Olympics 2012



Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets

Tweet Sentiment per Country

Commonwealth Games 2014



Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets

Tweet Sentiment per Country


Location Paracoords

Person Paracoords

Locations - all

Locations - May

Locations - June

Locations - July

People - all

People - May

People - June

People - June

Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - all (19/05/2014-10/08/2014)

Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 19/05/2014-15/06/2014

Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 16/06/2014-13/07/2014

Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 14/07/2014-10/08/2014

Tweet Sentiment per Country - 19/05/2014-15/06/2014

Tweet Sentiment per Country - 16/06/2014-13/07/2014

Tweet Sentiment per Country - 14/07/2014-10/08/2014

Other Cities

First Set

Belfast Location Paracoords

Belfast People Paracoords

Belfast Locations

Belfast People

Belfast Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 19/05/2014-10/08/2014

Belfast Tweet Sentiment per Country - 19/05/2014-15/06/2014

Belfast Tweet Sentiment per Country - 16/06/2014-13/07/2014

Belfast Tweet Sentiment per Country - 14/07/2014-10/08/2014

Cardiff Location Paracoords

Cardiff People Paracoords

Cardiff Locations

Cardiff People

Cardiff Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 19/05/2014-10/08/2014

Cardiff Tweet Sentiment per Country - 19/05/2014-15/06/2014

Cardiff Tweet Sentiment per Country - 16/06/2014-13/07/2014

Cardiff Tweet Sentiment per Country - 14/07/2014-10/08/2014

Edinburgh Location Paracoords

Edinburgh People Paracoords

Edinburgh Locations

Edinburgh People

Edinburgh Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 19/05/2014-10/08/2014

Edinburgh Tweet Sentiment per Country - 19/05/2014-15/06/2014

Edinburgh Tweet Sentiment per Country - 16/06/2014-13/07/2014

Edinburgh Tweet Sentiment per Country - 14/07/2014-10/08/2014

Glasgow Location Paracoords

Glasgow People Paracoords

Glasgow Locations

Glasgow People

Glasgow Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 19/05/2014-10/08/2014

Glasgow Tweet Sentiment per Country - 19/05/2014-15/06/2014

Glasgow Tweet Sentiment per Country - 16/06/2014-13/07/2014

Glasgow Tweet Sentiment per Country - 14/07/2014-10/08/2014

Paris Location Paracoords

Paris People Paracoords

Paris Locations

Paris People

Paris Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 19/05/2014-10/08/2014

Paris Tweet Sentiment per Country - 19/05/2014-15/06/2014

Paris Tweet Sentiment per Country - 16/06/2014-13/07/2014

Paris Tweet Sentiment per Country - 14/07/2014-10/08/2014

Second Set

Birmingham Locations

Birmingham People

Birmingham Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 19/05/2014-10/08/2014

Cambridge Locations

Cambridge People

Cambridge Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 19/05/2014-10/08/2014

Liverpool Locations

Liverpool People

Liverpool Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 19/05/2014-10/08/2014

Manchester Locations

Manchester People

Manchester Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 19/05/2014-10/08/2014

Oxford Locations

Oxford People

Oxford Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 19/05/2014-10/08/2014


Location Paracoords

People Paracoords



Locations - March

Locations - June

Locations - July

People - March

People - June

People - July

Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 06/03/2014-12/03/2014

Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 20/06/2014-27/06/2014

Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 17/07/2014-23/07/2014

Tweet Sentiment per Country - 06/03/2014-12/03/2014

Tweet Sentiment per Country - 20/06/2014-27/06/2014

Tweet Sentiment per Country - 17/07/2014-23/07/2014


Location Paracoords

People Paracoords

Locations - March

Locations - Aug-Sept

People - March

People - Aug-Sept

Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 01/03/2012-08/03/2012

Heatmap of Geogrounded Tweets - 29/08/2013-04/09/2013

Tweet Sentiment per Country - 01/03/2012-08/03/2012

Tweet Sentiment per Country - 29/08/2013-04/09/2013