named = false ; } } stack . add ( current = new json object ( true ) ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current != null ) { if ( ! current . %SELF% ) { if ( ! named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Name must be set." ) ; named = false ; } } stack . add ( current = new json object ( true ) ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current != null ) { if ( ! current . %SELF% ) { if ( ! named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Name must be set." ) ; named = false ; } } stack . add ( current = new json object ( true ) ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current != null ) { if ( ! current . %SELF% ) { if ( ! named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Name must be set." ) ; named = false ; } } stack . add ( current = new json object ( true ) ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name array


<SENTENCE_START> { name ( name ) . %SELF% ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { name ( name ) . %SELF% ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { name ( name ) . %SELF% ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { name ( name ) . %SELF% ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name name


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current == null || current . array ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Current item must be an object." ) ; byte [ ] bytes = %SELF% . get bytes ( "UTF-8" ) ; if ( bytes . length <= byte . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( bytes . length ) ; } else if ( bytes . length <= short . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( bytes . length ) ; } else { out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( bytes . length ) ; } out . write ( bytes ) ; named = true ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current == null || current . array ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Current item must be an object." ) ; byte [ ] bytes = %SELF% . get bytes ( "UTF-8" ) ; if ( bytes . length <= byte . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( bytes . length ) ; } else if ( bytes . length <= short . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( bytes . length ) ; } else { out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( bytes . length ) ; } out . write ( bytes ) ; named = true ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current == null || current . array ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Current item must be an object." ) ; byte [ ] bytes = %SELF% . get bytes ( "UTF-8" ) ; if ( bytes . length <= byte . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( bytes . length ) ; } else if ( bytes . length <= short . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( bytes . length ) ; } else { out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( bytes . length ) ; } out . write ( bytes ) ; named = true ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current == null || current . array ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Current item must be an object." ) ; byte [ ] bytes = %SELF% . get bytes ( "UTF-8" ) ; if ( bytes . length <= byte . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( bytes . length ) ; } else if ( bytes . length <= short . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( bytes . length ) ; } else { out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( bytes . length ) ; } out . write ( bytes ) ; named = true ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'L' ) ; out . write long ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'L' ) ; out . write long ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'L' ) ; out . write long ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'L' ) ; out . write long ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'd' ) ; out . write float ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'd' ) ; out . write float ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'd' ) ; out . write float ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'd' ) ; out . write float ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'D' ) ; out . write double ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'D' ) ; out . write double ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'D' ) ; out . write double ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'D' ) ; out . write double ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( %SELF% ? 'T' : 'F' ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( %SELF% ? 'T' : 'F' ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( %SELF% ? 'T' : 'F' ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( %SELF% ? 'T' : 'F' ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write char ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write char ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write char ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write char ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; byte [ ] bytes = %SELF% . get bytes ( "UTF-8" ) ; out . write byte ( 'S' ) ; if ( bytes . length <= byte . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( bytes . length ) ; } else if ( bytes . length <= short . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( bytes . length ) ; } else { out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( bytes . length ) ; } out . write ( bytes ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; byte [ ] bytes = %SELF% . get bytes ( "UTF-8" ) ; out . write byte ( 'S' ) ; if ( bytes . length <= byte . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( bytes . length ) ; } else if ( bytes . length <= short . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( bytes . length ) ; } else { out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( bytes . length ) ; } out . write ( bytes ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; byte [ ] bytes = %SELF% . get bytes ( "UTF-8" ) ; out . write byte ( 'S' ) ; if ( bytes . length <= byte . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( bytes . length ) ; } else if ( bytes . length <= short . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( bytes . length ) ; } else { out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( bytes . length ) ; } out . write ( bytes ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; byte [ ] bytes = %SELF% . get bytes ( "UTF-8" ) ; out . write byte ( 'S' ) ; if ( bytes . length <= byte . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( bytes . length ) ; } else if ( bytes . length <= short . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( bytes . length ) ; } else { out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( bytes . length ) ; } out . write ( bytes ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write byte ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write byte ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write byte ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write byte ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write short ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write short ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write short ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write short ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write int ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write int ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write int ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write int ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write long ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write long ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write long ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write long ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'd' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write float ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'd' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write float ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'd' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write float ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'd' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write float ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'd' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write double ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'd' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write double ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'd' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write double ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'd' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write double ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write byte ( values [ i ] ? 'T' : 'F' ) ; } pop ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write byte ( values [ i ] ? 'T' : 'F' ) ; } pop ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write byte ( values [ i ] ? 'T' : 'F' ) ; } pop ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write byte ( values [ i ] ? 'T' : 'F' ) ; } pop ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write char ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write char ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write char ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { out . write char ( values [ i ] ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'S' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { byte [ ] bytes = values [ i ] . get bytes ( "UTF-8" ) ; if ( bytes . length <= byte . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( bytes . length ) ; } else if ( bytes . length <= short . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( bytes . length ) ; } else { out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( bytes . length ) ; } out . write ( bytes ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'S' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { byte [ ] bytes = values [ i ] . get bytes ( "UTF-8" ) ; if ( bytes . length <= byte . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( bytes . length ) ; } else if ( bytes . length <= short . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( bytes . length ) ; } else { out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( bytes . length ) ; } out . write ( bytes ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'S' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { byte [ ] bytes = values [ i ] . get bytes ( "UTF-8" ) ; if ( bytes . length <= byte . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( bytes . length ) ; } else if ( bytes . length <= short . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( bytes . length ) ; } else { out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( bytes . length ) ; } out . write ( bytes ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array ( ) ; out . write byte ( '$' ) ; out . write byte ( 'S' ) ; out . write byte ( '#' ) ; %SELF% ( values . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = values . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { byte [ ] bytes = values [ i ] . get bytes ( "UTF-8" ) ; if ( bytes . length <= byte . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'i' ) ; out . write byte ( bytes . length ) ; } else if ( bytes . length <= short . max value ) { out . write byte ( 'I' ) ; out . write short ( bytes . length ) ; } else { out . write byte ( 'l' ) ; out . write int ( bytes . length ) ; } out . write ( bytes ) ; } pop ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( %SELF% . is object ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) object ( %SELF% . name ) ; else object ( ) ; for ( json value child = %SELF% . child ; child != null ; child = child . next ) %SELF% ( child ) ; pop ( ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is array ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) array ( %SELF% . name ) ; else array ( ) ; for ( json value child = %SELF% . child ; child != null ; child = child . next ) %SELF% ( child ) ; pop ( ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is boolean ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as boolean ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is double ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as double ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is long ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as long ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is string ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as string ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is null ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( ) ; } else { throw new io exception ( "Unhandled JsonValue type" ) ; } return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( %SELF% . is object ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) object ( %SELF% . name ) ; else object ( ) ; for ( json value child = %SELF% . child ; child != null ; child = child . next ) %SELF% ( child ) ; pop ( ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is array ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) array ( %SELF% . name ) ; else array ( ) ; for ( json value child = %SELF% . child ; child != null ; child = child . next ) %SELF% ( child ) ; pop ( ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is boolean ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as boolean ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is double ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as double ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is long ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as long ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is string ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as string ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is null ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( ) ; } else { throw new io exception ( "Unhandled JsonValue type" ) ; } return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( %SELF% . is object ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) object ( %SELF% . name ) ; else object ( ) ; for ( json value child = %SELF% . child ; child != null ; child = child . next ) %SELF% ( child ) ; pop ( ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is array ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) array ( %SELF% . name ) ; else array ( ) ; for ( json value child = %SELF% . child ; child != null ; child = child . next ) %SELF% ( child ) ; pop ( ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is boolean ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as boolean ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is double ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as double ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is long ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as long ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is string ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as string ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is null ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( ) ; } else { throw new io exception ( "Unhandled JsonValue type" ) ; } return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( %SELF% . is object ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) object ( %SELF% . name ) ; else object ( ) ; for ( json value child = %SELF% . child ; child != null ; child = child . next ) %SELF% ( child ) ; pop ( ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is array ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) array ( %SELF% . name ) ; else array ( ) ; for ( json value child = %SELF% . child ; child != null ; child = child . next ) %SELF% ( child ) ; pop ( ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is boolean ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as boolean ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is double ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as double ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is long ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as long ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is string ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( %SELF% . as string ( ) ) ; } else if ( %SELF% . is null ( ) ) { if ( %SELF% . name != null ) name ( %SELF% . name ) ; %SELF% ( ) ; } else { throw new io exception ( "Unhandled JsonValue type" ) ; } return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( object == null ) { return %SELF% ( ) ; } else if ( object instanceof number ) { number number = ( number ) object ; if ( object instanceof byte ) return %SELF% ( number . byte value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof short ) return %SELF% ( number . short value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof integer ) return %SELF% ( number . int value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof long ) return %SELF% ( number . long value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof float ) return %SELF% ( number . float value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof double ) return %SELF% ( number . double value ( ) ) ; } else if ( object instanceof character ) { return %SELF% ( ( ( character ) object ) . char value ( ) ) ; } else if ( object instanceof char sequence ) { return %SELF% ( object . to string ( ) ) ; } else throw new io exception ( "Unknown object type." ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( object == null ) { return %SELF% ( ) ; } else if ( object instanceof number ) { number number = ( number ) object ; if ( object instanceof byte ) return %SELF% ( number . byte value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof short ) return %SELF% ( number . short value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof integer ) return %SELF% ( number . int value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof long ) return %SELF% ( number . long value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof float ) return %SELF% ( number . float value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof double ) return %SELF% ( number . double value ( ) ) ; } else if ( object instanceof character ) { return %SELF% ( ( ( character ) object ) . char value ( ) ) ; } else if ( object instanceof char sequence ) { return %SELF% ( object . to string ( ) ) ; } else throw new io exception ( "Unknown object type." ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( object == null ) { return %SELF% ( ) ; } else if ( object instanceof number ) { number number = ( number ) object ; if ( object instanceof byte ) return %SELF% ( number . byte value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof short ) return %SELF% ( number . short value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof integer ) return %SELF% ( number . int value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof long ) return %SELF% ( number . long value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof float ) return %SELF% ( number . float value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof double ) return %SELF% ( number . double value ( ) ) ; } else if ( object instanceof character ) { return %SELF% ( ( ( character ) object ) . char value ( ) ) ; } else if ( object instanceof char sequence ) { return %SELF% ( object . to string ( ) ) ; } else throw new io exception ( "Unknown object type." ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 12.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( object == null ) { return %SELF% ( ) ; } else if ( object instanceof number ) { number number = ( number ) object ; if ( object instanceof byte ) return %SELF% ( number . byte value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof short ) return %SELF% ( number . short value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof integer ) return %SELF% ( number . int value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof long ) return %SELF% ( number . long value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof float ) return %SELF% ( number . float value ( ) ) ; if ( object instanceof double ) return %SELF% ( number . double value ( ) ) ; } else if ( object instanceof character ) { return %SELF% ( ( ( character ) object ) . char value ( ) ) ; } else if ( object instanceof char sequence ) { return %SELF% ( object . to string ( ) ) ; } else throw new io exception ( "Unknown object type." ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name value


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'Z' ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'Z' ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'Z' ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { check name ( ) ; out . write byte ( 'Z' ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ( name ) . value ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name check,name


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current != null ) { if ( ! current . array ) { if ( ! named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Name must be set." ) ; named = false ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current != null ) { if ( ! current . array ) { if ( ! named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Name must be set." ) ; named = false ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current != null ) { if ( ! current . array ) { if ( ! named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Name must be set." ) ; named = false ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current != null ) { if ( ! current . array ) { if ( ! named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Name must be set." ) ; named = false ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current != null ) { if ( ! current . array ) { if ( ! named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Name must be set." ) ; named = false ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( current != null ) { if ( ! current . array ) { if ( ! named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Name must be set." ) ; named = false ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name pop


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name pop


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Expected an object, array, or value since a name was set." ) ; if ( silent ) stack . %SELF% ( ) ; else stack . %SELF% ( ) . close ( ) ; current = stack . size == 0 ? null : stack . peek ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Expected an object, array, or value since a name was set." ) ; if ( silent ) stack . %SELF% ( ) ; else stack . %SELF% ( ) . close ( ) ; current = stack . size == 0 ? null : stack . peek ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Expected an object, array, or value since a name was set." ) ; if ( silent ) stack . %SELF% ( ) ; else stack . %SELF% ( ) . close ( ) ; current = stack . size == 0 ? null : stack . peek ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( named ) throw new illegal state exception ( "Expected an object, array, or value since a name was set." ) ; if ( silent ) stack . %SELF% ( ) ; else stack . %SELF% ( ) . close ( ) ; current = stack . size == 0 ? null : stack . peek ( ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name flush



(Copy Probability: 0.3%)




(Copy Probability: 0.1%)


Original Name close


<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack . size > 0 ) pop ( ) ; out . %SELF% ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack . size > 0 ) pop ( ) ; out . %SELF% ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack . size > 0 ) pop ( ) ; out . %SELF% ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { while ( stack . size > 0 ) pop ( ) ; out . %SELF% ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name close


<SENTENCE_START> { out . write byte ( array ? ']' : '}' ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { out . write byte ( array ? ']' : '}' ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { out . write byte ( array ? ']' : '}' ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { out . write byte ( array ? ']' : '}' ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name create,config


<SENTENCE_START> { lwjgl application configuration config = new lwjgl application configuration ( ) ; config . title = title ; config . width = width ; config . height = height ; config . v sync enabled = true ; return config ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { lwjgl application configuration config = new lwjgl application configuration ( ) ; config . title = title ; config . width = width ; config . height = height ; config . v sync enabled = true ; return config ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { lwjgl application configuration config = new lwjgl application configuration ( ) ; config . title = title ; config . width = width ; config . height = height ; config . v sync enabled = true ; return config ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { lwjgl application configuration config = new lwjgl application configuration ( ) ; config . title = title ; config . width = width ; config . height = height ; config . v sync enabled = true ; return config ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { lwjgl application configuration config = new lwjgl application configuration ( ) ; config . title = title ; config . width = width ; config . height = height ; config . v sync enabled = true ; return config ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { lwjgl application configuration config = new lwjgl application configuration ( ) ; config . title = title ; config . width = width ; config . height = height ; config . v sync enabled = true ; return config ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name initialize


<SENTENCE_START> { main loop thread = new thread ( "LWJGL Application" ) { @ override public void run ( ) { graphics . set v sync ( graphics . config . v sync enabled ) ; try { lwjgl application . this . main loop ( ) ; } catch ( throwable t ) { if ( audio != null ) audio . dispose ( ) ; gdx . input . set cursor catched ( false ) ; if ( t instanceof runtime exception ) throw ( runtime exception ) t ; else throw new gdx runtime exception ( t ) ; } } } ; main loop thread . start ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { main loop thread = new thread ( "LWJGL Application" ) { @ override public void run ( ) { graphics . set v sync ( graphics . config . v sync enabled ) ; try { lwjgl application . this . main loop ( ) ; } catch ( throwable t ) { if ( audio != null ) audio . dispose ( ) ; gdx . input . set cursor catched ( false ) ; if ( t instanceof runtime exception ) throw ( runtime exception ) t ; else throw new gdx runtime exception ( t ) ; } } } ; main loop thread . start ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { main loop thread = new thread ( "LWJGL Application" ) { @ override public void run ( ) { graphics . set v sync ( graphics . config . v sync enabled ) ; try { lwjgl application . this . main loop ( ) ; } catch ( throwable t ) { if ( audio != null ) audio . dispose ( ) ; gdx . input . set cursor catched ( false ) ; if ( t instanceof runtime exception ) throw ( runtime exception ) t ; else throw new gdx runtime exception ( t ) ; } } } ; main loop thread . start ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { main loop thread = new thread ( "LWJGL Application" ) { @ override public void run ( ) { graphics . set v sync ( graphics . config . v sync enabled ) ; try { lwjgl application . this . main loop ( ) ; } catch ( throwable t ) { if ( audio != null ) audio . dispose ( ) ; gdx . input . set cursor catched ( false ) ; if ( t instanceof runtime exception ) throw ( runtime exception ) t ; else throw new gdx runtime exception ( t ) ; } } } ; main loop thread . start ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name main,loop


<SENTENCE_START> { array < lifecycle listener > lifecycle listeners = this . lifecycle listeners ; try { graphics . setup display ( ) ; } catch ( lwjgl exception e ) { throw new gdx runtime exception ( e ) ; } listener . create ( ) ; graphics . resize = true ; int last width = graphics . get width ( ) ; int last height = graphics . get height ( ) ; graphics . last time = system . nano time ( ) ; boolean was active = true ; while ( running ) { display . process messages ( ) ; if ( display . is close requested ( ) ) exit ( ) ; boolean is active = display . is active ( ) ; if ( was active && ! is active ) { was active = false ; synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) listener . pause ( ) ; } listener . pause ( ) ; } if ( ! was active && is active ) { was active = true ; synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) listener . resume ( ) ; } listener . resume ( ) ; } boolean should render = false ; if ( graphics . canvas != null ) { int width = graphics . canvas . get width ( ) ; int height = graphics . canvas . get height ( ) ; if ( last width != width || last height != height ) { last width = width ; last height = height ; gdx . gl . gl viewport ( 0 , 0 , last width , last height ) ; listener . resize ( last width , last height ) ; should render = true ; } } else { graphics . config . x = display . get x ( ) ; graphics . config . y = display . get y ( ) ; if ( graphics . resize || display . was resized ( ) || ( int ) ( display . get width ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) != graphics . config . width || ( int ) ( display . get height ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) != graphics . config . height ) { graphics . resize = false ; graphics . config . width = ( int ) ( display . get width ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) ; graphics . config . height = ( int ) ( display . get height ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) ; gdx . gl . gl viewport ( 0 , 0 , graphics . config . width , graphics . config . height ) ; if ( listener != null ) listener . resize ( graphics . config . width , graphics . config . height ) ; graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } } if ( execute runnables ( ) ) should render = true ; if ( ! running ) break ; input . update ( ) ; should render |= graphics . should render ( ) ; input . process events ( ) ; if ( audio != null ) audio . update ( ) ; if ( ! is active && graphics . config . background fps == - 1 ) should render = false ; int frame rate = is active ? graphics . config . foreground fps : graphics . config . background fps ; if ( should render ) { graphics . update time ( ) ; graphics . frame id ++ ; listener . render ( ) ; display . update ( false ) ; } else { if ( frame rate == - 1 ) frame rate = 10 ; if ( frame rate == 0 ) frame rate = graphics . config . background fps ; if ( frame rate == 0 ) frame rate = 30 ; } if ( frame rate > 0 ) display . sync ( frame rate ) ; } synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) { listener . pause ( ) ; listener . dispose ( ) ; } } listener . pause ( ) ; listener . dispose ( ) ; display . destroy ( ) ; if ( audio != null ) audio . dispose ( ) ; if ( graphics . config . force exit ) system . exit ( - 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array < lifecycle listener > lifecycle listeners = this . lifecycle listeners ; try { graphics . setup display ( ) ; } catch ( lwjgl exception e ) { throw new gdx runtime exception ( e ) ; } listener . create ( ) ; graphics . resize = true ; int last width = graphics . get width ( ) ; int last height = graphics . get height ( ) ; graphics . last time = system . nano time ( ) ; boolean was active = true ; while ( running ) { display . process messages ( ) ; if ( display . is close requested ( ) ) exit ( ) ; boolean is active = display . is active ( ) ; if ( was active && ! is active ) { was active = false ; synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) listener . pause ( ) ; } listener . pause ( ) ; } if ( ! was active && is active ) { was active = true ; synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) listener . resume ( ) ; } listener . resume ( ) ; } boolean should render = false ; if ( graphics . canvas != null ) { int width = graphics . canvas . get width ( ) ; int height = graphics . canvas . get height ( ) ; if ( last width != width || last height != height ) { last width = width ; last height = height ; gdx . gl . gl viewport ( 0 , 0 , last width , last height ) ; listener . resize ( last width , last height ) ; should render = true ; } } else { graphics . config . x = display . get x ( ) ; graphics . config . y = display . get y ( ) ; if ( graphics . resize || display . was resized ( ) || ( int ) ( display . get width ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) != graphics . config . width || ( int ) ( display . get height ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) != graphics . config . height ) { graphics . resize = false ; graphics . config . width = ( int ) ( display . get width ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) ; graphics . config . height = ( int ) ( display . get height ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) ; gdx . gl . gl viewport ( 0 , 0 , graphics . config . width , graphics . config . height ) ; if ( listener != null ) listener . resize ( graphics . config . width , graphics . config . height ) ; graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } } if ( execute runnables ( ) ) should render = true ; if ( ! running ) break ; input . update ( ) ; should render |= graphics . should render ( ) ; input . process events ( ) ; if ( audio != null ) audio . update ( ) ; if ( ! is active && graphics . config . background fps == - 1 ) should render = false ; int frame rate = is active ? graphics . config . foreground fps : graphics . config . background fps ; if ( should render ) { graphics . update time ( ) ; graphics . frame id ++ ; listener . render ( ) ; display . update ( false ) ; } else { if ( frame rate == - 1 ) frame rate = 10 ; if ( frame rate == 0 ) frame rate = graphics . config . background fps ; if ( frame rate == 0 ) frame rate = 30 ; } if ( frame rate > 0 ) display . sync ( frame rate ) ; } synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) { listener . pause ( ) ; listener . dispose ( ) ; } } listener . pause ( ) ; listener . dispose ( ) ; display . destroy ( ) ; if ( audio != null ) audio . dispose ( ) ; if ( graphics . config . force exit ) system . exit ( - 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { array < lifecycle listener > lifecycle listeners = this . lifecycle listeners ; try { graphics . setup display ( ) ; } catch ( lwjgl exception e ) { throw new gdx runtime exception ( e ) ; } listener . create ( ) ; graphics . resize = true ; int last width = graphics . get width ( ) ; int last height = graphics . get height ( ) ; graphics . last time = system . nano time ( ) ; boolean was active = true ; while ( running ) { display . process messages ( ) ; if ( display . is close requested ( ) ) exit ( ) ; boolean is active = display . is active ( ) ; if ( was active && ! is active ) { was active = false ; synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) listener . pause ( ) ; } listener . pause ( ) ; } if ( ! was active && is active ) { was active = true ; synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) listener . resume ( ) ; } listener . resume ( ) ; } boolean should render = false ; if ( graphics . canvas != null ) { int width = graphics . canvas . get width ( ) ; int height = graphics . canvas . get height ( ) ; if ( last width != width || last height != height ) { last width = width ; last height = height ; gdx . gl . gl viewport ( 0 , 0 , last width , last height ) ; listener . resize ( last width , last height ) ; should render = true ; } } else { graphics . config . x = display . get x ( ) ; graphics . config . y = display . get y ( ) ; if ( graphics . resize || display . was resized ( ) || ( int ) ( display . get width ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) != graphics . config . width || ( int ) ( display . get height ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) != graphics . config . height ) { graphics . resize = false ; graphics . config . width = ( int ) ( display . get width ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) ; graphics . config . height = ( int ) ( display . get height ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) ; gdx . gl . gl viewport ( 0 , 0 , graphics . config . width , graphics . config . height ) ; if ( listener != null ) listener . resize ( graphics . config . width , graphics . config . height ) ; graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } } if ( execute runnables ( ) ) should render = true ; if ( ! running ) break ; input . update ( ) ; should render |= graphics . should render ( ) ; input . process events ( ) ; if ( audio != null ) audio . update ( ) ; if ( ! is active && graphics . config . background fps == - 1 ) should render = false ; int frame rate = is active ? graphics . config . foreground fps : graphics . config . background fps ; if ( should render ) { graphics . update time ( ) ; graphics . frame id ++ ; listener . render ( ) ; display . update ( false ) ; } else { if ( frame rate == - 1 ) frame rate = 10 ; if ( frame rate == 0 ) frame rate = graphics . config . background fps ; if ( frame rate == 0 ) frame rate = 30 ; } if ( frame rate > 0 ) display . sync ( frame rate ) ; } synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) { listener . pause ( ) ; listener . dispose ( ) ; } } listener . pause ( ) ; listener . dispose ( ) ; display . destroy ( ) ; if ( audio != null ) audio . dispose ( ) ; if ( graphics . config . force exit ) system . exit ( - 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array < lifecycle listener > lifecycle listeners = this . lifecycle listeners ; try { graphics . setup display ( ) ; } catch ( lwjgl exception e ) { throw new gdx runtime exception ( e ) ; } listener . create ( ) ; graphics . resize = true ; int last width = graphics . get width ( ) ; int last height = graphics . get height ( ) ; graphics . last time = system . nano time ( ) ; boolean was active = true ; while ( running ) { display . process messages ( ) ; if ( display . is close requested ( ) ) exit ( ) ; boolean is active = display . is active ( ) ; if ( was active && ! is active ) { was active = false ; synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) listener . pause ( ) ; } listener . pause ( ) ; } if ( ! was active && is active ) { was active = true ; synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) listener . resume ( ) ; } listener . resume ( ) ; } boolean should render = false ; if ( graphics . canvas != null ) { int width = graphics . canvas . get width ( ) ; int height = graphics . canvas . get height ( ) ; if ( last width != width || last height != height ) { last width = width ; last height = height ; gdx . gl . gl viewport ( 0 , 0 , last width , last height ) ; listener . resize ( last width , last height ) ; should render = true ; } } else { graphics . config . x = display . get x ( ) ; graphics . config . y = display . get y ( ) ; if ( graphics . resize || display . was resized ( ) || ( int ) ( display . get width ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) != graphics . config . width || ( int ) ( display . get height ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) != graphics . config . height ) { graphics . resize = false ; graphics . config . width = ( int ) ( display . get width ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) ; graphics . config . height = ( int ) ( display . get height ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) ; gdx . gl . gl viewport ( 0 , 0 , graphics . config . width , graphics . config . height ) ; if ( listener != null ) listener . resize ( graphics . config . width , graphics . config . height ) ; graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } } if ( execute runnables ( ) ) should render = true ; if ( ! running ) break ; input . update ( ) ; should render |= graphics . should render ( ) ; input . process events ( ) ; if ( audio != null ) audio . update ( ) ; if ( ! is active && graphics . config . background fps == - 1 ) should render = false ; int frame rate = is active ? graphics . config . foreground fps : graphics . config . background fps ; if ( should render ) { graphics . update time ( ) ; graphics . frame id ++ ; listener . render ( ) ; display . update ( false ) ; } else { if ( frame rate == - 1 ) frame rate = 10 ; if ( frame rate == 0 ) frame rate = graphics . config . background fps ; if ( frame rate == 0 ) frame rate = 30 ; } if ( frame rate > 0 ) display . sync ( frame rate ) ; } synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) { listener . pause ( ) ; listener . dispose ( ) ; } } listener . pause ( ) ; listener . dispose ( ) ; display . destroy ( ) ; if ( audio != null ) audio . dispose ( ) ; if ( graphics . config . force exit ) system . exit ( - 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { array < lifecycle listener > lifecycle listeners = this . lifecycle listeners ; try { graphics . setup display ( ) ; } catch ( lwjgl exception e ) { throw new gdx runtime exception ( e ) ; } listener . create ( ) ; graphics . resize = true ; int last width = graphics . get width ( ) ; int last height = graphics . get height ( ) ; graphics . last time = system . nano time ( ) ; boolean was active = true ; while ( running ) { display . process messages ( ) ; if ( display . is close requested ( ) ) exit ( ) ; boolean is active = display . is active ( ) ; if ( was active && ! is active ) { was active = false ; synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) listener . pause ( ) ; } listener . pause ( ) ; } if ( ! was active && is active ) { was active = true ; synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) listener . resume ( ) ; } listener . resume ( ) ; } boolean should render = false ; if ( graphics . canvas != null ) { int width = graphics . canvas . get width ( ) ; int height = graphics . canvas . get height ( ) ; if ( last width != width || last height != height ) { last width = width ; last height = height ; gdx . gl . gl viewport ( 0 , 0 , last width , last height ) ; listener . resize ( last width , last height ) ; should render = true ; } } else { graphics . config . x = display . get x ( ) ; graphics . config . y = display . get y ( ) ; if ( graphics . resize || display . was resized ( ) || ( int ) ( display . get width ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) != graphics . config . width || ( int ) ( display . get height ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) != graphics . config . height ) { graphics . resize = false ; graphics . config . width = ( int ) ( display . get width ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) ; graphics . config . height = ( int ) ( display . get height ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) ; gdx . gl . gl viewport ( 0 , 0 , graphics . config . width , graphics . config . height ) ; if ( listener != null ) listener . resize ( graphics . config . width , graphics . config . height ) ; graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } } if ( execute runnables ( ) ) should render = true ; if ( ! running ) break ; input . update ( ) ; should render |= graphics . should render ( ) ; input . process events ( ) ; if ( audio != null ) audio . update ( ) ; if ( ! is active && graphics . config . background fps == - 1 ) should render = false ; int frame rate = is active ? graphics . config . foreground fps : graphics . config . background fps ; if ( should render ) { graphics . update time ( ) ; graphics . frame id ++ ; listener . render ( ) ; display . update ( false ) ; } else { if ( frame rate == - 1 ) frame rate = 10 ; if ( frame rate == 0 ) frame rate = graphics . config . background fps ; if ( frame rate == 0 ) frame rate = 30 ; } if ( frame rate > 0 ) display . sync ( frame rate ) ; } synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) { listener . pause ( ) ; listener . dispose ( ) ; } } listener . pause ( ) ; listener . dispose ( ) ; display . destroy ( ) ; if ( audio != null ) audio . dispose ( ) ; if ( graphics . config . force exit ) system . exit ( - 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array < lifecycle listener > lifecycle listeners = this . lifecycle listeners ; try { graphics . setup display ( ) ; } catch ( lwjgl exception e ) { throw new gdx runtime exception ( e ) ; } listener . create ( ) ; graphics . resize = true ; int last width = graphics . get width ( ) ; int last height = graphics . get height ( ) ; graphics . last time = system . nano time ( ) ; boolean was active = true ; while ( running ) { display . process messages ( ) ; if ( display . is close requested ( ) ) exit ( ) ; boolean is active = display . is active ( ) ; if ( was active && ! is active ) { was active = false ; synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) listener . pause ( ) ; } listener . pause ( ) ; } if ( ! was active && is active ) { was active = true ; synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) listener . resume ( ) ; } listener . resume ( ) ; } boolean should render = false ; if ( graphics . canvas != null ) { int width = graphics . canvas . get width ( ) ; int height = graphics . canvas . get height ( ) ; if ( last width != width || last height != height ) { last width = width ; last height = height ; gdx . gl . gl viewport ( 0 , 0 , last width , last height ) ; listener . resize ( last width , last height ) ; should render = true ; } } else { graphics . config . x = display . get x ( ) ; graphics . config . y = display . get y ( ) ; if ( graphics . resize || display . was resized ( ) || ( int ) ( display . get width ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) != graphics . config . width || ( int ) ( display . get height ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) != graphics . config . height ) { graphics . resize = false ; graphics . config . width = ( int ) ( display . get width ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) ; graphics . config . height = ( int ) ( display . get height ( ) * display . get pixel scale factor ( ) ) ; gdx . gl . gl viewport ( 0 , 0 , graphics . config . width , graphics . config . height ) ; if ( listener != null ) listener . resize ( graphics . config . width , graphics . config . height ) ; graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } } if ( execute runnables ( ) ) should render = true ; if ( ! running ) break ; input . update ( ) ; should render |= graphics . should render ( ) ; input . process events ( ) ; if ( audio != null ) audio . update ( ) ; if ( ! is active && graphics . config . background fps == - 1 ) should render = false ; int frame rate = is active ? graphics . config . foreground fps : graphics . config . background fps ; if ( should render ) { graphics . update time ( ) ; graphics . frame id ++ ; listener . render ( ) ; display . update ( false ) ; } else { if ( frame rate == - 1 ) frame rate = 10 ; if ( frame rate == 0 ) frame rate = graphics . config . background fps ; if ( frame rate == 0 ) frame rate = 30 ; } if ( frame rate > 0 ) display . sync ( frame rate ) ; } synchronized ( lifecycle listeners ) { for ( lifecycle listener listener : lifecycle listeners ) { listener . pause ( ) ; listener . dispose ( ) ; } } listener . pause ( ) ; listener . dispose ( ) ; display . destroy ( ) ; if ( audio != null ) audio . dispose ( ) ; if ( graphics . config . force exit ) system . exit ( - 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name execute,runnables


<SENTENCE_START> { synchronized ( runnables ) { for ( int i = runnables . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) executed runnables . add ( runnables . get ( i ) ) ; runnables . clear ( ) ; } if ( executed runnables . size == 0 ) return false ; do executed runnables . pop ( ) . run ( ) ; while ( executed runnables . size > 0 ) ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { synchronized ( runnables ) { for ( int i = runnables . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) executed runnables . add ( runnables . get ( i ) ) ; runnables . clear ( ) ; } if ( executed runnables . size == 0 ) return false ; do executed runnables . pop ( ) . run ( ) ; while ( executed runnables . size > 0 ) ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { synchronized ( runnables ) { for ( int i = runnables . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) executed runnables . add ( runnables . get ( i ) ) ; runnables . clear ( ) ; } if ( executed runnables . size == 0 ) return false ; do executed runnables . pop ( ) . run ( ) ; while ( executed runnables . size > 0 ) ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 49.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { synchronized ( runnables ) { for ( int i = runnables . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) executed runnables . add ( runnables . get ( i ) ) ; runnables . clear ( ) ; } if ( executed runnables . size == 0 ) return false ; do executed runnables . pop ( ) . run ( ) ; while ( executed runnables . size > 0 ) ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { synchronized ( runnables ) { for ( int i = runnables . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) executed runnables . add ( runnables . get ( i ) ) ; runnables . clear ( ) ; } if ( executed runnables . size == 0 ) return false ; do executed runnables . pop ( ) . run ( ) ; while ( executed runnables . size > 0 ) ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { synchronized ( runnables ) { for ( int i = runnables . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) executed runnables . add ( runnables . get ( i ) ) ; runnables . clear ( ) ; } if ( executed runnables . size == 0 ) return false ; do executed runnables . pop ( ) . run ( ) ; while ( executed runnables . size > 0 ) ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name stop


<SENTENCE_START> { running = false ; try { main loop thread . join ( ) ; } catch ( exception ex ) { } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { running = false ; try { main loop thread . join ( ) ; } catch ( exception ex ) { } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { running = false ; try { main loop thread . join ( ) ; } catch ( exception ex ) { } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { running = false ; try { main loop thread . join ( ) ; } catch ( exception ex ) { } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,c,ptr


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name sort,islands


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find sort islands ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find sort islands ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find sort islands ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find sort islands ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find sort islands ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 24.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find sort islands ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name reset


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find reset ( swig c ptr , this , n ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find reset ( swig c ptr , this , n ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find reset ( swig c ptr , this , n ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 39.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find reset ( swig c ptr , this , n ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,num,elements


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find get num elements ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find get num elements ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find get num elements ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find get num elements ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find get num elements ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find get num elements ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find get num elements ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 14.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find get num elements ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name is,root


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find is root ( swig c ptr , this , x ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find is root ( swig c ptr , this , x ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find is root ( swig c ptr , this , x ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find is root ( swig c ptr , this , x ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find is root ( swig c ptr , this , x ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find is root ( swig c ptr , this , x ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,element


<SENTENCE_START> { return new bt element ( collision jni . bt union find get element swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return new bt element ( collision jni . bt union find get element swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return new bt element ( collision jni . bt union find get element swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return new bt element ( collision jni . bt union find get element swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return new bt element ( collision jni . bt union find get element swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 29.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return new bt element ( collision jni . bt union find get element swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , index ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name allocate


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find allocate ( swig c ptr , this , n ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find allocate ( swig c ptr , this , n ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find allocate ( swig c ptr , this , n ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 62.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find allocate ( swig c ptr , this , n ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name free


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find free ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find free ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find free ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 89.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find free ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name find


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find find swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , p , q ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find find swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , p , q ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find find swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , p , q ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 91.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find find swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , p , q ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name unite


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find unite ( swig c ptr , this , p , q ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 14.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find unite ( swig c ptr , this , p , q ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find unite ( swig c ptr , this , p , q ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 79.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt union find unite ( swig c ptr , this , p , q ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name find


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find find swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , x ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 12.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find find swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , x ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find find swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , x ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 95.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt union find find swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , x ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,c,ptr


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,radius


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get radius ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get radius ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get radius ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get radius ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get radius ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get radius ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,height


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get height ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get height ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get height ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get height ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get height ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get height ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,cone,up,index


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt cone shape set cone up index ( swig c ptr , this , up index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt cone shape set cone up index ( swig c ptr , this , up index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt cone shape set cone up index ( swig c ptr , this , up index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt cone shape set cone up index ( swig c ptr , this , up index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt cone shape set cone up index ( swig c ptr , this , up index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt cone shape set cone up index ( swig c ptr , this , up index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt cone shape set cone up index ( swig c ptr , this , up index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 87.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt cone shape set cone up index ( swig c ptr , this , up index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt cone shape set cone up index ( swig c ptr , this , up index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt cone shape set cone up index ( swig c ptr , this , up index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,cone,up,index


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get cone up index ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get cone up index ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get cone up index ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get cone up index ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get cone up index ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get cone up index ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get cone up index ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 90.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get cone up index ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get cone up index ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt cone shape get cone up index ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,amount


<SENTENCE_START> { return amount ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return amount ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return amount ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 82.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return amount ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return amount ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return amount ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,amount


<SENTENCE_START> { amount = rotation amount ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { amount = rotation amount ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { amount = rotation amount ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 58.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { amount = rotation amount ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { amount = rotation amount ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { amount = rotation amount ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,child,edge


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( 0 <= index && index < m count - 1 ) ; edge . m radius = m radius ; final vec 2 v 0 = m vertices [ index + 0 ] ; final vec 2 v 1 = m vertices [ index + 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 1 . x = v 0 . x ; edge . m vertex 1 . y = v 0 . y ; edge . m vertex 2 . x = v 1 . x ; edge . m vertex 2 . y = v 1 . y ; if ( index > 0 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index - 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 0 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 0 . x = m prev vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = m prev vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = m has prev vertex ; } if ( index < m count - 2 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index + 2 ] ; edge . m vertex 3 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 3 . x = m next vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = m next vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = m has next vertex ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( 0 <= index && index < m count - 1 ) ; edge . m radius = m radius ; final vec 2 v 0 = m vertices [ index + 0 ] ; final vec 2 v 1 = m vertices [ index + 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 1 . x = v 0 . x ; edge . m vertex 1 . y = v 0 . y ; edge . m vertex 2 . x = v 1 . x ; edge . m vertex 2 . y = v 1 . y ; if ( index > 0 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index - 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 0 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 0 . x = m prev vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = m prev vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = m has prev vertex ; } if ( index < m count - 2 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index + 2 ] ; edge . m vertex 3 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 3 . x = m next vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = m next vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = m has next vertex ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( 0 <= index && index < m count - 1 ) ; edge . m radius = m radius ; final vec 2 v 0 = m vertices [ index + 0 ] ; final vec 2 v 1 = m vertices [ index + 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 1 . x = v 0 . x ; edge . m vertex 1 . y = v 0 . y ; edge . m vertex 2 . x = v 1 . x ; edge . m vertex 2 . y = v 1 . y ; if ( index > 0 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index - 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 0 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 0 . x = m prev vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = m prev vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = m has prev vertex ; } if ( index < m count - 2 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index + 2 ] ; edge . m vertex 3 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 3 . x = m next vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = m next vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = m has next vertex ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 14.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( 0 <= index && index < m count - 1 ) ; edge . m radius = m radius ; final vec 2 v 0 = m vertices [ index + 0 ] ; final vec 2 v 1 = m vertices [ index + 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 1 . x = v 0 . x ; edge . m vertex 1 . y = v 0 . y ; edge . m vertex 2 . x = v 1 . x ; edge . m vertex 2 . y = v 1 . y ; if ( index > 0 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index - 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 0 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 0 . x = m prev vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = m prev vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = m has prev vertex ; } if ( index < m count - 2 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index + 2 ] ; edge . m vertex 3 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 3 . x = m next vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = m next vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = m has next vertex ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( 0 <= index && index < m count - 1 ) ; edge . m radius = m radius ; final vec 2 v 0 = m vertices [ index + 0 ] ; final vec 2 v 1 = m vertices [ index + 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 1 . x = v 0 . x ; edge . m vertex 1 . y = v 0 . y ; edge . m vertex 2 . x = v 1 . x ; edge . m vertex 2 . y = v 1 . y ; if ( index > 0 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index - 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 0 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 0 . x = m prev vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = m prev vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = m has prev vertex ; } if ( index < m count - 2 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index + 2 ] ; edge . m vertex 3 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 3 . x = m next vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = m next vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = m has next vertex ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 17.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( 0 <= index && index < m count - 1 ) ; edge . m radius = m radius ; final vec 2 v 0 = m vertices [ index + 0 ] ; final vec 2 v 1 = m vertices [ index + 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 1 . x = v 0 . x ; edge . m vertex 1 . y = v 0 . y ; edge . m vertex 2 . x = v 1 . x ; edge . m vertex 2 . y = v 1 . y ; if ( index > 0 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index - 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 0 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 0 . x = m prev vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = m prev vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = m has prev vertex ; } if ( index < m count - 2 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index + 2 ] ; edge . m vertex 3 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 3 . x = m next vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = m next vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = m has next vertex ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( 0 <= index && index < m count - 1 ) ; edge . m radius = m radius ; final vec 2 v 0 = m vertices [ index + 0 ] ; final vec 2 v 1 = m vertices [ index + 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 1 . x = v 0 . x ; edge . m vertex 1 . y = v 0 . y ; edge . m vertex 2 . x = v 1 . x ; edge . m vertex 2 . y = v 1 . y ; if ( index > 0 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index - 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 0 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 0 . x = m prev vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = m prev vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = m has prev vertex ; } if ( index < m count - 2 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index + 2 ] ; edge . m vertex 3 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 3 . x = m next vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = m next vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = m has next vertex ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( 0 <= index && index < m count - 1 ) ; edge . m radius = m radius ; final vec 2 v 0 = m vertices [ index + 0 ] ; final vec 2 v 1 = m vertices [ index + 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 1 . x = v 0 . x ; edge . m vertex 1 . y = v 0 . y ; edge . m vertex 2 . x = v 1 . x ; edge . m vertex 2 . y = v 1 . y ; if ( index > 0 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index - 1 ] ; edge . m vertex 0 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 0 . x = m prev vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 0 . y = m prev vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 0 = m has prev vertex ; } if ( index < m count - 2 ) { vec 2 v = m vertices [ index + 2 ] ; edge . m vertex 3 . x = v . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = v . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = true ; } else { edge . m vertex 3 . x = m next vertex . x ; edge . m vertex 3 . y = m next vertex . y ; edge . m has vertex 3 = m has next vertex ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name create,loop


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m vertices == null && m count == 0 ) ; assert ( count >= 3 ) ; m count = count + 1 ; m vertices = new vec 2 [ m count ] ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { vec 2 v 1 = vertices [ i - 1 ] ; vec 2 v 2 = vertices [ i ] ; if ( math utils . distance squared ( v 1 , v 2 ) < settings . linear slop * settings . linear slop ) { throw new runtime exception ( "Vertices of chain shape are too close together" ) ; } } for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { m vertices [ i ] = new vec 2 ( vertices [ i ] ) ; } m vertices [ count ] = new vec 2 ( m vertices [ 0 ] ) ; m prev vertex . set ( m vertices [ m count - 2 ] ) ; m next vertex . set ( m vertices [ 1 ] ) ; m has prev vertex = true ; m has next vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m vertices == null && m count == 0 ) ; assert ( count >= 3 ) ; m count = count + 1 ; m vertices = new vec 2 [ m count ] ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { vec 2 v 1 = vertices [ i - 1 ] ; vec 2 v 2 = vertices [ i ] ; if ( math utils . distance squared ( v 1 , v 2 ) < settings . linear slop * settings . linear slop ) { throw new runtime exception ( "Vertices of chain shape are too close together" ) ; } } for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { m vertices [ i ] = new vec 2 ( vertices [ i ] ) ; } m vertices [ count ] = new vec 2 ( m vertices [ 0 ] ) ; m prev vertex . set ( m vertices [ m count - 2 ] ) ; m next vertex . set ( m vertices [ 1 ] ) ; m has prev vertex = true ; m has next vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m vertices == null && m count == 0 ) ; assert ( count >= 3 ) ; m count = count + 1 ; m vertices = new vec 2 [ m count ] ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { vec 2 v 1 = vertices [ i - 1 ] ; vec 2 v 2 = vertices [ i ] ; if ( math utils . distance squared ( v 1 , v 2 ) < settings . linear slop * settings . linear slop ) { throw new runtime exception ( "Vertices of chain shape are too close together" ) ; } } for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { m vertices [ i ] = new vec 2 ( vertices [ i ] ) ; } m vertices [ count ] = new vec 2 ( m vertices [ 0 ] ) ; m prev vertex . set ( m vertices [ m count - 2 ] ) ; m next vertex . set ( m vertices [ 1 ] ) ; m has prev vertex = true ; m has next vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 25.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m vertices == null && m count == 0 ) ; assert ( count >= 3 ) ; m count = count + 1 ; m vertices = new vec 2 [ m count ] ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { vec 2 v 1 = vertices [ i - 1 ] ; vec 2 v 2 = vertices [ i ] ; if ( math utils . distance squared ( v 1 , v 2 ) < settings . linear slop * settings . linear slop ) { throw new runtime exception ( "Vertices of chain shape are too close together" ) ; } } for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { m vertices [ i ] = new vec 2 ( vertices [ i ] ) ; } m vertices [ count ] = new vec 2 ( m vertices [ 0 ] ) ; m prev vertex . set ( m vertices [ m count - 2 ] ) ; m next vertex . set ( m vertices [ 1 ] ) ; m has prev vertex = true ; m has next vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m vertices == null && m count == 0 ) ; assert ( count >= 3 ) ; m count = count + 1 ; m vertices = new vec 2 [ m count ] ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { vec 2 v 1 = vertices [ i - 1 ] ; vec 2 v 2 = vertices [ i ] ; if ( math utils . distance squared ( v 1 , v 2 ) < settings . linear slop * settings . linear slop ) { throw new runtime exception ( "Vertices of chain shape are too close together" ) ; } } for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { m vertices [ i ] = new vec 2 ( vertices [ i ] ) ; } m vertices [ count ] = new vec 2 ( m vertices [ 0 ] ) ; m prev vertex . set ( m vertices [ m count - 2 ] ) ; m next vertex . set ( m vertices [ 1 ] ) ; m has prev vertex = true ; m has next vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 19.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m vertices == null && m count == 0 ) ; assert ( count >= 3 ) ; m count = count + 1 ; m vertices = new vec 2 [ m count ] ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { vec 2 v 1 = vertices [ i - 1 ] ; vec 2 v 2 = vertices [ i ] ; if ( math utils . distance squared ( v 1 , v 2 ) < settings . linear slop * settings . linear slop ) { throw new runtime exception ( "Vertices of chain shape are too close together" ) ; } } for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { m vertices [ i ] = new vec 2 ( vertices [ i ] ) ; } m vertices [ count ] = new vec 2 ( m vertices [ 0 ] ) ; m prev vertex . set ( m vertices [ m count - 2 ] ) ; m next vertex . set ( m vertices [ 1 ] ) ; m has prev vertex = true ; m has next vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name create,chain


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m vertices == null && m count == 0 ) ; assert ( count >= 2 ) ; m count = count ; m vertices = new vec 2 [ m count ] ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < m count ; i ++ ) { vec 2 v 1 = vertices [ i - 1 ] ; vec 2 v 2 = vertices [ i ] ; if ( math utils . distance squared ( v 1 , v 2 ) < settings . linear slop * settings . linear slop ) { throw new runtime exception ( "Vertices of chain shape are too close together" ) ; } } for ( int i = 0 ; i < m count ; i ++ ) { m vertices [ i ] = new vec 2 ( vertices [ i ] ) ; } m has prev vertex = false ; m has next vertex = false ; m prev vertex . set zero ( ) ; m next vertex . set zero ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m vertices == null && m count == 0 ) ; assert ( count >= 2 ) ; m count = count ; m vertices = new vec 2 [ m count ] ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < m count ; i ++ ) { vec 2 v 1 = vertices [ i - 1 ] ; vec 2 v 2 = vertices [ i ] ; if ( math utils . distance squared ( v 1 , v 2 ) < settings . linear slop * settings . linear slop ) { throw new runtime exception ( "Vertices of chain shape are too close together" ) ; } } for ( int i = 0 ; i < m count ; i ++ ) { m vertices [ i ] = new vec 2 ( vertices [ i ] ) ; } m has prev vertex = false ; m has next vertex = false ; m prev vertex . set zero ( ) ; m next vertex . set zero ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m vertices == null && m count == 0 ) ; assert ( count >= 2 ) ; m count = count ; m vertices = new vec 2 [ m count ] ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < m count ; i ++ ) { vec 2 v 1 = vertices [ i - 1 ] ; vec 2 v 2 = vertices [ i ] ; if ( math utils . distance squared ( v 1 , v 2 ) < settings . linear slop * settings . linear slop ) { throw new runtime exception ( "Vertices of chain shape are too close together" ) ; } } for ( int i = 0 ; i < m count ; i ++ ) { m vertices [ i ] = new vec 2 ( vertices [ i ] ) ; } m has prev vertex = false ; m has next vertex = false ; m prev vertex . set zero ( ) ; m next vertex . set zero ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 27.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m vertices == null && m count == 0 ) ; assert ( count >= 2 ) ; m count = count ; m vertices = new vec 2 [ m count ] ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < m count ; i ++ ) { vec 2 v 1 = vertices [ i - 1 ] ; vec 2 v 2 = vertices [ i ] ; if ( math utils . distance squared ( v 1 , v 2 ) < settings . linear slop * settings . linear slop ) { throw new runtime exception ( "Vertices of chain shape are too close together" ) ; } } for ( int i = 0 ; i < m count ; i ++ ) { m vertices [ i ] = new vec 2 ( vertices [ i ] ) ; } m has prev vertex = false ; m has next vertex = false ; m prev vertex . set zero ( ) ; m next vertex . set zero ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m vertices == null && m count == 0 ) ; assert ( count >= 2 ) ; m count = count ; m vertices = new vec 2 [ m count ] ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < m count ; i ++ ) { vec 2 v 1 = vertices [ i - 1 ] ; vec 2 v 2 = vertices [ i ] ; if ( math utils . distance squared ( v 1 , v 2 ) < settings . linear slop * settings . linear slop ) { throw new runtime exception ( "Vertices of chain shape are too close together" ) ; } } for ( int i = 0 ; i < m count ; i ++ ) { m vertices [ i ] = new vec 2 ( vertices [ i ] ) ; } m has prev vertex = false ; m has next vertex = false ; m prev vertex . set zero ( ) ; m next vertex . set zero ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 28.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m vertices == null && m count == 0 ) ; assert ( count >= 2 ) ; m count = count ; m vertices = new vec 2 [ m count ] ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < m count ; i ++ ) { vec 2 v 1 = vertices [ i - 1 ] ; vec 2 v 2 = vertices [ i ] ; if ( math utils . distance squared ( v 1 , v 2 ) < settings . linear slop * settings . linear slop ) { throw new runtime exception ( "Vertices of chain shape are too close together" ) ; } } for ( int i = 0 ; i < m count ; i ++ ) { m vertices [ i ] = new vec 2 ( vertices [ i ] ) ; } m has prev vertex = false ; m has next vertex = false ; m prev vertex . set zero ( ) ; m next vertex . set zero ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,prev,vertex


<SENTENCE_START> { m prev vertex . set ( prev vertex ) ; m has prev vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m prev vertex . set ( prev vertex ) ; m has prev vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { m prev vertex . set ( prev vertex ) ; m has prev vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m prev vertex . set ( prev vertex ) ; m has prev vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { m prev vertex . set ( prev vertex ) ; m has prev vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m prev vertex . set ( prev vertex ) ; m has prev vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { m prev vertex . set ( prev vertex ) ; m has prev vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m prev vertex . set ( prev vertex ) ; m has prev vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,next,vertex


<SENTENCE_START> { m next vertex . set ( next vertex ) ; m has next vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m next vertex . set ( next vertex ) ; m has next vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { m next vertex . set ( next vertex ) ; m has next vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 84.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m next vertex . set ( next vertex ) ; m has next vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { m next vertex . set ( next vertex ) ; m has next vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 88.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m next vertex . set ( next vertex ) ; m has next vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { m next vertex . set ( next vertex ) ; m has next vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m next vertex . set ( next vertex ) ; m has next vertex = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( arg length > 0 ) ; if ( ! map . contains key ( arg length ) ) { map . put ( arg length , get initialized array ( arg length ) ) ; } assert ( map . %SELF% ( arg length ) . length == arg length ) : "Array not built of correct length" ; return map . %SELF% ( arg length ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( arg length > 0 ) ; if ( ! map . contains key ( arg length ) ) { map . put ( arg length , get initialized array ( arg length ) ) ; } assert ( map . %SELF% ( arg length ) . length == arg length ) : "Array not built of correct length" ; return map . %SELF% ( arg length ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( arg length > 0 ) ; if ( ! map . contains key ( arg length ) ) { map . put ( arg length , get initialized array ( arg length ) ) ; } assert ( map . %SELF% ( arg length ) . length == arg length ) : "Array not built of correct length" ; return map . %SELF% ( arg length ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 21.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( arg length > 0 ) ; if ( ! map . contains key ( arg length ) ) { map . put ( arg length , get initialized array ( arg length ) ) ; } assert ( map . %SELF% ( arg length ) . length == arg length ) : "Array not built of correct length" ; return map . %SELF% ( arg length ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,initialized,array


<SENTENCE_START> { return new int [ arg length ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return new int [ arg length ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return new int [ arg length ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return new int [ arg length ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return new int [ arg length ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return new int [ arg length ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return new int [ arg length ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return new int [ arg length ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name is


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( mask & type ) == mask ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( mask & type ) == mask ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( mask & type ) == mask ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( mask & type ) == mask ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name send,down,up,key,event,for,backward,compatibility


<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 17.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 30.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final long event time = system clock . uptime millis ( ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( event time , event time , key event . action down , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; super . send key event ( new key event ( system clock . uptime millis ( ) , event time , key event . action up , code , 0 , 0 , key character map . virtual keyboard , 0 , key event . flag soft keyboard | key event . flag keep touch mode ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name init


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( translucent ) { this . get holder ( ) . set format ( pixel format . translucent ) ; } set egl context factory ( new context factory ( ) ) ; set egl config chooser ( translucent ? new config chooser ( 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , depth , stencil ) : new config chooser ( 5 , 6 , 5 , 0 , depth , stencil ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( translucent ) { this . get holder ( ) . set format ( pixel format . translucent ) ; } set egl context factory ( new context factory ( ) ) ; set egl config chooser ( translucent ? new config chooser ( 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , depth , stencil ) : new config chooser ( 5 , 6 , 5 , 0 , depth , stencil ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( translucent ) { this . get holder ( ) . set format ( pixel format . translucent ) ; } set egl context factory ( new context factory ( ) ) ; set egl config chooser ( translucent ? new config chooser ( 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , depth , stencil ) : new config chooser ( 5 , 6 , 5 , 0 , depth , stencil ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 27.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( translucent ) { this . get holder ( ) . set format ( pixel format . translucent ) ; } set egl context factory ( new context factory ( ) ) ; set egl config chooser ( translucent ? new config chooser ( 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , depth , stencil ) : new config chooser ( 5 , 6 , 5 , 0 , depth , stencil ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name create,context


<SENTENCE_START> { log . w ( tag , "creating OpenGL ES 2.0 context" ) ; check egl error ( "Before eglCreateContext" , egl ) ; int [ ] attrib list = { egl context client version , 2 , egl 10 . egl none } ; egl context context = egl . egl create context ( display , egl config , egl 10 . egl no context , attrib list ) ; check egl error ( "After eglCreateContext" , egl ) ; return context ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { log . w ( tag , "creating OpenGL ES 2.0 context" ) ; check egl error ( "Before eglCreateContext" , egl ) ; int [ ] attrib list = { egl context client version , 2 , egl 10 . egl none } ; egl context context = egl . egl create context ( display , egl config , egl 10 . egl no context , attrib list ) ; check egl error ( "After eglCreateContext" , egl ) ; return context ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { log . w ( tag , "creating OpenGL ES 2.0 context" ) ; check egl error ( "Before eglCreateContext" , egl ) ; int [ ] attrib list = { egl context client version , 2 , egl 10 . egl none } ; egl context context = egl . egl create context ( display , egl config , egl 10 . egl no context , attrib list ) ; check egl error ( "After eglCreateContext" , egl ) ; return context ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 77.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { log . w ( tag , "creating OpenGL ES 2.0 context" ) ; check egl error ( "Before eglCreateContext" , egl ) ; int [ ] attrib list = { egl context client version , 2 , egl 10 . egl none } ; egl context context = egl . egl create context ( display , egl config , egl 10 . egl no context , attrib list ) ; check egl error ( "After eglCreateContext" , egl ) ; return context ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { log . w ( tag , "creating OpenGL ES 2.0 context" ) ; check egl error ( "Before eglCreateContext" , egl ) ; int [ ] attrib list = { egl context client version , 2 , egl 10 . egl none } ; egl context context = egl . egl create context ( display , egl config , egl 10 . egl no context , attrib list ) ; check egl error ( "After eglCreateContext" , egl ) ; return context ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 26.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { log . w ( tag , "creating OpenGL ES 2.0 context" ) ; check egl error ( "Before eglCreateContext" , egl ) ; int [ ] attrib list = { egl context client version , 2 , egl 10 . egl none } ; egl context context = egl . egl create context ( display , egl config , egl 10 . egl no context , attrib list ) ; check egl error ( "After eglCreateContext" , egl ) ; return context ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name destroy,context


<SENTENCE_START> { egl . egl destroy context ( display , context ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { egl . egl destroy context ( display , context ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { egl . egl destroy context ( display , context ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { egl . egl destroy context ( display , context ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { egl . egl destroy context ( display , context ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { egl . egl destroy context ( display , context ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name check,egl,error


<SENTENCE_START> { int error ; while ( ( error = egl . egl get error ( ) ) != egl 10 . egl success ) { log . e ( tag , string . format ( "%s: EGL error: 0x%x" , prompt , error ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int error ; while ( ( error = egl . egl get error ( ) ) != egl 10 . egl success ) { log . e ( tag , string . format ( "%s: EGL error: 0x%x" , prompt , error ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int error ; while ( ( error = egl . egl get error ( ) ) != egl 10 . egl success ) { log . e ( tag , string . format ( "%s: EGL error: 0x%x" , prompt , error ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int error ; while ( ( error = egl . egl get error ( ) ) != egl 10 . egl success ) { log . e ( tag , string . format ( "%s: EGL error: 0x%x" , prompt , error ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int error ; while ( ( error = egl . egl get error ( ) ) != egl 10 . egl success ) { log . e ( tag , string . format ( "%s: EGL error: 0x%x" , prompt , error ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int error ; while ( ( error = egl . egl get error ( ) ) != egl 10 . egl success ) { log . e ( tag , string . format ( "%s: EGL error: 0x%x" , prompt , error ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int error ; while ( ( error = egl . egl get error ( ) ) != egl 10 . egl success ) { log . e ( tag , string . format ( "%s: EGL error: 0x%x" , prompt , error ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int error ; while ( ( error = egl . egl get error ( ) ) != egl 10 . egl success ) { log . e ( tag , string . format ( "%s: EGL error: 0x%x" , prompt , error ) ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name choose,config


<SENTENCE_START> { int [ ] num config = new int [ 1 ] ; egl . egl choose config ( display , s config attribs 2 , null , 0 , num config ) ; int num configs = num config [ 0 ] ; if ( num configs <= 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "No configs match configSpec" ) ; } egl config [ ] configs = new egl config [ num configs ] ; egl . egl choose config ( display , s config attribs 2 , configs , num configs , num config ) ; if ( debug ) { print configs ( egl , display , configs ) ; } return %SELF% ( egl , display , configs ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int [ ] num config = new int [ 1 ] ; egl . egl choose config ( display , s config attribs 2 , null , 0 , num config ) ; int num configs = num config [ 0 ] ; if ( num configs <= 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "No configs match configSpec" ) ; } egl config [ ] configs = new egl config [ num configs ] ; egl . egl choose config ( display , s config attribs 2 , configs , num configs , num config ) ; if ( debug ) { print configs ( egl , display , configs ) ; } return %SELF% ( egl , display , configs ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int [ ] num config = new int [ 1 ] ; egl . egl choose config ( display , s config attribs 2 , null , 0 , num config ) ; int num configs = num config [ 0 ] ; if ( num configs <= 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "No configs match configSpec" ) ; } egl config [ ] configs = new egl config [ num configs ] ; egl . egl choose config ( display , s config attribs 2 , configs , num configs , num config ) ; if ( debug ) { print configs ( egl , display , configs ) ; } return %SELF% ( egl , display , configs ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 66.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int [ ] num config = new int [ 1 ] ; egl . egl choose config ( display , s config attribs 2 , null , 0 , num config ) ; int num configs = num config [ 0 ] ; if ( num configs <= 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "No configs match configSpec" ) ; } egl config [ ] configs = new egl config [ num configs ] ; egl . egl choose config ( display , s config attribs 2 , configs , num configs , num config ) ; if ( debug ) { print configs ( egl , display , configs ) ; } return %SELF% ( egl , display , configs ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int [ ] num config = new int [ 1 ] ; egl . egl choose config ( display , s config attribs 2 , null , 0 , num config ) ; int num configs = num config [ 0 ] ; if ( num configs <= 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "No configs match configSpec" ) ; } egl config [ ] configs = new egl config [ num configs ] ; egl . egl choose config ( display , s config attribs 2 , configs , num configs , num config ) ; if ( debug ) { print configs ( egl , display , configs ) ; } return %SELF% ( egl , display , configs ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int [ ] num config = new int [ 1 ] ; egl . egl choose config ( display , s config attribs 2 , null , 0 , num config ) ; int num configs = num config [ 0 ] ; if ( num configs <= 0 ) { throw new illegal argument exception ( "No configs match configSpec" ) ; } egl config [ ] configs = new egl config [ num configs ] ; egl . egl choose config ( display , s config attribs 2 , configs , num configs , num config ) ; if ( debug ) { print configs ( egl , display , configs ) ; } return %SELF% ( egl , display , configs ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name choose,config


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( egl config config : configs ) { int d = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl depth size , 0 ) ; int s = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl stencil size , 0 ) ; if ( d < m depth size || s < m stencil size ) continue ; int r = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl red size , 0 ) ; int g = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl green size , 0 ) ; int b = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl blue size , 0 ) ; int a = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl alpha size , 0 ) ; if ( r == m red size && g == m green size && b == m blue size && a == m alpha size ) return config ; } return null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( egl config config : configs ) { int d = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl depth size , 0 ) ; int s = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl stencil size , 0 ) ; if ( d < m depth size || s < m stencil size ) continue ; int r = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl red size , 0 ) ; int g = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl green size , 0 ) ; int b = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl blue size , 0 ) ; int a = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl alpha size , 0 ) ; if ( r == m red size && g == m green size && b == m blue size && a == m alpha size ) return config ; } return null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( egl config config : configs ) { int d = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl depth size , 0 ) ; int s = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl stencil size , 0 ) ; if ( d < m depth size || s < m stencil size ) continue ; int r = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl red size , 0 ) ; int g = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl green size , 0 ) ; int b = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl blue size , 0 ) ; int a = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl alpha size , 0 ) ; if ( r == m red size && g == m green size && b == m blue size && a == m alpha size ) return config ; } return null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 54.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( egl config config : configs ) { int d = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl depth size , 0 ) ; int s = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl stencil size , 0 ) ; if ( d < m depth size || s < m stencil size ) continue ; int r = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl red size , 0 ) ; int g = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl green size , 0 ) ; int b = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl blue size , 0 ) ; int a = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl alpha size , 0 ) ; if ( r == m red size && g == m green size && b == m blue size && a == m alpha size ) return config ; } return null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( egl config config : configs ) { int d = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl depth size , 0 ) ; int s = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl stencil size , 0 ) ; if ( d < m depth size || s < m stencil size ) continue ; int r = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl red size , 0 ) ; int g = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl green size , 0 ) ; int b = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl blue size , 0 ) ; int a = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl alpha size , 0 ) ; if ( r == m red size && g == m green size && b == m blue size && a == m alpha size ) return config ; } return null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 26.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( egl config config : configs ) { int d = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl depth size , 0 ) ; int s = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl stencil size , 0 ) ; if ( d < m depth size || s < m stencil size ) continue ; int r = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl red size , 0 ) ; int g = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl green size , 0 ) ; int b = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl blue size , 0 ) ; int a = find config attrib ( egl , display , config , egl 10 . egl alpha size , 0 ) ; if ( r == m red size && g == m green size && b == m blue size && a == m alpha size ) return config ; } return null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name find,config,attrib


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( egl . egl get config attrib ( display , config , attribute , m value ) ) { return m value [ 0 ] ; } return default value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( egl . egl get config attrib ( display , config , attribute , m value ) ) { return m value [ 0 ] ; } return default value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( egl . egl get config attrib ( display , config , attribute , m value ) ) { return m value [ 0 ] ; } return default value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( egl . egl get config attrib ( display , config , attribute , m value ) ) { return m value [ 0 ] ; } return default value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( egl . egl get config attrib ( display , config , attribute , m value ) ) { return m value [ 0 ] ; } return default value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 95.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( egl . egl get config attrib ( display , config , attribute , m value ) ) { return m value [ 0 ] ; } return default value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( egl . egl get config attrib ( display , config , attribute , m value ) ) { return m value [ 0 ] ; } return default value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 20.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( egl . egl get config attrib ( display , config , attribute , m value ) ) { return m value [ 0 ] ; } return default value ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name print,configs


<SENTENCE_START> { int num configs = configs . length ; log . w ( tag , string . format ( "%d configurations" , num configs ) ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < num configs ; i ++ ) { log . w ( tag , string . format ( "Configuration %d: " , i ) ) ; print config ( egl , display , configs [ i ] ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int num configs = configs . length ; log . w ( tag , string . format ( "%d configurations" , num configs ) ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < num configs ; i ++ ) { log . w ( tag , string . format ( "Configuration %d: " , i ) ) ; print config ( egl , display , configs [ i ] ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int num configs = configs . length ; log . w ( tag , string . format ( "%d configurations" , num configs ) ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < num configs ; i ++ ) { log . w ( tag , string . format ( "Configuration %d: " , i ) ) ; print config ( egl , display , configs [ i ] ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 82.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int num configs = configs . length ; log . w ( tag , string . format ( "%d configurations" , num configs ) ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < num configs ; i ++ ) { log . w ( tag , string . format ( "Configuration %d: " , i ) ) ; print config ( egl , display , configs [ i ] ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int num configs = configs . length ; log . w ( tag , string . format ( "%d configurations" , num configs ) ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < num configs ; i ++ ) { log . w ( tag , string . format ( "Configuration %d: " , i ) ) ; print config ( egl , display , configs [ i ] ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int num configs = configs . length ; log . w ( tag , string . format ( "%d configurations" , num configs ) ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < num configs ; i ++ ) { log . w ( tag , string . format ( "Configuration %d: " , i ) ) ; print config ( egl , display , configs [ i ] ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name print,config


<SENTENCE_START> { int [ ] attributes = { egl 10 . egl buffer size , egl 10 . egl alpha size , egl 10 . egl blue size , egl 10 . egl green size , egl 10 . egl red size , egl 10 . egl depth size , egl 10 . egl stencil size , egl 10 . egl config caveat , egl 10 . egl config id , egl 10 . egl level , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer height , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer pixels , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer width , egl 10 . egl native renderable , egl 10 . egl native visual id , egl 10 . egl native visual type , 0x3030 , egl 10 . egl samples , egl 10 . egl sample buffers , egl 10 . egl surface type , egl 10 . egl transparent type , egl 10 . egl transparent red value , egl 10 . egl transparent green value , egl 10 . egl transparent blue value , 0x3039 , 0x303A , 0x303B , 0x303C , egl 10 . egl luminance size , egl 10 . egl alpha mask size , egl 10 . egl color buffer type , egl 10 . egl renderable type , 0x3042 } ; string [ ] names = { "EGL_BUFFER_SIZE" , "EGL_ALPHA_SIZE" , "EGL_BLUE_SIZE" , "EGL_GREEN_SIZE" , "EGL_RED_SIZE" , "EGL_DEPTH_SIZE" , "EGL_STENCIL_SIZE" , "EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT" , "EGL_CONFIG_ID" , "EGL_LEVEL" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH" , "EGL_NATIVE_RENDERABLE" , "EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID" , "EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_TYPE" , "EGL_PRESERVED_RESOURCES" , "EGL_SAMPLES" , "EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS" , "EGL_SURFACE_TYPE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VALUE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE" , "EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGB" , "EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA" , "EGL_MIN_SWAP_INTERVAL" , "EGL_MAX_SWAP_INTERVAL" , "EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE" , "EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE" , "EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE" , "EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE" , "EGL_CONFORMANT" } ; int [ ] value = new int [ 1 ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < attributes . length ; i ++ ) { int attribute = attributes [ i ] ; string name = names [ i ] ; if ( egl . egl get config attrib ( display , config , attribute , value ) ) { log . w ( tag , string . format ( " %s: %d " , name , value [ 0 ] ) ) ; } else { while ( egl . egl get error ( ) != egl 10 . egl success ) ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int [ ] attributes = { egl 10 . egl buffer size , egl 10 . egl alpha size , egl 10 . egl blue size , egl 10 . egl green size , egl 10 . egl red size , egl 10 . egl depth size , egl 10 . egl stencil size , egl 10 . egl config caveat , egl 10 . egl config id , egl 10 . egl level , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer height , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer pixels , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer width , egl 10 . egl native renderable , egl 10 . egl native visual id , egl 10 . egl native visual type , 0x3030 , egl 10 . egl samples , egl 10 . egl sample buffers , egl 10 . egl surface type , egl 10 . egl transparent type , egl 10 . egl transparent red value , egl 10 . egl transparent green value , egl 10 . egl transparent blue value , 0x3039 , 0x303A , 0x303B , 0x303C , egl 10 . egl luminance size , egl 10 . egl alpha mask size , egl 10 . egl color buffer type , egl 10 . egl renderable type , 0x3042 } ; string [ ] names = { "EGL_BUFFER_SIZE" , "EGL_ALPHA_SIZE" , "EGL_BLUE_SIZE" , "EGL_GREEN_SIZE" , "EGL_RED_SIZE" , "EGL_DEPTH_SIZE" , "EGL_STENCIL_SIZE" , "EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT" , "EGL_CONFIG_ID" , "EGL_LEVEL" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH" , "EGL_NATIVE_RENDERABLE" , "EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID" , "EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_TYPE" , "EGL_PRESERVED_RESOURCES" , "EGL_SAMPLES" , "EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS" , "EGL_SURFACE_TYPE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VALUE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE" , "EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGB" , "EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA" , "EGL_MIN_SWAP_INTERVAL" , "EGL_MAX_SWAP_INTERVAL" , "EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE" , "EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE" , "EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE" , "EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE" , "EGL_CONFORMANT" } ; int [ ] value = new int [ 1 ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < attributes . length ; i ++ ) { int attribute = attributes [ i ] ; string name = names [ i ] ; if ( egl . egl get config attrib ( display , config , attribute , value ) ) { log . w ( tag , string . format ( " %s: %d " , name , value [ 0 ] ) ) ; } else { while ( egl . egl get error ( ) != egl 10 . egl success ) ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int [ ] attributes = { egl 10 . egl buffer size , egl 10 . egl alpha size , egl 10 . egl blue size , egl 10 . egl green size , egl 10 . egl red size , egl 10 . egl depth size , egl 10 . egl stencil size , egl 10 . egl config caveat , egl 10 . egl config id , egl 10 . egl level , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer height , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer pixels , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer width , egl 10 . egl native renderable , egl 10 . egl native visual id , egl 10 . egl native visual type , 0x3030 , egl 10 . egl samples , egl 10 . egl sample buffers , egl 10 . egl surface type , egl 10 . egl transparent type , egl 10 . egl transparent red value , egl 10 . egl transparent green value , egl 10 . egl transparent blue value , 0x3039 , 0x303A , 0x303B , 0x303C , egl 10 . egl luminance size , egl 10 . egl alpha mask size , egl 10 . egl color buffer type , egl 10 . egl renderable type , 0x3042 } ; string [ ] names = { "EGL_BUFFER_SIZE" , "EGL_ALPHA_SIZE" , "EGL_BLUE_SIZE" , "EGL_GREEN_SIZE" , "EGL_RED_SIZE" , "EGL_DEPTH_SIZE" , "EGL_STENCIL_SIZE" , "EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT" , "EGL_CONFIG_ID" , "EGL_LEVEL" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH" , "EGL_NATIVE_RENDERABLE" , "EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID" , "EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_TYPE" , "EGL_PRESERVED_RESOURCES" , "EGL_SAMPLES" , "EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS" , "EGL_SURFACE_TYPE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VALUE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE" , "EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGB" , "EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA" , "EGL_MIN_SWAP_INTERVAL" , "EGL_MAX_SWAP_INTERVAL" , "EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE" , "EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE" , "EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE" , "EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE" , "EGL_CONFORMANT" } ; int [ ] value = new int [ 1 ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < attributes . length ; i ++ ) { int attribute = attributes [ i ] ; string name = names [ i ] ; if ( egl . egl get config attrib ( display , config , attribute , value ) ) { log . w ( tag , string . format ( " %s: %d " , name , value [ 0 ] ) ) ; } else { while ( egl . egl get error ( ) != egl 10 . egl success ) ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 82.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int [ ] attributes = { egl 10 . egl buffer size , egl 10 . egl alpha size , egl 10 . egl blue size , egl 10 . egl green size , egl 10 . egl red size , egl 10 . egl depth size , egl 10 . egl stencil size , egl 10 . egl config caveat , egl 10 . egl config id , egl 10 . egl level , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer height , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer pixels , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer width , egl 10 . egl native renderable , egl 10 . egl native visual id , egl 10 . egl native visual type , 0x3030 , egl 10 . egl samples , egl 10 . egl sample buffers , egl 10 . egl surface type , egl 10 . egl transparent type , egl 10 . egl transparent red value , egl 10 . egl transparent green value , egl 10 . egl transparent blue value , 0x3039 , 0x303A , 0x303B , 0x303C , egl 10 . egl luminance size , egl 10 . egl alpha mask size , egl 10 . egl color buffer type , egl 10 . egl renderable type , 0x3042 } ; string [ ] names = { "EGL_BUFFER_SIZE" , "EGL_ALPHA_SIZE" , "EGL_BLUE_SIZE" , "EGL_GREEN_SIZE" , "EGL_RED_SIZE" , "EGL_DEPTH_SIZE" , "EGL_STENCIL_SIZE" , "EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT" , "EGL_CONFIG_ID" , "EGL_LEVEL" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH" , "EGL_NATIVE_RENDERABLE" , "EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID" , "EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_TYPE" , "EGL_PRESERVED_RESOURCES" , "EGL_SAMPLES" , "EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS" , "EGL_SURFACE_TYPE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VALUE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE" , "EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGB" , "EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA" , "EGL_MIN_SWAP_INTERVAL" , "EGL_MAX_SWAP_INTERVAL" , "EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE" , "EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE" , "EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE" , "EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE" , "EGL_CONFORMANT" } ; int [ ] value = new int [ 1 ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < attributes . length ; i ++ ) { int attribute = attributes [ i ] ; string name = names [ i ] ; if ( egl . egl get config attrib ( display , config , attribute , value ) ) { log . w ( tag , string . format ( " %s: %d " , name , value [ 0 ] ) ) ; } else { while ( egl . egl get error ( ) != egl 10 . egl success ) ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int [ ] attributes = { egl 10 . egl buffer size , egl 10 . egl alpha size , egl 10 . egl blue size , egl 10 . egl green size , egl 10 . egl red size , egl 10 . egl depth size , egl 10 . egl stencil size , egl 10 . egl config caveat , egl 10 . egl config id , egl 10 . egl level , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer height , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer pixels , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer width , egl 10 . egl native renderable , egl 10 . egl native visual id , egl 10 . egl native visual type , 0x3030 , egl 10 . egl samples , egl 10 . egl sample buffers , egl 10 . egl surface type , egl 10 . egl transparent type , egl 10 . egl transparent red value , egl 10 . egl transparent green value , egl 10 . egl transparent blue value , 0x3039 , 0x303A , 0x303B , 0x303C , egl 10 . egl luminance size , egl 10 . egl alpha mask size , egl 10 . egl color buffer type , egl 10 . egl renderable type , 0x3042 } ; string [ ] names = { "EGL_BUFFER_SIZE" , "EGL_ALPHA_SIZE" , "EGL_BLUE_SIZE" , "EGL_GREEN_SIZE" , "EGL_RED_SIZE" , "EGL_DEPTH_SIZE" , "EGL_STENCIL_SIZE" , "EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT" , "EGL_CONFIG_ID" , "EGL_LEVEL" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH" , "EGL_NATIVE_RENDERABLE" , "EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID" , "EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_TYPE" , "EGL_PRESERVED_RESOURCES" , "EGL_SAMPLES" , "EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS" , "EGL_SURFACE_TYPE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VALUE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE" , "EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGB" , "EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA" , "EGL_MIN_SWAP_INTERVAL" , "EGL_MAX_SWAP_INTERVAL" , "EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE" , "EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE" , "EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE" , "EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE" , "EGL_CONFORMANT" } ; int [ ] value = new int [ 1 ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < attributes . length ; i ++ ) { int attribute = attributes [ i ] ; string name = names [ i ] ; if ( egl . egl get config attrib ( display , config , attribute , value ) ) { log . w ( tag , string . format ( " %s: %d " , name , value [ 0 ] ) ) ; } else { while ( egl . egl get error ( ) != egl 10 . egl success ) ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 52.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int [ ] attributes = { egl 10 . egl buffer size , egl 10 . egl alpha size , egl 10 . egl blue size , egl 10 . egl green size , egl 10 . egl red size , egl 10 . egl depth size , egl 10 . egl stencil size , egl 10 . egl config caveat , egl 10 . egl config id , egl 10 . egl level , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer height , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer pixels , egl 10 . egl max pbuffer width , egl 10 . egl native renderable , egl 10 . egl native visual id , egl 10 . egl native visual type , 0x3030 , egl 10 . egl samples , egl 10 . egl sample buffers , egl 10 . egl surface type , egl 10 . egl transparent type , egl 10 . egl transparent red value , egl 10 . egl transparent green value , egl 10 . egl transparent blue value , 0x3039 , 0x303A , 0x303B , 0x303C , egl 10 . egl luminance size , egl 10 . egl alpha mask size , egl 10 . egl color buffer type , egl 10 . egl renderable type , 0x3042 } ; string [ ] names = { "EGL_BUFFER_SIZE" , "EGL_ALPHA_SIZE" , "EGL_BLUE_SIZE" , "EGL_GREEN_SIZE" , "EGL_RED_SIZE" , "EGL_DEPTH_SIZE" , "EGL_STENCIL_SIZE" , "EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT" , "EGL_CONFIG_ID" , "EGL_LEVEL" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS" , "EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH" , "EGL_NATIVE_RENDERABLE" , "EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID" , "EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_TYPE" , "EGL_PRESERVED_RESOURCES" , "EGL_SAMPLES" , "EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS" , "EGL_SURFACE_TYPE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VALUE" , "EGL_TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE" , "EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGB" , "EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA" , "EGL_MIN_SWAP_INTERVAL" , "EGL_MAX_SWAP_INTERVAL" , "EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE" , "EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE" , "EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE" , "EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE" , "EGL_CONFORMANT" } ; int [ ] value = new int [ 1 ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < attributes . length ; i ++ ) { int attribute = attributes [ i ] ; string name = names [ i ] ; if ( egl . egl get config attrib ( display , config , attribute , value ) ) { log . w ( tag , string . format ( " %s: %d " , name , value [ 0 ] ) ) ; } else { while ( egl . egl get error ( ) != egl 10 . egl success ) ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,position


<SENTENCE_START> { translate ( x - this . x , y - this . y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { translate ( x - this . x , y - this . y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { translate ( x - this . x , y - this . y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { translate ( x - this . x , y - this . y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { translate ( x - this . x , y - this . y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { translate ( x - this . x , y - this . y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name translate


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( x amount == 0 && y amount == 0 ) return ; if ( integer ) { x amount = math . round ( x amount ) ; y amount = math . round ( y amount ) ; } x += x amount ; y += y amount ; float [ ] [ ] page vertices = this . page vertices ; for ( int i = 0 , n = page vertices . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ i ] ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = idx [ i ] ; ii < nn ; ii += 5 ) { vertices [ ii ] += x amount ; vertices [ ii + 1 ] += y amount ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( x amount == 0 && y amount == 0 ) return ; if ( integer ) { x amount = math . round ( x amount ) ; y amount = math . round ( y amount ) ; } x += x amount ; y += y amount ; float [ ] [ ] page vertices = this . page vertices ; for ( int i = 0 , n = page vertices . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ i ] ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = idx [ i ] ; ii < nn ; ii += 5 ) { vertices [ ii ] += x amount ; vertices [ ii + 1 ] += y amount ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( x amount == 0 && y amount == 0 ) return ; if ( integer ) { x amount = math . round ( x amount ) ; y amount = math . round ( y amount ) ; } x += x amount ; y += y amount ; float [ ] [ ] page vertices = this . page vertices ; for ( int i = 0 , n = page vertices . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ i ] ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = idx [ i ] ; ii < nn ; ii += 5 ) { vertices [ ii ] += x amount ; vertices [ ii + 1 ] += y amount ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( x amount == 0 && y amount == 0 ) return ; if ( integer ) { x amount = math . round ( x amount ) ; y amount = math . round ( y amount ) ; } x += x amount ; y += y amount ; float [ ] [ ] page vertices = this . page vertices ; for ( int i = 0 , n = page vertices . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ i ] ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = idx [ i ] ; ii < nn ; ii += 5 ) { vertices [ ii ] += x amount ; vertices [ ii + 1 ] += y amount ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name tint


<SENTENCE_START> { float new tint = %SELF% . to float bits ( ) ; if ( current tint == new tint ) return ; current tint = new tint ; int [ ] temp glyph count = this . temp glyph count ; for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) temp glyph count [ i ] = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layouts . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { glyph layout layout = layouts . get ( i ) ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = layout . runs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) { glyph run run = layout . runs . get ( ii ) ; array < glyph > glyphs = run . glyphs ; float color float = temp color . set ( run . color ) . mul ( %SELF% ) . to float bits ( ) ; for ( int iii = 0 , nnn = glyphs . size ; iii < nnn ; iii ++ ) { glyph glyph = glyphs . get ( iii ) ; int page = glyph . page ; int offset = temp glyph count [ page ] * 20 + 2 ; temp glyph count [ page ] ++ ; float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; for ( int v = 0 ; v < 20 ; v += 5 ) vertices [ offset + v ] = color float ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float new tint = %SELF% . to float bits ( ) ; if ( current tint == new tint ) return ; current tint = new tint ; int [ ] temp glyph count = this . temp glyph count ; for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) temp glyph count [ i ] = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layouts . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { glyph layout layout = layouts . get ( i ) ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = layout . runs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) { glyph run run = layout . runs . get ( ii ) ; array < glyph > glyphs = run . glyphs ; float color float = temp color . set ( run . color ) . mul ( %SELF% ) . to float bits ( ) ; for ( int iii = 0 , nnn = glyphs . size ; iii < nnn ; iii ++ ) { glyph glyph = glyphs . get ( iii ) ; int page = glyph . page ; int offset = temp glyph count [ page ] * 20 + 2 ; temp glyph count [ page ] ++ ; float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; for ( int v = 0 ; v < 20 ; v += 5 ) vertices [ offset + v ] = color float ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float new tint = %SELF% . to float bits ( ) ; if ( current tint == new tint ) return ; current tint = new tint ; int [ ] temp glyph count = this . temp glyph count ; for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) temp glyph count [ i ] = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layouts . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { glyph layout layout = layouts . get ( i ) ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = layout . runs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) { glyph run run = layout . runs . get ( ii ) ; array < glyph > glyphs = run . glyphs ; float color float = temp color . set ( run . color ) . mul ( %SELF% ) . to float bits ( ) ; for ( int iii = 0 , nnn = glyphs . size ; iii < nnn ; iii ++ ) { glyph glyph = glyphs . get ( iii ) ; int page = glyph . page ; int offset = temp glyph count [ page ] * 20 + 2 ; temp glyph count [ page ] ++ ; float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; for ( int v = 0 ; v < 20 ; v += 5 ) vertices [ offset + v ] = color float ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 23.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float new tint = %SELF% . to float bits ( ) ; if ( current tint == new tint ) return ; current tint = new tint ; int [ ] temp glyph count = this . temp glyph count ; for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) temp glyph count [ i ] = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layouts . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { glyph layout layout = layouts . get ( i ) ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = layout . runs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) { glyph run run = layout . runs . get ( ii ) ; array < glyph > glyphs = run . glyphs ; float color float = temp color . set ( run . color ) . mul ( %SELF% ) . to float bits ( ) ; for ( int iii = 0 , nnn = glyphs . size ; iii < nnn ; iii ++ ) { glyph glyph = glyphs . get ( iii ) ; int page = glyph . page ; int offset = temp glyph count [ page ] * 20 + 2 ; temp glyph count [ page ] ++ ; float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; for ( int v = 0 ; v < 20 ; v += 5 ) vertices [ offset + v ] = color float ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,alphas


<SENTENCE_START> { int alpha bits = ( ( int ) ( 254 * alpha ) ) << 24 ; float prev = 0 , new color = 0 ; for ( int j = 0 , length = page vertices . length ; j < length ; j ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; for ( int i = 2 , n = idx [ j ] ; i < n ; i += 5 ) { float c = vertices [ i ] ; if ( c == prev && i != 2 ) { vertices [ i ] = new color ; } else { prev = c ; int rgba = number utils . float to int color ( c ) ; rgba = ( rgba & 0x00FFFFFF ) | alpha bits ; new color = number utils . int to float color ( rgba ) ; vertices [ i ] = new color ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int alpha bits = ( ( int ) ( 254 * alpha ) ) << 24 ; float prev = 0 , new color = 0 ; for ( int j = 0 , length = page vertices . length ; j < length ; j ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; for ( int i = 2 , n = idx [ j ] ; i < n ; i += 5 ) { float c = vertices [ i ] ; if ( c == prev && i != 2 ) { vertices [ i ] = new color ; } else { prev = c ; int rgba = number utils . float to int color ( c ) ; rgba = ( rgba & 0x00FFFFFF ) | alpha bits ; new color = number utils . int to float color ( rgba ) ; vertices [ i ] = new color ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int alpha bits = ( ( int ) ( 254 * alpha ) ) << 24 ; float prev = 0 , new color = 0 ; for ( int j = 0 , length = page vertices . length ; j < length ; j ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; for ( int i = 2 , n = idx [ j ] ; i < n ; i += 5 ) { float c = vertices [ i ] ; if ( c == prev && i != 2 ) { vertices [ i ] = new color ; } else { prev = c ; int rgba = number utils . float to int color ( c ) ; rgba = ( rgba & 0x00FFFFFF ) | alpha bits ; new color = number utils . int to float color ( rgba ) ; vertices [ i ] = new color ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 22.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int alpha bits = ( ( int ) ( 254 * alpha ) ) << 24 ; float prev = 0 , new color = 0 ; for ( int j = 0 , length = page vertices . length ; j < length ; j ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; for ( int i = 2 , n = idx [ j ] ; i < n ; i += 5 ) { float c = vertices [ i ] ; if ( c == prev && i != 2 ) { vertices [ i ] = new color ; } else { prev = c ; int rgba = number utils . float to int color ( c ) ; rgba = ( rgba & 0x00FFFFFF ) | alpha bits ; new color = number utils . int to float color ( rgba ) ; vertices [ i ] = new color ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int alpha bits = ( ( int ) ( 254 * alpha ) ) << 24 ; float prev = 0 , new color = 0 ; for ( int j = 0 , length = page vertices . length ; j < length ; j ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; for ( int i = 2 , n = idx [ j ] ; i < n ; i += 5 ) { float c = vertices [ i ] ; if ( c == prev && i != 2 ) { vertices [ i ] = new color ; } else { prev = c ; int rgba = number utils . float to int color ( c ) ; rgba = ( rgba & 0x00FFFFFF ) | alpha bits ; new color = number utils . int to float color ( rgba ) ; vertices [ i ] = new color ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int alpha bits = ( ( int ) ( 254 * alpha ) ) << 24 ; float prev = 0 , new color = 0 ; for ( int j = 0 , length = page vertices . length ; j < length ; j ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; for ( int i = 2 , n = idx [ j ] ; i < n ; i += 5 ) { float c = vertices [ i ] ; if ( c == prev && i != 2 ) { vertices [ i ] = new color ; } else { prev = c ; int rgba = number utils . float to int color ( c ) ; rgba = ( rgba & 0x00FFFFFF ) | alpha bits ; new color = number utils . int to float color ( rgba ) ; vertices [ i ] = new color ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,colors


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int j = 0 , length = page vertices . length ; j < length ; j ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; for ( int i = 2 , n = idx [ j ] ; i < n ; i += 5 ) vertices [ i ] = color ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int j = 0 , length = page vertices . length ; j < length ; j ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; for ( int i = 2 , n = idx [ j ] ; i < n ; i += 5 ) vertices [ i ] = color ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int j = 0 , length = page vertices . length ; j < length ; j ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; for ( int i = 2 , n = idx [ j ] ; i < n ; i += 5 ) vertices [ i ] = color ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 24.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int j = 0 , length = page vertices . length ; j < length ; j ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; for ( int i = 2 , n = idx [ j ] ; i < n ; i += 5 ) vertices [ i ] = color ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int j = 0 , length = page vertices . length ; j < length ; j ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; for ( int i = 2 , n = idx [ j ] ; i < n ; i += 5 ) vertices [ i ] = color ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int j = 0 , length = page vertices . length ; j < length ; j ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; for ( int i = 2 , n = idx [ j ] ; i < n ; i += 5 ) vertices [ i ] = color ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,colors


<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( tint . to float bits ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( tint . to float bits ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( tint . to float bits ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( tint . to float bits ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( tint . to float bits ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( tint . to float bits ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,colors


<SENTENCE_START> { int int bits = ( ( int ) ( 255 * a ) << 24 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * b ) << 16 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * g ) << 8 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * r ) ) ; %SELF% ( number utils . int to float color ( int bits ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int int bits = ( ( int ) ( 255 * a ) << 24 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * b ) << 16 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * g ) << 8 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * r ) ) ; %SELF% ( number utils . int to float color ( int bits ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int int bits = ( ( int ) ( 255 * a ) << 24 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * b ) << 16 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * g ) << 8 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * r ) ) ; %SELF% ( number utils . int to float color ( int bits ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 16.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int int bits = ( ( int ) ( 255 * a ) << 24 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * b ) << 16 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * g ) << 8 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * r ) ) ; %SELF% ( number utils . int to float color ( int bits ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int int bits = ( ( int ) ( 255 * a ) << 24 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * b ) << 16 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * g ) << 8 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * r ) ) ; %SELF% ( number utils . int to float color ( int bits ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int int bits = ( ( int ) ( 255 * a ) << 24 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * b ) << 16 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * g ) << 8 ) | ( ( int ) ( 255 * r ) ) ; %SELF% ( number utils . int to float color ( int bits ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,colors


<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( tint . to float bits ( ) , start , end ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( tint . to float bits ( ) , start , end ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( tint . to float bits ( ) , start , end ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( tint . to float bits ( ) , start , end ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( tint . to float bits ( ) , start , end ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { %SELF% ( tint . to float bits ( ) , start , end ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,colors


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ 0 ] ; for ( int i = start * 20 + 2 , n = end * 20 ; i < n ; i += 5 ) vertices [ i ] = color ; return ; } int page count = page vertices . length ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < page count ; i ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ i ] ; int array glyph indices = page glyph indices [ i ] ; for ( int j = 0 , n = glyph indices . size ; j < n ; j ++ ) { int glyph index = glyph indices . items [ j ] ; if ( glyph index >= end ) break ; if ( glyph index >= start ) { for ( int off = 0 ; off < 20 ; off += 5 ) vertices [ off + ( j * 20 + 2 ) ] = color ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ 0 ] ; for ( int i = start * 20 + 2 , n = end * 20 ; i < n ; i += 5 ) vertices [ i ] = color ; return ; } int page count = page vertices . length ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < page count ; i ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ i ] ; int array glyph indices = page glyph indices [ i ] ; for ( int j = 0 , n = glyph indices . size ; j < n ; j ++ ) { int glyph index = glyph indices . items [ j ] ; if ( glyph index >= end ) break ; if ( glyph index >= start ) { for ( int off = 0 ; off < 20 ; off += 5 ) vertices [ off + ( j * 20 + 2 ) ] = color ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ 0 ] ; for ( int i = start * 20 + 2 , n = end * 20 ; i < n ; i += 5 ) vertices [ i ] = color ; return ; } int page count = page vertices . length ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < page count ; i ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ i ] ; int array glyph indices = page glyph indices [ i ] ; for ( int j = 0 , n = glyph indices . size ; j < n ; j ++ ) { int glyph index = glyph indices . items [ j ] ; if ( glyph index >= end ) break ; if ( glyph index >= start ) { for ( int off = 0 ; off < 20 ; off += 5 ) vertices [ off + ( j * 20 + 2 ) ] = color ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 52.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ 0 ] ; for ( int i = start * 20 + 2 , n = end * 20 ; i < n ; i += 5 ) vertices [ i ] = color ; return ; } int page count = page vertices . length ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < page count ; i ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ i ] ; int array glyph indices = page glyph indices [ i ] ; for ( int j = 0 , n = glyph indices . size ; j < n ; j ++ ) { int glyph index = glyph indices . items [ j ] ; if ( glyph index >= end ) break ; if ( glyph index >= start ) { for ( int off = 0 ; off < 20 ; off += 5 ) vertices [ off + ( j * 20 + 2 ) ] = color ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ 0 ] ; for ( int i = start * 20 + 2 , n = end * 20 ; i < n ; i += 5 ) vertices [ i ] = color ; return ; } int page count = page vertices . length ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < page count ; i ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ i ] ; int array glyph indices = page glyph indices [ i ] ; for ( int j = 0 , n = glyph indices . size ; j < n ; j ++ ) { int glyph index = glyph indices . items [ j ] ; if ( glyph index >= end ) break ; if ( glyph index >= start ) { for ( int off = 0 ; off < 20 ; off += 5 ) vertices [ off + ( j * 20 + 2 ) ] = color ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ 0 ] ; for ( int i = start * 20 + 2 , n = end * 20 ; i < n ; i += 5 ) vertices [ i ] = color ; return ; } int page count = page vertices . length ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < page count ; i ++ ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ i ] ; int array glyph indices = page glyph indices [ i ] ; for ( int j = 0 , n = glyph indices . size ; j < n ; j ++ ) { int glyph index = glyph indices . items [ j ] ; if ( glyph index >= end ) break ; if ( glyph index >= start ) { for ( int off = 0 ; off < 20 ; off += 5 ) vertices [ off + ( j * 20 + 2 ) ] = color ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,color


<SENTENCE_START> { return color ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return color ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return color ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 71.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return color ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return color ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return color ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,color


<SENTENCE_START> { this . color . set ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . color . set ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . color . set ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 93.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . color . set ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . color . set ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . color . set ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,color


<SENTENCE_START> { color . set ( r , g , b , a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { color . set ( r , g , b , a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { color . set ( r , g , b , a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 39.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { color . set ( r , g , b , a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { color . set ( r , g , b , a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { color . set ( r , g , b , a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name draw


<SENTENCE_START> { array < texture region > regions = font . get regions ( ) ; for ( int j = 0 , n = page vertices . length ; j < n ; j ++ ) { if ( idx [ j ] > 0 ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; sprite batch . %SELF% ( regions . get ( j ) . get texture ( ) , vertices , 0 , idx [ j ] ) ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array < texture region > regions = font . get regions ( ) ; for ( int j = 0 , n = page vertices . length ; j < n ; j ++ ) { if ( idx [ j ] > 0 ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; sprite batch . %SELF% ( regions . get ( j ) . get texture ( ) , vertices , 0 , idx [ j ] ) ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { array < texture region > regions = font . get regions ( ) ; for ( int j = 0 , n = page vertices . length ; j < n ; j ++ ) { if ( idx [ j ] > 0 ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; sprite batch . %SELF% ( regions . get ( j ) . get texture ( ) , vertices , 0 , idx [ j ] ) ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 15.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array < texture region > regions = font . get regions ( ) ; for ( int j = 0 , n = page vertices . length ; j < n ; j ++ ) { if ( idx [ j ] > 0 ) { float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ j ] ; sprite batch . %SELF% ( regions . get ( j ) . get texture ( ) , vertices , 0 , idx [ j ] ) ; } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name draw


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { sprite batch . %SELF% ( font . get region ( ) . get texture ( ) , page vertices [ 0 ] , start * 20 , ( end - start ) * 20 ) ; return ; } array < texture region > regions = font . get regions ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , page count = page vertices . length ; i < page count ; i ++ ) { int offset = - 1 , count = 0 ; int array glyph indices = page glyph indices [ i ] ; for ( int ii = 0 , n = glyph indices . size ; ii < n ; ii ++ ) { int glyph index = glyph indices . get ( ii ) ; if ( glyph index >= end ) break ; if ( offset == - 1 && glyph index >= start ) offset = ii ; if ( glyph index >= start ) count ++ ; } if ( offset == - 1 || count == 0 ) continue ; sprite batch . %SELF% ( regions . get ( i ) . get texture ( ) , page vertices [ i ] , offset * 20 , count * 20 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { sprite batch . %SELF% ( font . get region ( ) . get texture ( ) , page vertices [ 0 ] , start * 20 , ( end - start ) * 20 ) ; return ; } array < texture region > regions = font . get regions ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , page count = page vertices . length ; i < page count ; i ++ ) { int offset = - 1 , count = 0 ; int array glyph indices = page glyph indices [ i ] ; for ( int ii = 0 , n = glyph indices . size ; ii < n ; ii ++ ) { int glyph index = glyph indices . get ( ii ) ; if ( glyph index >= end ) break ; if ( offset == - 1 && glyph index >= start ) offset = ii ; if ( glyph index >= start ) count ++ ; } if ( offset == - 1 || count == 0 ) continue ; sprite batch . %SELF% ( regions . get ( i ) . get texture ( ) , page vertices [ i ] , offset * 20 , count * 20 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { sprite batch . %SELF% ( font . get region ( ) . get texture ( ) , page vertices [ 0 ] , start * 20 , ( end - start ) * 20 ) ; return ; } array < texture region > regions = font . get regions ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , page count = page vertices . length ; i < page count ; i ++ ) { int offset = - 1 , count = 0 ; int array glyph indices = page glyph indices [ i ] ; for ( int ii = 0 , n = glyph indices . size ; ii < n ; ii ++ ) { int glyph index = glyph indices . get ( ii ) ; if ( glyph index >= end ) break ; if ( offset == - 1 && glyph index >= start ) offset = ii ; if ( glyph index >= start ) count ++ ; } if ( offset == - 1 || count == 0 ) continue ; sprite batch . %SELF% ( regions . get ( i ) . get texture ( ) , page vertices [ i ] , offset * 20 , count * 20 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 29.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { sprite batch . %SELF% ( font . get region ( ) . get texture ( ) , page vertices [ 0 ] , start * 20 , ( end - start ) * 20 ) ; return ; } array < texture region > regions = font . get regions ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , page count = page vertices . length ; i < page count ; i ++ ) { int offset = - 1 , count = 0 ; int array glyph indices = page glyph indices [ i ] ; for ( int ii = 0 , n = glyph indices . size ; ii < n ; ii ++ ) { int glyph index = glyph indices . get ( ii ) ; if ( glyph index >= end ) break ; if ( offset == - 1 && glyph index >= start ) offset = ii ; if ( glyph index >= start ) count ++ ; } if ( offset == - 1 || count == 0 ) continue ; sprite batch . %SELF% ( regions . get ( i ) . get texture ( ) , page vertices [ i ] , offset * 20 , count * 20 ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name draw


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( alpha modulation == 1 ) { %SELF% ( sprite batch ) ; return ; } color color = get color ( ) ; float old alpha = color . a ; color . a *= alpha modulation ; set colors ( color ) ; %SELF% ( sprite batch ) ; color . a = old alpha ; set colors ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( alpha modulation == 1 ) { %SELF% ( sprite batch ) ; return ; } color color = get color ( ) ; float old alpha = color . a ; color . a *= alpha modulation ; set colors ( color ) ; %SELF% ( sprite batch ) ; color . a = old alpha ; set colors ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( alpha modulation == 1 ) { %SELF% ( sprite batch ) ; return ; } color color = get color ( ) ; float old alpha = color . a ; color . a *= alpha modulation ; set colors ( color ) ; %SELF% ( sprite batch ) ; color . a = old alpha ; set colors ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( alpha modulation == 1 ) { %SELF% ( sprite batch ) ; return ; } color color = get color ( ) ; float old alpha = color . a ; color . a *= alpha modulation ; set colors ( color ) ; %SELF% ( sprite batch ) ; color . a = old alpha ; set colors ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name clear


<SENTENCE_START> { x = 0 ; y = 0 ; pools . free all ( pooled layouts , true ) ; pooled layouts . %SELF% ( ) ; layouts . %SELF% ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = idx . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { if ( page glyph indices != null ) page glyph indices [ i ] . %SELF% ( ) ; idx [ i ] = 0 ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { x = 0 ; y = 0 ; pools . free all ( pooled layouts , true ) ; pooled layouts . %SELF% ( ) ; layouts . %SELF% ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = idx . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { if ( page glyph indices != null ) page glyph indices [ i ] . %SELF% ( ) ; idx [ i ] = 0 ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { x = 0 ; y = 0 ; pools . free all ( pooled layouts , true ) ; pooled layouts . %SELF% ( ) ; layouts . %SELF% ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = idx . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { if ( page glyph indices != null ) page glyph indices [ i ] . %SELF% ( ) ; idx [ i ] = 0 ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 69.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { x = 0 ; y = 0 ; pools . free all ( pooled layouts , true ) ; pooled layouts . %SELF% ( ) ; layouts . %SELF% ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = idx . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) { if ( page glyph indices != null ) page glyph indices [ i ] . %SELF% ( ) ; idx [ i ] = 0 ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name require,glyphs


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { int new glyph count = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) new glyph count += layout . runs . get ( i ) . glyphs . size ; require page glyphs ( 0 , new glyph count ) ; } else { int [ ] temp glyph count = this . temp glyph count ; for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) temp glyph count [ i ] = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { array < glyph > glyphs = layout . runs . get ( i ) . glyphs ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = glyphs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) temp glyph count [ glyphs . get ( ii ) . page ] ++ ; } for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) require page glyphs ( i , temp glyph count [ i ] ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { int new glyph count = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) new glyph count += layout . runs . get ( i ) . glyphs . size ; require page glyphs ( 0 , new glyph count ) ; } else { int [ ] temp glyph count = this . temp glyph count ; for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) temp glyph count [ i ] = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { array < glyph > glyphs = layout . runs . get ( i ) . glyphs ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = glyphs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) temp glyph count [ glyphs . get ( ii ) . page ] ++ ; } for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) require page glyphs ( i , temp glyph count [ i ] ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { int new glyph count = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) new glyph count += layout . runs . get ( i ) . glyphs . size ; require page glyphs ( 0 , new glyph count ) ; } else { int [ ] temp glyph count = this . temp glyph count ; for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) temp glyph count [ i ] = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { array < glyph > glyphs = layout . runs . get ( i ) . glyphs ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = glyphs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) temp glyph count [ glyphs . get ( ii ) . page ] ++ ; } for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) require page glyphs ( i , temp glyph count [ i ] ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 17.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { int new glyph count = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) new glyph count += layout . runs . get ( i ) . glyphs . size ; require page glyphs ( 0 , new glyph count ) ; } else { int [ ] temp glyph count = this . temp glyph count ; for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) temp glyph count [ i ] = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { array < glyph > glyphs = layout . runs . get ( i ) . glyphs ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = glyphs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) temp glyph count [ glyphs . get ( ii ) . page ] ++ ; } for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) require page glyphs ( i , temp glyph count [ i ] ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { int new glyph count = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) new glyph count += layout . runs . get ( i ) . glyphs . size ; require page glyphs ( 0 , new glyph count ) ; } else { int [ ] temp glyph count = this . temp glyph count ; for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) temp glyph count [ i ] = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { array < glyph > glyphs = layout . runs . get ( i ) . glyphs ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = glyphs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) temp glyph count [ glyphs . get ( ii ) . page ] ++ ; } for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) require page glyphs ( i , temp glyph count [ i ] ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page vertices . length == 1 ) { int new glyph count = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) new glyph count += layout . runs . get ( i ) . glyphs . size ; require page glyphs ( 0 , new glyph count ) ; } else { int [ ] temp glyph count = this . temp glyph count ; for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) temp glyph count [ i ] = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { array < glyph > glyphs = layout . runs . get ( i ) . glyphs ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = glyphs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) temp glyph count [ glyphs . get ( ii ) . page ] ++ ; } for ( int i = 0 , n = temp glyph count . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) require page glyphs ( i , temp glyph count [ i ] ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name require,page,glyphs


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page glyph indices != null ) { if ( glyph count > page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) page glyph indices [ page ] . ensure capacity ( glyph count - page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) ; } int vertex count = idx [ page ] + glyph count * 20 ; float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; if ( vertices == null ) { page vertices [ page ] = new float [ vertex count ] ; } else if ( vertices . length < vertex count ) { float [ ] new vertices = new float [ vertex count ] ; system . arraycopy ( vertices , 0 , new vertices , 0 , idx [ page ] ) ; page vertices [ page ] = new vertices ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page glyph indices != null ) { if ( glyph count > page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) page glyph indices [ page ] . ensure capacity ( glyph count - page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) ; } int vertex count = idx [ page ] + glyph count * 20 ; float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; if ( vertices == null ) { page vertices [ page ] = new float [ vertex count ] ; } else if ( vertices . length < vertex count ) { float [ ] new vertices = new float [ vertex count ] ; system . arraycopy ( vertices , 0 , new vertices , 0 , idx [ page ] ) ; page vertices [ page ] = new vertices ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page glyph indices != null ) { if ( glyph count > page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) page glyph indices [ page ] . ensure capacity ( glyph count - page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) ; } int vertex count = idx [ page ] + glyph count * 20 ; float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; if ( vertices == null ) { page vertices [ page ] = new float [ vertex count ] ; } else if ( vertices . length < vertex count ) { float [ ] new vertices = new float [ vertex count ] ; system . arraycopy ( vertices , 0 , new vertices , 0 , idx [ page ] ) ; page vertices [ page ] = new vertices ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 62.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page glyph indices != null ) { if ( glyph count > page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) page glyph indices [ page ] . ensure capacity ( glyph count - page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) ; } int vertex count = idx [ page ] + glyph count * 20 ; float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; if ( vertices == null ) { page vertices [ page ] = new float [ vertex count ] ; } else if ( vertices . length < vertex count ) { float [ ] new vertices = new float [ vertex count ] ; system . arraycopy ( vertices , 0 , new vertices , 0 , idx [ page ] ) ; page vertices [ page ] = new vertices ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page glyph indices != null ) { if ( glyph count > page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) page glyph indices [ page ] . ensure capacity ( glyph count - page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) ; } int vertex count = idx [ page ] + glyph count * 20 ; float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; if ( vertices == null ) { page vertices [ page ] = new float [ vertex count ] ; } else if ( vertices . length < vertex count ) { float [ ] new vertices = new float [ vertex count ] ; system . arraycopy ( vertices , 0 , new vertices , 0 , idx [ page ] ) ; page vertices [ page ] = new vertices ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 31.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page glyph indices != null ) { if ( glyph count > page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) page glyph indices [ page ] . ensure capacity ( glyph count - page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) ; } int vertex count = idx [ page ] + glyph count * 20 ; float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; if ( vertices == null ) { page vertices [ page ] = new float [ vertex count ] ; } else if ( vertices . length < vertex count ) { float [ ] new vertices = new float [ vertex count ] ; system . arraycopy ( vertices , 0 , new vertices , 0 , idx [ page ] ) ; page vertices [ page ] = new vertices ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page glyph indices != null ) { if ( glyph count > page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) page glyph indices [ page ] . ensure capacity ( glyph count - page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) ; } int vertex count = idx [ page ] + glyph count * 20 ; float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; if ( vertices == null ) { page vertices [ page ] = new float [ vertex count ] ; } else if ( vertices . length < vertex count ) { float [ ] new vertices = new float [ vertex count ] ; system . arraycopy ( vertices , 0 , new vertices , 0 , idx [ page ] ) ; page vertices [ page ] = new vertices ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( page glyph indices != null ) { if ( glyph count > page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) page glyph indices [ page ] . ensure capacity ( glyph count - page glyph indices [ page ] . items . length ) ; } int vertex count = idx [ page ] + glyph count * 20 ; float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; if ( vertices == null ) { page vertices [ page ] = new float [ vertex count ] ; } else if ( vertices . length < vertex count ) { float [ ] new vertices = new float [ vertex count ] ; system . arraycopy ( vertices , 0 , new vertices , 0 , idx [ page ] ) ; page vertices [ page ] = new vertices ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,to,cache


<SENTENCE_START> { int page count = font . regions . size ; if ( page vertices . length < page count ) { float [ ] [ ] new page vertices = new float [ page count ] [ ] ; system . arraycopy ( page vertices , 0 , new page vertices , 0 , page vertices . length ) ; page vertices = new page vertices ; int [ ] new idx = new int [ page count ] ; system . arraycopy ( idx , 0 , new idx , 0 , idx . length ) ; idx = new idx ; int array [ ] new page glyph indices = new int array [ page count ] ; int page glyph indices length = 0 ; if ( page glyph indices != null ) { page glyph indices length = page glyph indices . length ; system . arraycopy ( page glyph indices , 0 , new page glyph indices , 0 , page glyph indices . length ) ; } for ( int i = page glyph indices length ; i < page count ; i ++ ) new page glyph indices [ i ] = new int array ( ) ; page glyph indices = new page glyph indices ; temp glyph count = new int [ page count ] ; } layouts . add ( layout ) ; require glyphs ( layout ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { glyph run run = layout . runs . get ( i ) ; array < glyph > glyphs = run . glyphs ; float array x advances = run . x advances ; float color = run . color . to float bits ( ) ; float gx = x + run . x , gy = y + run . y ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = glyphs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) { glyph glyph = glyphs . get ( ii ) ; gx += x advances . get ( ii ) ; add glyph ( glyph , gx , gy , color ) ; } } current tint = white tint ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int page count = font . regions . size ; if ( page vertices . length < page count ) { float [ ] [ ] new page vertices = new float [ page count ] [ ] ; system . arraycopy ( page vertices , 0 , new page vertices , 0 , page vertices . length ) ; page vertices = new page vertices ; int [ ] new idx = new int [ page count ] ; system . arraycopy ( idx , 0 , new idx , 0 , idx . length ) ; idx = new idx ; int array [ ] new page glyph indices = new int array [ page count ] ; int page glyph indices length = 0 ; if ( page glyph indices != null ) { page glyph indices length = page glyph indices . length ; system . arraycopy ( page glyph indices , 0 , new page glyph indices , 0 , page glyph indices . length ) ; } for ( int i = page glyph indices length ; i < page count ; i ++ ) new page glyph indices [ i ] = new int array ( ) ; page glyph indices = new page glyph indices ; temp glyph count = new int [ page count ] ; } layouts . add ( layout ) ; require glyphs ( layout ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { glyph run run = layout . runs . get ( i ) ; array < glyph > glyphs = run . glyphs ; float array x advances = run . x advances ; float color = run . color . to float bits ( ) ; float gx = x + run . x , gy = y + run . y ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = glyphs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) { glyph glyph = glyphs . get ( ii ) ; gx += x advances . get ( ii ) ; add glyph ( glyph , gx , gy , color ) ; } } current tint = white tint ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int page count = font . regions . size ; if ( page vertices . length < page count ) { float [ ] [ ] new page vertices = new float [ page count ] [ ] ; system . arraycopy ( page vertices , 0 , new page vertices , 0 , page vertices . length ) ; page vertices = new page vertices ; int [ ] new idx = new int [ page count ] ; system . arraycopy ( idx , 0 , new idx , 0 , idx . length ) ; idx = new idx ; int array [ ] new page glyph indices = new int array [ page count ] ; int page glyph indices length = 0 ; if ( page glyph indices != null ) { page glyph indices length = page glyph indices . length ; system . arraycopy ( page glyph indices , 0 , new page glyph indices , 0 , page glyph indices . length ) ; } for ( int i = page glyph indices length ; i < page count ; i ++ ) new page glyph indices [ i ] = new int array ( ) ; page glyph indices = new page glyph indices ; temp glyph count = new int [ page count ] ; } layouts . add ( layout ) ; require glyphs ( layout ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { glyph run run = layout . runs . get ( i ) ; array < glyph > glyphs = run . glyphs ; float array x advances = run . x advances ; float color = run . color . to float bits ( ) ; float gx = x + run . x , gy = y + run . y ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = glyphs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) { glyph glyph = glyphs . get ( ii ) ; gx += x advances . get ( ii ) ; add glyph ( glyph , gx , gy , color ) ; } } current tint = white tint ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 34.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int page count = font . regions . size ; if ( page vertices . length < page count ) { float [ ] [ ] new page vertices = new float [ page count ] [ ] ; system . arraycopy ( page vertices , 0 , new page vertices , 0 , page vertices . length ) ; page vertices = new page vertices ; int [ ] new idx = new int [ page count ] ; system . arraycopy ( idx , 0 , new idx , 0 , idx . length ) ; idx = new idx ; int array [ ] new page glyph indices = new int array [ page count ] ; int page glyph indices length = 0 ; if ( page glyph indices != null ) { page glyph indices length = page glyph indices . length ; system . arraycopy ( page glyph indices , 0 , new page glyph indices , 0 , page glyph indices . length ) ; } for ( int i = page glyph indices length ; i < page count ; i ++ ) new page glyph indices [ i ] = new int array ( ) ; page glyph indices = new page glyph indices ; temp glyph count = new int [ page count ] ; } layouts . add ( layout ) ; require glyphs ( layout ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { glyph run run = layout . runs . get ( i ) ; array < glyph > glyphs = run . glyphs ; float array x advances = run . x advances ; float color = run . color . to float bits ( ) ; float gx = x + run . x , gy = y + run . y ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = glyphs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) { glyph glyph = glyphs . get ( ii ) ; gx += x advances . get ( ii ) ; add glyph ( glyph , gx , gy , color ) ; } } current tint = white tint ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int page count = font . regions . size ; if ( page vertices . length < page count ) { float [ ] [ ] new page vertices = new float [ page count ] [ ] ; system . arraycopy ( page vertices , 0 , new page vertices , 0 , page vertices . length ) ; page vertices = new page vertices ; int [ ] new idx = new int [ page count ] ; system . arraycopy ( idx , 0 , new idx , 0 , idx . length ) ; idx = new idx ; int array [ ] new page glyph indices = new int array [ page count ] ; int page glyph indices length = 0 ; if ( page glyph indices != null ) { page glyph indices length = page glyph indices . length ; system . arraycopy ( page glyph indices , 0 , new page glyph indices , 0 , page glyph indices . length ) ; } for ( int i = page glyph indices length ; i < page count ; i ++ ) new page glyph indices [ i ] = new int array ( ) ; page glyph indices = new page glyph indices ; temp glyph count = new int [ page count ] ; } layouts . add ( layout ) ; require glyphs ( layout ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { glyph run run = layout . runs . get ( i ) ; array < glyph > glyphs = run . glyphs ; float array x advances = run . x advances ; float color = run . color . to float bits ( ) ; float gx = x + run . x , gy = y + run . y ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = glyphs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) { glyph glyph = glyphs . get ( ii ) ; gx += x advances . get ( ii ) ; add glyph ( glyph , gx , gy , color ) ; } } current tint = white tint ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 24.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int page count = font . regions . size ; if ( page vertices . length < page count ) { float [ ] [ ] new page vertices = new float [ page count ] [ ] ; system . arraycopy ( page vertices , 0 , new page vertices , 0 , page vertices . length ) ; page vertices = new page vertices ; int [ ] new idx = new int [ page count ] ; system . arraycopy ( idx , 0 , new idx , 0 , idx . length ) ; idx = new idx ; int array [ ] new page glyph indices = new int array [ page count ] ; int page glyph indices length = 0 ; if ( page glyph indices != null ) { page glyph indices length = page glyph indices . length ; system . arraycopy ( page glyph indices , 0 , new page glyph indices , 0 , page glyph indices . length ) ; } for ( int i = page glyph indices length ; i < page count ; i ++ ) new page glyph indices [ i ] = new int array ( ) ; page glyph indices = new page glyph indices ; temp glyph count = new int [ page count ] ; } layouts . add ( layout ) ; require glyphs ( layout ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { glyph run run = layout . runs . get ( i ) ; array < glyph > glyphs = run . glyphs ; float array x advances = run . x advances ; float color = run . color . to float bits ( ) ; float gx = x + run . x , gy = y + run . y ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = glyphs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) { glyph glyph = glyphs . get ( ii ) ; gx += x advances . get ( ii ) ; add glyph ( glyph , gx , gy , color ) ; } } current tint = white tint ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { int page count = font . regions . size ; if ( page vertices . length < page count ) { float [ ] [ ] new page vertices = new float [ page count ] [ ] ; system . arraycopy ( page vertices , 0 , new page vertices , 0 , page vertices . length ) ; page vertices = new page vertices ; int [ ] new idx = new int [ page count ] ; system . arraycopy ( idx , 0 , new idx , 0 , idx . length ) ; idx = new idx ; int array [ ] new page glyph indices = new int array [ page count ] ; int page glyph indices length = 0 ; if ( page glyph indices != null ) { page glyph indices length = page glyph indices . length ; system . arraycopy ( page glyph indices , 0 , new page glyph indices , 0 , page glyph indices . length ) ; } for ( int i = page glyph indices length ; i < page count ; i ++ ) new page glyph indices [ i ] = new int array ( ) ; page glyph indices = new page glyph indices ; temp glyph count = new int [ page count ] ; } layouts . add ( layout ) ; require glyphs ( layout ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { glyph run run = layout . runs . get ( i ) ; array < glyph > glyphs = run . glyphs ; float array x advances = run . x advances ; float color = run . color . to float bits ( ) ; float gx = x + run . x , gy = y + run . y ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = glyphs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) { glyph glyph = glyphs . get ( ii ) ; gx += x advances . get ( ii ) ; add glyph ( glyph , gx , gy , color ) ; } } current tint = white tint ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { int page count = font . regions . size ; if ( page vertices . length < page count ) { float [ ] [ ] new page vertices = new float [ page count ] [ ] ; system . arraycopy ( page vertices , 0 , new page vertices , 0 , page vertices . length ) ; page vertices = new page vertices ; int [ ] new idx = new int [ page count ] ; system . arraycopy ( idx , 0 , new idx , 0 , idx . length ) ; idx = new idx ; int array [ ] new page glyph indices = new int array [ page count ] ; int page glyph indices length = 0 ; if ( page glyph indices != null ) { page glyph indices length = page glyph indices . length ; system . arraycopy ( page glyph indices , 0 , new page glyph indices , 0 , page glyph indices . length ) ; } for ( int i = page glyph indices length ; i < page count ; i ++ ) new page glyph indices [ i ] = new int array ( ) ; page glyph indices = new page glyph indices ; temp glyph count = new int [ page count ] ; } layouts . add ( layout ) ; require glyphs ( layout ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = layout . runs . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { glyph run run = layout . runs . get ( i ) ; array < glyph > glyphs = run . glyphs ; float array x advances = run . x advances ; float color = run . color . to float bits ( ) ; float gx = x + run . x , gy = y + run . y ; for ( int ii = 0 , nn = glyphs . size ; ii < nn ; ii ++ ) { glyph glyph = glyphs . get ( ii ) ; gx += x advances . get ( ii ) ; add glyph ( glyph , gx , gy , color ) ; } } current tint = white tint ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,glyph


<SENTENCE_START> { final float scale x = font . data . scale x , scale y = font . data . scale y ; x += glyph . xoffset * scale x ; y += glyph . yoffset * scale y ; float width = glyph . width * scale x , height = glyph . height * scale y ; final float u = glyph . u , u 2 = glyph . u 2 , v = glyph . v , v 2 = glyph . v 2 ; if ( integer ) { x = math . round ( x ) ; y = math . round ( y ) ; width = math . round ( width ) ; height = math . round ( height ) ; } final float x 2 = x + width , y 2 = y + height ; final int page = glyph . page ; int idx = this . idx [ page ] ; this . idx [ page ] += 20 ; if ( page glyph indices != null ) page glyph indices [ page ] . add ( glyph count ++ ) ; final float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u 2 ; vertices [ idx ] = v ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final float scale x = font . data . scale x , scale y = font . data . scale y ; x += glyph . xoffset * scale x ; y += glyph . yoffset * scale y ; float width = glyph . width * scale x , height = glyph . height * scale y ; final float u = glyph . u , u 2 = glyph . u 2 , v = glyph . v , v 2 = glyph . v 2 ; if ( integer ) { x = math . round ( x ) ; y = math . round ( y ) ; width = math . round ( width ) ; height = math . round ( height ) ; } final float x 2 = x + width , y 2 = y + height ; final int page = glyph . page ; int idx = this . idx [ page ] ; this . idx [ page ] += 20 ; if ( page glyph indices != null ) page glyph indices [ page ] . add ( glyph count ++ ) ; final float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u 2 ; vertices [ idx ] = v ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final float scale x = font . data . scale x , scale y = font . data . scale y ; x += glyph . xoffset * scale x ; y += glyph . yoffset * scale y ; float width = glyph . width * scale x , height = glyph . height * scale y ; final float u = glyph . u , u 2 = glyph . u 2 , v = glyph . v , v 2 = glyph . v 2 ; if ( integer ) { x = math . round ( x ) ; y = math . round ( y ) ; width = math . round ( width ) ; height = math . round ( height ) ; } final float x 2 = x + width , y 2 = y + height ; final int page = glyph . page ; int idx = this . idx [ page ] ; this . idx [ page ] += 20 ; if ( page glyph indices != null ) page glyph indices [ page ] . add ( glyph count ++ ) ; final float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u 2 ; vertices [ idx ] = v ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 15.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final float scale x = font . data . scale x , scale y = font . data . scale y ; x += glyph . xoffset * scale x ; y += glyph . yoffset * scale y ; float width = glyph . width * scale x , height = glyph . height * scale y ; final float u = glyph . u , u 2 = glyph . u 2 , v = glyph . v , v 2 = glyph . v 2 ; if ( integer ) { x = math . round ( x ) ; y = math . round ( y ) ; width = math . round ( width ) ; height = math . round ( height ) ; } final float x 2 = x + width , y 2 = y + height ; final int page = glyph . page ; int idx = this . idx [ page ] ; this . idx [ page ] += 20 ; if ( page glyph indices != null ) page glyph indices [ page ] . add ( glyph count ++ ) ; final float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u 2 ; vertices [ idx ] = v ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final float scale x = font . data . scale x , scale y = font . data . scale y ; x += glyph . xoffset * scale x ; y += glyph . yoffset * scale y ; float width = glyph . width * scale x , height = glyph . height * scale y ; final float u = glyph . u , u 2 = glyph . u 2 , v = glyph . v , v 2 = glyph . v 2 ; if ( integer ) { x = math . round ( x ) ; y = math . round ( y ) ; width = math . round ( width ) ; height = math . round ( height ) ; } final float x 2 = x + width , y 2 = y + height ; final int page = glyph . page ; int idx = this . idx [ page ] ; this . idx [ page ] += 20 ; if ( page glyph indices != null ) page glyph indices [ page ] . add ( glyph count ++ ) ; final float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u 2 ; vertices [ idx ] = v ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final float scale x = font . data . scale x , scale y = font . data . scale y ; x += glyph . xoffset * scale x ; y += glyph . yoffset * scale y ; float width = glyph . width * scale x , height = glyph . height * scale y ; final float u = glyph . u , u 2 = glyph . u 2 , v = glyph . v , v 2 = glyph . v 2 ; if ( integer ) { x = math . round ( x ) ; y = math . round ( y ) ; width = math . round ( width ) ; height = math . round ( height ) ; } final float x 2 = x + width , y 2 = y + height ; final int page = glyph . page ; int idx = this . idx [ page ] ; this . idx [ page ] += 20 ; if ( page glyph indices != null ) page glyph indices [ page ] . add ( glyph count ++ ) ; final float [ ] vertices = page vertices [ page ] ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = v 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = x 2 ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = y ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = color ; vertices [ idx ++ ] = u 2 ; vertices [ idx ] = v ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,text


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , 0 , align . left , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , 0 , align . left , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , 0 , align . left , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , 0 , align . left , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , 0 , align . left , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , 0 , align . left , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,text


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , target width , halign , wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , target width , halign , wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , target width , halign , wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , target width , halign , wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , target width , halign , wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , target width , halign , wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,text


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,text


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap , truncate ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap , truncate ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap , truncate ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap , truncate ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap , truncate ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; return add text ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap , truncate ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,text


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; add text ( layout , x , y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; add text ( layout , x , y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; add text ( layout , x , y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; add text ( layout , x , y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; add text ( layout , x , y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear ( ) ; add text ( layout , x , y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,text


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , 0 , align . left , false , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , 0 , align . left , false , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , 0 , align . left , false , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , 0 , align . left , false , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , 0 , align . left , false , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , 0 , align . left , false , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,text


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , target width , halign , wrap , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , target width , halign , wrap , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , target width , halign , wrap , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , target width , halign , wrap , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , target width , halign , wrap , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , 0 , str . length ( ) , target width , halign , wrap , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,text


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( str , x , y , start , end , target width , halign , wrap , null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,text


<SENTENCE_START> { glyph layout layout = pools . obtain ( glyph layout . class ) ; pooled layouts . add ( layout ) ; layout . set text ( font , str , start , end , color , target width , halign , wrap , truncate ) ; %SELF% ( layout , x , y ) ; return layout ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { glyph layout layout = pools . obtain ( glyph layout . class ) ; pooled layouts . add ( layout ) ; layout . set text ( font , str , start , end , color , target width , halign , wrap , truncate ) ; %SELF% ( layout , x , y ) ; return layout ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { glyph layout layout = pools . obtain ( glyph layout . class ) ; pooled layouts . add ( layout ) ; layout . set text ( font , str , start , end , color , target width , halign , wrap , truncate ) ; %SELF% ( layout , x , y ) ; return layout ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 36.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { glyph layout layout = pools . obtain ( glyph layout . class ) ; pooled layouts . add ( layout ) ; layout . set text ( font , str , start , end , color , target width , halign , wrap , truncate ) ; %SELF% ( layout , x , y ) ; return layout ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { glyph layout layout = pools . obtain ( glyph layout . class ) ; pooled layouts . add ( layout ) ; layout . set text ( font , str , start , end , color , target width , halign , wrap , truncate ) ; %SELF% ( layout , x , y ) ; return layout ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 26.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { glyph layout layout = pools . obtain ( glyph layout . class ) ; pooled layouts . add ( layout ) ; layout . set text ( font , str , start , end , color , target width , halign , wrap , truncate ) ; %SELF% ( layout , x , y ) ; return layout ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,text


<SENTENCE_START> { add to cache ( layout , x , y + font . data . ascent ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { add to cache ( layout , x , y + font . data . ascent ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { add to cache ( layout , x , y + font . data . ascent ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { add to cache ( layout , x , y + font . data . ascent ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { add to cache ( layout , x , y + font . data . ascent ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { add to cache ( layout , x , y + font . data . ascent ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,x



(Copy Probability: 0.3%)




(Copy Probability: 41.3%)




(Copy Probability: 2.3%)


Original Name get,y



(Copy Probability: 0.3%)




(Copy Probability: 62.2%)




(Copy Probability: 2.6%)


Original Name get,font


<SENTENCE_START> { return font ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return font ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return font ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 93.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return font ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return font ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return font ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,use,integer,positions


<SENTENCE_START> { this . integer = use ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . integer = use ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . integer = use ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 86.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . integer = use ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . integer = use ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . integer = use ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . integer = use ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . integer = use ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . integer = use ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . integer = use ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name uses,integer,positions


<SENTENCE_START> { return integer ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return integer ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return integer ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 19.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return integer ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return integer ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return integer ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return integer ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return integer ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,vertices


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,vertices


<SENTENCE_START> { return page vertices [ page ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return page vertices [ page ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return page vertices [ page ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return page vertices [ page ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return page vertices [ page ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 92.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return page vertices [ page ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,vertex,count


<SENTENCE_START> { return idx [ page ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return idx [ page ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return idx [ page ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return idx [ page ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return idx [ page ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return idx [ page ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return idx [ page ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return idx [ page ] ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,layouts


<SENTENCE_START> { return layouts ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return layouts ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return layouts ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 21.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return layouts ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return layouts ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return layouts ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name create,fixture


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return null ; } fixture fixture = new fixture ( ) ; fixture . create ( this , def ) ; if ( ( m flags & e active flag ) == e active flag ) { broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; fixture . create proxies ( broad phase , m xf ) ; } fixture . m next = m fixture list ; m fixture list = fixture ; ++ m fixture count ; fixture . m body = this ; if ( fixture . m density > 0.0f ) { reset mass data ( ) ; } m world . m flags |= world . new fixture ; return fixture ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return null ; } fixture fixture = new fixture ( ) ; fixture . create ( this , def ) ; if ( ( m flags & e active flag ) == e active flag ) { broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; fixture . create proxies ( broad phase , m xf ) ; } fixture . m next = m fixture list ; m fixture list = fixture ; ++ m fixture count ; fixture . m body = this ; if ( fixture . m density > 0.0f ) { reset mass data ( ) ; } m world . m flags |= world . new fixture ; return fixture ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return null ; } fixture fixture = new fixture ( ) ; fixture . create ( this , def ) ; if ( ( m flags & e active flag ) == e active flag ) { broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; fixture . create proxies ( broad phase , m xf ) ; } fixture . m next = m fixture list ; m fixture list = fixture ; ++ m fixture count ; fixture . m body = this ; if ( fixture . m density > 0.0f ) { reset mass data ( ) ; } m world . m flags |= world . new fixture ; return fixture ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 30.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return null ; } fixture fixture = new fixture ( ) ; fixture . create ( this , def ) ; if ( ( m flags & e active flag ) == e active flag ) { broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; fixture . create proxies ( broad phase , m xf ) ; } fixture . m next = m fixture list ; m fixture list = fixture ; ++ m fixture count ; fixture . m body = this ; if ( fixture . m density > 0.0f ) { reset mass data ( ) ; } m world . m flags |= world . new fixture ; return fixture ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return null ; } fixture fixture = new fixture ( ) ; fixture . create ( this , def ) ; if ( ( m flags & e active flag ) == e active flag ) { broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; fixture . create proxies ( broad phase , m xf ) ; } fixture . m next = m fixture list ; m fixture list = fixture ; ++ m fixture count ; fixture . m body = this ; if ( fixture . m density > 0.0f ) { reset mass data ( ) ; } m world . m flags |= world . new fixture ; return fixture ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return null ; } fixture fixture = new fixture ( ) ; fixture . create ( this , def ) ; if ( ( m flags & e active flag ) == e active flag ) { broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; fixture . create proxies ( broad phase , m xf ) ; } fixture . m next = m fixture list ; m fixture list = fixture ; ++ m fixture count ; fixture . m body = this ; if ( fixture . m density > 0.0f ) { reset mass data ( ) ; } m world . m flags |= world . new fixture ; return fixture ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name create,fixture


<SENTENCE_START> { fix def . shape = shape ; fix def . density = density ; return %SELF% ( fix def ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { fix def . shape = shape ; fix def . density = density ; return %SELF% ( fix def ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { fix def . shape = shape ; fix def . density = density ; return %SELF% ( fix def ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { fix def . shape = shape ; fix def . density = density ; return %SELF% ( fix def ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { fix def . shape = shape ; fix def . density = density ; return %SELF% ( fix def ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { fix def . shape = shape ; fix def . density = density ; return %SELF% ( fix def ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name destroy,fixture


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return ; } assert ( fixture . m body == this ) ; assert ( m fixture count > 0 ) ; fixture node = m fixture list ; fixture last = null ; boolean found = false ; while ( node != null ) { if ( node == fixture ) { node = fixture . m next ; found = true ; break ; } last = node ; node = node . m next ; } assert ( found ) ; if ( last == null ) { m fixture list = fixture . m next ; } else { last . m next = fixture . m next ; } contact edge edge = m contact list ; while ( edge != null ) { contact c = edge . contact ; edge = edge . next ; fixture fixture a = c . get fixture a ( ) ; fixture fixture b = c . get fixture b ( ) ; if ( fixture == fixture a || fixture == fixture b ) { m world . m contact manager . destroy ( c ) ; } } if ( ( m flags & e active flag ) == e active flag ) { broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; fixture . destroy proxies ( broad phase ) ; } fixture . destroy ( ) ; fixture . m body = null ; fixture . m next = null ; fixture = null ; -- m fixture count ; reset mass data ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return ; } assert ( fixture . m body == this ) ; assert ( m fixture count > 0 ) ; fixture node = m fixture list ; fixture last = null ; boolean found = false ; while ( node != null ) { if ( node == fixture ) { node = fixture . m next ; found = true ; break ; } last = node ; node = node . m next ; } assert ( found ) ; if ( last == null ) { m fixture list = fixture . m next ; } else { last . m next = fixture . m next ; } contact edge edge = m contact list ; while ( edge != null ) { contact c = edge . contact ; edge = edge . next ; fixture fixture a = c . get fixture a ( ) ; fixture fixture b = c . get fixture b ( ) ; if ( fixture == fixture a || fixture == fixture b ) { m world . m contact manager . destroy ( c ) ; } } if ( ( m flags & e active flag ) == e active flag ) { broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; fixture . destroy proxies ( broad phase ) ; } fixture . destroy ( ) ; fixture . m body = null ; fixture . m next = null ; fixture = null ; -- m fixture count ; reset mass data ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return ; } assert ( fixture . m body == this ) ; assert ( m fixture count > 0 ) ; fixture node = m fixture list ; fixture last = null ; boolean found = false ; while ( node != null ) { if ( node == fixture ) { node = fixture . m next ; found = true ; break ; } last = node ; node = node . m next ; } assert ( found ) ; if ( last == null ) { m fixture list = fixture . m next ; } else { last . m next = fixture . m next ; } contact edge edge = m contact list ; while ( edge != null ) { contact c = edge . contact ; edge = edge . next ; fixture fixture a = c . get fixture a ( ) ; fixture fixture b = c . get fixture b ( ) ; if ( fixture == fixture a || fixture == fixture b ) { m world . m contact manager . destroy ( c ) ; } } if ( ( m flags & e active flag ) == e active flag ) { broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; fixture . destroy proxies ( broad phase ) ; } fixture . destroy ( ) ; fixture . m body = null ; fixture . m next = null ; fixture = null ; -- m fixture count ; reset mass data ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 26.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return ; } assert ( fixture . m body == this ) ; assert ( m fixture count > 0 ) ; fixture node = m fixture list ; fixture last = null ; boolean found = false ; while ( node != null ) { if ( node == fixture ) { node = fixture . m next ; found = true ; break ; } last = node ; node = node . m next ; } assert ( found ) ; if ( last == null ) { m fixture list = fixture . m next ; } else { last . m next = fixture . m next ; } contact edge edge = m contact list ; while ( edge != null ) { contact c = edge . contact ; edge = edge . next ; fixture fixture a = c . get fixture a ( ) ; fixture fixture b = c . get fixture b ( ) ; if ( fixture == fixture a || fixture == fixture b ) { m world . m contact manager . destroy ( c ) ; } } if ( ( m flags & e active flag ) == e active flag ) { broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; fixture . destroy proxies ( broad phase ) ; } fixture . destroy ( ) ; fixture . m body = null ; fixture . m next = null ; fixture = null ; -- m fixture count ; reset mass data ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return ; } assert ( fixture . m body == this ) ; assert ( m fixture count > 0 ) ; fixture node = m fixture list ; fixture last = null ; boolean found = false ; while ( node != null ) { if ( node == fixture ) { node = fixture . m next ; found = true ; break ; } last = node ; node = node . m next ; } assert ( found ) ; if ( last == null ) { m fixture list = fixture . m next ; } else { last . m next = fixture . m next ; } contact edge edge = m contact list ; while ( edge != null ) { contact c = edge . contact ; edge = edge . next ; fixture fixture a = c . get fixture a ( ) ; fixture fixture b = c . get fixture b ( ) ; if ( fixture == fixture a || fixture == fixture b ) { m world . m contact manager . destroy ( c ) ; } } if ( ( m flags & e active flag ) == e active flag ) { broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; fixture . destroy proxies ( broad phase ) ; } fixture . destroy ( ) ; fixture . m body = null ; fixture . m next = null ; fixture = null ; -- m fixture count ; reset mass data ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return ; } assert ( fixture . m body == this ) ; assert ( m fixture count > 0 ) ; fixture node = m fixture list ; fixture last = null ; boolean found = false ; while ( node != null ) { if ( node == fixture ) { node = fixture . m next ; found = true ; break ; } last = node ; node = node . m next ; } assert ( found ) ; if ( last == null ) { m fixture list = fixture . m next ; } else { last . m next = fixture . m next ; } contact edge edge = m contact list ; while ( edge != null ) { contact c = edge . contact ; edge = edge . next ; fixture fixture a = c . get fixture a ( ) ; fixture fixture b = c . get fixture b ( ) ; if ( fixture == fixture a || fixture == fixture b ) { m world . m contact manager . destroy ( c ) ; } } if ( ( m flags & e active flag ) == e active flag ) { broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; fixture . destroy proxies ( broad phase ) ; } fixture . destroy ( ) ; fixture . m body = null ; fixture . m next = null ; fixture = null ; -- m fixture count ; reset mass data ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,transform


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return ; } m xf . q . set ( angle ) ; m xf . p . set ( position ) ; transform . mul to out unsafe ( m xf , m sweep . local center , m sweep . c ) ; m sweep . a = angle ; m sweep . c 0 . set ( m sweep . c ) ; m sweep . a 0 = m sweep . a ; broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; for ( fixture f = m fixture list ; f != null ; f = f . m next ) { f . synchronize ( broad phase , m xf , m xf ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return ; } m xf . q . set ( angle ) ; m xf . p . set ( position ) ; transform . mul to out unsafe ( m xf , m sweep . local center , m sweep . c ) ; m sweep . a = angle ; m sweep . c 0 . set ( m sweep . c ) ; m sweep . a 0 = m sweep . a ; broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; for ( fixture f = m fixture list ; f != null ; f = f . m next ) { f . synchronize ( broad phase , m xf , m xf ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return ; } m xf . q . set ( angle ) ; m xf . p . set ( position ) ; transform . mul to out unsafe ( m xf , m sweep . local center , m sweep . c ) ; m sweep . a = angle ; m sweep . c 0 . set ( m sweep . c ) ; m sweep . a 0 = m sweep . a ; broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; for ( fixture f = m fixture list ; f != null ; f = f . m next ) { f . synchronize ( broad phase , m xf , m xf ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 20.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return ; } m xf . q . set ( angle ) ; m xf . p . set ( position ) ; transform . mul to out unsafe ( m xf , m sweep . local center , m sweep . c ) ; m sweep . a = angle ; m sweep . c 0 . set ( m sweep . c ) ; m sweep . a 0 = m sweep . a ; broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; for ( fixture f = m fixture list ; f != null ; f = f . m next ) { f . synchronize ( broad phase , m xf , m xf ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return ; } m xf . q . set ( angle ) ; m xf . p . set ( position ) ; transform . mul to out unsafe ( m xf , m sweep . local center , m sweep . c ) ; m sweep . a = angle ; m sweep . c 0 . set ( m sweep . c ) ; m sweep . a 0 = m sweep . a ; broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; for ( fixture f = m fixture list ; f != null ; f = f . m next ) { f . synchronize ( broad phase , m xf , m xf ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert ( m world . is locked ( ) == false ) ; if ( m world . is locked ( ) == true ) { return ; } m xf . q . set ( angle ) ; m xf . p . set ( position ) ; transform . mul to out unsafe ( m xf , m sweep . local center , m sweep . c ) ; m sweep . a = angle ; m sweep . c 0 . set ( m sweep . c ) ; m sweep . a 0 = m sweep . a ; broad phase broad phase = m world . m contact manager . m broad phase ; for ( fixture f = m fixture list ; f != null ; f = f . m next ) { f . synchronize ( broad phase , m xf , m xf ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,transform


<SENTENCE_START> { return m xf ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m xf ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m xf ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m xf ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m xf ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 29.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m xf ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,position


<SENTENCE_START> { return m xf . p ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m xf . p ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m xf . p ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 30.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m xf . p ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m xf . p ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m xf . p ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,angle


<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,world,center


<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . c ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . c ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . c ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 20.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . c ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . c ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . c ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . c ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . c ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,local,center


<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . local center ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . local center ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . local center ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 24.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . local center ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . local center ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 16.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . local center ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . local center ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m sweep . local center ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,linear,velocity


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( vec 2 . dot ( v , v ) > 0.0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m linear velocity . set ( v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( vec 2 . dot ( v , v ) > 0.0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m linear velocity . set ( v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( vec 2 . dot ( v , v ) > 0.0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m linear velocity . set ( v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 80.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( vec 2 . dot ( v , v ) > 0.0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m linear velocity . set ( v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( vec 2 . dot ( v , v ) > 0.0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m linear velocity . set ( v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 67.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( vec 2 . dot ( v , v ) > 0.0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m linear velocity . set ( v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( vec 2 . dot ( v , v ) > 0.0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m linear velocity . set ( v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( vec 2 . dot ( v , v ) > 0.0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m linear velocity . set ( v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,linear,velocity


<SENTENCE_START> { return m linear velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m linear velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m linear velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m linear velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m linear velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m linear velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m linear velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 12.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m linear velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,angular,velocity


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( w * w > 0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m angular velocity = w ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( w * w > 0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m angular velocity = w ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( w * w > 0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m angular velocity = w ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 95.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( w * w > 0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m angular velocity = w ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( w * w > 0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m angular velocity = w ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 62.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( w * w > 0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m angular velocity = w ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( w * w > 0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m angular velocity = w ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type == body type . static ) { return ; } if ( w * w > 0f ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m angular velocity = w ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,angular,velocity


<SENTENCE_START> { return m angular velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m angular velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m angular velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m angular velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m angular velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m angular velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m angular velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m angular velocity ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,gravity,scale


<SENTENCE_START> { return m gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 91.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,gravity,scale


<SENTENCE_START> { this . m gravity scale = gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . m gravity scale = gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . m gravity scale = gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . m gravity scale = gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . m gravity scale = gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 87.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . m gravity scale = gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . m gravity scale = gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . m gravity scale = gravity scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name apply,force


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; m torque += ( point . x - m sweep . c . x ) * force . y - ( point . y - m sweep . c . y ) * force . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; m torque += ( point . x - m sweep . c . x ) * force . y - ( point . y - m sweep . c . y ) * force . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; m torque += ( point . x - m sweep . c . x ) * force . y - ( point . y - m sweep . c . y ) * force . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 25.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; m torque += ( point . x - m sweep . c . x ) * force . y - ( point . y - m sweep . c . y ) * force . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; m torque += ( point . x - m sweep . c . x ) * force . y - ( point . y - m sweep . c . y ) * force . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; m torque += ( point . x - m sweep . c . x ) * force . y - ( point . y - m sweep . c . y ) * force . x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name apply,force,to,center


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 55.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m type != body type . dynamic ) { return ; } if ( is awake ( ) == false ) { set awake ( true ) ; } m force . x += force . x ; m force . y += force . y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>