Copy+Attentional Convolutional

Original Name resize


<SENTENCE_START> { stage . get viewport ( ) . update ( width , height , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { stage . get viewport ( ) . update ( width , height , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { stage . get viewport ( ) . update ( width , height , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { stage . get viewport ( ) . update ( width , height , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name dispose


<SENTENCE_START> { stage . %SELF% ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { stage . %SELF% ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { stage . %SELF% ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { stage . %SELF% ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name read


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( buffer . length < num samples * 2 ) buffer = new byte [ num samples * 2 ] ; int to read = num samples * 2 ; int %SELF% = 0 ; while ( %SELF% != to read ) %SELF% += line . %SELF% ( buffer , %SELF% , to read - %SELF% ) ; for ( int i = 0 , j = 0 ; i < num samples * 2 ; i += 2 , j ++ ) samples [ offset + j ] = ( short ) ( ( buffer [ i + 1 ] << 8 ) | ( buffer [ i ] & 0xff ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( buffer . length < num samples * 2 ) buffer = new byte [ num samples * 2 ] ; int to read = num samples * 2 ; int %SELF% = 0 ; while ( %SELF% != to read ) %SELF% += line . %SELF% ( buffer , %SELF% , to read - %SELF% ) ; for ( int i = 0 , j = 0 ; i < num samples * 2 ; i += 2 , j ++ ) samples [ offset + j ] = ( short ) ( ( buffer [ i + 1 ] << 8 ) | ( buffer [ i ] & 0xff ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( buffer . length < num samples * 2 ) buffer = new byte [ num samples * 2 ] ; int to read = num samples * 2 ; int %SELF% = 0 ; while ( %SELF% != to read ) %SELF% += line . %SELF% ( buffer , %SELF% , to read - %SELF% ) ; for ( int i = 0 , j = 0 ; i < num samples * 2 ; i += 2 , j ++ ) samples [ offset + j ] = ( short ) ( ( buffer [ i + 1 ] << 8 ) | ( buffer [ i ] & 0xff ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( buffer . length < num samples * 2 ) buffer = new byte [ num samples * 2 ] ; int to read = num samples * 2 ; int %SELF% = 0 ; while ( %SELF% != to read ) %SELF% += line . %SELF% ( buffer , %SELF% , to read - %SELF% ) ; for ( int i = 0 , j = 0 ; i < num samples * 2 ; i += 2 , j ++ ) samples [ offset + j ] = ( short ) ( ( buffer [ i + 1 ] << 8 ) | ( buffer [ i ] & 0xff ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name dispose


<SENTENCE_START> { line . close ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { line . close ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { line . close ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { line . close ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name draw



(Copy Probability: 0.1%)




(Copy Probability: 0.0%)


Original Name act


<SENTENCE_START> { array < action > actions = this . actions ; if ( actions . size > 0 ) { if ( stage != null && stage . get actions request rendering ( ) ) gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < actions . size ; i ++ ) { action action = actions . get ( i ) ; if ( action . %SELF% ( delta ) && i < actions . size ) { action current = actions . get ( i ) ; int action index = current == action ? i : actions . index of ( action , true ) ; if ( action index != - 1 ) { actions . remove index ( action index ) ; action . set actor ( null ) ; i -- ; } } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array < action > actions = this . actions ; if ( actions . size > 0 ) { if ( stage != null && stage . get actions request rendering ( ) ) gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < actions . size ; i ++ ) { action action = actions . get ( i ) ; if ( action . %SELF% ( delta ) && i < actions . size ) { action current = actions . get ( i ) ; int action index = current == action ? i : actions . index of ( action , true ) ; if ( action index != - 1 ) { actions . remove index ( action index ) ; action . set actor ( null ) ; i -- ; } } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { array < action > actions = this . actions ; if ( actions . size > 0 ) { if ( stage != null && stage . get actions request rendering ( ) ) gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < actions . size ; i ++ ) { action action = actions . get ( i ) ; if ( action . %SELF% ( delta ) && i < actions . size ) { action current = actions . get ( i ) ; int action index = current == action ? i : actions . index of ( action , true ) ; if ( action index != - 1 ) { actions . remove index ( action index ) ; action . set actor ( null ) ; i -- ; } } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { array < action > actions = this . actions ; if ( actions . size > 0 ) { if ( stage != null && stage . get actions request rendering ( ) ) gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < actions . size ; i ++ ) { action action = actions . get ( i ) ; if ( action . %SELF% ( delta ) && i < actions . size ) { action current = actions . get ( i ) ; int action index = current == action ? i : actions . index of ( action , true ) ; if ( action index != - 1 ) { actions . remove index ( action index ) ; action . set actor ( null ) ; i -- ; } } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name fire


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( event . get stage ( ) == null ) event . set stage ( get stage ( ) ) ; event . set target ( this ) ; array < group > ancestors = pools . obtain ( array . class ) ; group parent = this . parent ; while ( parent != null ) { ancestors . add ( parent ) ; parent = parent . parent ; } try { object [ ] ancestors array = ancestors . items ; for ( int i = ancestors . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) { group current target = ( group ) ancestors array [ i ] ; current target . notify ( event , true ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } notify ( event , true ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; notify ( event , false ) ; if ( ! event . get bubbles ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = ancestors . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { ( ( group ) ancestors array [ i ] ) . notify ( event , false ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } finally { ancestors . clear ( ) ; pools . free ( ancestors ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( event . get stage ( ) == null ) event . set stage ( get stage ( ) ) ; event . set target ( this ) ; array < group > ancestors = pools . obtain ( array . class ) ; group parent = this . parent ; while ( parent != null ) { ancestors . add ( parent ) ; parent = parent . parent ; } try { object [ ] ancestors array = ancestors . items ; for ( int i = ancestors . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) { group current target = ( group ) ancestors array [ i ] ; current target . notify ( event , true ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } notify ( event , true ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; notify ( event , false ) ; if ( ! event . get bubbles ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = ancestors . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { ( ( group ) ancestors array [ i ] ) . notify ( event , false ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } finally { ancestors . clear ( ) ; pools . free ( ancestors ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( event . get stage ( ) == null ) event . set stage ( get stage ( ) ) ; event . set target ( this ) ; array < group > ancestors = pools . obtain ( array . class ) ; group parent = this . parent ; while ( parent != null ) { ancestors . add ( parent ) ; parent = parent . parent ; } try { object [ ] ancestors array = ancestors . items ; for ( int i = ancestors . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) { group current target = ( group ) ancestors array [ i ] ; current target . notify ( event , true ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } notify ( event , true ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; notify ( event , false ) ; if ( ! event . get bubbles ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = ancestors . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { ( ( group ) ancestors array [ i ] ) . notify ( event , false ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } finally { ancestors . clear ( ) ; pools . free ( ancestors ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( event . get stage ( ) == null ) event . set stage ( get stage ( ) ) ; event . set target ( this ) ; array < group > ancestors = pools . obtain ( array . class ) ; group parent = this . parent ; while ( parent != null ) { ancestors . add ( parent ) ; parent = parent . parent ; } try { object [ ] ancestors array = ancestors . items ; for ( int i = ancestors . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) { group current target = ( group ) ancestors array [ i ] ; current target . notify ( event , true ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } notify ( event , true ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; notify ( event , false ) ; if ( ! event . get bubbles ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = ancestors . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { ( ( group ) ancestors array [ i ] ) . notify ( event , false ) ; if ( event . is stopped ( ) ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } finally { ancestors . clear ( ) ; pools . free ( ancestors ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name notify


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( event . get target ( ) == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "The event target cannot be null." ) ; delayed removal array < event listener > listeners = capture ? capture listeners : this . listeners ; if ( listeners . size == 0 ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; event . set listener actor ( this ) ; event . set capture ( capture ) ; if ( event . get stage ( ) == null ) event . set stage ( stage ) ; listeners . begin ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = listeners . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { event listener listener = listeners . get ( i ) ; if ( listener . handle ( event ) ) { event . handle ( ) ; if ( event instanceof input event ) { input event input event = ( input event ) event ; if ( input event . get type ( ) == type . touch down ) { event . get stage ( ) . add touch focus ( listener , this , input event . get target ( ) , input event . get pointer ( ) , input event . get button ( ) ) ; } } } } listeners . end ( ) ; return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( event . get target ( ) == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "The event target cannot be null." ) ; delayed removal array < event listener > listeners = capture ? capture listeners : this . listeners ; if ( listeners . size == 0 ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; event . set listener actor ( this ) ; event . set capture ( capture ) ; if ( event . get stage ( ) == null ) event . set stage ( stage ) ; listeners . begin ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = listeners . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { event listener listener = listeners . get ( i ) ; if ( listener . handle ( event ) ) { event . handle ( ) ; if ( event instanceof input event ) { input event input event = ( input event ) event ; if ( input event . get type ( ) == type . touch down ) { event . get stage ( ) . add touch focus ( listener , this , input event . get target ( ) , input event . get pointer ( ) , input event . get button ( ) ) ; } } } } listeners . end ( ) ; return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( event . get target ( ) == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "The event target cannot be null." ) ; delayed removal array < event listener > listeners = capture ? capture listeners : this . listeners ; if ( listeners . size == 0 ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; event . set listener actor ( this ) ; event . set capture ( capture ) ; if ( event . get stage ( ) == null ) event . set stage ( stage ) ; listeners . begin ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = listeners . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { event listener listener = listeners . get ( i ) ; if ( listener . handle ( event ) ) { event . handle ( ) ; if ( event instanceof input event ) { input event input event = ( input event ) event ; if ( input event . get type ( ) == type . touch down ) { event . get stage ( ) . add touch focus ( listener , this , input event . get target ( ) , input event . get pointer ( ) , input event . get button ( ) ) ; } } } } listeners . end ( ) ; return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 31.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( event . get target ( ) == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "The event target cannot be null." ) ; delayed removal array < event listener > listeners = capture ? capture listeners : this . listeners ; if ( listeners . size == 0 ) return event . is cancelled ( ) ; event . set listener actor ( this ) ; event . set capture ( capture ) ; if ( event . get stage ( ) == null ) event . set stage ( stage ) ; listeners . begin ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , n = listeners . size ; i < n ; i ++ ) { event listener listener = listeners . get ( i ) ; if ( listener . handle ( event ) ) { event . handle ( ) ; if ( event instanceof input event ) { input event input event = ( input event ) event ; if ( input event . get type ( ) == type . touch down ) { event . get stage ( ) . add touch focus ( listener , this , input event . get target ( ) , input event . get pointer ( ) , input event . get button ( ) ) ; } } } } listeners . end ( ) ; return event . is cancelled ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name hit


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( touchable && this . touchable != touchable . enabled ) return null ; return x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height ? this : null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( touchable && this . touchable != touchable . enabled ) return null ; return x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height ? this : null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( touchable && this . touchable != touchable . enabled ) return null ; return x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height ? this : null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( touchable && this . touchable != touchable . enabled ) return null ; return x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height ? this : null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name remove


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( parent != null ) return parent . remove actor ( this , true ) ; return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( parent != null ) return parent . remove actor ( this , true ) ; return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( parent != null ) return parent . remove actor ( this , true ) ; return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( parent != null ) return parent . remove actor ( this , true ) ; return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,listener


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! listeners . contains ( listener , true ) ) { listeners . add ( listener ) ; return true ; } return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! listeners . contains ( listener , true ) ) { listeners . add ( listener ) ; return true ; } return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! listeners . contains ( listener , true ) ) { listeners . add ( listener ) ; return true ; } return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 12.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! listeners . contains ( listener , true ) ) { listeners . add ( listener ) ; return true ; } return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! listeners . contains ( listener , true ) ) { listeners . add ( listener ) ; return true ; } return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! listeners . contains ( listener , true ) ) { listeners . add ( listener ) ; return true ; } return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name remove,listener


<SENTENCE_START> { return listeners . remove value ( listener , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return listeners . remove value ( listener , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return listeners . remove value ( listener , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return listeners . remove value ( listener , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return listeners . remove value ( listener , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return listeners . remove value ( listener , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,listeners


<SENTENCE_START> { return listeners ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return listeners ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return listeners ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 70.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return listeners ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return listeners ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return listeners ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,capture,listener


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! capture listeners . contains ( listener , true ) ) capture listeners . add ( listener ) ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! capture listeners . contains ( listener , true ) ) capture listeners . add ( listener ) ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! capture listeners . contains ( listener , true ) ) capture listeners . add ( listener ) ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 14.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! capture listeners . contains ( listener , true ) ) capture listeners . add ( listener ) ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! capture listeners . contains ( listener , true ) ) capture listeners . add ( listener ) ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! capture listeners . contains ( listener , true ) ) capture listeners . add ( listener ) ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! capture listeners . contains ( listener , true ) ) capture listeners . add ( listener ) ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! capture listeners . contains ( listener , true ) ) capture listeners . add ( listener ) ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name remove,capture,listener


<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners . remove value ( listener , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners . remove value ( listener , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners . remove value ( listener , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners . remove value ( listener , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners . remove value ( listener , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners . remove value ( listener , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners . remove value ( listener , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners . remove value ( listener , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,capture,listeners


<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 86.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return capture listeners ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,action


<SENTENCE_START> { action . set actor ( this ) ; actions . add ( action ) ; if ( stage != null && stage . get actions request rendering ( ) ) gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { action . set actor ( this ) ; actions . add ( action ) ; if ( stage != null && stage . get actions request rendering ( ) ) gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { action . set actor ( this ) ; actions . add ( action ) ; if ( stage != null && stage . get actions request rendering ( ) ) gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { action . set actor ( this ) ; actions . add ( action ) ; if ( stage != null && stage . get actions request rendering ( ) ) gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { action . set actor ( this ) ; actions . add ( action ) ; if ( stage != null && stage . get actions request rendering ( ) ) gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { action . set actor ( this ) ; actions . add ( action ) ; if ( stage != null && stage . get actions request rendering ( ) ) gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name remove,action


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actions . remove value ( action , true ) ) action . set actor ( null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actions . remove value ( action , true ) ) action . set actor ( null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actions . remove value ( action , true ) ) action . set actor ( null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actions . remove value ( action , true ) ) action . set actor ( null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actions . remove value ( action , true ) ) action . set actor ( null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actions . remove value ( action , true ) ) action . set actor ( null ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,actions


<SENTENCE_START> { return actions ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return actions ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return actions ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 88.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return actions ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return actions ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return actions ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name has,actions


<SENTENCE_START> { return actions . size > 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return actions . size > 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return actions . size > 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return actions . size > 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return actions . size > 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return actions . size > 0 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name clear,actions


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = actions . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) actions . get ( i ) . set actor ( null ) ; actions . clear ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = actions . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) actions . get ( i ) . set actor ( null ) ; actions . clear ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = actions . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) actions . get ( i ) . set actor ( null ) ; actions . clear ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = actions . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) actions . get ( i ) . set actor ( null ) ; actions . clear ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = actions . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) actions . get ( i ) . set actor ( null ) ; actions . clear ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = actions . size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) actions . get ( i ) . set actor ( null ) ; actions . clear ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name clear,listeners


<SENTENCE_START> { listeners . clear ( ) ; capture listeners . clear ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { listeners . clear ( ) ; capture listeners . clear ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { listeners . clear ( ) ; capture listeners . clear ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { listeners . clear ( ) ; capture listeners . clear ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { listeners . clear ( ) ; capture listeners . clear ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { listeners . clear ( ) ; capture listeners . clear ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name clear


<SENTENCE_START> { clear actions ( ) ; clear listeners ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear actions ( ) ; clear listeners ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { clear actions ( ) ; clear listeners ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { clear actions ( ) ; clear listeners ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,stage


<SENTENCE_START> { return stage ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return stage ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return stage ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 77.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return stage ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return stage ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return stage ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,stage


<SENTENCE_START> { this . stage = stage ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . stage = stage ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . stage = stage ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . stage = stage ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . stage = stage ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . stage = stage ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name is,descendant,of


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; actor parent = this ; while ( true ) { if ( parent == null ) return false ; if ( parent == actor ) return true ; parent = parent . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; actor parent = this ; while ( true ) { if ( parent == null ) return false ; if ( parent == actor ) return true ; parent = parent . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; actor parent = this ; while ( true ) { if ( parent == null ) return false ; if ( parent == actor ) return true ; parent = parent . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; actor parent = this ; while ( true ) { if ( parent == null ) return false ; if ( parent == actor ) return true ; parent = parent . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; actor parent = this ; while ( true ) { if ( parent == null ) return false ; if ( parent == actor ) return true ; parent = parent . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; actor parent = this ; while ( true ) { if ( parent == null ) return false ; if ( parent == actor ) return true ; parent = parent . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; actor parent = this ; while ( true ) { if ( parent == null ) return false ; if ( parent == actor ) return true ; parent = parent . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; actor parent = this ; while ( true ) { if ( parent == null ) return false ; if ( parent == actor ) return true ; parent = parent . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name is,ascendant,of


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; while ( true ) { if ( actor == null ) return false ; if ( actor == this ) return true ; actor = actor . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; while ( true ) { if ( actor == null ) return false ; if ( actor == this ) return true ; actor = actor . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; while ( true ) { if ( actor == null ) return false ; if ( actor == this ) return true ; actor = actor . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; while ( true ) { if ( actor == null ) return false ; if ( actor == this ) return true ; actor = actor . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; while ( true ) { if ( actor == null ) return false ; if ( actor == this ) return true ; actor = actor . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; while ( true ) { if ( actor == null ) return false ; if ( actor == this ) return true ; actor = actor . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; while ( true ) { if ( actor == null ) return false ; if ( actor == this ) return true ; actor = actor . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( actor == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "actor cannot be null." ) ; while ( true ) { if ( actor == null ) return false ; if ( actor == this ) return true ; actor = actor . parent ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name has,parent


<SENTENCE_START> { return parent != null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return parent != null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return parent != null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return parent != null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return parent != null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return parent != null ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,parent


<SENTENCE_START> { return parent ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return parent ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return parent ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 21.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return parent ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return parent ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return parent ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,parent


<SENTENCE_START> { this . parent = parent ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . parent = parent ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . parent = parent ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 79.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . parent = parent ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . parent = parent ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . parent = parent ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name is,touchable


<SENTENCE_START> { return touchable == touchable . enabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return touchable == touchable . enabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return touchable == touchable . enabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 15.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return touchable == touchable . enabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return touchable == touchable . enabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return touchable == touchable . enabled ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,touchable


<SENTENCE_START> { return touchable ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return touchable ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return touchable ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 75.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return touchable ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return touchable ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return touchable ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,touchable


<SENTENCE_START> { this . touchable = touchable ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . touchable = touchable ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . touchable = touchable ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 78.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . touchable = touchable ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . touchable = touchable ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . touchable = touchable ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name is,visible


<SENTENCE_START> { return visible ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return visible ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return visible ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 54.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return visible ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return visible ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return visible ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,visible


<SENTENCE_START> { this . visible = visible ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . visible = visible ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . visible = visible ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . visible = visible ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . visible = visible ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . visible = visible ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,user,object


<SENTENCE_START> { return user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 19.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,user,object


<SENTENCE_START> { this . user object = user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . user object = user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . user object = user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . user object = user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . user object = user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . user object = user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . user object = user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 12.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . user object = user object ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,x



(Copy Probability: 0.3%)




(Copy Probability: 41.3%)




(Copy Probability: 2.3%)


Original Name get,x


<SENTENCE_START> { float x = this . x ; if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) x += width ; else if ( ( alignment & left ) == 0 ) x += width / 2 ; return x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float x = this . x ; if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) x += width ; else if ( ( alignment & left ) == 0 ) x += width / 2 ; return x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float x = this . x ; if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) x += width ; else if ( ( alignment & left ) == 0 ) x += width / 2 ; return x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float x = this . x ; if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) x += width ; else if ( ( alignment & left ) == 0 ) x += width / 2 ; return x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float x = this . x ; if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) x += width ; else if ( ( alignment & left ) == 0 ) x += width / 2 ; return x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float x = this . x ; if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) x += width ; else if ( ( alignment & left ) == 0 ) x += width / 2 ; return x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,x


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x ) { this . x = x ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x ) { this . x = x ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x ) { this . x = x ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 15.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x ) { this . x = x ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x ) { this . x = x ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x ) { this . x = x ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,y



(Copy Probability: 0.3%)




(Copy Probability: 62.2%)




(Copy Probability: 2.6%)


Original Name set,y


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . y != y ) { this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . y != y ) { this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . y != y ) { this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 15.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . y != y ) { this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . y != y ) { this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . y != y ) { this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,y


<SENTENCE_START> { float y = this . y ; if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) y += height ; else if ( ( alignment & bottom ) == 0 ) y += height / 2 ; return y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float y = this . y ; if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) y += height ; else if ( ( alignment & bottom ) == 0 ) y += height / 2 ; return y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float y = this . y ; if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) y += height ; else if ( ( alignment & bottom ) == 0 ) y += height / 2 ; return y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float y = this . y ; if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) y += height ; else if ( ( alignment & bottom ) == 0 ) y += height / 2 ; return y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { float y = this . y ; if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) y += height ; else if ( ( alignment & bottom ) == 0 ) y += height / 2 ; return y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { float y = this . y ; if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) y += height ; else if ( ( alignment & bottom ) == 0 ) y += height / 2 ; return y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,position


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,position


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) x -= width ; else if ( ( alignment & left ) == 0 ) x -= width / 2 ; if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) y -= height ; else if ( ( alignment & bottom ) == 0 ) y -= height / 2 ; if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) x -= width ; else if ( ( alignment & left ) == 0 ) x -= width / 2 ; if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) y -= height ; else if ( ( alignment & bottom ) == 0 ) y -= height / 2 ; if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) x -= width ; else if ( ( alignment & left ) == 0 ) x -= width / 2 ; if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) y -= height ; else if ( ( alignment & bottom ) == 0 ) y -= height / 2 ; if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) x -= width ; else if ( ( alignment & left ) == 0 ) x -= width / 2 ; if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) y -= height ; else if ( ( alignment & bottom ) == 0 ) y -= height / 2 ; if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) x -= width ; else if ( ( alignment & left ) == 0 ) x -= width / 2 ; if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) y -= height ; else if ( ( alignment & bottom ) == 0 ) y -= height / 2 ; if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) x -= width ; else if ( ( alignment & left ) == 0 ) x -= width / 2 ; if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) y -= height ; else if ( ( alignment & bottom ) == 0 ) y -= height / 2 ; if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name move,by


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( x != 0 || y != 0 ) { this . x += x ; this . y += y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( x != 0 || y != 0 ) { this . x += x ; this . y += y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( x != 0 || y != 0 ) { this . x += x ; this . y += y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( x != 0 || y != 0 ) { this . x += x ; this . y += y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( x != 0 || y != 0 ) { this . x += x ; this . y += y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( x != 0 || y != 0 ) { this . x += x ; this . y += y ; position changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,width


<SENTENCE_START> { return width ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return width ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return width ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 37.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return width ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return width ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return width ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,width


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . width != width ) { this . width = width ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . width != width ) { this . width = width ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . width != width ) { this . width = width ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 12.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . width != width ) { this . width = width ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . width != width ) { this . width = width ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . width != width ) { this . width = width ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,height


<SENTENCE_START> { return height ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return height ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return height ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 52.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return height ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return height ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return height ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,height


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . height != height ) { this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . height != height ) { this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . height != height ) { this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 32.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . height != height ) { this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . height != height ) { this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . height != height ) { this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,top


<SENTENCE_START> { return y + height ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return y + height ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return y + height ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return y + height ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return y + height ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 29.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return y + height ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,right


<SENTENCE_START> { return x + width ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return x + width ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return x + width ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return x + width ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return x + width ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 17.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return x + width ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name position,changed



(Copy Probability: 0.1%)




(Copy Probability: 0.0%)




(Copy Probability: 0.1%)


Original Name size,changed



(Copy Probability: 0.1%)




(Copy Probability: 0.0%)




(Copy Probability: 0.1%)


Original Name rotation,changed



(Copy Probability: 0.1%)




(Copy Probability: 0.0%)




(Copy Probability: 0.2%)


Original Name set,size


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . width != width || this . height != height ) { this . width = width ; this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . width != width || this . height != height ) { this . width = width ; this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . width != width || this . height != height ) { this . width = width ; this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . width != width || this . height != height ) { this . width = width ; this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . width != width || this . height != height ) { this . width = width ; this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . width != width || this . height != height ) { this . width = width ; this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name size,by


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( size != 0 ) { width += size ; height += size ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( size != 0 ) { width += size ; height += size ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( size != 0 ) { width += size ; height += size ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( size != 0 ) { width += size ; height += size ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( size != 0 ) { width += size ; height += size ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( size != 0 ) { width += size ; height += size ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name size,by


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( width != 0 || height != 0 ) { this . width += width ; this . height += height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( width != 0 || height != 0 ) { this . width += width ; this . height += height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( width != 0 || height != 0 ) { this . width += width ; this . height += height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( width != 0 || height != 0 ) { this . width += width ; this . height += height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( width != 0 || height != 0 ) { this . width += width ; this . height += height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( width != 0 || height != 0 ) { this . width += width ; this . height += height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,bounds


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } if ( this . width != width || this . height != height ) { this . width = width ; this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } if ( this . width != width || this . height != height ) { this . width = width ; this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } if ( this . width != width || this . height != height ) { this . width = width ; this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } if ( this . width != width || this . height != height ) { this . width = width ; this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } if ( this . width != width || this . height != height ) { this . width = width ; this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . x != x || this . y != y ) { this . x = x ; this . y = y ; position changed ( ) ; } if ( this . width != width || this . height != height ) { this . width = width ; this . height = height ; size changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,origin,x


<SENTENCE_START> { return origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,origin,x


<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin x = origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin x = origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin x = origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin x = origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin x = origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 91.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin x = origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin x = origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin x = origin x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,origin,y


<SENTENCE_START> { return origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,origin,y


<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin y = origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin y = origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin y = origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin y = origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin y = origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 91.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin y = origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin y = origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin y = origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,origin


<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin x = origin x ; this . origin y = origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin x = origin x ; this . origin y = origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin x = origin x ; this . origin y = origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin x = origin x ; this . origin y = origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin x = origin x ; this . origin y = origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 12.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . origin x = origin x ; this . origin y = origin y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,origin


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ( alignment & left ) != 0 ) origin x = 0 ; else if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) origin x = width ; else origin x = width / 2 ; if ( ( alignment & bottom ) != 0 ) origin y = 0 ; else if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) origin y = height ; else origin y = height / 2 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ( alignment & left ) != 0 ) origin x = 0 ; else if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) origin x = width ; else origin x = width / 2 ; if ( ( alignment & bottom ) != 0 ) origin y = 0 ; else if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) origin y = height ; else origin y = height / 2 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ( alignment & left ) != 0 ) origin x = 0 ; else if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) origin x = width ; else origin x = width / 2 ; if ( ( alignment & bottom ) != 0 ) origin y = 0 ; else if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) origin y = height ; else origin y = height / 2 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ( alignment & left ) != 0 ) origin x = 0 ; else if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) origin x = width ; else origin x = width / 2 ; if ( ( alignment & bottom ) != 0 ) origin y = 0 ; else if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) origin y = height ; else origin y = height / 2 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ( alignment & left ) != 0 ) origin x = 0 ; else if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) origin x = width ; else origin x = width / 2 ; if ( ( alignment & bottom ) != 0 ) origin y = 0 ; else if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) origin y = height ; else origin y = height / 2 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ( alignment & left ) != 0 ) origin x = 0 ; else if ( ( alignment & right ) != 0 ) origin x = width ; else origin x = width / 2 ; if ( ( alignment & bottom ) != 0 ) origin y = 0 ; else if ( ( alignment & top ) != 0 ) origin y = height ; else origin y = height / 2 ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,scale,x


<SENTENCE_START> { return scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,scale,x


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale x ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,scale,y


<SENTENCE_START> { return scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,scale,y


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale y = scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale y = scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale y = scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale y = scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale y = scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale y = scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale y = scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale y = scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,scale


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale xy ; this . scale y = scale xy ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale xy ; this . scale y = scale xy ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale xy ; this . scale y = scale xy ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale xy ; this . scale y = scale xy ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale xy ; this . scale y = scale xy ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 41.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale xy ; this . scale y = scale xy ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,scale


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale x ; this . scale y = scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale x ; this . scale y = scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale x ; this . scale y = scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 94.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale x ; this . scale y = scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale x ; this . scale y = scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x = scale x ; this . scale y = scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name scale,by


<SENTENCE_START> { scale x += scale ; scale y += scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { scale x += scale ; scale y += scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { scale x += scale ; scale y += scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { scale x += scale ; scale y += scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { scale x += scale ; scale y += scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { scale x += scale ; scale y += scale ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name scale,by


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x += scale x ; this . scale y += scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x += scale x ; this . scale y += scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x += scale x ; this . scale y += scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 65.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x += scale x ; this . scale y += scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x += scale x ; this . scale y += scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . scale x += scale x ; this . scale y += scale y ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,rotation


<SENTENCE_START> { return rotation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return rotation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return rotation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 85.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return rotation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return rotation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return rotation ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,rotation


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . rotation != degrees ) { this . rotation = degrees ; rotation changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . rotation != degrees ) { this . rotation = degrees ; rotation changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . rotation != degrees ) { this . rotation = degrees ; rotation changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 51.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . rotation != degrees ) { this . rotation = degrees ; rotation changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . rotation != degrees ) { this . rotation = degrees ; rotation changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( this . rotation != degrees ) { this . rotation = degrees ; rotation changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name rotate,by


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( amount in degrees != 0 ) { rotation += amount in degrees ; rotation changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( amount in degrees != 0 ) { rotation += amount in degrees ; rotation changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( amount in degrees != 0 ) { rotation += amount in degrees ; rotation changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( amount in degrees != 0 ) { rotation += amount in degrees ; rotation changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( amount in degrees != 0 ) { rotation += amount in degrees ; rotation changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( amount in degrees != 0 ) { rotation += amount in degrees ; rotation changed ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,color


<SENTENCE_START> { this . color . set ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . color . set ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . color . set ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 93.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . color . set ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . color . set ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . color . set ( color ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,color


<SENTENCE_START> { color . set ( r , g , b , a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { color . set ( r , g , b , a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { color . set ( r , g , b , a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 39.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { color . set ( r , g , b , a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { color . set ( r , g , b , a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { color . set ( r , g , b , a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,color


<SENTENCE_START> { return color ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return color ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return color ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 71.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return color ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return color ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return color ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,name


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 69.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,name


<SENTENCE_START> { this . name = name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . name = name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . name = name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . name = name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { this . name = name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { this . name = name ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name to,front


<SENTENCE_START> { set z index ( integer . max value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { set z index ( integer . max value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { set z index ( integer . max value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { set z index ( integer . max value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { set z index ( integer . max value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { set z index ( integer . max value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name to,back


<SENTENCE_START> { set z index ( 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { set z index ( 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { set z index ( 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { set z index ( 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { set z index ( 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { set z index ( 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,z,index


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( index < 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "ZIndex cannot be < 0." ) ; group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return ; array < actor > children = parent . children ; if ( children . size == 1 ) return ; index = math . min ( index , children . size - 1 ) ; if ( index == children . index of ( this , true ) ) return ; if ( ! children . remove value ( this , true ) ) return ; children . insert ( index , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( index < 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "ZIndex cannot be < 0." ) ; group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return ; array < actor > children = parent . children ; if ( children . size == 1 ) return ; index = math . min ( index , children . size - 1 ) ; if ( index == children . index of ( this , true ) ) return ; if ( ! children . remove value ( this , true ) ) return ; children . insert ( index , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( index < 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "ZIndex cannot be < 0." ) ; group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return ; array < actor > children = parent . children ; if ( children . size == 1 ) return ; index = math . min ( index , children . size - 1 ) ; if ( index == children . index of ( this , true ) ) return ; if ( ! children . remove value ( this , true ) ) return ; children . insert ( index , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 16.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( index < 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "ZIndex cannot be < 0." ) ; group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return ; array < actor > children = parent . children ; if ( children . size == 1 ) return ; index = math . min ( index , children . size - 1 ) ; if ( index == children . index of ( this , true ) ) return ; if ( ! children . remove value ( this , true ) ) return ; children . insert ( index , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( index < 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "ZIndex cannot be < 0." ) ; group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return ; array < actor > children = parent . children ; if ( children . size == 1 ) return ; index = math . min ( index , children . size - 1 ) ; if ( index == children . index of ( this , true ) ) return ; if ( ! children . remove value ( this , true ) ) return ; children . insert ( index , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( index < 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "ZIndex cannot be < 0." ) ; group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return ; array < actor > children = parent . children ; if ( children . size == 1 ) return ; index = math . min ( index , children . size - 1 ) ; if ( index == children . index of ( this , true ) ) return ; if ( ! children . remove value ( this , true ) ) return ; children . insert ( index , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( index < 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "ZIndex cannot be < 0." ) ; group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return ; array < actor > children = parent . children ; if ( children . size == 1 ) return ; index = math . min ( index , children . size - 1 ) ; if ( index == children . index of ( this , true ) ) return ; if ( ! children . remove value ( this , true ) ) return ; children . insert ( index , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( index < 0 ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "ZIndex cannot be < 0." ) ; group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return ; array < actor > children = parent . children ; if ( children . size == 1 ) return ; index = math . min ( index , children . size - 1 ) ; if ( index == children . index of ( this , true ) ) return ; if ( ! children . remove value ( this , true ) ) return ; children . insert ( index , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,z,index


<SENTENCE_START> { group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return - 1 ; return parent . children . index of ( this , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return - 1 ; return parent . children . index of ( this , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return - 1 ; return parent . children . index of ( this , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return - 1 ; return parent . children . index of ( this , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return - 1 ; return parent . children . index of ( this , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return - 1 ; return parent . children . index of ( this , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return - 1 ; return parent . children . index of ( this , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { group parent = this . parent ; if ( parent == null ) return - 1 ; return parent . children . index of ( this , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name clip,begin


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( x , y , width , height ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( x , y , width , height ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( x , y , width , height ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( x , y , width , height ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( x , y , width , height ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( x , y , width , height ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name clip,begin


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( width <= 0 || height <= 0 ) return false ; rectangle table bounds = rectangle . tmp ; table bounds . x = x ; table bounds . y = y ; table bounds . width = width ; table bounds . height = height ; stage stage = this . stage ; rectangle scissor bounds = pools . obtain ( rectangle . class ) ; stage . calculate scissors ( table bounds , scissor bounds ) ; if ( scissor stack . push scissors ( scissor bounds ) ) return true ; pools . free ( scissor bounds ) ; return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( width <= 0 || height <= 0 ) return false ; rectangle table bounds = rectangle . tmp ; table bounds . x = x ; table bounds . y = y ; table bounds . width = width ; table bounds . height = height ; stage stage = this . stage ; rectangle scissor bounds = pools . obtain ( rectangle . class ) ; stage . calculate scissors ( table bounds , scissor bounds ) ; if ( scissor stack . push scissors ( scissor bounds ) ) return true ; pools . free ( scissor bounds ) ; return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( width <= 0 || height <= 0 ) return false ; rectangle table bounds = rectangle . tmp ; table bounds . x = x ; table bounds . y = y ; table bounds . width = width ; table bounds . height = height ; stage stage = this . stage ; rectangle scissor bounds = pools . obtain ( rectangle . class ) ; stage . calculate scissors ( table bounds , scissor bounds ) ; if ( scissor stack . push scissors ( scissor bounds ) ) return true ; pools . free ( scissor bounds ) ; return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 22.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( width <= 0 || height <= 0 ) return false ; rectangle table bounds = rectangle . tmp ; table bounds . x = x ; table bounds . y = y ; table bounds . width = width ; table bounds . height = height ; stage stage = this . stage ; rectangle scissor bounds = pools . obtain ( rectangle . class ) ; stage . calculate scissors ( table bounds , scissor bounds ) ; if ( scissor stack . push scissors ( scissor bounds ) ) return true ; pools . free ( scissor bounds ) ; return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( width <= 0 || height <= 0 ) return false ; rectangle table bounds = rectangle . tmp ; table bounds . x = x ; table bounds . y = y ; table bounds . width = width ; table bounds . height = height ; stage stage = this . stage ; rectangle scissor bounds = pools . obtain ( rectangle . class ) ; stage . calculate scissors ( table bounds , scissor bounds ) ; if ( scissor stack . push scissors ( scissor bounds ) ) return true ; pools . free ( scissor bounds ) ; return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( width <= 0 || height <= 0 ) return false ; rectangle table bounds = rectangle . tmp ; table bounds . x = x ; table bounds . y = y ; table bounds . width = width ; table bounds . height = height ; stage stage = this . stage ; rectangle scissor bounds = pools . obtain ( rectangle . class ) ; stage . calculate scissors ( table bounds , scissor bounds ) ; if ( scissor stack . push scissors ( scissor bounds ) ) return true ; pools . free ( scissor bounds ) ; return false ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name clip,end


<SENTENCE_START> { pools . free ( scissor stack . pop scissors ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { pools . free ( scissor stack . pop scissors ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { pools . free ( scissor stack . pop scissors ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { pools . free ( scissor stack . pop scissors ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { pools . free ( scissor stack . pop scissors ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { pools . free ( scissor stack . pop scissors ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name screen,to,local,coordinates


<SENTENCE_START> { stage stage = this . stage ; if ( stage == null ) return screen coords ; return stage to local coordinates ( stage . screen to stage coordinates ( screen coords ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { stage stage = this . stage ; if ( stage == null ) return screen coords ; return stage to local coordinates ( stage . screen to stage coordinates ( screen coords ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { stage stage = this . stage ; if ( stage == null ) return screen coords ; return stage to local coordinates ( stage . screen to stage coordinates ( screen coords ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 14.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { stage stage = this . stage ; if ( stage == null ) return screen coords ; return stage to local coordinates ( stage . screen to stage coordinates ( screen coords ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { stage stage = this . stage ; if ( stage == null ) return screen coords ; return stage to local coordinates ( stage . screen to stage coordinates ( screen coords ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 65.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { stage stage = this . stage ; if ( stage == null ) return screen coords ; return stage to local coordinates ( stage . screen to stage coordinates ( screen coords ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { stage stage = this . stage ; if ( stage == null ) return screen coords ; return stage to local coordinates ( stage . screen to stage coordinates ( screen coords ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 18.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { stage stage = this . stage ; if ( stage == null ) return screen coords ; return stage to local coordinates ( stage . screen to stage coordinates ( screen coords ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { stage stage = this . stage ; if ( stage == null ) return screen coords ; return stage to local coordinates ( stage . screen to stage coordinates ( screen coords ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 17.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { stage stage = this . stage ; if ( stage == null ) return screen coords ; return stage to local coordinates ( stage . screen to stage coordinates ( screen coords ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name stage,to,local,coordinates


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( parent != null ) parent . %SELF% ( stage coords ) ; parent to local coordinates ( stage coords ) ; return stage coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( parent != null ) parent . %SELF% ( stage coords ) ; parent to local coordinates ( stage coords ) ; return stage coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( parent != null ) parent . %SELF% ( stage coords ) ; parent to local coordinates ( stage coords ) ; return stage coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( parent != null ) parent . %SELF% ( stage coords ) ; parent to local coordinates ( stage coords ) ; return stage coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( parent != null ) parent . %SELF% ( stage coords ) ; parent to local coordinates ( stage coords ) ; return stage coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( parent != null ) parent . %SELF% ( stage coords ) ; parent to local coordinates ( stage coords ) ; return stage coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( parent != null ) parent . %SELF% ( stage coords ) ; parent to local coordinates ( stage coords ) ; return stage coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( parent != null ) parent . %SELF% ( stage coords ) ; parent to local coordinates ( stage coords ) ; return stage coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( parent != null ) parent . %SELF% ( stage coords ) ; parent to local coordinates ( stage coords ) ; return stage coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( parent != null ) parent . %SELF% ( stage coords ) ; parent to local coordinates ( stage coords ) ; return stage coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name local,to,stage,coordinates


<SENTENCE_START> { return local to ascendant coordinates ( null , local coords ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return local to ascendant coordinates ( null , local coords ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return local to ascendant coordinates ( null , local coords ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return local to ascendant coordinates ( null , local coords ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return local to ascendant coordinates ( null , local coords ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return local to ascendant coordinates ( null , local coords ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return local to ascendant coordinates ( null , local coords ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return local to ascendant coordinates ( null , local coords ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return local to ascendant coordinates ( null , local coords ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return local to ascendant coordinates ( null , local coords ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name local,to,parent,coordinates


<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = - this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float x = this . x ; final float y = this . y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { local coords . x += x ; local coords . y += y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; local coords . x = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y + origin y + y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x ; final float toy = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y ; local coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) + origin y + y ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = - this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float x = this . x ; final float y = this . y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { local coords . x += x ; local coords . y += y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; local coords . x = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y + origin y + y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x ; final float toy = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y ; local coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) + origin y + y ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = - this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float x = this . x ; final float y = this . y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { local coords . x += x ; local coords . y += y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; local coords . x = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y + origin y + y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x ; final float toy = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y ; local coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) + origin y + y ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = - this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float x = this . x ; final float y = this . y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { local coords . x += x ; local coords . y += y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; local coords . x = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y + origin y + y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x ; final float toy = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y ; local coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) + origin y + y ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = - this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float x = this . x ; final float y = this . y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { local coords . x += x ; local coords . y += y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; local coords . x = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y + origin y + y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x ; final float toy = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y ; local coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) + origin y + y ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = - this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float x = this . x ; final float y = this . y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { local coords . x += x ; local coords . y += y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; local coords . x = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y + origin y + y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x ; final float toy = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y ; local coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) + origin y + y ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = - this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float x = this . x ; final float y = this . y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { local coords . x += x ; local coords . y += y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; local coords . x = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y + origin y + y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x ; final float toy = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y ; local coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) + origin y + y ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = - this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float x = this . x ; final float y = this . y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { local coords . x += x ; local coords . y += y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; local coords . x = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y + origin y + y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x ; final float toy = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y ; local coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) + origin y + y ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = - this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float x = this . x ; final float y = this . y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { local coords . x += x ; local coords . y += y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; local coords . x = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y + origin y + y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x ; final float toy = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y ; local coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) + origin y + y ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = - this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float x = this . x ; final float y = this . y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { local coords . x += x ; local coords . y += y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; local coords . x = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y + origin y + y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = ( local coords . x - origin x ) * scale x ; final float toy = ( local coords . y - origin y ) * scale y ; local coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) + origin x + x ; local coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) + origin y + y ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name local,to,ascendant,coordinates


<SENTENCE_START> { actor actor = this ; while ( actor != null ) { actor . local to parent coordinates ( local coords ) ; actor = actor . parent ; if ( actor == ascendant ) break ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { actor actor = this ; while ( actor != null ) { actor . local to parent coordinates ( local coords ) ; actor = actor . parent ; if ( actor == ascendant ) break ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { actor actor = this ; while ( actor != null ) { actor . local to parent coordinates ( local coords ) ; actor = actor . parent ; if ( actor == ascendant ) break ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 49.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { actor actor = this ; while ( actor != null ) { actor . local to parent coordinates ( local coords ) ; actor = actor . parent ; if ( actor == ascendant ) break ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { actor actor = this ; while ( actor != null ) { actor . local to parent coordinates ( local coords ) ; actor = actor . parent ; if ( actor == ascendant ) break ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 32.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { actor actor = this ; while ( actor != null ) { actor . local to parent coordinates ( local coords ) ; actor = actor . parent ; if ( actor == ascendant ) break ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { actor actor = this ; while ( actor != null ) { actor . local to parent coordinates ( local coords ) ; actor = actor . parent ; if ( actor == ascendant ) break ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { actor actor = this ; while ( actor != null ) { actor . local to parent coordinates ( local coords ) ; actor = actor . parent ; if ( actor == ascendant ) break ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { actor actor = this ; while ( actor != null ) { actor . local to parent coordinates ( local coords ) ; actor = actor . parent ; if ( actor == ascendant ) break ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { actor actor = this ; while ( actor != null ) { actor . local to parent coordinates ( local coords ) ; actor = actor . parent ; if ( actor == ascendant ) break ; } return local coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name parent,to,local,coordinates


<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float child x = x ; final float child y = y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { parent coords . x -= child x ; parent coords . y -= child y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; parent coords . x = ( parent coords . x - child x - origin x ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( parent coords . y - child y - origin y ) / scale y + origin y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = parent coords . x - child x - origin x ; final float toy = parent coords . y - child y - origin y ; parent coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) / scale y + origin y ; } return parent coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float child x = x ; final float child y = y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { parent coords . x -= child x ; parent coords . y -= child y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; parent coords . x = ( parent coords . x - child x - origin x ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( parent coords . y - child y - origin y ) / scale y + origin y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = parent coords . x - child x - origin x ; final float toy = parent coords . y - child y - origin y ; parent coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) / scale y + origin y ; } return parent coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float child x = x ; final float child y = y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { parent coords . x -= child x ; parent coords . y -= child y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; parent coords . x = ( parent coords . x - child x - origin x ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( parent coords . y - child y - origin y ) / scale y + origin y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = parent coords . x - child x - origin x ; final float toy = parent coords . y - child y - origin y ; parent coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) / scale y + origin y ; } return parent coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float child x = x ; final float child y = y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { parent coords . x -= child x ; parent coords . y -= child y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; parent coords . x = ( parent coords . x - child x - origin x ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( parent coords . y - child y - origin y ) / scale y + origin y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = parent coords . x - child x - origin x ; final float toy = parent coords . y - child y - origin y ; parent coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) / scale y + origin y ; } return parent coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float child x = x ; final float child y = y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { parent coords . x -= child x ; parent coords . y -= child y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; parent coords . x = ( parent coords . x - child x - origin x ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( parent coords . y - child y - origin y ) / scale y + origin y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = parent coords . x - child x - origin x ; final float toy = parent coords . y - child y - origin y ; parent coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) / scale y + origin y ; } return parent coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float child x = x ; final float child y = y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { parent coords . x -= child x ; parent coords . y -= child y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; parent coords . x = ( parent coords . x - child x - origin x ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( parent coords . y - child y - origin y ) / scale y + origin y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = parent coords . x - child x - origin x ; final float toy = parent coords . y - child y - origin y ; parent coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) / scale y + origin y ; } return parent coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float child x = x ; final float child y = y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { parent coords . x -= child x ; parent coords . y -= child y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; parent coords . x = ( parent coords . x - child x - origin x ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( parent coords . y - child y - origin y ) / scale y + origin y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = parent coords . x - child x - origin x ; final float toy = parent coords . y - child y - origin y ; parent coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) / scale y + origin y ; } return parent coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float child x = x ; final float child y = y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { parent coords . x -= child x ; parent coords . y -= child y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; parent coords . x = ( parent coords . x - child x - origin x ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( parent coords . y - child y - origin y ) / scale y + origin y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = parent coords . x - child x - origin x ; final float toy = parent coords . y - child y - origin y ; parent coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) / scale y + origin y ; } return parent coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float child x = x ; final float child y = y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { parent coords . x -= child x ; parent coords . y -= child y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; parent coords . x = ( parent coords . x - child x - origin x ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( parent coords . y - child y - origin y ) / scale y + origin y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = parent coords . x - child x - origin x ; final float toy = parent coords . y - child y - origin y ; parent coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) / scale y + origin y ; } return parent coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { final float rotation = this . rotation ; final float scale x = this . scale x ; final float scale y = this . scale y ; final float child x = x ; final float child y = y ; if ( rotation == 0 ) { if ( scale x == 1 && scale y == 1 ) { parent coords . x -= child x ; parent coords . y -= child y ; } else { final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; parent coords . x = ( parent coords . x - child x - origin x ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( parent coords . y - child y - origin y ) / scale y + origin y ; } } else { final float cos = ( float ) math . cos ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float sin = ( float ) math . sin ( rotation * math utils . degrees to radians ) ; final float origin x = this . origin x ; final float origin y = this . origin y ; final float tox = parent coords . x - child x - origin x ; final float toy = parent coords . y - child y - origin y ; parent coords . x = ( tox * cos + toy * sin ) / scale x + origin x ; parent coords . y = ( tox * - sin + toy * cos ) / scale y + origin y ; } return parent coords ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name draw,debug


<SENTENCE_START> { draw debug bounds ( shapes ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { draw debug bounds ( shapes ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { draw debug bounds ( shapes ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { draw debug bounds ( shapes ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { draw debug bounds ( shapes ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 61.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { draw debug bounds ( shapes ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name draw,debug,bounds


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! debug ) return ; shapes . set ( shape type . line ) ; shapes . set color ( stage . get debug color ( ) ) ; shapes . rect ( x , y , origin x , origin y , width , height , scale x , scale y , rotation ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! debug ) return ; shapes . set ( shape type . line ) ; shapes . set color ( stage . get debug color ( ) ) ; shapes . rect ( x , y , origin x , origin y , width , height , scale x , scale y , rotation ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! debug ) return ; shapes . set ( shape type . line ) ; shapes . set color ( stage . get debug color ( ) ) ; shapes . rect ( x , y , origin x , origin y , width , height , scale x , scale y , rotation ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 28.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! debug ) return ; shapes . set ( shape type . line ) ; shapes . set color ( stage . get debug color ( ) ) ; shapes . rect ( x , y , origin x , origin y , width , height , scale x , scale y , rotation ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! debug ) return ; shapes . set ( shape type . line ) ; shapes . set color ( stage . get debug color ( ) ) ; shapes . rect ( x , y , origin x , origin y , width , height , scale x , scale y , rotation ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 19.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! debug ) return ; shapes . set ( shape type . line ) ; shapes . set color ( stage . get debug color ( ) ) ; shapes . rect ( x , y , origin x , origin y , width , height , scale x , scale y , rotation ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! debug ) return ; shapes . set ( shape type . line ) ; shapes . set color ( stage . get debug color ( ) ) ; shapes . rect ( x , y , origin x , origin y , width , height , scale x , scale y , rotation ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( ! debug ) return ; shapes . set ( shape type . line ) ; shapes . set color ( stage . get debug color ( ) ) ; shapes . rect ( x , y , origin x , origin y , width , height , scale x , scale y , rotation ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,debug


<SENTENCE_START> { debug = enabled ; if ( enabled ) stage . debug = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { debug = enabled ; if ( enabled ) stage . debug = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { debug = enabled ; if ( enabled ) stage . debug = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { debug = enabled ; if ( enabled ) stage . debug = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { debug = enabled ; if ( enabled ) stage . debug = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { debug = enabled ; if ( enabled ) stage . debug = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,debug


<SENTENCE_START> { return debug ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return debug ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return debug ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return debug ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return debug ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return debug ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name debug


<SENTENCE_START> { set debug ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { set debug ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { set debug ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 17.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { set debug ( true ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name initialize


<SENTENCE_START> { body a = b 1 ; body b = b 2 ; b 1 . get local point to out ( anchor , local anchor a ) ; b 2 . get local point to out ( anchor , local anchor b ) ; body a . get local vector to out ( axis , local axis a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { body a = b 1 ; body b = b 2 ; b 1 . get local point to out ( anchor , local anchor a ) ; b 2 . get local point to out ( anchor , local anchor b ) ; body a . get local vector to out ( axis , local axis a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { body a = b 1 ; body b = b 2 ; b 1 . get local point to out ( anchor , local anchor a ) ; b 2 . get local point to out ( anchor , local anchor b ) ; body a . get local vector to out ( axis , local axis a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 43.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { body a = b 1 ; body b = b 2 ; b 1 . get local point to out ( anchor , local anchor a ) ; b 2 . get local point to out ( anchor , local anchor b ) ; body a . get local vector to out ( axis , local axis a ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name caused,by


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( this , type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( this , type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( this , type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( this , type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( this , type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return %SELF% ( this , type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name caused,by


<SENTENCE_START> { throwable cause = ex . get cause ( ) ; if ( cause == null || cause == ex ) return false ; if ( type . is assignable from ( cause . get class ( ) ) ) return true ; return %SELF% ( cause , type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throwable cause = ex . get cause ( ) ; if ( cause == null || cause == ex ) return false ; if ( type . is assignable from ( cause . get class ( ) ) ) return true ; return %SELF% ( cause , type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { throwable cause = ex . get cause ( ) ; if ( cause == null || cause == ex ) return false ; if ( type . is assignable from ( cause . get class ( ) ) ) return true ; return %SELF% ( cause , type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throwable cause = ex . get cause ( ) ; if ( cause == null || cause == ex ) return false ; if ( type . is assignable from ( cause . get class ( ) ) ) return true ; return %SELF% ( cause , type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { throwable cause = ex . get cause ( ) ; if ( cause == null || cause == ex ) return false ; if ( type . is assignable from ( cause . get class ( ) ) ) return true ; return %SELF% ( cause , type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { throwable cause = ex . get cause ( ) ; if ( cause == null || cause == ex ) return false ; if ( type . is assignable from ( cause . get class ( ) ) ) return true ; return %SELF% ( cause , type ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,message


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( trace == null ) return super . %SELF% ( ) ; string buffer buffer = new string buffer ( 512 ) ; buffer . append ( super . %SELF% ( ) ) ; if ( buffer . length ( ) > 0 ) buffer . append ( '|n' ) ; buffer . append ( "Serialization trace:" ) ; buffer . append ( trace ) ; return buffer . to string ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( trace == null ) return super . %SELF% ( ) ; string buffer buffer = new string buffer ( 512 ) ; buffer . append ( super . %SELF% ( ) ) ; if ( buffer . length ( ) > 0 ) buffer . append ( '|n' ) ; buffer . append ( "Serialization trace:" ) ; buffer . append ( trace ) ; return buffer . to string ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( trace == null ) return super . %SELF% ( ) ; string buffer buffer = new string buffer ( 512 ) ; buffer . append ( super . %SELF% ( ) ) ; if ( buffer . length ( ) > 0 ) buffer . append ( '|n' ) ; buffer . append ( "Serialization trace:" ) ; buffer . append ( trace ) ; return buffer . to string ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 14.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( trace == null ) return super . %SELF% ( ) ; string buffer buffer = new string buffer ( 512 ) ; buffer . append ( super . %SELF% ( ) ) ; if ( buffer . length ( ) > 0 ) buffer . append ( '|n' ) ; buffer . append ( "Serialization trace:" ) ; buffer . append ( trace ) ; return buffer . to string ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( trace == null ) return super . %SELF% ( ) ; string buffer buffer = new string buffer ( 512 ) ; buffer . append ( super . %SELF% ( ) ) ; if ( buffer . length ( ) > 0 ) buffer . append ( '|n' ) ; buffer . append ( "Serialization trace:" ) ; buffer . append ( trace ) ; return buffer . to string ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( trace == null ) return super . %SELF% ( ) ; string buffer buffer = new string buffer ( 512 ) ; buffer . append ( super . %SELF% ( ) ) ; if ( buffer . length ( ) > 0 ) buffer . append ( '|n' ) ; buffer . append ( "Serialization trace:" ) ; buffer . append ( trace ) ; return buffer . to string ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,trace


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( info == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "info cannot be null." ) ; if ( trace == null ) trace = new string buffer ( 512 ) ; trace . append ( '|n' ) ; trace . append ( info ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( info == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "info cannot be null." ) ; if ( trace == null ) trace = new string buffer ( 512 ) ; trace . append ( '|n' ) ; trace . append ( info ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( info == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "info cannot be null." ) ; if ( trace == null ) trace = new string buffer ( 512 ) ; trace . append ( '|n' ) ; trace . append ( info ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 19.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( info == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "info cannot be null." ) ; if ( trace == null ) trace = new string buffer ( 512 ) ; trace . append ( '|n' ) ; trace . append ( info ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( info == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "info cannot be null." ) ; if ( trace == null ) trace = new string buffer ( 512 ) ; trace . append ( '|n' ) ; trace . append ( info ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( info == null ) throw new illegal argument exception ( "info cannot be null." ) ; if ( trace == null ) trace = new string buffer ( 512 ) ; trace . append ( '|n' ) ; trace . append ( info ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name is,connected


<SENTENCE_START> { return connected ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return connected ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return connected ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return connected ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return connected ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return connected ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,i,ps


<SENTENCE_START> { return ips ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ips ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ips ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 21.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ips ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ips ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ips ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ips ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ips ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name wrap


<SENTENCE_START> { vm . set long ( vm . get object address ( instance ) + handle offset , handle ) ; return instance ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { vm . set long ( vm . get object address ( instance ) + handle offset , handle ) ; return instance ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { vm . set long ( vm . get object address ( instance ) + handle offset , handle ) ; return instance ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { vm . set long ( vm . get object address ( instance ) + handle offset , handle ) ; return instance ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name setup,peripherals


<SENTENCE_START> { setup accelerometer ( ) ; setup compass ( ) ; ui device device = ui device . get current device ( ) ; if ( device . get model ( ) . equals ignore case ( "iphone" ) ) has vibrator = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { setup accelerometer ( ) ; setup compass ( ) ; ui device device = ui device . get current device ( ) ; if ( device . get model ( ) . equals ignore case ( "iphone" ) ) has vibrator = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { setup accelerometer ( ) ; setup compass ( ) ; ui device device = ui device . get current device ( ) ; if ( device . get model ( ) . equals ignore case ( "iphone" ) ) has vibrator = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 39.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { setup accelerometer ( ) ; setup compass ( ) ; ui device device = ui device . get current device ( ) ; if ( device . get model ( ) . equals ignore case ( "iphone" ) ) has vibrator = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { setup accelerometer ( ) ; setup compass ( ) ; ui device device = ui device . get current device ( ) ; if ( device . get model ( ) . equals ignore case ( "iphone" ) ) has vibrator = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { setup accelerometer ( ) ; setup compass ( ) ; ui device device = ui device . get current device ( ) ; if ( device . get model ( ) . equals ignore case ( "iphone" ) ) has vibrator = true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name setup,compass


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( config . use compass ) { } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( config . use compass ) { } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( config . use compass ) { } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( config . use compass ) { } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( config . use compass ) { } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( config . use compass ) { } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name setup,accelerometer


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( config . use accelerometer ) { accelerometer delegate = new ui accelerometer delegate adapter ( ) { @ method ( selector = "accelerometer:didAccelerate:" ) public void did accelerate ( ui accelerometer accelerometer , @ pointer long values ptr ) { ui acceleration values = ui acceleration wrapper . wrap ( values ptr ) ; float x = ( float ) values . get x ( ) * 10 ; float y = ( float ) values . get y ( ) * 10 ; float z = ( float ) values . get z ( ) * 10 ; acceleration [ 0 ] = - x ; acceleration [ 1 ] = - y ; acceleration [ 2 ] = - z ; } } ; ui accelerometer . get shared accelerometer ( ) . set delegate ( accelerometer delegate ) ; ui accelerometer . get shared accelerometer ( ) . set update interval ( config . accelerometer update ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( config . use accelerometer ) { accelerometer delegate = new ui accelerometer delegate adapter ( ) { @ method ( selector = "accelerometer:didAccelerate:" ) public void did accelerate ( ui accelerometer accelerometer , @ pointer long values ptr ) { ui acceleration values = ui acceleration wrapper . wrap ( values ptr ) ; float x = ( float ) values . get x ( ) * 10 ; float y = ( float ) values . get y ( ) * 10 ; float z = ( float ) values . get z ( ) * 10 ; acceleration [ 0 ] = - x ; acceleration [ 1 ] = - y ; acceleration [ 2 ] = - z ; } } ; ui accelerometer . get shared accelerometer ( ) . set delegate ( accelerometer delegate ) ; ui accelerometer . get shared accelerometer ( ) . set update interval ( config . accelerometer update ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( config . use accelerometer ) { accelerometer delegate = new ui accelerometer delegate adapter ( ) { @ method ( selector = "accelerometer:didAccelerate:" ) public void did accelerate ( ui accelerometer accelerometer , @ pointer long values ptr ) { ui acceleration values = ui acceleration wrapper . wrap ( values ptr ) ; float x = ( float ) values . get x ( ) * 10 ; float y = ( float ) values . get y ( ) * 10 ; float z = ( float ) values . get z ( ) * 10 ; acceleration [ 0 ] = - x ; acceleration [ 1 ] = - y ; acceleration [ 2 ] = - z ; } } ; ui accelerometer . get shared accelerometer ( ) . set delegate ( accelerometer delegate ) ; ui accelerometer . get shared accelerometer ( ) . set update interval ( config . accelerometer update ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 31.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( config . use accelerometer ) { accelerometer delegate = new ui accelerometer delegate adapter ( ) { @ method ( selector = "accelerometer:didAccelerate:" ) public void did accelerate ( ui accelerometer accelerometer , @ pointer long values ptr ) { ui acceleration values = ui acceleration wrapper . wrap ( values ptr ) ; float x = ( float ) values . get x ( ) * 10 ; float y = ( float ) values . get y ( ) * 10 ; float z = ( float ) values . get z ( ) * 10 ; acceleration [ 0 ] = - x ; acceleration [ 1 ] = - y ; acceleration [ 2 ] = - z ; } } ; ui accelerometer . get shared accelerometer ( ) . set delegate ( accelerometer delegate ) ; ui accelerometer . get shared accelerometer ( ) . set update interval ( config . accelerometer update ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( config . use accelerometer ) { accelerometer delegate = new ui accelerometer delegate adapter ( ) { @ method ( selector = "accelerometer:didAccelerate:" ) public void did accelerate ( ui accelerometer accelerometer , @ pointer long values ptr ) { ui acceleration values = ui acceleration wrapper . wrap ( values ptr ) ; float x = ( float ) values . get x ( ) * 10 ; float y = ( float ) values . get y ( ) * 10 ; float z = ( float ) values . get z ( ) * 10 ; acceleration [ 0 ] = - x ; acceleration [ 1 ] = - y ; acceleration [ 2 ] = - z ; } } ; ui accelerometer . get shared accelerometer ( ) . set delegate ( accelerometer delegate ) ; ui accelerometer . get shared accelerometer ( ) . set update interval ( config . accelerometer update ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 19.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( config . use accelerometer ) { accelerometer delegate = new ui accelerometer delegate adapter ( ) { @ method ( selector = "accelerometer:didAccelerate:" ) public void did accelerate ( ui accelerometer accelerometer , @ pointer long values ptr ) { ui acceleration values = ui acceleration wrapper . wrap ( values ptr ) ; float x = ( float ) values . get x ( ) * 10 ; float y = ( float ) values . get y ( ) * 10 ; float z = ( float ) values . get z ( ) * 10 ; acceleration [ 0 ] = - x ; acceleration [ 1 ] = - y ; acceleration [ 2 ] = - z ; } } ; ui accelerometer . get shared accelerometer ( ) . set delegate ( accelerometer delegate ) ; ui accelerometer . get shared accelerometer ( ) . set update interval ( config . accelerometer update ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name did,accelerate


<SENTENCE_START> { ui acceleration values = ui acceleration wrapper . wrap ( values ptr ) ; float x = ( float ) values . get x ( ) * 10 ; float y = ( float ) values . get y ( ) * 10 ; float z = ( float ) values . get z ( ) * 10 ; acceleration [ 0 ] = - x ; acceleration [ 1 ] = - y ; acceleration [ 2 ] = - z ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { ui acceleration values = ui acceleration wrapper . wrap ( values ptr ) ; float x = ( float ) values . get x ( ) * 10 ; float y = ( float ) values . get y ( ) * 10 ; float z = ( float ) values . get z ( ) * 10 ; acceleration [ 0 ] = - x ; acceleration [ 1 ] = - y ; acceleration [ 2 ] = - z ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { ui acceleration values = ui acceleration wrapper . wrap ( values ptr ) ; float x = ( float ) values . get x ( ) * 10 ; float y = ( float ) values . get y ( ) * 10 ; float z = ( float ) values . get z ( ) * 10 ; acceleration [ 0 ] = - x ; acceleration [ 1 ] = - y ; acceleration [ 2 ] = - z ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 56.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { ui acceleration values = ui acceleration wrapper . wrap ( values ptr ) ; float x = ( float ) values . get x ( ) * 10 ; float y = ( float ) values . get y ( ) * 10 ; float z = ( float ) values . get z ( ) * 10 ; acceleration [ 0 ] = - x ; acceleration [ 1 ] = - y ; acceleration [ 2 ] = - z ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { ui acceleration values = ui acceleration wrapper . wrap ( values ptr ) ; float x = ( float ) values . get x ( ) * 10 ; float y = ( float ) values . get y ( ) * 10 ; float z = ( float ) values . get z ( ) * 10 ; acceleration [ 0 ] = - x ; acceleration [ 1 ] = - y ; acceleration [ 2 ] = - z ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 52.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { ui acceleration values = ui acceleration wrapper . wrap ( values ptr ) ; float x = ( float ) values . get x ( ) * 10 ; float y = ( float ) values . get y ( ) * 10 ; float z = ( float ) values . get z ( ) * 10 ; acceleration [ 0 ] = - x ; acceleration [ 1 ] = - y ; acceleration [ 2 ] = - z ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,keyboard,close,on,return,key


<SENTENCE_START> { keyboard close on return = should close ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { keyboard close on return = should close ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { keyboard close on return = should close ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { keyboard close on return = should close ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { keyboard close on return = should close ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { keyboard close on return = should close ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { keyboard close on return = should close ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { keyboard close on return = should close ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { keyboard close on return = should close ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { keyboard close on return = should close ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { keyboard close on return = should close ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { keyboard close on return = should close ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { keyboard close on return = should close ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { keyboard close on return = should close ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,keyboard,text,field


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( textfield == null ) create default text field ( ) ; return textfield ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( textfield == null ) create default text field ( ) ; return textfield ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( textfield == null ) create default text field ( ) ; return textfield ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 83.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( textfield == null ) create default text field ( ) ; return textfield ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( textfield == null ) create default text field ( ) ; return textfield ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 47.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( textfield == null ) create default text field ( ) ; return textfield ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( textfield == null ) create default text field ( ) ; return textfield ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( textfield == null ) create default text field ( ) ; return textfield ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( textfield == null ) create default text field ( ) ; return textfield ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( textfield == null ) create default text field ( ) ; return textfield ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name create,default,text,field


<SENTENCE_START> { textfield = new ui text field ( new cg rect ( 10 , 10 , 100 , 50 ) ) ; textfield . set keyboard type ( ui keyboard type . default ) ; textfield . set return key type ( ui return key type . done ) ; textfield . set autocapitalization type ( ui text autocapitalization type . none ) ; textfield . set autocorrection type ( ui text autocorrection type . no ) ; textfield . set spell checking type ( ui text spell checking type . no ) ; textfield . set hidden ( true ) ; textfield . set text ( "x" ) ; app . get ui view controller ( ) . get view ( ) . add subview ( textfield ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { textfield = new ui text field ( new cg rect ( 10 , 10 , 100 , 50 ) ) ; textfield . set keyboard type ( ui keyboard type . default ) ; textfield . set return key type ( ui return key type . done ) ; textfield . set autocapitalization type ( ui text autocapitalization type . none ) ; textfield . set autocorrection type ( ui text autocorrection type . no ) ; textfield . set spell checking type ( ui text spell checking type . no ) ; textfield . set hidden ( true ) ; textfield . set text ( "x" ) ; app . get ui view controller ( ) . get view ( ) . add subview ( textfield ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { textfield = new ui text field ( new cg rect ( 10 , 10 , 100 , 50 ) ) ; textfield . set keyboard type ( ui keyboard type . default ) ; textfield . set return key type ( ui return key type . done ) ; textfield . set autocapitalization type ( ui text autocapitalization type . none ) ; textfield . set autocorrection type ( ui text autocorrection type . no ) ; textfield . set spell checking type ( ui text spell checking type . no ) ; textfield . set hidden ( true ) ; textfield . set text ( "x" ) ; app . get ui view controller ( ) . get view ( ) . add subview ( textfield ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 24.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { textfield = new ui text field ( new cg rect ( 10 , 10 , 100 , 50 ) ) ; textfield . set keyboard type ( ui keyboard type . default ) ; textfield . set return key type ( ui return key type . done ) ; textfield . set autocapitalization type ( ui text autocapitalization type . none ) ; textfield . set autocorrection type ( ui text autocorrection type . no ) ; textfield . set spell checking type ( ui text spell checking type . no ) ; textfield . set hidden ( true ) ; textfield . set text ( "x" ) ; app . get ui view controller ( ) . get view ( ) . add subview ( textfield ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { textfield = new ui text field ( new cg rect ( 10 , 10 , 100 , 50 ) ) ; textfield . set keyboard type ( ui keyboard type . default ) ; textfield . set return key type ( ui return key type . done ) ; textfield . set autocapitalization type ( ui text autocapitalization type . none ) ; textfield . set autocorrection type ( ui text autocorrection type . no ) ; textfield . set spell checking type ( ui text spell checking type . no ) ; textfield . set hidden ( true ) ; textfield . set text ( "x" ) ; app . get ui view controller ( ) . get view ( ) . add subview ( textfield ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 30.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { textfield = new ui text field ( new cg rect ( 10 , 10 , 100 , 50 ) ) ; textfield . set keyboard type ( ui keyboard type . default ) ; textfield . set return key type ( ui return key type . done ) ; textfield . set autocapitalization type ( ui text autocapitalization type . none ) ; textfield . set autocorrection type ( ui text autocorrection type . no ) ; textfield . set spell checking type ( ui text spell checking type . no ) ; textfield . set hidden ( true ) ; textfield . set text ( "x" ) ; app . get ui view controller ( ) . get view ( ) . add subview ( textfield ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { textfield = new ui text field ( new cg rect ( 10 , 10 , 100 , 50 ) ) ; textfield . set keyboard type ( ui keyboard type . default ) ; textfield . set return key type ( ui return key type . done ) ; textfield . set autocapitalization type ( ui text autocapitalization type . none ) ; textfield . set autocorrection type ( ui text autocorrection type . no ) ; textfield . set spell checking type ( ui text spell checking type . no ) ; textfield . set hidden ( true ) ; textfield . set text ( "x" ) ; app . get ui view controller ( ) . get view ( ) . add subview ( textfield ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { textfield = new ui text field ( new cg rect ( 10 , 10 , 100 , 50 ) ) ; textfield . set keyboard type ( ui keyboard type . default ) ; textfield . set return key type ( ui return key type . done ) ; textfield . set autocapitalization type ( ui text autocapitalization type . none ) ; textfield . set autocorrection type ( ui text autocorrection type . no ) ; textfield . set spell checking type ( ui text spell checking type . no ) ; textfield . set hidden ( true ) ; textfield . set text ( "x" ) ; app . get ui view controller ( ) . get view ( ) . add subview ( textfield ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { textfield = new ui text field ( new cg rect ( 10 , 10 , 100 , 50 ) ) ; textfield . set keyboard type ( ui keyboard type . default ) ; textfield . set return key type ( ui return key type . done ) ; textfield . set autocapitalization type ( ui text autocapitalization type . none ) ; textfield . set autocorrection type ( ui text autocorrection type . no ) ; textfield . set spell checking type ( ui text spell checking type . no ) ; textfield . set hidden ( true ) ; textfield . set text ( "x" ) ; app . get ui view controller ( ) . get view ( ) . add subview ( textfield ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { textfield = new ui text field ( new cg rect ( 10 , 10 , 100 , 50 ) ) ; textfield . set keyboard type ( ui keyboard type . default ) ; textfield . set return key type ( ui return key type . done ) ; textfield . set autocapitalization type ( ui text autocapitalization type . none ) ; textfield . set autocorrection type ( ui text autocorrection type . no ) ; textfield . set spell checking type ( ui text spell checking type . no ) ; textfield . set hidden ( true ) ; textfield . set text ( "x" ) ; app . get ui view controller ( ) . get view ( ) . add subview ( textfield ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name build,ui,alert,view


<SENTENCE_START> { delegate = new ui alert view delegate adapter ( ) { @ override public void clicked ( ui alert view view , long clicked ) { if ( clicked == 0 ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; } else if ( clicked == 1 ) { ui text field text field = view . get text field ( 0 ) ; listener . input ( text field . get text ( ) ) ; } delegate = null ; } @ override public void cancel ( ui alert view view ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; delegate = null ; } } ; final ui alert view ui alert view = new ui alert view ( ) ; ui alert view . set title ( title ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Cancel" ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Ok" ) ; ui alert view . set alert view style ( ui alert view style . plain text input ) ; ui alert view . set delegate ( delegate ) ; ui text field text field = ui alert view . get text field ( 0 ) ; text field . set placeholder ( placeholder ) ; text field . set text ( text ) ; return ui alert view ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { delegate = new ui alert view delegate adapter ( ) { @ override public void clicked ( ui alert view view , long clicked ) { if ( clicked == 0 ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; } else if ( clicked == 1 ) { ui text field text field = view . get text field ( 0 ) ; listener . input ( text field . get text ( ) ) ; } delegate = null ; } @ override public void cancel ( ui alert view view ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; delegate = null ; } } ; final ui alert view ui alert view = new ui alert view ( ) ; ui alert view . set title ( title ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Cancel" ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Ok" ) ; ui alert view . set alert view style ( ui alert view style . plain text input ) ; ui alert view . set delegate ( delegate ) ; ui text field text field = ui alert view . get text field ( 0 ) ; text field . set placeholder ( placeholder ) ; text field . set text ( text ) ; return ui alert view ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { delegate = new ui alert view delegate adapter ( ) { @ override public void clicked ( ui alert view view , long clicked ) { if ( clicked == 0 ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; } else if ( clicked == 1 ) { ui text field text field = view . get text field ( 0 ) ; listener . input ( text field . get text ( ) ) ; } delegate = null ; } @ override public void cancel ( ui alert view view ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; delegate = null ; } } ; final ui alert view ui alert view = new ui alert view ( ) ; ui alert view . set title ( title ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Cancel" ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Ok" ) ; ui alert view . set alert view style ( ui alert view style . plain text input ) ; ui alert view . set delegate ( delegate ) ; ui text field text field = ui alert view . get text field ( 0 ) ; text field . set placeholder ( placeholder ) ; text field . set text ( text ) ; return ui alert view ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { delegate = new ui alert view delegate adapter ( ) { @ override public void clicked ( ui alert view view , long clicked ) { if ( clicked == 0 ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; } else if ( clicked == 1 ) { ui text field text field = view . get text field ( 0 ) ; listener . input ( text field . get text ( ) ) ; } delegate = null ; } @ override public void cancel ( ui alert view view ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; delegate = null ; } } ; final ui alert view ui alert view = new ui alert view ( ) ; ui alert view . set title ( title ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Cancel" ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Ok" ) ; ui alert view . set alert view style ( ui alert view style . plain text input ) ; ui alert view . set delegate ( delegate ) ; ui text field text field = ui alert view . get text field ( 0 ) ; text field . set placeholder ( placeholder ) ; text field . set text ( text ) ; return ui alert view ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { delegate = new ui alert view delegate adapter ( ) { @ override public void clicked ( ui alert view view , long clicked ) { if ( clicked == 0 ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; } else if ( clicked == 1 ) { ui text field text field = view . get text field ( 0 ) ; listener . input ( text field . get text ( ) ) ; } delegate = null ; } @ override public void cancel ( ui alert view view ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; delegate = null ; } } ; final ui alert view ui alert view = new ui alert view ( ) ; ui alert view . set title ( title ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Cancel" ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Ok" ) ; ui alert view . set alert view style ( ui alert view style . plain text input ) ; ui alert view . set delegate ( delegate ) ; ui text field text field = ui alert view . get text field ( 0 ) ; text field . set placeholder ( placeholder ) ; text field . set text ( text ) ; return ui alert view ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 12.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { delegate = new ui alert view delegate adapter ( ) { @ override public void clicked ( ui alert view view , long clicked ) { if ( clicked == 0 ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; } else if ( clicked == 1 ) { ui text field text field = view . get text field ( 0 ) ; listener . input ( text field . get text ( ) ) ; } delegate = null ; } @ override public void cancel ( ui alert view view ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; delegate = null ; } } ; final ui alert view ui alert view = new ui alert view ( ) ; ui alert view . set title ( title ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Cancel" ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Ok" ) ; ui alert view . set alert view style ( ui alert view style . plain text input ) ; ui alert view . set delegate ( delegate ) ; ui text field text field = ui alert view . get text field ( 0 ) ; text field . set placeholder ( placeholder ) ; text field . set text ( text ) ; return ui alert view ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { delegate = new ui alert view delegate adapter ( ) { @ override public void clicked ( ui alert view view , long clicked ) { if ( clicked == 0 ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; } else if ( clicked == 1 ) { ui text field text field = view . get text field ( 0 ) ; listener . input ( text field . get text ( ) ) ; } delegate = null ; } @ override public void cancel ( ui alert view view ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; delegate = null ; } } ; final ui alert view ui alert view = new ui alert view ( ) ; ui alert view . set title ( title ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Cancel" ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Ok" ) ; ui alert view . set alert view style ( ui alert view style . plain text input ) ; ui alert view . set delegate ( delegate ) ; ui text field text field = ui alert view . get text field ( 0 ) ; text field . set placeholder ( placeholder ) ; text field . set text ( text ) ; return ui alert view ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { delegate = new ui alert view delegate adapter ( ) { @ override public void clicked ( ui alert view view , long clicked ) { if ( clicked == 0 ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; } else if ( clicked == 1 ) { ui text field text field = view . get text field ( 0 ) ; listener . input ( text field . get text ( ) ) ; } delegate = null ; } @ override public void cancel ( ui alert view view ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; delegate = null ; } } ; final ui alert view ui alert view = new ui alert view ( ) ; ui alert view . set title ( title ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Cancel" ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Ok" ) ; ui alert view . set alert view style ( ui alert view style . plain text input ) ; ui alert view . set delegate ( delegate ) ; ui text field text field = ui alert view . get text field ( 0 ) ; text field . set placeholder ( placeholder ) ; text field . set text ( text ) ; return ui alert view ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { delegate = new ui alert view delegate adapter ( ) { @ override public void clicked ( ui alert view view , long clicked ) { if ( clicked == 0 ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; } else if ( clicked == 1 ) { ui text field text field = view . get text field ( 0 ) ; listener . input ( text field . get text ( ) ) ; } delegate = null ; } @ override public void cancel ( ui alert view view ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; delegate = null ; } } ; final ui alert view ui alert view = new ui alert view ( ) ; ui alert view . set title ( title ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Cancel" ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Ok" ) ; ui alert view . set alert view style ( ui alert view style . plain text input ) ; ui alert view . set delegate ( delegate ) ; ui text field text field = ui alert view . get text field ( 0 ) ; text field . set placeholder ( placeholder ) ; text field . set text ( text ) ; return ui alert view ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { delegate = new ui alert view delegate adapter ( ) { @ override public void clicked ( ui alert view view , long clicked ) { if ( clicked == 0 ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; } else if ( clicked == 1 ) { ui text field text field = view . get text field ( 0 ) ; listener . input ( text field . get text ( ) ) ; } delegate = null ; } @ override public void cancel ( ui alert view view ) { listener . canceled ( ) ; delegate = null ; } } ; final ui alert view ui alert view = new ui alert view ( ) ; ui alert view . set title ( title ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Cancel" ) ; ui alert view . add button ( "Ok" ) ; ui alert view . set alert view style ( ui alert view style . plain text input ) ; ui alert view . set delegate ( delegate ) ; ui text field text field = ui alert view . get text field ( 0 ) ; text field . set placeholder ( placeholder ) ; text field . set text ( text ) ; return ui alert view ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name touch,down


<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name touch,up


<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name touch,moved


<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { to touch events ( touches , event ) ; gdx . graphics . request rendering ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name process,events


<SENTENCE_START> { synchronized ( touch events ) { just touched = false ; for ( touch event event : touch events ) { current event = event ; switch ( event . phase ) { case began : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch down ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer , buttons . left ) ; if ( num touched == 1 ) just touched = true ; break ; case cancelled : case ended : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch up ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer , buttons . left ) ; break ; case moved : case stationary : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch dragged ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer ) ; break ; } } touch event pool . free all ( touch events ) ; touch events . clear ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { synchronized ( touch events ) { just touched = false ; for ( touch event event : touch events ) { current event = event ; switch ( event . phase ) { case began : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch down ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer , buttons . left ) ; if ( num touched == 1 ) just touched = true ; break ; case cancelled : case ended : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch up ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer , buttons . left ) ; break ; case moved : case stationary : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch dragged ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer ) ; break ; } } touch event pool . free all ( touch events ) ; touch events . clear ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { synchronized ( touch events ) { just touched = false ; for ( touch event event : touch events ) { current event = event ; switch ( event . phase ) { case began : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch down ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer , buttons . left ) ; if ( num touched == 1 ) just touched = true ; break ; case cancelled : case ended : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch up ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer , buttons . left ) ; break ; case moved : case stationary : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch dragged ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer ) ; break ; } } touch event pool . free all ( touch events ) ; touch events . clear ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 23.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { synchronized ( touch events ) { just touched = false ; for ( touch event event : touch events ) { current event = event ; switch ( event . phase ) { case began : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch down ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer , buttons . left ) ; if ( num touched == 1 ) just touched = true ; break ; case cancelled : case ended : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch up ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer , buttons . left ) ; break ; case moved : case stationary : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch dragged ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer ) ; break ; } } touch event pool . free all ( touch events ) ; touch events . clear ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { synchronized ( touch events ) { just touched = false ; for ( touch event event : touch events ) { current event = event ; switch ( event . phase ) { case began : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch down ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer , buttons . left ) ; if ( num touched == 1 ) just touched = true ; break ; case cancelled : case ended : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch up ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer , buttons . left ) ; break ; case moved : case stationary : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch dragged ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer ) ; break ; } } touch event pool . free all ( touch events ) ; touch events . clear ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 34.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { synchronized ( touch events ) { just touched = false ; for ( touch event event : touch events ) { current event = event ; switch ( event . phase ) { case began : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch down ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer , buttons . left ) ; if ( num touched == 1 ) just touched = true ; break ; case cancelled : case ended : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch up ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer , buttons . left ) ; break ; case moved : case stationary : if ( input processor != null ) input processor . touch dragged ( event . x , event . y , event . pointer ) ; break ; } } touch event pool . free all ( touch events ) ; touch events . clear ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,free,pointer


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < touch down . length ; i ++ ) { if ( touch down [ i ] == 0 ) return i ; } throw new gdx runtime exception ( "Couldn't find free pointer id!" ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < touch down . length ; i ++ ) { if ( touch down [ i ] == 0 ) return i ; } throw new gdx runtime exception ( "Couldn't find free pointer id!" ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < touch down . length ; i ++ ) { if ( touch down [ i ] == 0 ) return i ; } throw new gdx runtime exception ( "Couldn't find free pointer id!" ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < touch down . length ; i ++ ) { if ( touch down [ i ] == 0 ) return i ; } throw new gdx runtime exception ( "Couldn't find free pointer id!" ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < touch down . length ; i ++ ) { if ( touch down [ i ] == 0 ) return i ; } throw new gdx runtime exception ( "Couldn't find free pointer id!" ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < touch down . length ; i ++ ) { if ( touch down [ i ] == 0 ) return i ; } throw new gdx runtime exception ( "Couldn't find free pointer id!" ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < touch down . length ; i ++ ) { if ( touch down [ i ] == 0 ) return i ; } throw new gdx runtime exception ( "Couldn't find free pointer id!" ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { for ( int i = 0 ; i < touch down . length ; i ++ ) { if ( touch down [ i ] == 0 ) return i ; } throw new gdx runtime exception ( "Couldn't find free pointer id!" ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name find,pointer


<SENTENCE_START> { long ptr = touch . get handle ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < touch down . length ; i ++ ) { if ( touch down [ i ] == ptr ) return i ; } throw new gdx runtime exception ( "Couldn't find pointer id for touch event!" ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long ptr = touch . get handle ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < touch down . length ; i ++ ) { if ( touch down [ i ] == ptr ) return i ; } throw new gdx runtime exception ( "Couldn't find pointer id for touch event!" ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long ptr = touch . get handle ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < touch down . length ; i ++ ) { if ( touch down [ i ] == ptr ) return i ; } throw new gdx runtime exception ( "Couldn't find pointer id for touch event!" ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 17.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long ptr = touch . get handle ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < touch down . length ; i ++ ) { if ( touch down [ i ] == ptr ) return i ; } throw new gdx runtime exception ( "Couldn't find pointer id for touch event!" ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long ptr = touch . get handle ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < touch down . length ; i ++ ) { if ( touch down [ i ] == ptr ) return i ; } throw new gdx runtime exception ( "Couldn't find pointer id for touch event!" ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long ptr = touch . get handle ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < touch down . length ; i ++ ) { if ( touch down [ i ] == ptr ) return i ; } throw new gdx runtime exception ( "Couldn't find pointer id for touch event!" ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name to,touch,events


<SENTENCE_START> { long array = ns set extensions . all objects ( touches ) ; int length = ( int ) ns array extensions . count ( array ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) { long touch handle = ns array extensions . object at index$ ( array , i ) ; ui touch touch = ui touch wrapper . wrap ( touch handle ) ; cg point loc = touch . get location in view ( touch . get view ( ) ) ; synchronized ( touch events ) { ui touch phase phase = touch . get phase ( ) ; touch event event = touch event pool . obtain ( ) ; event . x = ( int ) ( loc . get x ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . y = ( int ) ( loc . get y ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . phase = phase ; event . timestamp = ( long ) ( touch . get timestamp ( ) * 1000000000 ) ; touch events . add ( event ) ; if ( phase == ui touch phase . began ) { event . pointer = get free pointer ( ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = touch . get handle ( ) ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched ++ ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . moved || phase == ui touch phase . stationary ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = event . x - touch x [ event . pointer ] ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = event . y - touch y [ event . pointer ] ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . cancelled || phase == ui touch phase . ended ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched -- ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long array = ns set extensions . all objects ( touches ) ; int length = ( int ) ns array extensions . count ( array ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) { long touch handle = ns array extensions . object at index$ ( array , i ) ; ui touch touch = ui touch wrapper . wrap ( touch handle ) ; cg point loc = touch . get location in view ( touch . get view ( ) ) ; synchronized ( touch events ) { ui touch phase phase = touch . get phase ( ) ; touch event event = touch event pool . obtain ( ) ; event . x = ( int ) ( loc . get x ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . y = ( int ) ( loc . get y ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . phase = phase ; event . timestamp = ( long ) ( touch . get timestamp ( ) * 1000000000 ) ; touch events . add ( event ) ; if ( phase == ui touch phase . began ) { event . pointer = get free pointer ( ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = touch . get handle ( ) ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched ++ ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . moved || phase == ui touch phase . stationary ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = event . x - touch x [ event . pointer ] ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = event . y - touch y [ event . pointer ] ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . cancelled || phase == ui touch phase . ended ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched -- ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long array = ns set extensions . all objects ( touches ) ; int length = ( int ) ns array extensions . count ( array ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) { long touch handle = ns array extensions . object at index$ ( array , i ) ; ui touch touch = ui touch wrapper . wrap ( touch handle ) ; cg point loc = touch . get location in view ( touch . get view ( ) ) ; synchronized ( touch events ) { ui touch phase phase = touch . get phase ( ) ; touch event event = touch event pool . obtain ( ) ; event . x = ( int ) ( loc . get x ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . y = ( int ) ( loc . get y ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . phase = phase ; event . timestamp = ( long ) ( touch . get timestamp ( ) * 1000000000 ) ; touch events . add ( event ) ; if ( phase == ui touch phase . began ) { event . pointer = get free pointer ( ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = touch . get handle ( ) ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched ++ ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . moved || phase == ui touch phase . stationary ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = event . x - touch x [ event . pointer ] ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = event . y - touch y [ event . pointer ] ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . cancelled || phase == ui touch phase . ended ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched -- ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long array = ns set extensions . all objects ( touches ) ; int length = ( int ) ns array extensions . count ( array ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) { long touch handle = ns array extensions . object at index$ ( array , i ) ; ui touch touch = ui touch wrapper . wrap ( touch handle ) ; cg point loc = touch . get location in view ( touch . get view ( ) ) ; synchronized ( touch events ) { ui touch phase phase = touch . get phase ( ) ; touch event event = touch event pool . obtain ( ) ; event . x = ( int ) ( loc . get x ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . y = ( int ) ( loc . get y ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . phase = phase ; event . timestamp = ( long ) ( touch . get timestamp ( ) * 1000000000 ) ; touch events . add ( event ) ; if ( phase == ui touch phase . began ) { event . pointer = get free pointer ( ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = touch . get handle ( ) ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched ++ ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . moved || phase == ui touch phase . stationary ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = event . x - touch x [ event . pointer ] ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = event . y - touch y [ event . pointer ] ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . cancelled || phase == ui touch phase . ended ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched -- ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long array = ns set extensions . all objects ( touches ) ; int length = ( int ) ns array extensions . count ( array ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) { long touch handle = ns array extensions . object at index$ ( array , i ) ; ui touch touch = ui touch wrapper . wrap ( touch handle ) ; cg point loc = touch . get location in view ( touch . get view ( ) ) ; synchronized ( touch events ) { ui touch phase phase = touch . get phase ( ) ; touch event event = touch event pool . obtain ( ) ; event . x = ( int ) ( loc . get x ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . y = ( int ) ( loc . get y ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . phase = phase ; event . timestamp = ( long ) ( touch . get timestamp ( ) * 1000000000 ) ; touch events . add ( event ) ; if ( phase == ui touch phase . began ) { event . pointer = get free pointer ( ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = touch . get handle ( ) ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched ++ ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . moved || phase == ui touch phase . stationary ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = event . x - touch x [ event . pointer ] ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = event . y - touch y [ event . pointer ] ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . cancelled || phase == ui touch phase . ended ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched -- ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long array = ns set extensions . all objects ( touches ) ; int length = ( int ) ns array extensions . count ( array ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) { long touch handle = ns array extensions . object at index$ ( array , i ) ; ui touch touch = ui touch wrapper . wrap ( touch handle ) ; cg point loc = touch . get location in view ( touch . get view ( ) ) ; synchronized ( touch events ) { ui touch phase phase = touch . get phase ( ) ; touch event event = touch event pool . obtain ( ) ; event . x = ( int ) ( loc . get x ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . y = ( int ) ( loc . get y ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . phase = phase ; event . timestamp = ( long ) ( touch . get timestamp ( ) * 1000000000 ) ; touch events . add ( event ) ; if ( phase == ui touch phase . began ) { event . pointer = get free pointer ( ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = touch . get handle ( ) ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched ++ ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . moved || phase == ui touch phase . stationary ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = event . x - touch x [ event . pointer ] ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = event . y - touch y [ event . pointer ] ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . cancelled || phase == ui touch phase . ended ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched -- ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long array = ns set extensions . all objects ( touches ) ; int length = ( int ) ns array extensions . count ( array ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) { long touch handle = ns array extensions . object at index$ ( array , i ) ; ui touch touch = ui touch wrapper . wrap ( touch handle ) ; cg point loc = touch . get location in view ( touch . get view ( ) ) ; synchronized ( touch events ) { ui touch phase phase = touch . get phase ( ) ; touch event event = touch event pool . obtain ( ) ; event . x = ( int ) ( loc . get x ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . y = ( int ) ( loc . get y ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . phase = phase ; event . timestamp = ( long ) ( touch . get timestamp ( ) * 1000000000 ) ; touch events . add ( event ) ; if ( phase == ui touch phase . began ) { event . pointer = get free pointer ( ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = touch . get handle ( ) ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched ++ ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . moved || phase == ui touch phase . stationary ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = event . x - touch x [ event . pointer ] ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = event . y - touch y [ event . pointer ] ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . cancelled || phase == ui touch phase . ended ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched -- ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long array = ns set extensions . all objects ( touches ) ; int length = ( int ) ns array extensions . count ( array ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) { long touch handle = ns array extensions . object at index$ ( array , i ) ; ui touch touch = ui touch wrapper . wrap ( touch handle ) ; cg point loc = touch . get location in view ( touch . get view ( ) ) ; synchronized ( touch events ) { ui touch phase phase = touch . get phase ( ) ; touch event event = touch event pool . obtain ( ) ; event . x = ( int ) ( loc . get x ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . y = ( int ) ( loc . get y ( ) * app . display scale factor ) ; event . phase = phase ; event . timestamp = ( long ) ( touch . get timestamp ( ) * 1000000000 ) ; touch events . add ( event ) ; if ( phase == ui touch phase . began ) { event . pointer = get free pointer ( ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = touch . get handle ( ) ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched ++ ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . moved || phase == ui touch phase . stationary ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = event . x - touch x [ event . pointer ] ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = event . y - touch y [ event . pointer ] ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; } if ( phase == ui touch phase . cancelled || phase == ui touch phase . ended ) { event . pointer = find pointer ( touch ) ; touch down [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; touch x [ event . pointer ] = event . x ; touch y [ event . pointer ] = event . y ; delta x [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; delta y [ event . pointer ] = 0 ; num touched -- ; } } } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name test,to,string


<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" , new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) . to string ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" , new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) . to string ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" , new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) . to string ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" , new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) . to string ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" , new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) . to string ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" , new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) . to string ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" , new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) . to string ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" , new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) . to string ( ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name test,from,string


<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) , new rectangle ( ) . from string ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) , new rectangle ( ) . from string ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) , new rectangle ( ) . from string ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) , new rectangle ( ) . from string ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) , new rectangle ( ) . from string ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) , new rectangle ( ) . from string ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) , new rectangle ( ) . from string ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { assert equals ( new rectangle ( 5f , - 4.1f , 0.03f , - 0.02f ) , new rectangle ( ) . from string ( "[5.0,-4.1,0.03,-0.02]" ) ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,permission


<SENTENCE_START> { return permission ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return permission ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return permission ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 21.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return permission ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return permission ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return permission ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add


<SENTENCE_START> { cursor ++ ; if ( cursor == - 1 ) chars . %SELF% ( c ) ; else chars . insert ( cursor , c ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { cursor ++ ; if ( cursor == - 1 ) chars . %SELF% ( c ) ; else chars . insert ( cursor , c ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { cursor ++ ; if ( cursor == - 1 ) chars . %SELF% ( c ) ; else chars . insert ( cursor , c ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { cursor ++ ; if ( cursor == - 1 ) chars . %SELF% ( c ) ; else chars . insert ( cursor , c ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name delete


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( chars . size == 0 ) return ; chars . remove index ( cursor - 1 ) ; cursor -- ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( chars . size == 0 ) return ; chars . remove index ( cursor - 1 ) ; cursor -- ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( chars . size == 0 ) return ; chars . remove index ( cursor - 1 ) ; cursor -- ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( chars . size == 0 ) return ; chars . remove index ( cursor - 1 ) ; cursor -- ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,c,ptr


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,persistent,manifold


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set persistent manifold ( swig c ptr , this , bt persistent manifold . get c ptr ( manifold ptr ) , manifold ptr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set persistent manifold ( swig c ptr , this , bt persistent manifold . get c ptr ( manifold ptr ) , manifold ptr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set persistent manifold ( swig c ptr , this , bt persistent manifold . get c ptr ( manifold ptr ) , manifold ptr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set persistent manifold ( swig c ptr , this , bt persistent manifold . get c ptr ( manifold ptr ) , manifold ptr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set persistent manifold ( swig c ptr , this , bt persistent manifold . get c ptr ( manifold ptr ) , manifold ptr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set persistent manifold ( swig c ptr , this , bt persistent manifold . get c ptr ( manifold ptr ) , manifold ptr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set persistent manifold ( swig c ptr , this , bt persistent manifold . get c ptr ( manifold ptr ) , manifold ptr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 22.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set persistent manifold ( swig c ptr , this , bt persistent manifold . get c ptr ( manifold ptr ) , manifold ptr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,persistent,manifold


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt manifold result get persistent manifold swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt persistent manifold ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt manifold result get persistent manifold swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt persistent manifold ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt manifold result get persistent manifold swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt persistent manifold ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt manifold result get persistent manifold swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt persistent manifold ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt manifold result get persistent manifold swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt persistent manifold ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt manifold result get persistent manifold swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt persistent manifold ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt manifold result get persistent manifold swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt persistent manifold ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 52.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt manifold result get persistent manifold swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt persistent manifold ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name refresh,contact,points


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result refresh contact points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result refresh contact points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result refresh contact points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result refresh contact points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result refresh contact points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result refresh contact points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result refresh contact points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 35.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result refresh contact points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,body,0,wrap


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 44.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,body,1,wrap


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 55.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object wrapper . internal temp ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,body,0,wrap


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 0 wrap ) , obj 0 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 0 wrap ) , obj 0 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 0 wrap ) , obj 0 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 0 wrap ) , obj 0 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 0 wrap ) , obj 0 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 0 wrap ) , obj 0 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 0 wrap ) , obj 0 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 39.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 0 wrap ) , obj 0 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 0 wrap ) , obj 0 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 0 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 0 wrap ) , obj 0 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,body,1,wrap


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 1 wrap ) , obj 1 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 1 wrap ) , obj 1 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 1 wrap ) , obj 1 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 1 wrap ) , obj 1 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 1 wrap ) , obj 1 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 1 wrap ) , obj 1 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 1 wrap ) , obj 1 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 50.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 1 wrap ) , obj 1 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 1 wrap ) , obj 1 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt manifold result set body 1 wrap ( swig c ptr , this , bt collision object wrapper . get c ptr ( obj 1 wrap ) , obj 1 wrap ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,body,0,internal


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 63.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 15.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 0 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,body,1,internal


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 70.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 16.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return bt collision object . get instance ( collision jni . bt manifold result get body 1 internal ( swig c ptr , this ) , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name calculate,combined,restitution


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined restitution ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined restitution ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined restitution ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined restitution ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined restitution ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined restitution ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined restitution ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 43.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined restitution ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name calculate,combined,friction


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined friction ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined friction ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined friction ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined friction ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined friction ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined friction ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined friction ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 59.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt manifold result calculate combined friction ( bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 0 ) , body 0 , bt collision object . get c ptr ( body 1 ) , body 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,c,ptr


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,c,ptr


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,tau


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data tau set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data tau set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data tau set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data tau set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data tau set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data tau set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,tau


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data tau get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data tau get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data tau get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data tau get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data tau get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data tau get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,damping


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data damping set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data damping set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data damping set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data damping set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data damping set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data damping set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,damping


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data damping get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data damping get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data damping get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data damping get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data damping get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data damping get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,friction


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data friction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data friction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data friction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data friction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data friction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data friction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,friction


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data friction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data friction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data friction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data friction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data friction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data friction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,time,step


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,time,step


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data time step get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,restitution


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data restitution set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data restitution set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data restitution set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data restitution set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data restitution set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data restitution set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,restitution


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data restitution get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data restitution get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data restitution get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data restitution get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data restitution get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data restitution get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,max,error,reduction


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 100.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,max,error,reduction


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 100.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max error reduction get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,sor


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data sor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data sor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data sor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data sor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data sor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data sor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,sor


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data sor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data sor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data sor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data sor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data sor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data sor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,erp


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,erp


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,erp,2


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,erp,2


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data erp 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,global,cfm


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,global,cfm


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data global cfm get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,split,impulse,penetration,threshold


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 100.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 27.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 27.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,split,impulse,penetration,threshold


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 100.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 25.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 24.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse penetration threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,split,impulse,turn,erp


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 25.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 25.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,split,impulse,turn,erp


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 23.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 23.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse turn erp get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,linear,slop


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,linear,slop


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data linear slop get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,warmstarting,factor


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,warmstarting,factor


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data warmstarting factor get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,max,gyroscopic,force


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 100.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 12.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,max,gyroscopic,force


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 100.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 14.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data max gyroscopic force get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,single,axis,rolling,friction,threshold


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 34.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 33.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 46.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,single,axis,rolling,friction,threshold


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 29.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 29.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 41.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data single axis rolling friction threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,num,iterations


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,num,iterations


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data num iterations get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,solver,mode


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 15.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,solver,mode


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 14.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data solver mode get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,resting,contact,restitution,threshold


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 45.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 21.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,resting,contact,restitution,threshold


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 39.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 18.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data resting contact restitution threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,minimum,solver,batch,size


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 100.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 23.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 22.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,minimum,solver,batch,size


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 100.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 20.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 20.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data minimum solver batch size get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,split,impulse


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,split,impulse


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data split impulse get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,padding


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data padding set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data padding set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data padding set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data padding set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data padding set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data padding set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,padding


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data padding get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data padding get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data padding get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data padding get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data padding get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return dynamics jni . bt contact solver info double data padding get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name touch,down


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( pointer != 0 ) return false ; last x = x ; last y = y ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( pointer != 0 ) return false ; last x = x ; last y = y ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( pointer != 0 ) return false ; last x = x ; last y = y ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( pointer != 0 ) return false ; last x = x ; last y = y ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( pointer != 0 ) return false ; last x = x ; last y = y ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( pointer != 0 ) return false ; last x = x ; last y = y ; return true ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name touch,dragged


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( pointer != 0 ) return ; move by ( x - last x , y - last y ) ; last x = x - ( x - last x ) ; last y = y - ( y - last y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( pointer != 0 ) return ; move by ( x - last x , y - last y ) ; last x = x - ( x - last x ) ; last y = y - ( y - last y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( pointer != 0 ) return ; move by ( x - last x , y - last y ) ; last x = x - ( x - last x ) ; last y = y - ( y - last y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( pointer != 0 ) return ; move by ( x - last x , y - last y ) ; last x = x - ( x - last x ) ; last y = y - ( y - last y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( pointer != 0 ) return ; move by ( x - last x , y - last y ) ; last x = x - ( x - last x ) ; last y = y - ( y - last y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( pointer != 0 ) return ; move by ( x - last x , y - last y ) ; last x = x - ( x - last x ) ; last y = y - ( y - last y ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name new,request


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( http request != null ) { throw new illegal state exception ( "A new request has already been started. Call first." ) ; } http request = pools . obtain ( http request . class ) ; http request . set time out ( default timeout ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( http request != null ) { throw new illegal state exception ( "A new request has already been started. Call first." ) ; } http request = pools . obtain ( http request . class ) ; http request . set time out ( default timeout ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( http request != null ) { throw new illegal state exception ( "A new request has already been started. Call first." ) ; } http request = pools . obtain ( http request . class ) ; http request . set time out ( default timeout ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 12.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( http request != null ) { throw new illegal state exception ( "A new request has already been started. Call first." ) ; } http request = pools . obtain ( http request . class ) ; http request . set time out ( default timeout ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( http request != null ) { throw new illegal state exception ( "A new request has already been started. Call first." ) ; } http request = pools . obtain ( http request . class ) ; http request . set time out ( default timeout ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( http request != null ) { throw new illegal state exception ( "A new request has already been started. Call first." ) ; } http request = pools . obtain ( http request . class ) ; http request . set time out ( default timeout ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name method


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set method ( http method ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set method ( http method ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set method ( http method ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 35.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set method ( http method ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name url


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set url ( base url + %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set url ( base url + %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set url ( base url + %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set url ( base url + %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name timeout


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set time out ( time out ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set time out ( time out ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set time out ( time out ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 36.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set time out ( time out ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name follow,redirects


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set follow redirects ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set follow redirects ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set follow redirects ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 47.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set follow redirects ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set follow redirects ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 25.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set follow redirects ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name header


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( name , value ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( name , value ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( name , value ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( name , value ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name content


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name content


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set content ( content stream , content length ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set content ( content stream , content length ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set content ( content stream , content length ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 15.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set content ( content stream , content length ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name form,encoded,content


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . content type , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) ; string %SELF% = http parameters utils . convert http parameters ( content ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . content type , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) ; string %SELF% = http parameters utils . convert http parameters ( content ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . content type , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) ; string %SELF% = http parameters utils . convert http parameters ( content ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . content type , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) ; string %SELF% = http parameters utils . convert http parameters ( content ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . content type , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) ; string %SELF% = http parameters utils . convert http parameters ( content ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . content type , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) ; string %SELF% = http parameters utils . convert http parameters ( content ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . content type , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) ; string %SELF% = http parameters utils . convert http parameters ( content ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . content type , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) ; string %SELF% = http parameters utils . convert http parameters ( content ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name json,content


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . content type , "application/json" ) ; string %SELF% = json . to json ( content ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . content type , "application/json" ) ; string %SELF% = json . to json ( content ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . content type , "application/json" ) ; string %SELF% = json . to json ( content ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . content type , "application/json" ) ; string %SELF% = json . to json ( content ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . content type , "application/json" ) ; string %SELF% = json . to json ( content ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . content type , "application/json" ) ; string %SELF% = json . to json ( content ) ; http request . set content ( %SELF% ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name basic,authentication


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . authorization , "Basic " + base 64 coder . encode string ( username + ":" + password ) ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . authorization , "Basic " + base 64 coder . encode string ( username + ":" + password ) ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . authorization , "Basic " + base 64 coder . encode string ( username + ":" + password ) ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . authorization , "Basic " + base 64 coder . encode string ( username + ":" + password ) ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . authorization , "Basic " + base 64 coder . encode string ( username + ":" + password ) ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request . set header ( http request header . authorization , "Basic " + base 64 coder . encode string ( username + ":" + password ) ) ; return this ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name build


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request request = http request ; http request = null ; return request ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request request = http request ; http request = null ; return request ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request request = http request ; http request = null ; return request ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 12.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { validate ( ) ; http request request = http request ; http request = null ; return request ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name validate


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( http request == null ) { throw new illegal state exception ( "A new request has not been started yet. Call HttpRequestBuilder.newRequest() first." ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( http request == null ) { throw new illegal state exception ( "A new request has not been started yet. Call HttpRequestBuilder.newRequest() first." ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( http request == null ) { throw new illegal state exception ( "A new request has not been started yet. Call HttpRequestBuilder.newRequest() first." ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( http request == null ) { throw new illegal state exception ( "A new request has not been started yet. Call HttpRequestBuilder.newRequest() first." ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,c,ptr


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,position


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( player == null ) return ; try { if ( ! is prepared ) { player . prepare ( ) ; is prepared = true ; } player . seek to ( ( int ) ( position * 1000 ) ) ; } catch ( illegal state exception e ) { e . print stack trace ( ) ; } catch ( io exception e ) { e . print stack trace ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( player == null ) return ; try { if ( ! is prepared ) { player . prepare ( ) ; is prepared = true ; } player . seek to ( ( int ) ( position * 1000 ) ) ; } catch ( illegal state exception e ) { e . print stack trace ( ) ; } catch ( io exception e ) { e . print stack trace ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( player == null ) return ; try { if ( ! is prepared ) { player . prepare ( ) ; is prepared = true ; } player . seek to ( ( int ) ( position * 1000 ) ) ; } catch ( illegal state exception e ) { e . print stack trace ( ) ; } catch ( io exception e ) { e . print stack trace ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 62.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( player == null ) return ; try { if ( ! is prepared ) { player . prepare ( ) ; is prepared = true ; } player . seek to ( ( int ) ( position * 1000 ) ) ; } catch ( illegal state exception e ) { e . print stack trace ( ) ; } catch ( io exception e ) { e . print stack trace ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( player == null ) return ; try { if ( ! is prepared ) { player . prepare ( ) ; is prepared = true ; } player . seek to ( ( int ) ( position * 1000 ) ) ; } catch ( illegal state exception e ) { e . print stack trace ( ) ; } catch ( io exception e ) { e . print stack trace ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( player == null ) return ; try { if ( ! is prepared ) { player . prepare ( ) ; is prepared = true ; } player . seek to ( ( int ) ( position * 1000 ) ) ; } catch ( illegal state exception e ) { e . print stack trace ( ) ; } catch ( io exception e ) { e . print stack trace ( ) ; } } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,duration


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( player == null ) return 0.0f ; return player . %SELF% ( ) / 1000f ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( player == null ) return 0.0f ; return player . %SELF% ( ) / 1000f ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( player == null ) return 0.0f ; return player . %SELF% ( ) / 1000f ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 73.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( player == null ) return 0.0f ; return player . %SELF% ( ) / 1000f ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( player == null ) return 0.0f ; return player . %SELF% ( ) / 1000f ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( player == null ) return 0.0f ; return player . %SELF% ( ) / 1000f ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,c,ptr


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name swig,director,disconnect


<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; delete ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; delete ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; delete ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; delete ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; delete ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; delete ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; delete ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; delete ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name swig,release,ownership


<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 19.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = false ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name swig,take,ownership


<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = true ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = true ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = true ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = true ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = true ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 23.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = true ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = true ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { swig c mem own = true ; collision jni . i collide change ownership ( this , swig c ptr , true ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name process


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) collision jni . i collide process swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 1 ) , arg 1 ) ; else collision jni . i collide process swig explicit i collide swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 1 ) , arg 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) collision jni . i collide process swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 1 ) , arg 1 ) ; else collision jni . i collide process swig explicit i collide swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 1 ) , arg 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) collision jni . i collide process swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 1 ) , arg 1 ) ; else collision jni . i collide process swig explicit i collide swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 1 ) , arg 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 45.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) collision jni . i collide process swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 1 ) , arg 1 ) ; else collision jni . i collide process swig explicit i collide swig 0 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 1 ) , arg 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name process


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) collision jni . i collide process swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; else collision jni . i collide process swig explicit i collide swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) collision jni . i collide process swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; else collision jni . i collide process swig explicit i collide swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) collision jni . i collide process swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; else collision jni . i collide process swig explicit i collide swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 51.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) collision jni . i collide process swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; else collision jni . i collide process swig explicit i collide swig 1 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name process


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) collision jni . i collide process swig 2 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( n ) , n , arg 1 ) ; else collision jni . i collide process swig explicit i collide swig 2 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( n ) , n , arg 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) collision jni . i collide process swig 2 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( n ) , n , arg 1 ) ; else collision jni . i collide process swig explicit i collide swig 2 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( n ) , n , arg 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) collision jni . i collide process swig 2 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( n ) , n , arg 1 ) ; else collision jni . i collide process swig explicit i collide swig 2 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( n ) , n , arg 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 68.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) collision jni . i collide process swig 2 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( n ) , n , arg 1 ) ; else collision jni . i collide process swig explicit i collide swig 2 ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( n ) , n , arg 1 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name descent


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) ? collision jni . i collide descent ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) : collision jni . i collide descent swig explicit i collide ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) ? collision jni . i collide descent ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) : collision jni . i collide descent swig explicit i collide ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) ? collision jni . i collide descent ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) : collision jni . i collide descent swig explicit i collide ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 82.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) ? collision jni . i collide descent ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) : collision jni . i collide descent swig explicit i collide ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name all,leaves


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) ? collision jni . i collide all leaves ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) : collision jni . i collide all leaves swig explicit i collide ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) ? collision jni . i collide all leaves ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) : collision jni . i collide all leaves swig explicit i collide ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) ? collision jni . i collide all leaves ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) : collision jni . i collide all leaves swig explicit i collide ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 85.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) ? collision jni . i collide all leaves ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) : collision jni . i collide all leaves swig explicit i collide ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) ? collision jni . i collide all leaves ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) : collision jni . i collide all leaves swig explicit i collide ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 18.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( get class ( ) == i collide . class ) ? collision jni . i collide all leaves ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) : collision jni . i collide all leaves swig explicit i collide ( swig c ptr , this , bt dbvt node . get c ptr ( arg 0 ) , arg 0 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name load


<SENTENCE_START> { gdx natives loader . %SELF% ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { gdx natives loader . %SELF% ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { gdx natives loader . %SELF% ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { gdx natives loader . %SELF% ( ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,c,ptr


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return ( obj == null ) ? 0 : obj . swig c ptr ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,num,vertices


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 54.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,num,vertices


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 71.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver num vertices get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,simplex,vector,w


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 95.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 87.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,simplex,vector,w


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 93.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 78.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex vector w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,simplex,points,p


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 76.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,simplex,points,p


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 65.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points p get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,simplex,points,q


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 78.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,simplex,points,q


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 71.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver simplex points q get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,cached,p,1


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 40.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 39.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,cached,p,1


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 38.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 38.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 1 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,cached,p,2


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 19.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 19.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,cached,p,2


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 14.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 14.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached p 2 get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,cached,v


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 50.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,cached,v


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 54.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached v get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,last,w


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 35.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w set ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,last,w


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 37.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver last w get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt vector 3 ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,equal,vertex,threshold


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 79.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,equal,vertex,threshold


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 82.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 10.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver equal vertex threshold get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,cached,valid,closest


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 26.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,cached,valid,closest


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 31.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached valid closest get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,cached,bc


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc set ( swig c ptr , this , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc set ( swig c ptr , this , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc set ( swig c ptr , this , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc set ( swig c ptr , this , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc set ( swig c ptr , this , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 31.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc set ( swig c ptr , this , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc set ( swig c ptr , this , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc set ( swig c ptr , this , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( value ) , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,cached,bc


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt sub simplex closest result ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt sub simplex closest result ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt sub simplex closest result ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt sub simplex closest result ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt sub simplex closest result ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 32.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt sub simplex closest result ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt sub simplex closest result ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { long c ptr = collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver cached bc get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; return ( c ptr == 0 ) ? null : new bt sub simplex closest result ( c ptr , false ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,needs,update


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update set ( swig c ptr , this , value ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,needs,update


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver needs update get ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name remove,vertex


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver remove vertex ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 15.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver remove vertex ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver remove vertex ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver remove vertex ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver remove vertex ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver remove vertex ( swig c ptr , this , index ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name reduce,vertices


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver reduce vertices ( swig c ptr , this , bt usage bitfield . get c ptr ( used verts ) , used verts ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 16.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver reduce vertices ( swig c ptr , this , bt usage bitfield . get c ptr ( used verts ) , used verts ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver reduce vertices ( swig c ptr , this , bt usage bitfield . get c ptr ( used verts ) , used verts ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver reduce vertices ( swig c ptr , this , bt usage bitfield . get c ptr ( used verts ) , used verts ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver reduce vertices ( swig c ptr , this , bt usage bitfield . get c ptr ( used verts ) , used verts ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver reduce vertices ( swig c ptr , this , bt usage bitfield . get c ptr ( used verts ) , used verts ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name update,closest,vector,and,points


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver update closest vector and points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver update closest vector and points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver update closest vector and points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver update closest vector and points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver update closest vector and points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver update closest vector and points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver update closest vector and points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver update closest vector and points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver update closest vector and points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 52.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver update closest vector and points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver update closest vector and points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 59.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver update closest vector and points ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name closest,pt,point,tetrahedron


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point tetrahedron ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( final result ) , final result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point tetrahedron ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( final result ) , final result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point tetrahedron ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( final result ) , final result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point tetrahedron ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( final result ) , final result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point tetrahedron ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( final result ) , final result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point tetrahedron ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( final result ) , final result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point tetrahedron ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( final result ) , final result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 37.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point tetrahedron ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( final result ) , final result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point tetrahedron ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( final result ) , final result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point tetrahedron ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( final result ) , final result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name point,outside,of,plane


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver point outside of plane ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver point outside of plane ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver point outside of plane ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver point outside of plane ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver point outside of plane ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver point outside of plane ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver point outside of plane ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 81.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver point outside of plane ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver point outside of plane ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver point outside of plane ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , d ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name closest,pt,point,triangle


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point triangle ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( result ) , result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point triangle ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( result ) , result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point triangle ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( result ) , result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point triangle ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( result ) , result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point triangle ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( result ) , result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point triangle ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( result ) , result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point triangle ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( result ) , result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 39.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point triangle ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( result ) , result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point triangle ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( result ) , result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest pt point triangle ( swig c ptr , this , p , a , b , c , bt sub simplex closest result . get c ptr ( result ) , result ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name reset


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver reset ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver reset ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver reset ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver reset ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name add,vertex


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver add vertex ( swig c ptr , this , w , p , q ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 16.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver add vertex ( swig c ptr , this , w , p , q ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver add vertex ( swig c ptr , this , w , p , q ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver add vertex ( swig c ptr , this , w , p , q ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver add vertex ( swig c ptr , this , w , p , q ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver add vertex ( swig c ptr , this , w , p , q ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name closest


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest ( swig c ptr , this , v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest ( swig c ptr , this , v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest ( swig c ptr , this , v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 16.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver closest ( swig c ptr , this , v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name max,vertex


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver max vertex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver max vertex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver max vertex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver max vertex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver max vertex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 8.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver max vertex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name full,simplex


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver full simplex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver full simplex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver full simplex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 45.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver full simplex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver full simplex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver full simplex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,simplex


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver get simplex ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( p buf ) , p buf , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( q buf ) , q buf , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( y buf ) , y buf ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver get simplex ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( p buf ) , p buf , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( q buf ) , q buf , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( y buf ) , y buf ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver get simplex ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( p buf ) , p buf , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( q buf ) , q buf , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( y buf ) , y buf ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 89.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver get simplex ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( p buf ) , p buf , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( q buf ) , q buf , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( y buf ) , y buf ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver get simplex ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( p buf ) , p buf , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( q buf ) , q buf , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( y buf ) , y buf ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver get simplex ( swig c ptr , this , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( p buf ) , p buf , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( q buf ) , q buf , bt vector 3 . get c ptr ( y buf ) , y buf ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name in,simplex


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver in simplex ( swig c ptr , this , w ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 11.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver in simplex ( swig c ptr , this , w ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver in simplex ( swig c ptr , this , w ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 20.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver in simplex ( swig c ptr , this , w ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver in simplex ( swig c ptr , this , w ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver in simplex ( swig c ptr , this , w ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name backup,closest


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver backup closest ( swig c ptr , this , v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 19.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver backup closest ( swig c ptr , this , v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver backup closest ( swig c ptr , this , v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 93.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver backup closest ( swig c ptr , this , v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver backup closest ( swig c ptr , this , v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver backup closest ( swig c ptr , this , v ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name empty,simplex


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver empty simplex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver empty simplex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver empty simplex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 62.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver empty simplex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver empty simplex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver empty simplex ( swig c ptr , this ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name compute,points


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver compute points ( swig c ptr , this , p 1 , p 2 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 20.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver compute points ( swig c ptr , this , p 1 , p 2 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver compute points ( swig c ptr , this , p 1 , p 2 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver compute points ( swig c ptr , this , p 1 , p 2 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver compute points ( swig c ptr , this , p 1 , p 2 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { collision jni . bt voronoi simplex solver compute points ( swig c ptr , this , p 1 , p 2 ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,local,anchor,a


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor a ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor a ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor a ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor a ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor a ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor a ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor a ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 85.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor a ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor a ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 6.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor a ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,local,anchor,b


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor b ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor b . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor b ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor b ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor b . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor b ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor b ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor b . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor b ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor b ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor b . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor b ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor b ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor b . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor b ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor b ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor b . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor b ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor b ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor b . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor b ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 78.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor b ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor b . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor b ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor b ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor b . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor b ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local anchor b ( addr , tmp ) ; local anchor b . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local anchor b ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,local,axis,a


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local axis a ( addr , tmp ) ; local axis a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local axis a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local axis a ( addr , tmp ) ; local axis a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local axis a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local axis a ( addr , tmp ) ; local axis a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local axis a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local axis a ( addr , tmp ) ; local axis a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local axis a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local axis a ( addr , tmp ) ; local axis a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local axis a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local axis a ( addr , tmp ) ; local axis a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local axis a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local axis a ( addr , tmp ) ; local axis a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local axis a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 71.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local axis a ( addr , tmp ) ; local axis a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local axis a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local axis a ( addr , tmp ) ; local axis a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local axis a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni get local axis a ( addr , tmp ) ; local axis a . set ( tmp [ 0 ] , tmp [ 1 ] ) ; return local axis a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,joint,translation


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint translation ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint translation ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint translation ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint translation ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint translation ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint translation ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint translation ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint translation ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,joint,speed


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get joint speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name is,motor,enabled


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni is motor enabled ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni is motor enabled ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni is motor enabled ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni is motor enabled ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni is motor enabled ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni is motor enabled ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni is motor enabled ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni is motor enabled ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name enable,motor


<SENTENCE_START> { jni enable motor ( addr , flag ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni enable motor ( addr , flag ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni enable motor ( addr , flag ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni enable motor ( addr , flag ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni enable motor ( addr , flag ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni enable motor ( addr , flag ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,motor,speed


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set motor speed ( addr , speed ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set motor speed ( addr , speed ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set motor speed ( addr , speed ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set motor speed ( addr , speed ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set motor speed ( addr , speed ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set motor speed ( addr , speed ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set motor speed ( addr , speed ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set motor speed ( addr , speed ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,motor,speed


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor speed ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,max,motor,torque


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set max motor torque ( addr , torque ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set max motor torque ( addr , torque ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set max motor torque ( addr , torque ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set max motor torque ( addr , torque ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set max motor torque ( addr , torque ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 100.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set max motor torque ( addr , torque ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set max motor torque ( addr , torque ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 85.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set max motor torque ( addr , torque ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set max motor torque ( addr , torque ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 5.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set max motor torque ( addr , torque ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,max,motor,torque


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get max motor torque ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get max motor torque ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get max motor torque ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get max motor torque ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get max motor torque ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 100.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get max motor torque ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get max motor torque ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 88.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get max motor torque ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get max motor torque ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 7.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get max motor torque ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,motor,torque


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor torque ( addr , inv dt ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor torque ( addr , inv dt ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor torque ( addr , inv dt ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor torque ( addr , inv dt ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor torque ( addr , inv dt ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor torque ( addr , inv dt ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor torque ( addr , inv dt ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get motor torque ( addr , inv dt ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,spring,frequency,hz


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring frequency hz ( addr , hz ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring frequency hz ( addr , hz ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring frequency hz ( addr , hz ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 97.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring frequency hz ( addr , hz ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring frequency hz ( addr , hz ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 87.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring frequency hz ( addr , hz ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring frequency hz ( addr , hz ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 9.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring frequency hz ( addr , hz ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring frequency hz ( addr , hz ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring frequency hz ( addr , hz ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,spring,frequency,hz


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring frequency hz ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring frequency hz ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring frequency hz ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring frequency hz ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring frequency hz ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 96.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring frequency hz ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring frequency hz ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 18.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring frequency hz ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring frequency hz ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring frequency hz ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,spring,damping,ratio


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring damping ratio ( addr , ratio ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring damping ratio ( addr , ratio ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring damping ratio ( addr , ratio ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring damping ratio ( addr , ratio ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring damping ratio ( addr , ratio ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring damping ratio ( addr , ratio ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring damping ratio ( addr , ratio ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 24.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring damping ratio ( addr , ratio ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring damping ratio ( addr , ratio ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 3.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { jni set spring damping ratio ( addr , ratio ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,spring,damping,ratio


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring damping ratio ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring damping ratio ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring damping ratio ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring damping ratio ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring damping ratio ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring damping ratio ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring damping ratio ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 37.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring damping ratio ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring damping ratio ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 4.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return jni get spring damping ratio ( addr ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,target


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m body b . is awake ( ) == false ) { m body b . set awake ( true ) ; } m target a . set ( target ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 2.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m body b . is awake ( ) == false ) { m body b . set awake ( true ) ; } m target a . set ( target ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m body b . is awake ( ) == false ) { m body b . set awake ( true ) ; } m target a . set ( target ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 59.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m body b . is awake ( ) == false ) { m body b . set awake ( true ) ; } m target a . set ( target ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m body b . is awake ( ) == false ) { m body b . set awake ( true ) ; } m target a . set ( target ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 72.1%)

<SENTENCE_START> { if ( m body b . is awake ( ) == false ) { m body b . set awake ( true ) ; } m target a . set ( target ) ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,target


<SENTENCE_START> { return m target a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m target a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m target a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 72.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m target a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m target a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 84.3%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m target a ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,max,force


<SENTENCE_START> { m max force = force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m max force = force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { m max force = force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m max force = force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { m max force = force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m max force = force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { m max force = force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 13.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m max force = force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,max,force


<SENTENCE_START> { return m max force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.6%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m max force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m max force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 98.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m max force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m max force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m max force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m max force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 20.9%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m max force ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,frequency


<SENTENCE_START> { m frequency hz = hz ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m frequency hz = hz ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { m frequency hz = hz ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 28.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m frequency hz = hz ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { m frequency hz = hz ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.8%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m frequency hz = hz ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name get,frequency


<SENTENCE_START> { return m frequency hz ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.4%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m frequency hz ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m frequency hz ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 30.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m frequency hz ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { return m frequency hz ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 15.0%)

<SENTENCE_START> { return m frequency hz ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

Original Name set,damping,ratio


<SENTENCE_START> { m damping ratio = ratio ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 0.7%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m damping ratio = ratio ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { m damping ratio = ratio ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 99.5%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m damping ratio = ratio ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { m damping ratio = ratio ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 73.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m damping ratio = ratio ; } <SENTENCE_END/>


<SENTENCE_START> { m damping ratio = ratio ; } <SENTENCE_END/>

(Copy Probability: 1.2%)

<SENTENCE_START> { m damping ratio = ratio ; } <SENTENCE_END/>